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Sports Media Discussion (RIP ESPN) Sports Media Discussion (RIP ESPN)

04-18-2014 , 11:42 AM
Assuming you're talking Maron and not me, I've listened because he's had interesting guests and is a decent interview. (he had one of my rapper friends on, which was pretty interesting, if not frustrating in that way things get when you hear somebody who is ass ignorant about a thing you know way too much about try and talk about it)

Mos def not a regular listener though.

The other negative is that because WTF is so big, people are aping that style, and man, solo podcasts are just the worst.
Sports Media Discussion (RIP ESPN) Quote
04-18-2014 , 02:47 PM
Originally Posted by Dids
It bothers my sense of cosmic justice that starting your podcast with 20 minutes of arambling, naval gazing monologue doesn't chase away your entire audience. Like I know you could just skip, but I want to punish him for it. YOU WILL NOT GET MY CLICKS SIR.
where did i say i didn't FF it? im saying, who the hell are the people that sit there any actually listen to that crap before the guest?
Sports Media Discussion (RIP ESPN) Quote
04-18-2014 , 07:57 PM
I'm as tough on Simmons as anyone but his chemistry with jalen is fantastic. Really funny, entertaining.
Sports Media Discussion (RIP ESPN) Quote
04-23-2014 , 10:42 PM
koppelman comparing doug ellin to chase, weiner and gilligan made for some huge lols.

apparently it's really damn hard to write for five characters an episode, even if half those storylines are crap like 'turtle took his car to the garage and fell in love with the chick who works there'.
Sports Media Discussion (RIP ESPN) Quote
04-23-2014 , 11:06 PM
Originally Posted by mcb33f
marc maron has the most annoyingly pathetic personality of all time, i have zero clue how he got popular
He's actually a pretty talented interviewer, and I think that's how he became popular. He gets people to open up, has an honest conversation with them, and isn't too prying. He also handles deep-ish subjects with some levity.

Otherwise I agree with you. he got into the wrong racket. He's flat out not funny. And not really interesting or smart enough to do the unfunny "gonna sort some **** out here". I saw him live once and afterward my date said "so he basically whines a lot while subtly bragging about having a girlfriend." Pretty spot on.

The live WTF recording after it was pretty good, though. He had a bunch of local Boston comics on. Mike Donovan killed.
Sports Media Discussion (RIP ESPN) Quote
04-24-2014 , 12:04 AM
Originally Posted by kidcolin
Otherwise I agree with you. he got into the wrong racket. He's flat out not funny. And not really interesting or smart enough to do the unfunny "gonna sort some **** out here". I saw him live once and afterward my date said "so he basically whines a lot while subtly bragging about having a girlfriend." Pretty spot on.
same could be said of this paragraph braw
Sports Media Discussion (RIP ESPN) Quote
04-24-2014 , 12:52 AM
Sports Media Discussion (RIP ESPN) Quote
04-24-2014 , 06:40 PM
I highly recommend this week's Girls in Hoodies, in which Molly Lambert - without having watched the show or read the books - gives an impassioned critique of Game of Throne's highly problematic consent issues.

Wesley Morris is actually the biggest waste of space on Grantland. What a jerk-off. Pappedemas seems like a cool dude.
Sports Media Discussion (RIP ESPN) Quote
04-24-2014 , 07:06 PM
Pappedemas does seem cool.

Wesley on the other hand has a tendency to drive me nuts (I still enjoy the podcast though).
He makes some insightful criticism but it's really annoying when he reaches for something that isn't there (or blatantly misses an opportunity to discuss what is actually intriguing about a topic). One thing I just listened to was this bit he did about Nic Cage. He was extremely emphatic (over the course of like ten minutes) that a primary reason for his popularity and success was due to his... sex appeal? For one, it's an uninteresting argument because you could easily make that claim about 90% of star actors and actresses. but the annoying part was that it really was just an overextended reach for analysis. we like Nic Cage cause he's a ridiculous person who often picks ridiculous roles and takes them seemingly very seriously. and we enjoy the fact that he can take these silly roles and deadpan them so perfectly that we are happy to buckle in for the ride.
Sports Media Discussion (RIP ESPN) Quote
04-24-2014 , 07:50 PM
Wesley is just such a... dork. Pappademus sounds exactly like Jacoby
Sports Media Discussion (RIP ESPN) Quote
04-24-2014 , 07:55 PM
Jacoby might be the worst of all of them.
Sports Media Discussion (RIP ESPN) Quote
04-24-2014 , 08:31 PM
I don't mind Jacoby. He doesn't try and pass himself off as some high-minded arbiter of taste and examiner of Serious and Important matters of race, class, and gender.

Simmons really surrounded himself with a bunch of humorless West Coast jerk-offs that are consumed by perception and indifferent to content. It's all toothless opinions and snark.

Exactly what audience is he going for?
Sports Media Discussion (RIP ESPN) Quote
04-24-2014 , 08:38 PM
Originally Posted by shane88888
humorless West Coast jerk-offs
Haha, yup.

Jacoby's not that, but high volume stupidity can be annoying too. That, and the way he pronounces "controversy."
Sports Media Discussion (RIP ESPN) Quote
04-24-2014 , 08:56 PM

Can anyone explain the before and after play by play probabilities here? For example, in the 3 second violation category, where its 55.3 -> 53.6/51.7, I dont see the point of including the 55.3 number.
Sports Media Discussion (RIP ESPN) Quote
04-24-2014 , 09:25 PM
The point is to show the magnitude of the decline in win percentage. If you just saw the difference in expected win percentage after the technical versus actual win percentage after the technical, you wouldn't know whether teams increased their win percentage by taking a technical or whether they simply declined less than anticipated. Say that the 55.3 number was actually 52%, then getting called for a 3 second violation would have resulted in an increase in win percentage instead of just a less than expected decline. You wouldn't know that just by being told the 53.6/51.7 numbers.
Sports Media Discussion (RIP ESPN) Quote
04-24-2014 , 09:53 PM
ah, yeah that makes sense, thanks
Sports Media Discussion (RIP ESPN) Quote
04-24-2014 , 10:43 PM
Latest 99% invisible podcast (it's about design mostly) is about the changing trends in baseball hosiery. Very nice.
Sports Media Discussion (RIP ESPN) Quote
05-05-2014 , 03:56 PM
If it's just me then it's just me but ric bucher is just the worst right?

Nobody gaf if morey doesn't like you ric
Sports Media Discussion (RIP ESPN) Quote
05-05-2014 , 05:03 PM
Rolling Stone profile of Simmons

In a recent month, Grantland, according to comScore, had 4.7 million unique visitors, which represents just a sliver of ESPN's 62 million unique visitors and pales compared to Yahoo Sports' 57.9 million. (Even Deadspin, the Johnny Lawrence to Simmons’ Daniel LaRusso, had 13.8 million.) But the site's balance sheet isn't the point. ESPN likely pays him more than $5 million a year, the insider estimates — not because of Grantland, but because Simmons is a guy with big ideas, a one-man vertical-integration engine.
Sports Media Discussion (RIP ESPN) Quote
05-05-2014 , 05:53 PM
Bucher is terrible. Mistake you made was listening when you saw he was the guest.
Sports Media Discussion (RIP ESPN) Quote
05-06-2014 , 12:25 AM
Originally Posted by holeplug
simmons maybe a bigger pothead than we all speculated years ago.
Sports Media Discussion (RIP ESPN) Quote
05-06-2014 , 10:05 AM
Let me guess what bucher said...

Analytics are overrated.... He'd take Rose over Lebron....Go with your gut.... Statistics lie....Eye Test....Watch the games....Heart... Intangibles...blah blah
Sports Media Discussion (RIP ESPN) Quote
05-06-2014 , 11:04 AM
Traffic wise deadspsin is a fair comparison for grantland, but yahoo and espn aren't.
Sports Media Discussion (RIP ESPN) Quote
05-06-2014 , 11:30 AM
that slacker Zach Lowe needs to get a second-round podcast up
Sports Media Discussion (RIP ESPN) Quote
