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Elon Musk > Wemby > Jordan > Lebron GOAT Super AIDS Containment Thread Elon Musk > Wemby > Jordan > Lebron GOAT Super AIDS Containment Thread
View Poll Results: GOAT?
184 30.31%
MJ (Michael or Maple)
325 53.54%
8 1.32%
George Mikan
5 0.82%
Shaq Attaq
21 3.46%
Wilt the Stilt (100 pts yo)
14 2.31%
Timmy "Big Fundamentals" Duncan
20 3.29%
"Roger Murdock"
3 0.49%
Enchanted AIDS Wang (er, HIV+?)
9 1.48%
Larry Legend (+ HM to Bill Russell's laugh)
18 2.97%

05-02-2020 , 08:50 PM
Where does the guy that first dribbled between his legs go in the pantheon?
Elon Musk > Wemby > Jordan > Lebron GOAT Super AIDS Containment Thread Quote
05-02-2020 , 08:57 PM
Originally Posted by Matt R.
Right. The eye test. Everyone knows how accurate and objective the eye test is.

I know in my heart of hearts that Bob Beamon, born in 1946, was one of the best long jumpers ever and is better than the current best in the world. But then I look at video of the 2016 Olympics and know I'm badly wrong.

Oh wait, but then I look at the actual measurement of the actual performance and I realize Beamon jumped 8.9 meters in 1968, while the gold medalist in 2016 jumped 8.38 meters and that the eye test is ****ing ******ed.
Elon Musk > Wemby > Jordan > Lebron GOAT Super AIDS Containment Thread Quote
05-02-2020 , 09:00 PM
Originally Posted by Montrealcorp
Perfectly valid arguments .
If we follow your thought process .
Isaac Newton, Albert Einstein in science for example ,
are FAR from being the greatest mind of all time because all they their work are now learn by only bachelor’s degree.
So any PhD today should be considered much greater mind than Einstein ?

Same thing for guys like Fisher or Capablanca in chess , today with the knowledge they had they would get crush by any young grandmaster with that same logic ...

Same in hockey with bobby Orr and Wayne Gretzky ...
You're not good at this logic thing.

Einstein (or whoever) can both be the greatest mind of all time yet know less than an undergrad student today. That is how progress works.
Elon Musk > Wemby > Jordan > Lebron GOAT Super AIDS Containment Thread Quote
05-02-2020 , 09:04 PM
I wonder , does a 85% free throw shooter in 1970 worst than one in 2020 ...
Elon Musk > Wemby > Jordan > Lebron GOAT Super AIDS Containment Thread Quote
05-02-2020 , 09:05 PM
Originally Posted by SABR42
You're not good at this logic thing.

Einstein (or whoever) can both be the greatest mind of all time yet know less than an undergrad student today. That is how progress works.
Yeah I’m not good because I try to apply your ideas ...

So in sports it’s different than , that’s what your saying ?

Food for thoughts.
Just to show how some ideas are disproportionate and I argue earlier that they were wrong
( Matt did good job at it as well ).
At the top , the skilled level doesn’t get better by a big margin even if decades separates them and NO, even if the bottom get better over time , the gap is so big between the number 1 player with the 400th it just doesn’t change anything .
The 400th best player in tennis today wouldn’t beat guys like Boris Becker in early 90 for example .

Team games ?
A guy called Jaromir Jagr was basically still scoring over 20 goals per season at 42-43 years old even if the league today supposedly much better overall than in 1990.

When you talk about guys like Jordan , LeBron , KAJ , Bird, ( same idea in hockey) for them to have more difficulty to excel takes a lot more than some more international players joining the game just to replace the worst bottom players of the league ...

There is a reason Matt arguments about record of track and field is right .
Improved at the elites level is extremely difficult and it takes more than TIME to do it .
And not forget , record in track and field can last a very long time even when the majority today uses steroids and still can’t beat some record .
That just showed you how difficult it is to improve at a certain level .
Diminishing return isn’t only a viable concept in economy....

Last edited by Montrealcorp; 05-02-2020 at 09:24 PM.
Elon Musk > Wemby > Jordan > Lebron GOAT Super AIDS Containment Thread Quote
05-02-2020 , 09:05 PM
Originally Posted by FellaGaga-52
Barkley just rated his GOATs:

1. MJ
2. Oscar
3/4/5: Chamberlain, Kareem, Russell
6. Kobe
7. LeBron

Elon Musk > Wemby > Jordan > Lebron GOAT Super AIDS Containment Thread Quote
05-02-2020 , 09:29 PM
Originally Posted by Montrealcorp
At the top, the skilled level doesn’t get better by a big margin even if decades separates them
Ok, sure. I agree.

Originally Posted by Montrealcorp
and NO, even if the bottom get better over time , the gap is so big between the number 1 player with the 400th it just doesn’t change anything.
Actually, that's precisely what changes things. Take out the worst players from a league and replace them with better players, and you have a stronger league (harder to dominate, everyone's stats will be worse).

This is painfully obvious when you look at high school sports, which have a wider range of skill levels. Top players will be much more dominant in high school than in the NBA because they are facing comparably weaker competition. In high school baseball, the best prospects are frequently hitting close to .500 or throwing no-hitters.

How much you are able to dominate is exactly proportional to how big the skill gap is between best and worst.

Originally Posted by Montrealcorp
The 400th best player in tennis today wouldn’t beat guys like Boris Becker in early 90 for example.
I agree once again, but you are missing my point if you think that I'm implying that.

Read what I wrote above closely.
Elon Musk > Wemby > Jordan > Lebron GOAT Super AIDS Containment Thread Quote
05-02-2020 , 09:48 PM
Originally Posted by SABR42

How much you are able to dominate is exactly proportional to how big the skill gap is between best and the worst .

No it doesnt because the elites players almost never play vs the bottom half of the league
(probably more the bottom tier but you know what I mean ) , whether it’s in hockey , nba ,etc .
Matt already made that point .
So even if the league got better because the bottom half went from C to B , the elites players still dominate any B players by a big margin since they basically almost never play vs the worst .

How many minutes you think a 4th line in hockey plays ?
Or the 8th - 10th player in the NBA plays ?

Yes the leagues are much harder for the majority because the gap gets more narrow but not for the elites and certainly not for the all time greats .

If what you say would be true , guys like LeBron , KAJ , MJ ( even the wizards years MJ pull some pretty good stats) and others in NBA wouldn’t be able to be the best in the leagues after so many years if they didn’t have already a huge gap with the bottom leagues they play in..

Last edited by Montrealcorp; 05-02-2020 at 10:04 PM.
Elon Musk > Wemby > Jordan > Lebron GOAT Super AIDS Containment Thread Quote
05-02-2020 , 09:58 PM
NBA isn't the NHL, friend.

Line shifts don't work the same.
Elon Musk > Wemby > Jordan > Lebron GOAT Super AIDS Containment Thread Quote
05-02-2020 , 10:00 PM
Originally Posted by SABR42

This is painfully obvious when you look at high school sports, which have a wider range of skill levels. Top players will be much more dominant in high school than in the NBA because they are facing comparably weaker competition. In high school baseball, the best prospects are frequently hitting close to .500 or throwing no-hitters.
Yes it might be more true for high school but high school is irrelevant because the level is way too weak still and even the development of the players aren’t even close of being fully develop.

yes being the greatest high school players is a great achievement but it as absolutely nothing comparable when you speak about the best leagues in the world with man, not kids .
There is a reason a lot of great high school talent don’t pop in the man worlds .
Elon Musk > Wemby > Jordan > Lebron GOAT Super AIDS Containment Thread Quote
05-02-2020 , 10:03 PM
Originally Posted by DodgerIrish
NBA isn't the NHL, friend.

Line shifts don't work the same.
I agree but do you see a lot of the top nhl players playing half their time vs the 4th liner and worst defense pair and during power play ?
You know what I mean right ?
Elon Musk > Wemby > Jordan > Lebron GOAT Super AIDS Containment Thread Quote
05-02-2020 , 10:09 PM
I do.

That's why I was trying to help.
Elon Musk > Wemby > Jordan > Lebron GOAT Super AIDS Containment Thread Quote
05-02-2020 , 10:24 PM
Originally Posted by Montrealcorp
No it doesnt because the elites players almost never play vs the bottom half of the league
And you have evidence of this? That the below average players are always matching up against other below average players? LOL that's not how reality works.
Originally Posted by Montrealcorp
Yes it might be more true for high school but high school is irrelevant because the level is way too weak still and even the development of the players aren’t even close of being fully develop.

yes being the greatest high school players is a great achievement but it as absolutely nothing comparable when you speak about the best leagues in the world with man, not kids .
There is a reason a lot of great high school talent don’t pop in the man worlds .
Good job missing the point as usual. I understand that English is not your first language, but you are doing a really poor job of properly following logic and understanding analogies.

I brought up high school to show the undeniable mathematical fact that facing a wider range of competition will inflate your stats and make you look better. This is universally true regardless of what league you are in.
Elon Musk > Wemby > Jordan > Lebron GOAT Super AIDS Containment Thread Quote
05-02-2020 , 10:59 PM
Originally Posted by FellaGaga-52
Barkley just rated his GOATs:

1. MJ
2. Oscar
3/4/5: Chamberlain, Kareem, Russell
6. Kobe
7. LeBron

Barkley's reasoning was about LeBron not being effective when the game was played dirty.

In a free-for-all LeBron and Shaq would easily be the 2 GOAT.
Elon Musk > Wemby > Jordan > Lebron GOAT Super AIDS Containment Thread Quote
05-03-2020 , 12:18 AM
Originally Posted by SABR42
And you have evidence of this? That the below average players are always matching up against other below average players? LOL that's not how reality works.
No I’m saying the elites don’t play much outside the core players of the NBA which imo is represented by around the top 250 players .
And the bottom 250 players ( 166 to 250) which represent the 3 best players from the bench , plays between 20-25 min pg.
Those gets better faster over time for sure but still I don’t think they would cause much trouble to any elite players now because they aren’t even on the starting line up .

So when you say the league is stronger because the NBA is more international than ever , ok I agree . Those bench players got better .
But I disagree that those bench player of today , which makes the NBA stronger on average, would give any more trouble for the elites players from the past like MJ , KAJ , Bird etc just because the bench players got better ....
Elon Musk > Wemby > Jordan > Lebron GOAT Super AIDS Containment Thread Quote
05-03-2020 , 01:04 AM
Originally Posted by Matt R.
You don't "have to" rank Jokic above Shaq due to similar BPM. The logical implication (which you won't accept because you don't like logic), is that if one year is substantially better on average than another, and one player performs about the same statistically in the much harder year, then that player has to be better.

You have argued this yourself. Do you want me to go back and find the post? You just don't want to accept any statistical evidence when you see it immediately implies 23 year old Jokic is better than prime Shaq. Even though you are arguing the same thing with two OTHER players where you want to prove the same point (LeBron and Jordan).
I'm going to spell this out for you on the off chance you really can't see the flaw in your thinking. Our argument is that if two players are roughly as dominant twenty years apart, then the later player is probably better because the league has improved. You seem to think that the logical conclusion to this idea is that we must think Jokic is better than Shaq (which is obviously ridiculous and would therefore be a big problem with our theory), because they had similar BPMs. But the idea that Jokic is remotely as dominant now as Shaq was then is the only ludicrous part. Noone on the planet thinks Jokic is as dominant now as Shaq was then. It is a clear flaw in BPM. You know this, the choices of BPM, Shaq (underrated by BPM), and Jokic (overrated by BPM) are not a coincidence. Your entire argument is in complete bad faith.
Elon Musk > Wemby > Jordan > Lebron GOAT Super AIDS Containment Thread Quote
05-03-2020 , 01:11 AM
Why exactly is Shaq so much more dominant that Jokic?

Because he's huge and intimidating? Jokic is much, much more skilled w/ a much higher IQ.

Jokic is the wrong guy to pick on with this bc people still don't realize what a point he is.
Elon Musk > Wemby > Jordan > Lebron GOAT Super AIDS Containment Thread Quote
05-03-2020 , 01:23 AM
Originally Posted by Matt R.
Let me guess, now you think statistics is totally irrelevant when it comes to player analysis, even though we've been arguing about relative statistical production of two players for the last 4 million posts?
No lol, I hardly ever even watch NBA, basically everything I know is stats. I just don't think there is ANY one catch all stat that is perfectly accurate. BPM is one of the best ones and the best choice for this comparison (RPM is my personal favourite but we don't have historicals for that so it's useless here). But it's not perfect. I definitely think a BPM of say 5 now is in general better than a BPM of 5 twenty years ago. But I also think Shaq was better than Jokic. Not a contradiction because I think Shaq was underrted by his BPM and Jokic is overrated. Maybe I'm wrong on Jokic though as Dodger says and he really is that good. In which case, yea, he's probably better than Shaq ever was.

EDIT: You do bring up a good point about the improvement not being continuous and constant year on year. This is definitely true. When talking about specific years like in this instance, it IS possible that 2000 was a crazy outlier tough year for it's era and 2020 is a crazy outlier soft year, and that 2000 was actually tougher than 2020. This is within the realms of possibility, the league improvement is only a trend upwards not a strict rule. The trend is all you need though for the original discussion of MJ vs LeBron though, because we aren't talking about specific years there but two 10+ year periods of dominance.

Last edited by Banzai-; 05-03-2020 at 01:29 AM.
Elon Musk > Wemby > Jordan > Lebron GOAT Super AIDS Containment Thread Quote
05-03-2020 , 02:23 AM
Originally Posted by DodgerIrish
Why exactly is Shaq so much more dominant that Jokic?

Because he's huge and intimidating? Jokic is much, much more skilled w/ a much higher IQ.

Jokic is the wrong guy to pick on with this bc people still don't realize what a point he is.
Shaq was more impactful on both ends of the floor. He was a much more dangerous scorer, better defender (in his prime), and better rebounder. Jokic's playmaking isn't enough to make up the difference. Jokic's basketball IQ makes him a smart defender, but he lacks the athleticism to be a dominant rim protector like Shaq was. Shaq could only be stopped by double teams and fouls and even then he'd often get fouled and still score.
Elon Musk > Wemby > Jordan > Lebron GOAT Super AIDS Containment Thread Quote
05-03-2020 , 02:39 AM
Right, and his value in fouling out your team plus putting other guys beyond himself at the line as a result of being in the penalty.

But with Jokic's shooting and ability to bring the ball up from the 5 it's like if you crossed peak Sabonis with Odom and Diaw or something. I could see Shaq being superior but:

Originally Posted by Banzai-
But the idea that Jokic is remotely as dominant now as Shaq was then is the only ludicrous part.
I think is overstating it. Shaq always had a Penny, or a Kobe, or a Wade. Look at how many games Denver has been winning with lacking secondary pieces comparatively.
Elon Musk > Wemby > Jordan > Lebron GOAT Super AIDS Containment Thread Quote
05-03-2020 , 02:58 AM
Prime Shaq and a pre-peak Kobe was enough to 3-peat. Prime Shaq with some decent shooters but no stars would be enough to contend. He's in the discussion for best center of all-time, along with Wilt, Russell, Kareem, and Olajuwon. Jokic is underrated by the general public but he's not on that level of impact and not as good as his BPM (4th in 2019 whereas he's closer to the 10th best player imo).
Elon Musk > Wemby > Jordan > Lebron GOAT Super AIDS Containment Thread Quote
05-03-2020 , 03:53 AM
Originally Posted by PokerHero77
Barkley's reasoning was about LeBron not being effective when the game was played dirty.

In a free-for-all LeBron and Shaq would easily be the 2 GOAT.
If free for all means street ball then the goat is obviously, without any doubt whatisever, allen iverson. With classic no blood no foul rules that guy can score on anyone. But lebron would be damn good too. Shaq is too fat, cant mive, would be on the wrong end of the court half the time.
Elon Musk > Wemby > Jordan > Lebron GOAT Super AIDS Containment Thread Quote
05-03-2020 , 04:09 AM
Wait, wat?

Guys like Harrell and Barkley would have more value. Zion and Giannis. Athletic dudes that can score through contact. Bron obviously.

A guy my size is not the answer.
Elon Musk > Wemby > Jordan > Lebron GOAT Super AIDS Containment Thread Quote
05-03-2020 , 04:10 AM
In that scenario the answer is Kareem. Real size plus the indefensible skyhook.
Elon Musk > Wemby > Jordan > Lebron GOAT Super AIDS Containment Thread Quote
05-03-2020 , 08:40 AM
According to Charles Barkley LeBron is not even top 5
Elon Musk > Wemby > Jordan > Lebron GOAT Super AIDS Containment Thread Quote
