Originally Posted by Langerdang
Welbeck is a full England international and looks likely to be a starter from now on. He's rumoured to being offered £45k a week at United, he probably feels he's worth double that and could easily get it elsewhere.
I really don't know about this.
How many clubs have the financial means to pay him 90k/week?
And how many of those clubs wouldn't be able to afford to go after higher caliber players than Welbeck?
I mean lets just throw out an example. If Chelsea would be willing to pay 90k/wk to Welbeck why wouldn't they also be willing to go all over the continent and S. America to pay players 90-130k/wk that are significantly better (Cavani level players)
Are there many mid level teams in the EPL that would blow their brains out for him? Newcastle has a totally different philosophy now, AVB is going to go fishing in the Portugese/S. American player pools, Arsenal would rather just develop their own Welbeck, etc.
There's a reason United feels they can play hardball here.