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02-25-2018 , 07:17 PM
The guy who plays Varys in GoT would be a good Kevin Koe if he lost some weight
02-25-2018 , 07:51 PM
Koe should have to play himself to relive the shame
02-25-2018 , 08:59 PM
Missed the NBC "Olympic Gold" episode portion about Shusstah. Anybody catch It? Worth watching?
02-25-2018 , 10:08 PM
Originally Posted by HUstylez
yea exactly, it was an amazing cinderella story and im really happy for them
I'd like to also give a shout out to the bronze-medal-winning Japanese women's team, which was quite a Cinderella story in its own right.
02-25-2018 , 10:20 PM
The movie of course will feature British and Australian actors who speak with perfect northern U.S. accents.
02-26-2018 , 12:19 AM
Originally Posted by gregorio
Looks like their Canadian coach finally taught them how to choke
wp sir
02-26-2018 , 12:24 AM
Originally Posted by WichitaDM
Went curling yesterday for the first time at this learn to curl class. Actually had it booked prior to the Olympics with my brother in law but having it happen the day after gold was something special. There were over 60 people at this class on a Saturday night in a city of 1.3m or so. People were jacked up about curling and the demographics were all over the place.

Curling is incredibly hard. Basically not falling is hard, getting the speed right is nearly impossible and sweeping your ass off is incredibly tiring. I landed one whole rock in play in 4 throws. (We played 4 ends with 8 to a team so one toss each) We were so bad there was basically no strategy besides try and get the weight right. I guess my point is the skill level of these guys especially under pressure is insane. Getting the weight, curl and direction perfect like they seemingly do on every shot is incredible. They make it look fairly effortless when it is anything but.
I really want to try as well. I am surprised you said hitting the house was hard. Was hoping that part didn't seem tough. I imagine sweeping and not falling, both individually tough is super brutal combined.
02-26-2018 , 12:58 AM
Originally Posted by ntanygd760
I really want to try as well. I am surprised you said hitting the house was hard. Was hoping that part didn't seem tough. I imagine sweeping and not falling, both individually tough is super brutal combined.
It's very easy to both overshoot and way undershoot the house. It takes quite a while just to figure out how your launch speed correlates to stone weight, and then an additional while to adjust that weight to hit locations consistently.
02-26-2018 , 02:15 AM
Giving the entire match a re watch starting now. It is never leaving my DVR., glad I recorded while watching live.
02-26-2018 , 03:10 AM
Great picture or greatest picture?

02-26-2018 , 11:57 AM
02-26-2018 , 02:18 PM
Delta has denied the Shustahhhh an upgrade.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
02-26-2018 , 02:21 PM
Delta needs a new PR person
02-26-2018 , 03:47 PM
But someone else came through in the clutch in a Shustahhhhhh-esque fashion.

Still hung my boy LANDSTEINER out to dry though, so I'm still boycotting Delta, and I urge you to do the same.
02-26-2018 , 03:50 PM
I'm also boycotting Google, Bing for life

02-26-2018 , 04:24 PM
Originally Posted by ntanygd760
I really want to try as well. I am surprised you said hitting the house was hard. Was hoping that part didn't seem tough. I imagine sweeping and not falling, both individually tough is super brutal combined.
Sweeping without falling was actually fairly easy compared to the rest of it. The ice is pebbled and so not as close to as slippery as the ice on a normal ice rink. We were also wearing one gripper shoe cover thing that helped with traction. I actually surprisingly found the sweeping to be the most enjoyable part in some bizarre way. You got to control the shot some and you also could tell that it was making a difference. Yes it was tiring. People had no idea what they were doing though and so pretty much the sweepers were left to decide whether or not to sweep which I imagine isn't true as you move past novice.

The hardest part by far was keeping your balance as you slid/released the rock, coupled with as I previously mentioned getting the weight right. I was long on all of the shots I missed the weight on and I think it was mostly because you don't feel like by just releasing it that it will get there so you try and shove it a bit right at the end.

My wife and I joined a beginners curling league that starts in a couple weeks. Would be happy to provide updates on how fast the improvement happens if anyone is interested.

The coaches were drinking copious amounts of beer as they taught us. I am curious if this occurs during the leagues themselves? I am guessing the answer to that is yes but I will probably ask before I just roll up with a cooler or case of beer like these guys had.
02-26-2018 , 04:40 PM
Originally Posted by WichitaDM
Sweeping without falling was actually fairly easy compared to the rest of it. The ice is pebbled and so not as close to as slippery as the ice on a normal ice rink. We were also wearing one gripper shoe cover thing that helped with traction. I actually surprisingly found the sweeping to be the most enjoyable part in some bizarre way. You got to control the shot some and you also could tell that it was making a difference. Yes it was tiring. People had no idea what they were doing though and so pretty much the sweepers were left to decide whether or not to sweep which I imagine isn't true as you move past novice.

The hardest part by far was keeping your balance as you slid/released the rock, coupled with as I previously mentioned getting the weight right. I was long on all of the shots I missed the weight on and I think it was mostly because you don't feel like by just releasing it that it will get there so you try and shove it a bit right at the end.

My wife and I joined a beginners curling league that starts in a couple weeks. Would be happy to provide updates on how fast the improvement happens if anyone is interested.

The coaches were drinking copious amounts of beer as they taught us. I am curious if this occurs during the leagues themselves? I am guessing the answer to that is yes but I will probably ask before I just roll up with a cooler or case of beer like these guys had.
Bowlers wish they drank as much as curlers do.

It's the original drink and play sport. There is a tradition called "broomstacking." It's customary after each game to get together in the lounge, and drink, and talk for a while. Back in the old days people would literally stack their brooms in front of a fire and sit around and drink and talk. The tradition continues today. I'm curious if that carries over into international play or not.

Note: it's not great to go out on the ice drunk, but tying one on afterward is pretty normal from my limited experience.
02-26-2018 , 04:43 PM
Originally Posted by WichitaDM
My wife and I joined a beginners curling league that starts in a couple weeks. Would be happy to provide updates on how fast the improvement happens if anyone is interested.
Yeah, please do! That sounds fun.
02-26-2018 , 04:50 PM
It is customary after every curling game for the winners to buy the losers a drink of their choice, the losers then offer the winners the 2nd round.
02-26-2018 , 07:16 PM
Pro move would be for Delta to arrange private charter to send the boys home
02-26-2018 , 07:25 PM
I never had any interest in boycotting United after that doctor was dragged off the flight. I'm pretty stoked on that cuz if I did I'd be running out of airlines now that I have to boycott Delta.

Props to the dude who switched his first class seat for shuster's so he could get wasted with the rest of the team in the main cabin

Last edited by stinkypete; 02-26-2018 at 07:32 PM.
02-26-2018 , 07:43 PM
Originally Posted by Dudd
I'm also boycotting Google, Bing for life

so awful. **** google
02-26-2018 , 09:24 PM
Originally Posted by stinkypete
Without the spin it acts unpredictably like a knuckleball
Even if a stone went 99% straight w/ no spin it would still be better to throw with a curve, because it is easier to alter direction of a curving stone than one going straight. Also, the frequent cases where curved paths are necessary to get around guards.
02-26-2018 , 10:33 PM
02-26-2018 , 11:47 PM
Saw an article on CNN about the 11 best moments from these Olympics. Shustaaaahhhh was
not on the list
