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SE Player Haters Ball SE Player Haters Ball

07-15-2012 , 12:21 AM

why are you alive? seriously? why can't you ****ing die? people die every day. good people, bad people, famous people, unknown people, men, women, children, the elderly

but here you are. and really, that's a shame to me

the worst thing about the giants winning the world series is you were managing it. now, not only are you basically the manager for as long as you want to be, but everyone thinks you're some kind of genius even though you've never been anything but a disaster up to that point except that one season that dead roider MVP took you the world series (where you got swept, you ****ing imbecile) and were perpetually about to be fired. and the worst thing about everyone thinking you're a genius is now you think you're a genius. you think you're some savant who understands matchups better than anyone who's existed, past present and future and you play inferior people in inferior positions continuously because OMG THE MATCHUP DICTATES! ryan theriot bats 2nd. angel pagan bats 6th. santiago casilla closes. you hit aaron rowand leadoff for 80 games. you refused to ever play posey until you didn't have a choice. you refused to ever play belt until huff got hurt celebrating a perfect game. your best pitcher in the bullpen is used for 1 out every 4 games. you played aubrey huff at 2nd base. you used matt herges as a closer. you used dustin hermanson as a closer.

i ****ing hate you. i've always hated you. i hated you when you were the manager of the padres with your gay ass mustache, i hated you when you were first hired by the giants and you shaved your gay ass mustache to reveal the rest of your gay ass face, and i've hated for 5 and a half years since.

this is every final destination death ever. pick one that best suits you so i never have to see your face again
SE Player Haters Ball Quote
07-15-2012 , 05:29 PM
Bochy also has a near NashHead.
SE Player Haters Ball Quote
07-15-2012 , 06:26 PM
fml, I just spent 12 minutes watching that video. Baseball managers are you ******s ftmp
SE Player Haters Ball Quote
07-15-2012 , 07:37 PM
Originally Posted by ShimmyBasis
this is awesome
SE Player Haters Ball Quote
08-09-2012 , 10:56 PM
Every single player, coach, executive and affiliate of this absolute farce of a league you call the

in a world where have fifa, and various sports that have been actively fixed, somehow, SOMEHOW the nba is the single most corrupt and broken entity in modern sports

24 minor league teams exist solely to feed 6 major markets because these spoiled pieces of **** athletes openly refuse to play anyhwere else. nobody plays to win in the nba. winning's just an unintended side effect. people play so they can have a nightlife that involves impregnating enough women to make up the population of rhode island in a single night. i look forward to your bankruptcies because you can't afford to pay your child support you ****ing dumbasses. condoms or pulling out. somehow you're awful at both. but you can throw a ball in a hoop from 30 feet away! in no other american sport do you have this complete and total farce

dwight howard you mother****ing scumbag. at least when lebron did his decision song and dance people were able to say "well hey! he raised money for kids!" you, you ****ing cancer, you take money away from kids because "oh my back hurts!" instead of going to your own ****ing camp you send some irrelevant piece of **** draft pick so you can mug in LA. in fact, you and LA deserve each other

the only place in all of the world i would rather see nuked instead of happy valley is that sodom known as los angeles. you fake mother****ers. jack nicholson? you heinously ugly ****ing has been mummy ghoul. ****ing die already so i don't have to turn on espn for the 70th straight game of watching your perpetual joker-looking face on the baseline for another game you don't give a flying ****. you and your entire ill-gotten fanbase are a collection of phonies who are more interested in games because it's the vogue thing to do more than because you're actually fans

like that mother****er rainn wilson. kings win a stanley cup? yea cool let's have a bandwagon of fake ass celebrities from your fake ass town celebrate your fake ass franchise winning a trophy that makes me glad hockey is a third world sport in this country.

and now you *******s have a franchise player who i hope to god drinks a gallon of vitamin water laced with rat poison. dwight howard deserves nothing in this life except pain suffering and death. **** him and **** you too you worthless piece of **** scum city. if there's any justice in this world magic johnson hosts a pool party with every laker and pricks himself in the pool where everyone gets aids and dies within a month and a half

also **** you magic johnson. you god damned failure. you can't do commentary without sounding like a braindead mongoloid. you can't do tv shows without them getting cancelled. you can't even go through your every day life without catching ****ing aids

god **** all of you
SE Player Haters Ball Quote
08-09-2012 , 11:01 PM
i approve of that post
SE Player Haters Ball Quote
08-09-2012 , 11:06 PM
Originally Posted by StoppedRainingMen
Every single player, coach, executive and affiliate of this absolute farce of a league you call the

24 minor league teams exist solely to feed 6 major markets because these spoiled pieces of **** athletes openly refuse to play anyhwere else.

Never realized how much i loved parity.
SE Player Haters Ball Quote
08-09-2012 , 11:07 PM
u mad
SE Player Haters Ball Quote
08-09-2012 , 11:08 PM
SE Player Haters Ball Quote
08-09-2012 , 11:09 PM
Originally Posted by Pleasure
No, No **** YOU. how the **** can you hate on an entire organization? how ****ing dumb to you have to be to go take on a city that BUILT THE WEST COAST. You want corrupt? check your ****ing MLB where everyone is roiding up and ****ing smashing hr hitters letting Clemens and bonds ****ing walk. go watch hockey where nobody gives a **** about anyone and whom ESPN would rather AIR NASCAR then that pathetic of a sport.

NBA is where the **** its at. its got $$, talent, ACTUAL ATHLETES and its a star driven league. A league for th young and old. Beutiful or ugly. it doesn't matter. NBA is a entertainment and a professional entity that far surpasses any organization out there. You might be into baseball and watch teams liek the PIT ****ing Pirates put a thumb under their ass and ****ing hoard all the ****ing money while their stupid fans get excited every season and are wishing to go ****ing .500.

LOOOL nobody wants to play in teh NBA, yeah tons of guys overseas are chomping at the bit to even crack a ****ing practice squad bro. NAB is where not only the best BASKETBALL players come to play. but where som of the BEST ****ING ATHLETES play in.

I could go on and on at your pathetic nonsensical erroneous post but I will stop while im ahead.u mad that the NBA is top heavy. no you mad that nobody can ****ing GM their way out of a wet paper bag and guys like RC BUFORD and LA soulcrush their opposition and just soul wreck teams. instead of going off wasting your time hating on the NBA, you need to be hating at the **** people behind the decision desk.

and yeah Magic Johnson is the ****ing nut low of broadcasting. **** him, if I want to wait and watch someone take 30mins to get a simple point across. I know where to watch that bull**** at. espn.
Shut the **** up
SE Player Haters Ball Quote
08-09-2012 , 11:12 PM
yo, this is the playa haters ball thread, hate is to be embraced and celebrated here

good work SRM
SE Player Haters Ball Quote
08-09-2012 , 11:12 PM
I am very aroused
SE Player Haters Ball Quote
08-09-2012 , 11:12 PM
8/9/12 will forever be known as the day it stoppedrainingmen and startedrainingtruth
SE Player Haters Ball Quote
08-09-2012 , 11:17 PM
looks like jetto is back and furious

no real proof but i would bet everything on it
SE Player Haters Ball Quote
08-09-2012 , 11:22 PM
Dearest NBA:

Firstly I'd like to say thank you for your time. I know you're quite busy preparing a season that few have the ability for which to care. I also understand you care little of my opinion. I'm a 28 year old white male and I'm obviously not in your target demographic. I guess I've known this was coming since 2004. I just don't think either one of us wanted to admit it. That said, I'm leaving you. And I feel it's only fair that I tell you why.

Your policies of rewarding tanking teams is what pushed this over the edge for me. Why on earth should I be forced to be angry at the Pacers, one of my top childhood devotions along with the Super Nintendo and pudding pops, for not losing enough games to get a realistic mathematic chance at winning the lottery. Your system has been broken since they changed it. And now that they've managed to build a decent team they have no shot at winning anything BECAUSE THE STARS DON'T CARE ABOUT PLAYING ANYWHERE BUT 5 ****ING PLACES AND CAN FORCE THEIR WAY OUT OF ANYPLACE ELSE WITHOUT RETRIBUTION.

Your one and done policy is killing college basketball. I can't imagine UK fans actually being able to like that championship "team" Cal and Worldwide Wes threw out there this year. And I can't imagine they will like any of their teams in the near future. You, NBA, need to ditch that rule and let the kids join the league whenever they are capable of being selected and retained by a franchise in your league. It's unbelievably stupid to whore these kids out to a University for one semester (they don't have to go to class second semester) or force them to go to Europe to play for a year. Either make the minimum age 21 or axe it altogether.

I can't stand how your players on the court don't constantly try. I hate how the players don't really care to play hard against one another. Instead they're hugging before and after the games. There are no longer rivalries that persist from year to year. I agree that the Heat/Knicks "rivalry" was downright painful to watch, but if the officiating had been better I bet the quality of play would have excelled as well.

Speaking of officiating you absolutely need to fire every official that is in service past the age of 50. There are ages we all must retire from our profession. Expecting 50 year old men to keep up with Lebron and Durant is absolutely stupid. Also, you need to revamp your training and evaluation system. Referees that cater to stars, call a game inconsistently, or are even suspected of fixing games should be fired immediately. Get some folks out there who take some pride in their job. And pay them a decent wage so they will keep improving for their own sake.

The final straw is the luxury tax, NBA. You have welcomed your first foreign billionaire owner who will care nothing for the luxury tax. These owners (it's naive to think more aren't on their way) will begin to outspend the others and turn the league into something resembling the English Premiership. Small market teams will have no chance to compete until purchased by another billionaire. You absolutely need to hard cap the league in your next set of negotiations.

In short, thanks for making your league an unwatchable AIDSfest of Americana. **** you, Stern. **** you, owners.
SE Player Haters Ball Quote
08-09-2012 , 11:25 PM
SE Player Haters Ball Quote
08-10-2012 , 12:03 AM

SE Player Haters Ball Quote
08-10-2012 , 12:45 AM
Originally Posted by loosekanen
Your one and done policy is killing college basketball. I can't imagine UK fans actually being able to like that championship "team" Cal and Worldwide Wes threw out there this year. And I can't imagine they will like any of their teams in the near future.
point of order, as a UK alum I really loved that team. They gave us this:

u mad, we're used to it by now

hate hate hate
SE Player Haters Ball Quote
09-06-2012 , 10:32 AM

I hope you are rotting in hell right this second you soulless ****. You were a greedy, dumb, lucky-ass piece of ****. You ripped off anyone and everyone possible for decades, including and most especially the city of Cleveland, which supported your team and gave you a free stadium. Your dumb ass managed it horribly and sold off all cash flows to finance your extravagant lifestyle, so you moved the team to Baltimore. **** you, **** you, **** you. **** YOU.

And **** the sports media for not calling you out for being the piece of **** that you were.
SE Player Haters Ball Quote
09-06-2012 , 10:49 AM
this thread
SE Player Haters Ball Quote
09-06-2012 , 10:52 AM
4 hours after death hate is one of the strongest kinds of hate.
SE Player Haters Ball Quote
09-06-2012 , 11:20 AM
was wondering if modell was gonna be the subject when i saw this thread was bumped

SE Player Haters Ball Quote
09-06-2012 , 03:07 PM
To Mr. Modell:

May a constant stream of Cleveland borne piss forever dampen your wretched, maggot-gnawed corpse. Burn in hell, you reprehensible leech.
SE Player Haters Ball Quote
09-06-2012 , 03:43 PM
Don't see why everyone in Cleveland is so upset, you've got a football team after all
SE Player Haters Ball Quote
09-06-2012 , 03:45 PM
Originally Posted by Riverman

I hope you are rotting in hell right this second you soulless ****. You were a greedy, dumb, lucky-ass piece of ****. You ripped off anyone and everyone possible for decades, including and most especially the city of Cleveland, which supported your team and gave you a free stadium. Your dumb ass managed it horribly and sold off all cash flows to finance your extravagant lifestyle, so you moved the team to Baltimore. **** you, **** you, **** you. **** YOU.

And **** the sports media for not calling you out for being the piece of **** that you were.
SE Player Haters Ball Quote
