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05-23-2016 , 07:43 PM
Not at all. I shouldn't have to deduce wtf you're talking about when you're the one doing the talking and I'm an ostensibly clueless listener. Particularly when you're asserting that the Thing I Should Know is laughably obvious
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05-23-2016 , 07:49 PM
Originally Posted by CPHoya
what you really mean is Bran is not ready to be the three-eyed Raven, but now he is the three-eyed rave anyway, right?
I think it's like Luke leaving Dagobah early. he wasn't ready, per Yoda, but you know he went and figured it out anyways

Originally Posted by CPHoya
there wasn't some like particle-beam power-up or something. He's just honing his powers and now he's on his own, like Arya will soon be. I hope, anyway.

I actually think there was a particle-beam power-up of knowledge transfer. second hand, that's what the writers are saying. Raven downloaded his knowldge to Bran
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05-23-2016 , 07:50 PM
Originally Posted by Fallen Hero
not liking hold the door = hodor is some OOTV level hipsterism
agree. it's cool. really cool
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05-23-2016 , 07:51 PM
hold the door is great

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05-23-2016 , 07:52 PM
the dany stuff with jorah was obv cringeworthy, but it always is. I... ORDER YOU... TO FIND A CURE!

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05-23-2016 , 07:52 PM
Fake Sansa was not the dressing room girl. Stage Sansa had Gummy Lifesaver nips.

Dressing room girl is lovely but she's not even playing the same ****ing sport as Dadderio or Ms. Sobotka.

I am looking forward to the Shabbas Priestess unveiling those cans.
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05-23-2016 , 07:53 PM
Originally Posted by clowntable

Also think Varys was a bit out of character in that red lady scene. Will be interesting in the episodes to come. I think that was the best scene of the episode.

Agreed on plstobekeeping time travel away as much as possible.

(like the show overall if that's not clear just enjoy nagging about stupid stuff every now and then)
Varys scene was totally in character. he hates religion and followers of the Lord of Light bc that's who cut off his balls and left him for dead when he was a child
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05-23-2016 , 07:54 PM
If we're talking about Bran then the answer is magic. Hopefully him "changing" the past is just a one time thing.

Kind of reminds me of BSG where in an early episode Baltar was like "it's god." Then people got mad when it turned out to be god.
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05-23-2016 , 08:02 PM
Originally Posted by clowntable
Yes but the more pressing question is if you can influence stuff in the past by warging into people why not avoid being crippled and warg in to kill/out the incest couple?
More bluntly, Bran Stark's actions follow Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure time travel rules (stable time loops are possible), but not Back to the Future time travel rules (in which outright changing the timeline is possible).
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05-23-2016 , 08:47 PM
Originally Posted by Rei Ayanami
The numerous tableaux with commoners in rundown-looking villages would have appealed to me as a kid -- omg medieval stuff! -- but nowadays I just think of how badly all of those people would smell. On a related note, Jorah is in urgent need not of a cure, but of a bath.
I had this thought too. Maybe Dorne is the only place that would smell OK in this world. That giant Dothraki camp must be a hideous melange of horse manure, hot offensive animal and human BO and skin infections, and rape sex musk. I didn't see much water there to clean anything.

Like what's the toilet situation on the Iron Islands? Drop trough and blow stool wherever and find a rough sea rock or fistful of wharf algae to wipe with? Then pull back on your perma-damp thick seal fur outfit, like giving yourself a constant rotten animal dutch oven. I don't even know if boiling their clothing would remove the smells accumulated in their outfits.

And King's Landing? It looks like 95% of the residents are dirt poor and ravaged with bowel disease. They probably just bend over and shoot staccato bloodfarts into those streams of liquid refuse running parallel to every road. Then, you die from a hookworm infection. I'm wearing SHOES in Westeros.
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05-23-2016 , 08:55 PM
best not to think about it really
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05-23-2016 , 08:58 PM
They also had two giant dragons penned up in captivity. I highly doubt anyone was heading in there to clean up.
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05-23-2016 , 11:02 PM
Bran still has that dumb mark on him doesn't he? So even if they do somehow manage to get away they'll know where he is
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05-23-2016 , 11:05 PM
Originally Posted by bazooka87
Bran still has that dumb mark on him doesn't he? So even if they do somehow manage to get away they'll know where he is
But he has that 50 foot head start!
SETV >>>> OOTV: WOAT >>>> GOT Quote
05-23-2016 , 11:11 PM
Originally Posted by bazooka87
Bran still has that dumb mark on him doesn't he? So even if they do somehow manage to get away they'll know where he is
I doubt the mark is a gps signal, he just knew where he was when he touched him
SETV >>>> OOTV: WOAT >>>> GOT Quote
05-23-2016 , 11:22 PM
WESTEROS being a shoe place is my favorite post in a while
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05-24-2016 , 01:50 AM
Good Lord has there been some elite level posting itt.

I'm also confused about the 'Bran changed the past!' stuff. Hodor has been saying nothing but "HODOR" since that HODE DA DOOER seizure - Bran just witnessed it. We obviously can confirm that the event as depicted happened because we know the result, unless this is some Berenstain Bears conspiracy ****.
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05-24-2016 , 05:29 AM
Iron islanders are much more about acting swarthy than having fun. I think the iron islands are supposed to have a decent population. Didn't we see a decent size town in one of the earlier seasons when theon returned and yaara grabbed his cock? Think we can assume there are similar settlements on the other islands. Also I assume the guys at the debate/coronation are just the high ranking captains. Obviously still no way they have the resources to build 1000 ships at the drop of a hat without some serious raiding but at least they're doing something now.

After some research I think I can say that daddario > fake sansa >> proctor in mammary rankings. Proctor's are nice and all but they're nearly as overrated as carcetti around here.
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05-24-2016 , 09:15 AM
it seems like a deus ex mark on Bran

maybe it gets explained or comes back, I'm guessing not though
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05-24-2016 , 09:58 AM
Refugee Iron Islanders now on Team Sansa?
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05-24-2016 , 10:26 AM
Where's all the blackwalkers?
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05-24-2016 , 11:22 AM
Originally Posted by O.A.F.K.1.1
Refugee Iron Islanders now on Team Sansa?
Either that or they'll try to get to Dany before Euron does. Maybe they all die in a hurricane next ep.
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05-24-2016 , 11:46 AM
Osis you are a goddamned genius.
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05-24-2016 , 12:05 PM
Walk of shame definitely unsanitary
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05-24-2016 , 02:25 PM
Originally Posted by Noze
They also had two giant dragons penned up in captivity. I highly doubt anyone was heading in there to clean up.
Maybe dragons don't poop but recycle the **** by burning it in the face of their ennemies

Do we have the actress name of fake Sansa ?
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