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04-19-2013 , 03:35 PM
Originally Posted by Geddy Lee
This isn't about Boston being more relevant than other atrocities the world over. This isn't about the broad scope tangents of realism and perception that fanerio's trying to divert the conversation towards. Hell, this isn't even about the proper way to deal with the perpetrators of a terrorist attack.

This is about how you deal with two individuals who've murdered one cop and critically wounded another in the last 18 hours. That is confirmed. There's no guesswork remaining. They are no longer suspects - they are full-out fugitives. To suggest the use of lethal force in order to end this already-deadly episode they instigated is somehow a miscarriage of justice is absolutely ridiculous. That's what pissed me off.
yeah, basically this. Your post was very clear. zee's "this happens in pakistan no one cares" response, while maybe valid, has nothing to do with what is being discussed.
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04-19-2013 , 03:36 PM
Originally Posted by Geddy Lee
Would I prefer these kids were taken alive so they could answer for their crimes and receive well-deserved public scorn? Of course I do. But those aren't the parameters we're dealing with any longer. This is the end they've chosen for their pathetic episode, and it's time to end it for good.
I cannot emphasize this enough. When you open fire on law enforcement officers, you cannot possibly expect a non-lethal apprehension.
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04-19-2013 , 03:39 PM
Originally Posted by Das Boot

**** nationalism. **** the responses on this page of the thread. **** the idea that logic is out of place in the aftermath of the tragedy. **** the idea that trying to understand terrorist acts as best as possible makes you a terrorist sympathizer. **** squashing debate for this circle-jerk.
In general people are gonna ldo feel more empathy when things happen to people that are closer and/or more similar to them. Trying to deny or change it is akin to pissing in the wind.
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04-19-2013 , 03:39 PM
Originally Posted by StoppedRainingMen
why is it that people snap soapbox when there are tragedies in order to say "well sure this sucks, BUT THIS IS HAPPENING OVER HERE AND YOU DON'T CARE NEARLY AS MUCH!" it's so smug and obnoxious
facebook likes tho.

Nothing more tilting than people soapboxing during a tragedy.
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04-19-2013 , 03:40 PM
Originally Posted by StoppedRainingMen
why is it that people snap soapbox when there are tragedies in order to say "well sure this sucks, BUT THIS IS HAPPENING OVER HERE AND YOU DON'T CARE NEARLY AS MUCH!" it's so smug and obnoxious
uh what do you mean? it is glaring. it is blaring down from the rooftops. how could you possibly miss that tragedies of this magnitude are inflicted due to american policy every single day in the middle east? this fact is screaming behind every angle. it is absolutely shouting, and that is why the myopic double down! huddle up! AMERICA! angle requires such loud, vociferous, vicious, universal support to drown it out.
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04-19-2013 , 03:40 PM
Obv they should just politely ask the dude who is trying to kill them with bombs and guns to surrender and then put him up in a luxury suite for 20 years like they do with their mass murderers in lolEurope.
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04-19-2013 , 03:40 PM
Originally Posted by Geddy Lee
This isn't about Boston being more relevant than other atrocities the world over. This isn't about the broad scope tangents of realism and perception that fanerio's trying to divert the conversation towards. Hell, this isn't even about the proper way to deal with the perpetrators of a terrorist attack.

This is about how you deal with two individuals who've murdered one cop and critically wounded another in the last 18 hours. That is confirmed. There's no guesswork remaining. They are no longer suspects - they are full-out fugitives. To suggest the use of lethal force in order to end this already-deadly episode they instigated is somehow a miscarriage of justice is absolutely ridiculous. That's what pissed me off.
I an not a lawyer, but I think you're a suspect until the court rules otherwise.

Originally Posted by Das Boot

**** nationalism. **** the responses on this page of the thread. **** the idea that logic is out of place in the aftermath of the tragedy. **** the idea that trying to understand terrorist acts as best as possible makes you a terrorist sympathizer. **** squashing debate for this circle-jerk.
I agree with this.
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04-19-2013 , 03:41 PM
Originally Posted by StoppedRainingMen
why is it that people snap soapbox when there are tragedies in order to say "well sure this sucks, BUT THIS IS HAPPENING OVER HERE AND YOU DON'T CARE NEARLY AS MUCH!" it's so smug and obnoxious
mebbe so, but it's prob in response to say, the hysterical media coverage and hugely emotive irrationality and bloodthirstiness and casual racism/fear/whatnot

just cos im smart enough to be self-aware that its useless soapboxing and preaching to the choir vs the tsunami of lolmobmentality doesn't make any such arguments invalid
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04-19-2013 , 03:41 PM
Originally Posted by Pwn_Master
Obv they should just politely ask the dude who is trying to kill them with bombs and guns to surrender and then put him up in a luxury suite for 20 years like they do with their mass murderers in lolEurope.
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04-19-2013 , 03:43 PM
Originally Posted by fanerio
sure that's a perfectly valid point and i woulda been totally fine with such a measured tone, but it sure seemed like bloodsport in the way the sentiment to kill was expressed
Well excuse me for replying in such unmeasured tone to a post that chastised "Murcans" for the implied belief that law enforcement agents have carte blanche to do whatever they want to "suspects," despite the fact that they're no longer suspects; of course, that would've been difficult for you to ascertain, considering you "didn't follow" the proceedings of the last 18 hours.

You want to take a thinly-veiled shot at American society from a self-proclaimed perch of moral superiority? Fine. But if it's idiotic, don't be surprised when you're called out in a fiery tone.
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04-19-2013 , 03:43 PM
Originally Posted by CalledDownLight
why? I understand some of the reasons people want him dead and if he comes out firing it doesn't leave much choice, but killing him and inflicting as much pain as possible is merely bloodsport and revenge seeking to satisfy the vengeful among us.
Call it what you want but I'm ok making people like this suffer. Death is too swift for them.
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04-19-2013 , 03:43 PM
Here is a non-tilt-post by someone who is considering his words:
Originally Posted by Glenn Greenwald in The Guardian
(1) The widespread compassion for yesterday's victims and the intense anger over the attacks was obviously authentic and thus good to witness. But it was really hard not to find oneself wishing that just a fraction of that compassion and anger be devoted to attacks that the US perpetrates rather than suffers. These are exactly the kinds of horrific, civilian-slaughtering attacks that the US has been bringing to countries in the Muslim world over and over and over again for the last decade, with very little attention paid. My Guardian colleague Gary Younge put this best on Twitter this morning:
[tweet I pasted]
There's nothing wrong per se with paying more attention to tragedy and violence that happens relatively nearby and in familiar places. Whether wrong or not, it's probably human nature, or at least human instinct, to do that, and that happens all over the world. I'm not criticizing that. But one wishes that the empathy for victims and outrage over the ending of innocent human life that instantly arises when the US is targeted by this sort of violence would at least translate into similar concern when the US is perpetrating it, as it so often does (far, far more often than it is targeted by such violence).

Regardless of your views of justification and intent: whatever rage you're feeling toward the perpetrator of this Boston attack, that's the rage in sustained form that people across the world feel toward the US for killing innocent people in their countries. Whatever sadness you feel for yesterday's victims, the same level of sadness is warranted for the innocent people whose lives are ended by American bombs. However profound a loss you recognize the parents and family members of these victims to have suffered, that's the same loss experienced by victims of US violence. It's natural that it won't be felt as intensely when the victims are far away and mostly invisible, but applying these reactions to those acts of US aggression would go a long way toward better understanding what they are and the outcomes they generate.
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04-19-2013 , 03:45 PM
yeah grate quoting glenn greenwald thats def gonna make me change my mind
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04-19-2013 , 03:45 PM
Originally Posted by Das Boot
If he's mentally ill.
Is this a serious question? People who are not mentally ill do not do things like this. You're probably more likely to learn something from an autopsy than questioning him.

How his hatred developed. How it turned violent. What the specific object of the hatred is. Just stuff that helps us place this attack in a useful, broader context.
And again.. are you expecting insightful answers here? Do we have any reason to trust what the guy would tell us anyway? I think you're being extremely idealistic to believe that you're going to get anything out of the guy that will genuinely help the country in the long term. It sounds good practically, but I don't see exactly what you're going to learn. Frankly, I'd just rather save the money it would cost to put this guy in prison for the rest of his life (~$3M?).
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04-19-2013 , 03:46 PM
Pretty sure the answer to Greenwald's article is "lol religion."

Last edited by GusJohnsonGOAT; 04-19-2013 at 03:47 PM. Reason: Most of the attacks over there are religion based. The marathon bombing is seemingly unmotivated and lacks purpose.
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04-19-2013 , 03:47 PM
Originally Posted by Geddy Lee
Well excuse me for replying in such unmeasured tone to a post that chastised "Murcans" for the implied belief that law enforcement agents have carte blanche to do whatever they want to "suspects," despite the fact that they're no longer suspects; of course, that would've been difficult for you to ascertain, considering you "didn't follow" the proceedings of the last 18 hours.

You want to take a thinly-veiled shot at American society from a self-proclaimed perch of moral superiority? Fine. But if it's idiotic, don't be surprised when you're called out in a fiery tone.
wat is this

project more stuff onto me
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04-19-2013 , 03:48 PM
But no internet access for him! Not sure if a 19 year old hooker will be provided.
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04-19-2013 , 03:48 PM
Looking forward to Das Boot taking up a full time gig carefully memorializing the death of every innocent worldwide.
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04-19-2013 , 03:49 PM
Originally Posted by StoppedRainingMen
fwiw i don't think the gist of rat's assertion is wrong. in the immediate aftermath of tragedy for the most part people will respond irrationally. but let's not pretend like america is the only place that would happen in, it's simply human nature. say for instance, the oilers won the stanley cup, and in the middle of the parade 2 bombs went off. i call bull**** that the response of the canadian people would be that different from americans now
i dont want to politard this more than it already is and i dont really care what happens to this guy, but this is wrong. we actually got proof of that when breivik shot all those kids. im sure plenty of people wanted him dead, but the reaction was much less old testament than what it seems to be when something similar takes place in the us. i dont think you guys are always aware of it, but americans are in general much more focused on punishment than the rest of the western world, even fairly civilized places like this forum.
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04-19-2013 , 03:49 PM
Originally Posted by CalledDownLight
I an not a lawyer, but I think you're a suspect until the court rules otherwise.
Without getting caught up in semantics too much, I think it's safe to say now that beginning from 10:30 pm of last night, there is zero ambiguity surrounding their actions that have brought us to where we are right now.

I've made very little reference to Monday. This started when fanerio thought it was appropriate to admonish "Murca" for cops trying to cease and desist the two perps with force, despite being completely justified in their response.
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04-19-2013 , 03:50 PM
Originally Posted by StoppedRainingMen
why is it that people snap soapbox when there are tragedies in order to say "well sure this sucks, BUT THIS IS HAPPENING OVER HERE AND YOU DON'T CARE NEARLY AS MUCH!" it's so smug and obnoxious
this. and frankly it's phony. stuff close to home is always going to impact people more than stuff halfway across the world. we're a local species. People who post crap like that aren't walking around heartbroken daily at the underfed and criminally abused in various pockets of the globe. It's impossible. You'd either eat a bullet or never get out of bed if you actually thought that way.

When I heard this news, I was heartbroken. I've actually worked at the finish line during the marathon before. I've had friends run and volunteer at the marathon. I know what it's like in boston and massachusetts on patriots day. it's one of the best days of the year.

Stepping back and thinking logically, this attack pales in comparison to 9/11, the OKC bombing, the Mumbai hotel attack, and various other attacks. But for at least a few hours, this filled me with sadness more than any of those, rightly or wrongly, and I suspect that's the case for 99.99% of all humans for tragedies near versus far.
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04-19-2013 , 03:51 PM
Originally Posted by mjw0586
Is this a serious question? People who are not mentally ill do not do things like this. You're probably more likely to learn something from an autopsy than questioning him.

And again.. are you expecting insightful answers here? Do we have any reason to trust what the guy would tell us anyway? I think you're being extremely idealistic to believe that you're going to get anything out of the guy that will genuinely help the country in the long term. It sounds good practically, but I don't see exactly what you're going to learn. Frankly, I'd just rather save the money it would cost to put this guy in prison for the rest of his life (~$3M?).
So you think there's literally no useful information that can be gleaned? OK, we disagree fundamentally. I think you're just outright wrong.

And this isn't just about this guy. It's about America's incredibly unproductive, defensive, mob mentality in regards to tragedies in general. It's literally ingrained not to even truly question *why* these things happen, because that's sympathizing with terrorists, or un-American, or insensitive, or something. In terms of tragedy over the short-term? Sure, there's a ton of variance, people can just be evil, etc. In terms of tragedy over the long term? We sleep in the bed we make. And we've been ignoring that bed for a ****ing long time. The bed has an arsenal of assault weapons. The bed has been watching its brothers and sisters die in the Middle East.
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04-19-2013 , 03:53 PM
Originally Posted by Das Boot
uh what do you mean? it is glaring. it is blaring down from the rooftops. how could you possibly miss that tragedies of this magnitude are inflicted due to american policy every single day in the middle east? this fact is screaming behind every angle. it is absolutely shouting, and that is why the myopic double down! huddle up! AMERICA! angle requires such loud, vociferous, vicious, universal support to drown it out.

i'm middle eastern. i get this beaten into my head over and over again from friends and family. i know all about what goes down there and the direct and indirect influence from american foreign policy and how that policy is aided by misguided and irrational nationalism and blah blah blah blah blah blah blah

what i do know and have more or less resigned myself to as it relates to trying to get your point across is that there are the battles you can win and the battles you have absolutely zero chance in hell in winning enough people over to truly be heard. there are those who have enough conviction that they fight the latter battles anyway who i have nothing but the utmost tremendous respect for. then there are those who just pay lipservice to those battles which is more or less the vast majority of them. look at kony for instance and the intolerable amount of people who thought they were activists just by liking a post or writing a status update just because it was the flavor of the month and had no intention to give a **** prior to seeing it was trending and have no intention of giving a **** probably a week after posting it. how many of the people who have posted about kony are still posting about similar atrocities that are still ongoing in africa? they've probably given that up in favor of going to back to posting dave matthews band lyrics and talking about their sweet loft and randomly misapplying citations from kerouak

99% of the people who use x tragedy to say "BUT Y IS HAPPENING IN Z AND YOU DON'T CARE DO YOU?" are so unfathomably full of **** that it's laughable to even discuss them
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04-19-2013 , 03:53 PM
Originally Posted by kidcolin
this. and frankly it's phony. stuff close to home is always going to impact people more than stuff halfway across the world. we're a local species. People who post crap like that aren't walking around heartbroken daily at the underfed and criminally abused in various pockets of the globe. It's impossible. You'd either eat a bullet or never get out of bed if you actually thought that way.

When I heard this news, I was heartbroken. I've actually worked at the finish line during the marathon before. I've had friends run and volunteer at the marathon. I know what it's like in boston and massachusetts on patriots day. it's one of the best days of the year.

Stepping back and thinking logically, this attack pales in comparison to 9/11, the OKC bombing, the Mumbai hotel attack, and various other attacks. But for at least a few hours, this filled me with sadness more than any of those, rightly or wrongly, and I suspect that's the case for 99.99% of all humans for tragedies near versus far.
The latter two paragraphs of the Greenwald post address this line of thinking.
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04-19-2013 , 03:55 PM
Originally Posted by StoppedRainingMen
there are those who have enough conviction that they fight the latter battles anyway who i have nothing but the utmost tremendous respect for. then there are those who just pay lipservice to those battles which is more or less the vast majority of them. look at kony for instance and the intolerable amount of people who thought they were activists just by liking a post or writing a status update just because it was the flavor of the month and had no intention to give a **** prior to seeing it was trending and have no intention of giving a **** probably a week after posting it

99% of the people who use x tragedy to say "BUT Y IS HAPPENING IN Z AND YOU DON'T CARE DO YOU?" are so unfathomably full of **** that it's laughable to even discuss them
But even lip service matters! People can vote with their voices and their votes. It's not Kony and that ****; I'm not talking about taking ownership of every crisis in the world. I'm talking about the much more modest, yet still completely beyond America right now, goal of the American citizenship taking ownership of America's actions and policies.

Think about, when the Iraq War was rapidly losing popularity and steam, the numbers that were being cited in the media. It was the troops dying that led every story, the number of US deaths climbing up one by one. The tens/hundreds of thousands of Iraqi civilians were literally an afterthought.

Last edited by Das Boot; 04-19-2013 at 04:00 PM.
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