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06-19-2013 , 01:36 PM
What did swag_check spoil?
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06-19-2013 , 01:37 PM
Red Wedding
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06-19-2013 , 01:40 PM
Watching Duel 1 from Episode 1 now

lol the phases of CT

goddamn diem is so adorable
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06-19-2013 , 01:41 PM
Lest Chilltown continue bitching and moaning about me being a COWARD, I guess I'll post the actual story even though it doesn't belong in here...

Actual Story:

Started posting in the GoT TV thread about a year ago after watching seasons 1 and 2 for the first time. Within the course of my posting in there I would routinely call out certain book readers for being ****ty posters because aside from constantly posting spoilers in there (despite having their own thread to discuss the show), a bunch of them weren't even funny or creative in their posting. For example, about every third post in there notorious BBV4L'er g1.z.|\/|0 would drop into the thread to bitch and moan about sexism and misogyny and then whenever a dood got naked on the show would be in there thirsting like a *female dog* in heat. It was almost a running gag of book readings coming in to post spoilers, being told to gtfo, either apologizing or standing by their post not being a spoiler, then a new cycle would repeat in another 3 days.

Anyway, one day some politards mod creeps out of that cesspool to inform me via pm that I should no longer post in that thread because my posts are "misogynist and unwelcome". I respond by creating the following thread in ATF:
After creating the thread, I made one final post in the TV thread to link to my ATF thread so that non-book readers (who should be the only people posting in there) could go in and voice their opinion, and so that if the consensus among them was that they think I was spoiled or even didn't like me posting in the thread, they could say that and I'd drop the issue (why post in a thread where you're unwanted). Anyway, either D1|)$ or the mod who sent the original pm saw and deleted the post and banned me for 24 hours. By the time I was unbanned the thread had basically become polluted with book readers and a lot of BS so I just said **** it.

Turns out the mods couldn't keep their stories straight and the real reason they decided to ban me from the thread was because they thought I was spoiled. For anyone who is unfamiliar with GoT bookreaders, the majority of them (if 2p2 and OOTV are any indication) basically derive some sort of sexual gratification from lording over non-book readers the fact that they know what's gonna happen and they like to be around to see how show watchers react to certain things. Even though I'm not spoiled, I guess I set off some alarms because I'm a careful show watcher who can pick out common plot devices and obvious foreshadowing which GoT is teeming with. I guess if anything is going to get spoiled in the TV thread, the book readers would rather be the ones to do it on their own.

For anyone familiar with me in any other thread I frequent, my posting style is more on the declarative side and I can be aggressive. I also can be a dick to posters I deem to be wrong, stupid, or ****ty. Since it's basically book readers who decide who is or isn't allowed to stay in the TV thread, really no surprise that they got in the mods' ears and had me banned.

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06-19-2013 , 01:41 PM
swag check is awesome you guys should get over the butthurt it's been a couple weeks
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06-19-2013 , 01:45 PM
wait is Chilltown complaining about people spoiling something? didn't he post a spoiler itt that pissed off a bunch of people?
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06-19-2013 , 01:46 PM
Was swag also the db that was spoiling the Challenge a few seasons back?
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06-19-2013 , 01:46 PM
didnt realize this but i guess mysogeny is the new gay i cant even spell misogyniey so deep runs my respect for women and i call them "women" not even using "the fairer sex" here cuz thats the right way to do it. that or sluts i mean look at how they dress.
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06-19-2013 , 01:48 PM
lol paula before them TITTAYS

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06-19-2013 , 01:50 PM
Is swag_check the guy who spoiled Birth of a Nation last week?
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06-19-2013 , 01:53 PM
get this **** outta the fack
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06-19-2013 , 01:54 PM
swag_check with a pretty good post explaining why I don't read ****ing GoT threads
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06-19-2013 , 01:54 PM
Originally Posted by vginaman
Was swag also the db that was spoiling the Challenge a few seasons back?
no that was historic moron man.e

there is also some other idiot who posts at the start of each season to pm him for SECRET INSIDE INFO about whats going to happen as if we cant go to vevmo ourselves, then brags afterwards that his inside sources were right
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06-19-2013 , 01:54 PM
Originally Posted by vginaman
Was swag also the db that was spoiling the Challenge a few seasons back?
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06-19-2013 , 01:55 PM
anatta just kills sometimes
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06-19-2013 , 01:56 PM
Originally Posted by dkgojackets
no that was historic moron man.e

there is also some other idiot who posts at the start of each season to pm him for SECRET INSIDE INFO about whats going to happen as if we cant go to vevmo ourselves, then brags afterwards that his inside sources were right
ultradouche v1man makes vevmo a cesspool

i went there to get the cast list and was in awe of his douchevibes

his twitter is even more hilarious as he tweets random reality tv people and doesnt get many replies

@v1_man for laughs
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06-19-2013 , 01:58 PM
i knew bran was gonna be magic very early and didnt read the book. i thought robbs wife was a traitor cuz she said she wasnt a traitor like "oh yeah you caught me im a traitor" and then she was writing letters to "mom" in foreign language. so missed that one. i thought theon greyjoy played shooting guard for the griz but that was keyon dooling.
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06-19-2013 , 02:00 PM
Originally Posted by vginaman
Was swag also the db that was spoiling the Challenge a few seasons back?
And this is why this dumb **** annoys me, it's just a big game of telephone that is continually being embellished with zero evidence or facts.

Cash Mahne posted in the OP of the Challenge thread a few years ago what was going to happen in the season and posted spoilers mid-thread about who the winners were. His spoilers were actually Paula and Ev win and Bananas and Tyler win.

I post my speculation on a show that I enjoy and watch carefully in the same tone and manner I do for other shows I enjoy and in the same tone and manner I do when I say things like Novak Djokovic will win Wimbledon and the US Open this year and he is the GOAT. In a thread like that, idiot book readers twist that when I'm right about something into me being spoiled and then disseminate that to other posters like Chilltown who aren't very sharp and can't think for themselves. Everything I post about I give valid reasoning from the show why I think that's going to happen in a much more detailed manner than most other posters. To this day, there is zero actual conclusive evidence to support the theory that I am or was spoiled. And fwiw, EVERYONE in that thread with half a brain knew:
Robb was going to die and it was very likely Frey and Bolton were going to betray him, THAT'S what I speculated strongly on. I didn't come in and say all the Starks were gonna get killed and the Frey's would get gansta with it in such a manner.

Last edited by swag_check; 06-19-2013 at 02:16 PM.
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06-19-2013 , 02:01 PM
swag is just a slimey **** sucker. I bet he's one of those people who routinely lie in every day life and feels no remorse about it.

You were clearly wrong and thus afraid to post in the ATF thread. You can't defend yourself without long winded **** storms. You ran like a coward. That's the only action that matters.

You are probably right about the OOTTV mods being incompetent by calling Dids terrible is like calling for the sun to rise in the morning.

Originally Posted by dnh83
wait is Chilltown complaining about people spoiling something? didn't he post a spoiler itt that pissed off a bunch of people?
Yeah I regret doing that ITT instead of just pming Bobbo spoilers himself. Luckily only Needle got spoiled and **** him.
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06-19-2013 , 02:04 PM
Originally Posted by Steroid Boy
get this **** outta the fack
I've honestly tried to not derail threads with this and didn't want to (which is why I didn't respond when nutshot sauntered into the Challenge thread of all places--my domain br0--and tried to call me out on it). But Chilltown is a straight clown who can't think for himself so I really didn't wanna skirt the issue anymore.
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06-19-2013 , 02:10 PM
[QUOTE=swag_check;39003343]And this is why this dumb **** annoys me, it's just a big game of telephone that is continually being embellished with zero evidence or facts.

My apologies.

Last edited by vginaman; 06-19-2013 at 02:24 PM.
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06-19-2013 , 02:12 PM
Originally Posted by Steroid Boy
ultradouche v1man makes vevmo a cesspool

i went there to get the cast list and was in awe of his douchevibes

his twitter is even more hilarious as he tweets random reality tv people and doesnt get many replies

@v1_man for laughs
lol i said the exact same thing about that guy somewhere, biggest douche ive ever read posts from on the internet who thinks having a job that lets him meet minor celebrities makes him some entertainment world god
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06-19-2013 , 02:12 PM
Yeah continue this in the ATF thread that you made one post in. I dare you.
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06-19-2013 , 02:16 PM
Originally Posted by swag_check
I've honestly tried to not derail threads with this and didn't want to (which is why I didn't respond when nutshot sauntered into the Challenge thread of all places--my domain br0--and tried to call me out on it). But Chilltown is a straight clown who can't think for himself so I really didn't wanna skirt the issue anymore.
Is that Challenge thread safe to go into now? I'll seriously be pissed off if someone spoils that.

And any update on the Challenge WW game?
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06-19-2013 , 02:17 PM
the challenge thread is probably last bastion of pureness on the internet

the rivals spoiler was the cleanse
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