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Sporting Events FAQ, Liveblog, and BANGERS Sporting Events FAQ, Liveblog, and BANGERS

05-27-2012 , 08:52 PM
Originally Posted by natediggity
Sporting Events FAQ, Liveblog, and BANGERS Quote
05-27-2012 , 08:59 PM
Originally Posted by natediggity
the Giants have a tendency to look like bozos but they whomped the Pack, the 49ers game was closer than it should have been, and they matched up perfectly, again, against the Pats. replay last years playoffs 10 times and they win the SB at least a few times.
Sporting Events FAQ, Liveblog, and BANGERS Quote
05-27-2012 , 08:59 PM
well IRM that's how I feel. sorry.
Sporting Events FAQ, Liveblog, and BANGERS Quote
05-27-2012 , 09:02 PM
Originally Posted by natediggity
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05-27-2012 , 09:04 PM
Originally Posted by natediggity
well IRM that's how I feel. sorry.
it's ok. i'm completely wrong on some things too
Sporting Events FAQ, Liveblog, and BANGERS Quote
05-27-2012 , 09:05 PM
Originally Posted by StoppedRainingMen
it's ok. i'm completely wrong on some things too
sweet. good to know.
Sporting Events FAQ, Liveblog, and BANGERS Quote
05-27-2012 , 09:20 PM
I really hope "Well XXXX that's how I feel, sorry" becomes a meme for NFL Gameday threads.
Sporting Events FAQ, Liveblog, and BANGERS Quote
05-28-2012 , 12:00 AM
look, yeota's here to suck eli's nuts again
Sporting Events FAQ, Liveblog, and BANGERS Quote
05-28-2012 , 12:20 AM
nice avatar
Sporting Events FAQ, Liveblog, and BANGERS Quote
05-28-2012 , 02:27 AM
Nice face
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05-28-2012 , 07:20 AM
Originally Posted by Zimmer4141
Have an NCAA Poker Room where you can cheat all you want, and the punishments are handed out to the guy that sits in your seat tomorrow.

some of these are very good

some people dont get this joke though
Sporting Events FAQ, Liveblog, and BANGERS Quote
05-28-2012 , 07:21 AM
Originally Posted by nath
just looked it up; Chicago and New York have done it, and L.A. counts if you give them Anaheim. That's it, ever.

Boston is the only one to have all four teams do it in such a short period of time. It's weirder to me to think that the Boston team that's gone longest without a title now is the Patriots.
Sporting Events FAQ, Liveblog, and BANGERS Quote
05-28-2012 , 09:34 AM
On my flight from London to Vegas I sat next to some PokerStars sponsored player named Liv. She was quite smart and engaging - very nice woman with great energy. Hopefully she does well in the WSOP.
Sporting Events FAQ, Liveblog, and BANGERS Quote
05-28-2012 , 10:00 AM
That's Liv Boeree, Clark. You forgot to mention that she's very hot.
Sporting Events FAQ, Liveblog, and BANGERS Quote
05-28-2012 , 10:54 AM
wonder how fast her panties woulda dropped if you mentioned you were a mod on 2p2!
Sporting Events FAQ, Liveblog, and BANGERS Quote
05-28-2012 , 12:51 PM
Originally Posted by ClarkNasty
On my flight from London to Vegas I sat next to some PokerStars sponsored player named Liv. She was quite smart and engaging - very nice woman with great energy. Hopefully she does well in the WSOP.
Originally Posted by nutshot2
That's Liv Boeree, Clark. You forgot to mention that she's very hot.
If you translate from old man speak into English, that's pretty much exactly what he said.
Sporting Events FAQ, Liveblog, and BANGERS Quote
05-28-2012 , 01:32 PM
i'd stake her if you catch my drift!
Sporting Events FAQ, Liveblog, and BANGERS Quote
05-28-2012 , 01:41 PM
yo haters


you guys still $ad?

Sporting Events FAQ, Liveblog, and BANGERS Quote
05-28-2012 , 01:56 PM
Originally Posted by yeotaJMU
nice avatar
Originally Posted by nutshot2
Nice under title
Sporting Events FAQ, Liveblog, and BANGERS Quote
05-29-2012 , 03:01 PM
Karak has sources.
Sporting Events FAQ, Liveblog, and BANGERS Quote
05-29-2012 , 06:52 PM
yeah man i thought i was gonna be using that full tilt money to lay on the beach this summer?
Sporting Events FAQ, Liveblog, and BANGERS Quote
05-29-2012 , 08:18 PM
hey i brainstormed a draft idea i thought might be cool..

get like 15-20 people. everyone gets a specific time of the day, every day to make their pick to ensure it doesn't start dragging.

basically the premise would be to pick something, anything (person place thing) that starts with a certain letter.

day #1 everyone would be picking something that starts with A, day 2 = B and so on.

could be the anaheim angels or an apple or acupuncture.

goal would be to have the sweetest alphabet.

tweeks probably needed, but sound like fun? writeups could be hilarious and the troll factor could be high and you could create 'themed' alphabets.

regular snake, so say on odd days you always draft at 4pm and on even days 9pm or something dunno how it would work out. but being that this is obviously the deepest draft in the history of drafts if you get skipped no biggie.

anyhow yeah, i think it would be fun. a couple sentences' worth of writeups could be hilarious.
Sporting Events FAQ, Liveblog, and BANGERS Quote
05-29-2012 , 08:31 PM
id go first and just pick "alphabet"

good luck making the rest of your selections without letters mother****ers
Sporting Events FAQ, Liveblog, and BANGERS Quote
05-29-2012 , 08:40 PM
Originally Posted by dkgojackets
id go first and just pick "alphabet"

good luck making the rest of your selections without letters mother****ers
Actually this would work out fine until somebody selects pictures.
Sporting Events FAQ, Liveblog, and BANGERS Quote
05-29-2012 , 08:47 PM
I'm pretty happy about Curt Schilling being broke
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