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12-22-2015 , 11:51 PM
Originally Posted by CalledDownLight
Many of the great inventions that stemmed from nasa were the product of giving a ton of smart people a ton of money and telling them to create cool and useful ****. If you give billions of dollars and a decade or two to a lot of smart scientists, engineers, mathematicians, computer programmers, and other intellectuals and tell them to make cool stuff they're going to make a lot of cool stuff. Sure, some of it was directly born out of necessity related to trying to get to the moon but plenty of great inventions would stem out of a similar environment without that goal. We will be able to look back at Google in a decade and see this same thing with their side projects and that budget is only a small fraction of what nasa's was when compared to the us budget.

Except Google isn't doing anything that costs NASA money. Why do you think their budget is so high? It's expensive as **** to build rockets. Boeing spent 6.5 billion in 2009 for research and development. Aeronautics are expensive.

Sometimes people discover secondary things through their research that can be applicable to other fields. NASA has probably made quite a few things viable "on accident".
Sporting Events FAQ, Liveblog, and BANGERS Quote
12-22-2015 , 11:52 PM
Originally Posted by BobboFitos
Victor just quit 2p2 eh?
if you post about the how good the woyas/spurs are or besmirch the cavs you can prob coax him out of lurking

edit: also kc spitting truth

Last edited by tarheeljks; 12-22-2015 at 11:58 PM.
Sporting Events FAQ, Liveblog, and BANGERS Quote
12-22-2015 , 11:52 PM
Originally Posted by PocketChads
False. Maybe the people you see in the Internet from day to day do this. Even then I'm not willing to concede there's no confirmation bias.
As is often the case with you pc, I don't know what you're arguing, or what you ultimately believe. You just one line chop shot and never elaborate.

To make my position clear since everyone is a wet brained binary ass ******, I'm not anti nasa in the least. I very much think the state often plays a key role in R&D in many sectors and accelerates development in the market. I just take umbrage with all the things they're solely given credit for when really they just funded a lot of this stuff. And overall it has been VERY costly. It's a legit debate as to its utility.

As a counter example in the market, even though, say, Dell ultimately helped create a market for the rapid improvement of microprocessors, nobody mistakes them with Intel. No one is saying "thank God for HP for keeping Moore's Law going and now we all have handheld computers."
Sporting Events FAQ, Liveblog, and BANGERS Quote
12-22-2015 , 11:53 PM
Originally Posted by GusJohnsonGOAT
No one except Hoya read your posts.

But to answer this post, if you are pro space travel, what should we be doing? You realize intergalactic travel is probably hundred of years off, maybe more. Mars is being sought out because it's clearly the best planet for colonization in our solar system and the moon is really the only other option. Why do you think we are spending so much time on that planet?

Until we have intergalactic travel, there's really no other planet we can focus on for colonization.

Idk what we should be doing and am not smart enough to determine that. Perhaps we should be trying to colonize Mars right now but the level of certainty that we should be taking that route astounds me. And I am not talking about people posting about the subject in this thread who are probably pretty learned on the issue. I'm talking about the mouthbreathers out there that couldn't tell you the order of the planets from the sun but who are sure that we need to colonize Mars and do it now. It seems like the original space race was all political propaganda with a lot of great scientific and technological breakthroughs as side effects and these privatized businesses trying to go to Mars seem a little too focused on the hype of Mars and putting it on a pedestal for me to accept their true end motives are purely to save humanity like they proclaim to be taking steps towards. We will surely end up with great technologies from spacex and similar programs and that will be an awesome outcome, but whether or not this is the right time and right path to take on the road to intergalactic travel is very much an open question in my mind. I find it startling that the consensus from the public is that it is certainly the best route to take and that the timeline is also right. People seem to think faster is definitely better and I'm not sure that is correct given the massive time scales we are dealing with and the tiny amounts of difference 10 or 100 more years would make.

Also, I think we are at least a thousand years off from safely being able to manage intergalactic travel and frankly that might be optimistic. I even believe that the rate of improvements in technology are generally underestimated for the next century but this doesn't seem like a problem we are anywhere close to solving.
Sporting Events FAQ, Liveblog, and BANGERS Quote
12-22-2015 , 11:55 PM
Originally Posted by CPHoya
Real talk though, been reflecting on this whole conversation and the thing I'm gonna take away from this conversation is that regardless of the hotness and correctness of the TAKES, I can be certain that the decisions I managed to make about what to do with my own intellect, whatever its potential may or may not have been, have basically guaranteed that I will contribute absolutely nothing valuable to humanity because it will be entirely wasted by (1) practicing law, which is abominably stupid 99.9% of the time, and (2) posting on the internet instead of actually writing something important, if I'm even capable of that.

That kinda sucks and probably requires a correction. Woops.
this ****s weak yo

youre looking backwards instead of forward. you want to contribute to society differently? find what you wanna do and begin taking steps in that direction. you got plenty of time and more resources at your disposal than any other time in history (and it's only going to increase). its absolutely not "certain"/ "guaranteed" at all. you just have to be ok with taking baby steps and you don't need to entirely drop everything you're doing now to jump headfirst into something else. I got faith in the hoyaids.
Sporting Events FAQ, Liveblog, and BANGERS Quote
12-22-2015 , 11:55 PM
Originally Posted by CalledDownLight
Idk what we should be doing and am not smart enough to determine that. Perhaps we should be trying to colonize Mars right now but the level of certainty that we should be taking that route astounds me. And I am not talking about people posting about the subject in this thread who are probably pretty learned on the issue. I'm talking about the mouthbreathers out there that couldn't tell you the order of the planets from the sun but who are sure that we need to colonize Mars and do it now. It seems like the original space race was all political propaganda with a lot of great scientific and technological breakthroughs as side effects and these privatized businesses trying to go to Mars seem a little too focused on the hype of Mars and putting it on a pedestal for me to accept their true end motives are purely to save humanity like they proclaim to be taking steps towards. We will surely end up with great technologies from spacex and similar programs and that will be an awesome outcome, but whether or not this is the right time and right path to take on the road to intergalactic travel is very much an open question in my mind. I find it startling that the consensus from the public is that it is certainly the best route to take and that the timeline is also right. People seem to think faster is definitely better and I'm not sure that is correct given the massive time scales we are dealing with and the tiny amounts of difference 10 or 100 more years would make.

Also, I think we are at least a thousand years off from safely being able to manage intergalactic travel and frankly that might be optimistic. I even believe that the rate of improvements in technology are generally underestimated for the next century but this doesn't seem like a problem we are anywhere close to solving.
Sporting Events FAQ, Liveblog, and BANGERS Quote
12-22-2015 , 11:55 PM
Hoya, become a Supreme Court justice. I'd read the opinions you offered. Also, you could play some pretty cool 9er ww games with the other justices. Would be a good use of legal skill to benefit everyone in the USA.
Sporting Events FAQ, Liveblog, and BANGERS Quote
12-22-2015 , 11:58 PM

We're all just pawns in this game of life. We're the notches on a gear that keeps society going. Do what you do and do it well.

And fwiw, there's definitely a bunch of people who worked on that rocket and just worked in CAD all day and feel completely meaningless.
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12-23-2015 , 12:00 AM
hoya, you can always teach

edit: would aloo imagine there's law stuff you can do that would contribute, but you would also know better than anyone
Sporting Events FAQ, Liveblog, and BANGERS Quote
12-23-2015 , 12:00 AM
Originally Posted by GusJohnsonGOAT
Except Google isn't doing anything that costs NASA money. Why do you think their budget is so high? It's expensive as **** to build rockets. Boeing spent 6.5 billion in 2009 for research and development. Aeronautics are expensive.

Sometimes people discover secondary things through their research that can be applicable to other fields. NASA has probably made quite a few things viable "on accident".

That's my whole point. If we gave Googles side project business the budget nasa had during the space race and told them to make awesome stuff they would certainly come up with tons of inventions that change the world for the better in all kinds of unfathomable ways.

Unless the survival of humankind is in much more imminent danger than I imagine (let's say an extinction event in the next 1,000 years) or intergalactic travel is imminent then I'm not sure how much we benefit from colonizing Mars rather than just sending a few rockets there and letting a few people hang out and explore a little bit. What additional benefits would a colony offer unless extinction events are likely near?
Sporting Events FAQ, Liveblog, and BANGERS Quote
12-23-2015 , 12:03 AM
Let's change the world, one patent law lawsuit and internet post to CDL at a time
Sporting Events FAQ, Liveblog, and BANGERS Quote
12-23-2015 , 12:06 AM
Originally Posted by CalledDownLight
Idk what we should be doing and am not smart enough to determine that. Perhaps we should be trying to colonize Mars right now but the level of certainty that we should be taking that route astounds me. And I am not talking about people posting about the subject in this thread who are probably pretty learned on the issue. I'm talking about the mouthbreathers out there that couldn't tell you the order of the planets from the sun but who are sure that we need to colonize Mars and do it now.

Unfortunately for you, the only really viable planet to colonize in our solar system is Mars. Venus is 800 degrees or -300+ at night, terrible atmosphere, and ridiculously high atmospheric pressure. Mercury has similar temperature. Anything past Mars is obviously uninhabitable because they are just balls of gas and even so extremely cold. The moon also has bad temperatures because of a lack of atmosphere.

Mouthbreathers can keep saying Mars until intergalactic travel becomes possible, and even Mars isn't very viable.
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12-23-2015 , 12:06 AM

in all seriousness, being a lawyer puts you in a better spot to than 99% of other occupations to help others. helping people probably isn't something that's practical or feasible for you to commit to on a full time basis, but taking on a couple pro bono cases per year during your downtime might be something you find fulfilling that also won't wreck your normal lifestyle.

personally, i really don't give a crap about helping people at all but i'm pretty confident that my work in the two or three pro bono matters that i was involved in meant more to the community than anything SJWs like dids and nath actually do, who will spend this xmas season calling strangers on the internet sexist and racist for assuming santa wasn't a black woman
Sporting Events FAQ, Liveblog, and BANGERS Quote
12-23-2015 , 12:08 AM
Originally Posted by GusJohnsonGOAT
Except Google isn't doing anything that costs NASA money. Why do you think their budget is so high? It's expensive as **** to build rockets. Boeing spent 6.5 billion in 2009 for research and development. Aeronautics are expensive.
Are you aware that Google is a major investor in SpaceX? And that SpaceX is privately funded? Obviously Aeronautics are expensive, but even more so with no price accountability.
Sporting Events FAQ, Liveblog, and BANGERS Quote
12-23-2015 , 12:09 AM
I'm saying that people do suck those company's D's and do get super excited by their innovations and do give them credit.

I don't know why "what I believe" is relevant, like we are on teams or something. It takes a lot to get me to "believe" anything and even more to believe IN something.

But in this discussion that I've been following and reading every word of, I saw you and CDL add some BS strawmen. In CDL's particular case, as always, it was his "this is all I'm saying" boiled down point after he wore out everyone's patience. For both of your case's, you were saying PEOPLE ARE EXCITED ABOUT THE WRONG THINGS. But it's just your perception of what people are excited about.
Sporting Events FAQ, Liveblog, and BANGERS Quote
12-23-2015 , 12:12 AM
Originally Posted by CalledDownLight
That's my whole point. If we gave Googles side project business the budget nasa had during the space race and told them to make awesome stuff they would certainly come up with tons of inventions that change the world for the better in all kinds of unfathomable ways.

I'm with you considering the breaks religion gets in this country (such as tax exemptions). No reason we can't have a government funded science that isn't space travel. NASA is kinda that, but that was really never the intention.

Also, I think you are being a little unfair on NASA whose purpose early on was just space travel, and the technology was far worse back when it was founded. Like I said earlier, when THAY3R argued about what NASA could've invented in the 60s, the integrated circuit was just invented. That's essential for pretty much any technology invented today.
Sporting Events FAQ, Liveblog, and BANGERS Quote
12-23-2015 , 12:13 AM
Chads, what are people excited about if not landing a rocket upon reentry and landing on/colonizing Mars? The posts and reactions online yesterday sure seemed excited to me.
Sporting Events FAQ, Liveblog, and BANGERS Quote
12-23-2015 , 12:16 AM
Oh agreed thst each company has their set of fanbois, but it's far different than the universal credit for invention nasa gets, sometimes for stuff they didn't even invent.

For a bit of levity, legit thought I killed a guy today. Immediate panic. We have this guy at the office, quite overweight. I'd guess 320 or so. Sharp dude, and super helpful and a good teacher. He was helping me with some flow I'm unfamiliar with.

Later I swing by his cube and he's got his hands over his head and is in the zone with with his work and I say "hey Mike" and it just scares the absolute **** out of him and his right hand immediately clutches his left chest. That exact second I thought I just gave this guy a heart attack. It was such an immediate sense of dread.

Luckily he was fine, just caught off guard.
Sporting Events FAQ, Liveblog, and BANGERS Quote
12-23-2015 , 12:20 AM
Originally Posted by GusJohnsonGOAT
I'm with you considering the breaks religion gets in this country (such as tax exemptions). No reason we can't have a government funded science that isn't space travel. NASA is kinda that, but that was really never the intention.

Also, I think you are being a little unfair on NASA whose purpose early on was just space travel, and the technology was far worse back when it was founded. Like I said earlier, when you argued about what NASA could've invented in the 60s, the integrated circuit was just invented. That's essential for pretty much any technology invented today.

I think you have me mixed up with someone else here. I haven't really mentioned nasa at all. I think they did basically exactly what they needed to do and what they were expected to do. To me, nasa was a political entity and not a scientific entity. The fact that so many great technologies and scientific advances came out of nasa, directly and indirectly, is fantastic but it wasn't really the purpose behind creating it. The more important thing nasa did was assert us as THE world power which was ultimately the point of the program. I have no issues with government funded science whether space related or not.

I do feel like the general public treats space exploration with far too little skepticism. There are so many variables and they are ever changing yet so many people remain convinced that x, y, or z is absolutely correct. This line of thinking is usually too narrow for most things in life but a problem as dynamic and complex as extending human life forever should certainly be treated as something where there are multiple viable approaches and where many reasonable approaches will surely fail over time.
Sporting Events FAQ, Liveblog, and BANGERS Quote
12-23-2015 , 12:22 AM
Originally Posted by CPHoya
Nonprofit thinktank focusing on amicus briefs designed to highlight and illustrate brazen attorney bad faith and expert witness perjury that is sheltered by judges and attorneys who tolerate that bull**** would be an enticing place to start.

This **** pisses me off so much. I'm fortunate to work somewhere where we have a generally honest and ethical group of attorneys on both sides. So when I see the bull**** that the bad ones do pull, it pisses me off even more. I'm probably just naive, but it blows my mind that some people are willing to act in such bad faith when dealing with something where fairness is so fundamentally important.
Sporting Events FAQ, Liveblog, and BANGERS Quote
12-23-2015 , 12:58 AM
Originally Posted by CPHoya
Real talk though, been reflecting on this whole conversation and the thing I'm gonna take away from this conversation is that regardless of the hotness and correctness of the TAKES, I can be certain that the decisions I managed to make about what to do with my own intellect, whatever its potential may or may not have been, have basically guaranteed that I will contribute absolutely nothing valuable to humanity because it will be entirely wasted by (1) practicing law, which is abominably stupid 99.9% of the time, and (2) posting on the internet instead of actually writing something important, if I'm even capable of that.

That kinda sucks and probably requires a correction. Woops.
What you have done so far is only really a blip.
Sporting Events FAQ, Liveblog, and BANGERS Quote
12-23-2015 , 01:02 AM
Lawyering is the absolute worst ime. Some lawyers are great in small town areas where you can't really screw people over, but in my experience, BIG CITY lawyers are the worst. Can't really think of a non-illicit occupation where there's a higher level of psychopathy.

Last edited by 1urker; 12-23-2015 at 01:02 AM. Reason: also in the profession ldo
Sporting Events FAQ, Liveblog, and BANGERS Quote
12-23-2015 , 01:04 AM
My sister is an attorney, any idea for a good troll gift? I basically have to buy like 7 presents for Christmas and I plan on doing it all tomorrow. I'm leaning towards GOAT like my SS here.
Sporting Events FAQ, Liveblog, and BANGERS Quote
12-23-2015 , 01:12 AM
I suggest:

Sporting Events FAQ, Liveblog, and BANGERS Quote
12-23-2015 , 01:20 AM
Well my sister and her boyfriend (husband? they've been together like 10 years) do have two cats. I stayed with them a while back and one of them snuck into the room I was in while I was asleep and massively threw up. It was like the size of a loaf of bread. I'm not a cat person. (The cat threw up, not my sister or her boyfriend, which would have been infinitely funnier)
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