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Elon Musk > Wemby > Jordan > Lebron GOAT Super AIDS Containment Thread Elon Musk > Wemby > Jordan > Lebron GOAT Super AIDS Containment Thread
View Poll Results: GOAT?
184 30.31%
MJ (Michael or Maple)
325 53.54%
8 1.32%
George Mikan
5 0.82%
Shaq Attaq
21 3.46%
Wilt the Stilt (100 pts yo)
14 2.31%
Timmy "Big Fundamentals" Duncan
20 3.29%
"Roger Murdock"
3 0.49%
Enchanted AIDS Wang (er, HIV+?)
9 1.48%
Larry Legend (+ HM to Bill Russell's laugh)
18 2.97%

06-02-2013 , 03:50 PM
Originally Posted by dnh83
on another note, i find it weird that 2 of this generations greatest players have names that make more sense if you switch the first and last name
Love Kevin makes no sense
Elon Musk > Wemby > Jordan > Lebron GOAT Super AIDS Containment Thread Quote
06-02-2013 , 04:00 PM
also you can add Anthony Carmelo

unfortunately he sucks
Elon Musk > Wemby > Jordan > Lebron GOAT Super AIDS Containment Thread Quote
06-02-2013 , 04:01 PM
Originally Posted by natediggity
Love Kevin makes no sense
I think he's talking about Duncan Tim
Elon Musk > Wemby > Jordan > Lebron GOAT Super AIDS Containment Thread Quote
06-02-2013 , 04:09 PM
The supposed heir to GOAT throne

So pathetic.
Elon Musk > Wemby > Jordan > Lebron GOAT Super AIDS Containment Thread Quote
06-02-2013 , 04:28 PM
Hmm, he drew a foul that Jordan wouldn't have. Seems like he helped his team in that spot more than Jordan would have.
Elon Musk > Wemby > Jordan > Lebron GOAT Super AIDS Containment Thread Quote
06-02-2013 , 04:33 PM
Please dont comment on my comments with your creepy foot fetishist avatar and nonsensical lebron slurpings.
Elon Musk > Wemby > Jordan > Lebron GOAT Super AIDS Containment Thread Quote
06-02-2013 , 04:37 PM
How do they let you stick around Leo?
Elon Musk > Wemby > Jordan > Lebron GOAT Super AIDS Containment Thread Quote
06-02-2013 , 04:42 PM
Please keep it related to the topic at hand capone, you risk a temp ban for personally attacking me.
Elon Musk > Wemby > Jordan > Lebron GOAT Super AIDS Containment Thread Quote
06-02-2013 , 04:47 PM
Originally Posted by LeoTrollstoy
Please dont comment on my comments with your creepy foot fetishist avatar and nonsensical lebron slurpings.
Elon Musk > Wemby > Jordan > Lebron GOAT Super AIDS Containment Thread Quote
06-02-2013 , 05:26 PM
Originally Posted by fidstar-poker
Agreed in general. His career is not over and that's a big thing when trying to compare longevity and the argument is somewhat premature (but where would us armchair critics be then???). But just because he hasn't achieved it yet doesn't mean he is not a better player.

You talk about the genie thing. If given the chance to come into the league today as a 21 year old Kobe / LJ or Duncan, who's skill set would you rather? I'd pick LJ every time (though the other two wouldn't exactly be too bad!).
I agree that LBJ has the best skill set.

I think we both agree pure skills are only 1 or the requirements to be the GOAT. You have to be able to elevate your game and your team in the biggest games. You need to have leadership and make "everyone around you better." You need to push the expectations and standards of future players way beyond what any past players ever dreamed of.
Elon Musk > Wemby > Jordan > Lebron GOAT Super AIDS Containment Thread Quote
06-02-2013 , 05:30 PM
Originally Posted by LeoTrollstoy
Please keep it related to the topic at hand capone, you risk a temp ban for personally attacking me.
I believe the topic at hand was how bad of a poster you are.
Elon Musk > Wemby > Jordan > Lebron GOAT Super AIDS Containment Thread Quote
06-02-2013 , 05:30 PM
Originally Posted by powder_8s
I agree that LBJ has the best skill set.

I think we both agree pure skills are only 1 or the requirements to be the GOAT. You have to be able to elevate your game and your team in the biggest games. You need to have leadership and make "everyone around you better." You need to push the expectations and standards of future players way beyond what any past players ever dreamed of.
you really don't, you just need to play basketball better than anyone else, the media will take care of the rest
Elon Musk > Wemby > Jordan > Lebron GOAT Super AIDS Containment Thread Quote
06-02-2013 , 05:35 PM
Originally Posted by powder_8s
I agree that LBJ has the best skill set.

I think we both agree pure skills are only 1 or the requirements to be the GOAT. You have to be able to elevate your game and your team in the biggest games. You need to have leadership and make "everyone around you better." You need to push the expectations and standards of future players way beyond what any past players ever dreamed of.
Can you tell me how you can determine this? Like do you have the ability to tell which players are elevating other players or are you purely using results which can lead to a lot of noise when it comes to whether players are making other players better or that they just have better teammates. If you look at Jordans stats, they really don't get that much better after years 3 and 4, but his teammates definitely got better over time. Was it really Jordan elevating them or was it his teammates either improving?

Basically you are giving some BS arguments of why some people win and others don't. When it typically comes down to which team has the best overall talent, matchups, injuries and chemistry which is typically not always dependent on the alpha dog. Duncan, like Jordan, were extremely fortunate to be in great situations for the prime of their career much of which had little to do with their level of play. Like other "non winners" they could have been put on teams with little chance to win a title and effectively lived in infamy. While I love to believe certain players elevate their team to titles, I think that type of thing can't easily be determined. What can more easily be determined in an individual's level of play.
Elon Musk > Wemby > Jordan > Lebron GOAT Super AIDS Containment Thread Quote
06-02-2013 , 05:36 PM
Originally Posted by LeoTrollstoy
Please keep it related to the topic at hand capone, you risk a temp ban for personally attacking me.
Attacking you? You have been raging on people for weeks without any punishment. Going to be epic how quickly you disappear when LBJ wins another ring.
Elon Musk > Wemby > Jordan > Lebron GOAT Super AIDS Containment Thread Quote
06-02-2013 , 05:39 PM
It's amazing that 99% of your posts are anti-Lebron. Like did you join up for 2+2 just to bitch about Lebron?
Elon Musk > Wemby > Jordan > Lebron GOAT Super AIDS Containment Thread Quote
06-02-2013 , 05:42 PM
to be fair they range from anti-lebron to "something something lebron slurping"
Elon Musk > Wemby > Jordan > Lebron GOAT Super AIDS Containment Thread Quote
06-02-2013 , 05:45 PM
I don't like Miami, I like Lebron. Guy is a beast. If he team didn't fall apart, they'd already be in the finals. Not sure how it's Bron's fault that his teammates can't hit open 3s and miss a ton of open looks or Wade is hurt--hell Allen now can't even hit free throws. But I guess that's all Lebron "haters" can grasp on to.

Peak Bron and MJ are close. Career wise, Lebron has a ton of time to potentially pass MJ but not sure if he can do it.
Elon Musk > Wemby > Jordan > Lebron GOAT Super AIDS Containment Thread Quote
06-02-2013 , 06:16 PM
Originally Posted by capone0
I don't like Miami, I like Lebron. Guy is a beast. If he team didn't fall apart, they'd already be in the finals. Not sure how it's Bron's fault that his teammates can't hit open 3s and miss a ton of open looks or Wade is hurt--hell Allen now can't even hit free throws. But I guess that's all Lebron "haters" can grasp on to.

Peak Bron and MJ are close. Career wise, Lebron has a ton of time to potentially pass MJ but not sure if he can do it.
Pretty much this for me
Elon Musk > Wemby > Jordan > Lebron GOAT Super AIDS Containment Thread Quote
06-02-2013 , 07:01 PM
Originally Posted by asdfasdf32
Hmm, he drew a foul that Jordan wouldn't have. Seems like he helped his team in that spot more than Jordan would have.
excellent. Trolling or not you are easily the biggest lebron dicksucker around here. And I've somehow just noticed it this year? First year on the wagon?
Elon Musk > Wemby > Jordan > Lebron GOAT Super AIDS Containment Thread Quote
06-02-2013 , 07:08 PM
protip: don't respond to leo. blast him with gifs. or troll harder than he does.

you all look like bigger dolts than he does

thread is the WOAT
Elon Musk > Wemby > Jordan > Lebron GOAT Super AIDS Containment Thread Quote
06-02-2013 , 07:16 PM
Originally Posted by VincentVega
excellent. Trolling or not you are easily the biggest lebron dicksucker around here. And I've somehow just noticed it this year? First year on the wagon?
What's with Jordan homers and their affinity for dick sucking/slurping references?
Elon Musk > Wemby > Jordan > Lebron GOAT Super AIDS Containment Thread Quote
06-02-2013 , 07:21 PM
Originally Posted by capone0
Can you tell me how you can determine this? Like do you have the ability to tell which players are elevating other players or are you purely using results which can lead to a lot of noise when it comes to whether players are making other players better or that they just have better teammates. If you look at Jordans stats, they really don't get that much better after years 3 and 4, but his teammates definitely got better over time. Was it really Jordan elevating them or was it his teammates either improving?

Basically you are giving some BS arguments of why some people win and others don't. When it typically comes down to which team has the best overall talent, matchups, injuries and chemistry which is typically not always dependent on the alpha dog. Duncan, like Jordan, were extremely fortunate to be in great situations for the prime of their career much of which had little to do with their level of play. Like other "non winners" they could have been put on teams with little chance to win a title and effectively lived in infamy. While I love to believe certain players elevate their team to titles, I think that type of thing can't easily be determined. What can more easily be determined in an individual's level of play.
you are right that it is impossible to measure how much someone improves their teammates without using some parallel universe thing (still working on the science to that). My belief is that MJ would have won in any situation. He might not have 6 championships (might be less or more) as the organization would have kept rotating players around until they got the right fit. And this is proven with the two three-peats (outside Pippen) being completely different teams.

I look at his last season, when he was past his peak and the Bulls still won 62 games despite Pippen missing 38 games, Longley missing 24 games as well as other players missing games (in before lol Longley). The role players played well and that has a lot to do with the star on the team.
Elon Musk > Wemby > Jordan > Lebron GOAT Super AIDS Containment Thread Quote
06-02-2013 , 07:25 PM
So let me get this straight, when the Heat were on their winning streak and being given the NBA title, they were the greatest team of all time because they had Lebron, Wade, and Bosh. When they lose though, Lebron has no help. Which is it?
Elon Musk > Wemby > Jordan > Lebron GOAT Super AIDS Containment Thread Quote
06-02-2013 , 07:29 PM
Well Wade is definitely hurt. Bosh's was fine until he had to play a huge 5. Injuries are an issue. Hibbert beasting Bosh is also an issue. Have you seen the rest of the teams stats this postseason, Lebron's stats are in line (slightly below) his regular season, Bosh and Wade took a nap this offseason.
Elon Musk > Wemby > Jordan > Lebron GOAT Super AIDS Containment Thread Quote
06-02-2013 , 07:35 PM
I know most people on here only look at stats, but humans are animals too. I feel like Bosh has become docile because Lebron is the alpha male in the pack. I mean I'm sure it happens to most people. If you go golfing with people who are inferior to you, you tend to golf better because you are more relaxed, less pressure. Bosh was a beast on Toronto, then he goes to Miami and essentially becomes a role player.
Elon Musk > Wemby > Jordan > Lebron GOAT Super AIDS Containment Thread Quote
