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05-15-2013 , 09:15 AM
Originally Posted by Holliday
You should connect your computer to one of your period-piece TVs for the full effect.

I just thought about it for a minute, and literally the only commercial I can recall from that era is "SNAP INTO A SLIMJIM!!" Commercials featuring Randy the Macho Man Savage. Now it occurs to me that Jack Links has just shamelessly ripped off that same ascetic.
Sporting Events FAQ, Liveblog, and BANGERS Quote
05-15-2013 , 09:21 AM
Originally Posted by Holliday
That sucks, RT. Condolences.

But...reading 2+2 while driving sounds like a terrible idea, dude. Not saying I've never been tempted, but if you read you'll want to post, then see how people respond, and they'll be more words than text messages (unless it's a krayz post), and then maybe a gif that you'll need to open in a browser.

And then maybe it's a really puzzling gif like two guys getting clobbered while possibly playing football in a maze of trenches? A puzzled driver sounds counterproductive.
Wait, this isn't twitter? **** me
Sporting Events FAQ, Liveblog, and BANGERS Quote
05-15-2013 , 11:21 AM
Originally Posted by Holliday
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05-15-2013 , 11:47 AM
Three different waitresses over the course of three months each say that a certain dish is the GOAT on the menu, I order it and it's just average. lol waitresses, lol ****ty cook, or lol me?
Sporting Events FAQ, Liveblog, and BANGERS Quote
05-15-2013 , 11:57 AM
Sporting Events FAQ, Liveblog, and BANGERS Quote
05-15-2013 , 12:01 PM
Originally Posted by Holliday
That sucks, RT. Condolences.

But...reading 2+2 while driving sounds like a terrible idea, dude. Not saying I've never been tempted, but if you read you'll want to post, then see how people respond, and they'll be more words than text messages (unless it's a krayz post), and then maybe a gif that you'll need to open in a browser.

And then maybe it's a really puzzling gif like two guys getting clobbered while possibly playing football in a maze of trenches? A puzzled driver sounds counterproductive.
Yeah its worse than that. Almost all my WW posts are via phone AND while driving. Even though I'm well aware how dangerous that is, it never really hits home until something like this.
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05-15-2013 , 12:05 PM
Posting at a red light.
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05-15-2013 , 12:08 PM

Not to be morbid, but how did they know so quickly that texting was the cause of the accident? Information sent over the network or evidence at the scene? Or a survivor?

Sucks but kind of surprising it doesn't happen more often. It seems really common that when someone is driving like an idiot I notice they are more often than not dicking around with their phone.
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05-15-2013 , 12:10 PM
Originally Posted by tuq

Not to be morbid, but how did they know so quickly that texting was the cause of the accident? Information sent over the network or evidence at the scene? Or a survivor?

Sucks but kind of surprising it doesn't happen more often. It seems really common that when someone is driving like an idiot I notice they are more often than not dicking around with their phone.
when he got a text that said "i'll be there in 10 msaddwewsa" it didn't take a lot to put the pieces together.
Sporting Events FAQ, Liveblog, and BANGERS Quote
05-15-2013 , 12:12 PM
Originally Posted by Richard Tanner
Almost all my WW posts are via phone AND while driving.

I'm hoping these are mostly while you are stopped. Not going to get preachy but I really hope you quit doing it because it's impaired driving.

And yeah, I have absolutely texted while rolling so am not above reproach. It's just really bad.

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05-15-2013 , 12:13 PM
Originally Posted by tuq

Not to be morbid, but how did they know so quickly that texting was the cause of the accident? Information sent over the network or evidence at the scene? Or a survivor?

Sucks but kind of surprising it doesn't happen more often. It seems really common that when someone is driving like an idiot I notice they are more often than not dicking around with their phone.
It wasn't truly texting. She had just sent a text and dropped her phone. She learned over to pick it up and ran into the back of a street sweeper. She was pinned in that position under the dash. Likely died instantly.

And yeah, it is surprising it doesn't happen more often. I spend too much time on my phone and well over half of everyone I pass on the roads is texting. Not a safe environment.
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05-15-2013 , 12:14 PM
Originally Posted by Omar Comin
Three different waitresses over the course of three months each say that a certain dish is the GOAT on the menu, I order it and it's just average. lol waitresses, lol ****ty cook, or lol me?
Lol you, they obviously just recommended the dish with the largest profit margin. Boss probably tells each waitress to recommend the higher profit dishes when asked
Sporting Events FAQ, Liveblog, and BANGERS Quote
05-15-2013 , 12:16 PM
Sorry to hear that RT, my condolences.

Google cars need to get on the market sooner rather than later.
Sporting Events FAQ, Liveblog, and BANGERS Quote
05-15-2013 , 12:24 PM
As much as people would hate it and it would result in people bashing cops or whatever, I wish they would really really crack down on stuff like texting by looking for it and pulling people over all the time and charging insane fines. I think people could be effectively deterred pretty quickly.
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05-15-2013 , 12:26 PM
but what if its my bff jill
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05-15-2013 , 12:31 PM
Originally Posted by ClarkNasty
You were on my short list last time.

72 is fine. He at least tried to reach out to Marty, it's one of those where both parties have to give a little. And he unlocked the LOL CANADA thread. His jimmies have been a bit rustled lately but he's a good guy and a good mod. I'm not worried.
Late to the dance on this, but the first sentence is about nutshot. It definitely came up last time. It definitely got shot down. Seems he has likely offended too many mods' delicate sensibilities to warrant serious consideration. Whatever. I'd push harder if it actually became a serious topic again. Plenty of controversial p0sters have become mods but the whole exercise is overrated anyway.

As for the second paragraph, I too want to second that 72off is a good guy. He had a bad night. Can't really speak to his hockey or soccer modding though, and what I gather of marty he is a generally likeable guy who tends to cross the line from time to time. Genuine passion, that's a good thing. Hopefully the two of them can become BFF or something. Seems that 72off undid his mistakes in prompt fashion, which is about all you can ask.
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05-15-2013 , 12:34 PM
someone be my memory...

what was the documentary in Africa where the guy had to be protected by gangs? he met the scariest guy I've ever seen, one kept saying 'I get mooo-nee' and said he put a child in an oven so that people would give him mooo-neee.

I don't think it was vice guide to Liberia, or was it?

basically the white guy kept having to pay off the local gangs, and he eventually met like, the gang lord or whatever and he was the scariest mother****er ever..

I need to remember. we're gonna be studying modern Africa for the next few weeks and if I can't show it I at least wanna tell them what to watch at home...

prob gonna skim back thru the vice guide to Liberia bc that might be it.
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05-15-2013 , 12:35 PM
Originally Posted by CalledDownLight
As much as people would hate it and it would result in people bashing cops or whatever, I wish they would really really crack down on stuff like texting by looking for it and pulling people over all the time and charging insane fines. I think people could be effectively deterred pretty quickly.
This reminds me of a story someone told me recently. Apparently years ago the Phoenix PD was in the habit of giving out gift cards to drivers who were courteous or otherwise demonstrated capable, attentive driving.

Despite getting FREE MONEY™, apparently this program was really unpopular because people instinctively freak out when getting pulled over and figure they're in trouble for something, plus it was making them late for wherever they were headed. The guy who told me also said he knows someone who got a DUI as a result of one of these good samaritan stops. They discontinued the program after awhile.
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05-15-2013 , 12:49 PM
That's like the dumbest idea I've ever heard.
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05-15-2013 , 12:57 PM
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05-15-2013 , 01:18 PM
Originally Posted by tuq
This reminds me of a story someone told me recently. Apparently years ago the Phoenix PD was in the habit of giving out gift cards to drivers who were courteous or otherwise demonstrated capable, attentive driving.

Despite getting FREE MONEY™, apparently this program was really unpopular because people instinctively freak out when getting pulled over and figure they're in trouble for something, plus it was making them late for wherever they were headed. The guy who told me also said he knows someone who got a DUI as a result of one of these good samaritan stops. They discontinued the program after awhile.
Hmm...if instead of money they handed out "get out of a ticket for free" cards, I think it would go over much better. Obviously you have to pretend not to notice the drunks.

I've actually wondered if I dash-cammed and archived my most heroic lifesaving driving, or acts of courtesy where I exercise a little foresight to make everyone safer (if, admittedly, mostly me) if I might try showing up in court to play them; "it evens out, judge, I'm a big believer in karma" kind of thing. This would be more proactive--like cap & trade, plus it would save all that court time of watching my admittedly godlike driving.

Just saying...
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05-15-2013 , 01:22 PM
Originally Posted by CalledDownLight
As much as people would hate it and it would result in people bashing cops or whatever, I wish they would really really crack down on stuff like texting by looking for it and pulling people over all the time and charging insane fines. I think people could be effectively deterred pretty quickly.
+1. Nobody is so important that they need to be texting while driving. Anybody who has to talk to people 24/7 for their job either has bluetooth or a personal driver.

It really, really bothers me when I see teenage girls staring down at their lap while I'm staring at their chest. They are already bad drivers so adding texting to their repertoire is just AIDS.

Pull into a parking lot. If I had my way anyone who was caught texting while the vehicle they are operating was in motion would be ticketed.

/soap box
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05-15-2013 , 01:35 PM

It sounds like Vice Liberia. First guy they pay his bail and then the gang walks back to the town together. Until he meets general butt naked or whatever.
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05-15-2013 , 01:39 PM

the other day I asked a cop I know from the gym about my phone...I use the iPod on it in my car. asked him if he saw me playing with my phone and thought I was texting but I was legitimately just changing songs could I still get a ticket..

he said no. that really, I could conceivably be doing anything on my phone that wasn't texting and if I showed him, he'd let me go.

he also said that as long as I don't cause an accident, what I'm doing on my phone probably wouldn't even come up bc even if he saw me texting and even if he pulled me over for it, even the dumbest person isn't going to hand over their phone unless they 100% WERENT texting and that he wasn't going to just take it to check..
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05-15-2013 , 01:42 PM
cops gonna cops tho.

remembering some story about a woman pulled over for texting who proved she wasn't texting and ended up tased. can't find it on google, though.

Last edited by Das Boot; 05-15-2013 at 01:47 PM. Reason: not sure she played it optimally either
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