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05-20-2024 , 11:43 PM
literally exactly what I thought when I read it. and posted in the thread!

bc again, he has done the same thing every few weeks for months now. so much that Wapo even nailed his team on it in Dec and they were like oh ya well he didnt mean it.

I am kinda buying into the conspiracy theory that he just got shown some AI image where the hand has like 8 fingers meshed into a kerosene bottle and he cant tell the pixels or whatever.
SE Hoya Containment Thread (aka Politics) Quote
05-21-2024 , 12:01 AM
think it's most likely that he's just an ******* who wants to do zionist propaganda and knows he can get away with it because the lib msm will just make excuses for his lies. they run his lies as the headline, and the correction that he just pulled a bunch of **** out of his ass on page 893457789. exact same deal as trump
SE Hoya Containment Thread (aka Politics) Quote
05-21-2024 , 04:33 PM
lol victor got banned for nothing, now that forum is entirely mentally-ill nazis*. normal world

* - containment is literally its only value
SE Hoya Containment Thread (aka Politics) Quote
05-21-2024 , 05:24 PM

Dude is the reason why I post here

He was like hey 50 bucks to whoever ids this player and I was like Spudd Webb and he shipped me 50.
SE Hoya Containment Thread (aka Politics) Quote
05-21-2024 , 05:45 PM

ONE IN 5 Democrats and independents in Wisconsin, Arizona, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Minnesota say that President Joe Biden’s handling of the war in Gaza is making it less likely that they will vote for him in November, according to a new poll released on Tuesday. Two in 5 of those same respondents said an immediate and permanent ceasefire and conditioning of aid to Israel would make them more likely to vote for him.

[...] Around three-quarters of respondents identified as Biden supporters, while one-quarter said they supported either Donald Trump or a third party or write-in candidate. According to the poll, coming just about five months before the general election, some 30-40 percent of non-Biden voters in each battleground state said a ceasefire and conditioning of aid would make them more likely to vote for the incumbent.

In each of the five states, some three-quarters of respondents support an immediate and permanent ceasefire. The number was highest notably in Pennsylvania, home to Democratic Sen. John Fetterman, who has been one of Israel’s most vocal supporters in Congress. Almost 83 percent of respondents from Pennsylvania said they supported a ceasefire, and 24.2 percent said they were less likely to vote for Biden given his current handling of the war on Gaza. The state as well was host to the highest share of voters who said a ceasefire and conditioning of aid would make them more likely to vote for Biden: 48.2 percent.

“Pennsylvanians, like folks across the country, are horrified by the continued violence being perpetrated by the Israeli government in Gaza and the West Bank, and want to see their leaders fight back against having our taxpayers dollars fund more death and destruction,” said Rep. Summer Lee, D-Pa., who recently won a primary election despite facing a well-funded challenge over her criticism of Israel. “We must listen to them.”

In 2020, Biden won several of the aforementioned battleground states by extremely narrow margins: 11,779 votes in Georgia; 10,457 in Arizona; and 20,682 in Wisconsin. Primary voters in several of the polled states have voted “uncommitted” (or an analogous option) in protest of Biden’s handling of the war: in Minnesota, 18.9 percent of voters chose to do so; in Michigan, 13.21 percent.

The president has little room for error in his rematch against Trump, though he has continued to struggle in the polls, hindered by weakening support among young and nonwhite voters reacting to both the economy and Gaza.

Recent polls from the New York Times and Siena College found the president trailing in several battleground states — including Pennsylvania, Arizona, and Michigan, as well as Georgia and Nevada.

[...] In all five states polled, respondents had net-positive support for conditioning aid to Israel — with roughly 55 to 66 percent of voters in support, compared to some 15 to 20 percent against. Meanwhile, each state also had net-positive support for the wave of student Gaza solidarity encampments that have swept campuses across the country — with roughly 50 percent of respondents in support, compared to roughly 30 percent opposed.

[...] Biden has shown little interest in materially ending his support for Israel’s war or confronting Israel’s right-wing government even while it accepts billions of U.S. public dollars. While Biden admitted that Israel has used American weapons to kill Palestinian civilians [...] Indeed, just days after the State Department released a long-awaited report that essentially let Israel off the hook for “likely” violating international law using U.S.-supplied weapons, the Biden administration announced that it would advance another $1 billion of weapons to Israel.

kool pole and stuff but genoicide joe would way rather lose than ever stop genociding brown ppl
SE Hoya Containment Thread (aka Politics) Quote
05-21-2024 , 06:54 PM
Originally Posted by Chilltown
Free our boy, he ain't do nothing
SE Hoya Containment Thread (aka Politics) Quote
05-21-2024 , 07:02 PM
There have been so many opportunities for Kennedy. Gaza is just one, but its a big one. If he woulda been strong calling for peace, for a cease fire he woulda been a real candidate. I mean when he first jumped in he said some interesting things like getting wall street out of housing market, but then nothing... just nothing of any substance. JFK woulda had a vision and been inspiring people. I don't like Biden or Trump and….. RFK is just a disappointing.
SE Hoya Containment Thread (aka Politics) Quote
05-21-2024 , 07:09 PM
Lol RFK isn't a real candidate. He's funded by GOP mega-donors in order to hopefully funnel votes away from Biden back when the assumption was "Well, obviously people will pick Biden, but maybe a less-old option with a familiar name would hurt him??".

Bobby Brainworms is just hanging on out of self-interest and because eh, it beats workin'

Edit: Jesus, as if I would've needed proof, Bobby is an ape LOLOLOLOLOL (He's obv just grifting, but still)

SE Hoya Containment Thread (aka Politics) Quote
05-21-2024 , 07:26 PM

hey check out this soulless demon sack of ****
SE Hoya Containment Thread (aka Politics) Quote
05-22-2024 , 02:34 AM
Free Victor! I want him online and very much so!
SE Hoya Containment Thread (aka Politics) Quote
05-24-2024 , 02:15 PM

brandon would literally rather build a pier to nowhere than give americans healthcare, or anything else
SE Hoya Containment Thread (aka Politics) Quote
05-24-2024 , 04:56 PM
Did Vic get perma’d? Absurd if so
SE Hoya Containment Thread (aka Politics) Quote
05-24-2024 , 05:21 PM
nah, he got a month because the nazi mods* over in the bad place hate him. still quite ridiculous, considering everyone else gets something between an honour system temp ban and a 1-day actual ban afaict**

* - crossnerd seems cool so far
** - this post is satire
SE Hoya Containment Thread (aka Politics) Quote
05-24-2024 , 05:33 PM

brandon now gonna say that actually he doesn't care about the rules-based international order, or his previous statements about wanting a ceasefire, or that invading rafah is a red line, etc etc etc. usa#1's rules-based intl order = they and israel can genocide who they want

perhaps they should have planned ahead about this whole thing say back in october...
SE Hoya Containment Thread (aka Politics) Quote
05-27-2024 , 03:25 PM
alledgedly in response to a supposed hamas attack (reports say 8 rockets were fired, intercepted, and no damage was caused):

Originally Posted by axios

Israeli airstrike kills dozens in Rafah tent camp

This is the deadliest incident in Rafah since Israel began its offensive in the city in early May. It took place just days after the International Court of Justice ordered Israel to immediately halt military operations in Rafah.
and attacking rafah was a genocide joe "red line" as of a couple weeks ago, which is now gone as israel crossed it. like all the others. there are no red lines, israel can do whatever they want

reports suggest that they targeted 10 displacement centers (refugee camps), in a "safe" zone that they told people to go to. this has happened many times since october. the message is clear; nowhere is safe

and remember how genocide joe was trying to act like he was doing something while not actually doing anything, so he did the absolute least by *temporarily delaying* a shipment of those 2000-lb american bombs that israel didn't need right now anyway, because they're generally used to level city blocks and israel was planning to invade (and it's unlikely that their stocks were depleted to begin with)? remember those? anyway reports say that israel dropped a bunch of those 2000-lb american bombs on war refugees in tents sheltering near a unrwa facility. israel also says that some hamas leaders were there and that's who they were targeting (they always say that), but regardless it's a war crime to target individuals with these kind of massive weapons in a such crowded area. but it's obviously all bullshit anyway, it's clearly a psychotic act of revenge intended to kill as many people as possible. why not? genocide joe has granted them total impunity


Knesset to hold preliminary vote designating The United Nations Relief and Works Agency a terror organization

“Without a shadow of a doubt, the UNRWA agency proved on October 7 that it is a terrorist organization that is no different from the terrorist organization Hamas."
almost certainly no basis in reality, but rather retaliation for the actions of the icc & icj, and un as a whole etc for doing aid work, which they also oppose as they're trying to starve the gaza strip. anyway genocide joe will continue doing nothing but offer his full and unqualified support to israel's genocide. he likes it, thinks they're doing a great job. and actually it seems like brandon's next move will be to help them go after the icc & icj with sanctions and stuff, good times. #vbnmw #lesserevilismftw
SE Hoya Containment Thread (aka Politics) Quote
05-27-2024 , 03:34 PM
Well at least nutty yahoo is really really sorry about it
SE Hoya Containment Thread (aka Politics) Quote
05-27-2024 , 03:42 PM
yeah i'm sure he's absolutely beside himself, like with all the whoopsies that "accidentally" killed a bunch of civilians
SE Hoya Containment Thread (aka Politics) Quote
05-27-2024 , 08:03 PM
Biden needs to stop the funding because THAT'S WHAT YOUR BASE WANTS.

So annoying when politicians will throw away the future by abiding to their outdated beliefs.


But the Trump verdict might be in this week and that's exciting.

I'm predicting hung jury. There's gotta be 1 Trump 4 Lifer juror who thinks he's saving America by ignoring all the evidence against Trump.
SE Hoya Containment Thread (aka Politics) Quote
05-27-2024 , 08:13 PM
lol genocide joe don't give a **** what the base wants

anyway, here's 90 minutes of yup:
(i assume, i'm only 20 minutes in rn)

SE Hoya Containment Thread (aka Politics) Quote
05-27-2024 , 08:18 PM
Predicting a hung jury cuz there will be at least one person who is scared to ****ing death of being made and having to spend their life getting threats daily from these lunatics

And I can’t even say I blame them. They didn’t sign up for that
SE Hoya Containment Thread (aka Politics) Quote
05-27-2024 , 09:37 PM
Originally Posted by Chilltown
There's gotta be 1 Trump 4 Lifer juror who thinks he's saving America by ignoring all the evidence against Trump.
i would assume so, yes. more than 1, actually

Originally Posted by 72off
(i assume, i'm only 20 minutes in rn)
ok got to the end where he was talking about the intl reaction and apparently italy criticized israel for the first time in this entire thing over this atrocity. i saw the macron one earlier, which yeah is wild considering he doesn't seem to care about anything as much as hating muslims. and even useless wet sock probably-future-uk-pm keir daily starmer said "stop". and turkey. and also germany? who haven't done anything besides arresting jews for protesting israel throughout. seems like a sea change, hopefully it continues. of course it pales in comparison to shithead joe brandon doing anything, which he probably won't. have they said anything in the last few days? if so, i haven't seen it

Last edited by 72off; 05-27-2024 at 09:53 PM.
SE Hoya Containment Thread (aka Politics) Quote
05-28-2024 , 01:06 AM
damn vini's boy secular kyle has 1.2m subs on yt, who knew

anyway, hot fire from rashida lfg
SE Hoya Containment Thread (aka Politics) Quote
05-28-2024 , 01:19 PM
Originally Posted by StoppedRainingMen
Well at least nutty yahoo is really really sorry about it
oops he did it again. must feel really really really really sorry now about yet another "tragic accident"

tanks into rafah, israel popping off at egypt ... has the white said literally anything in the last 5 days or so? has anyone seen genocide joe lately? *tapping mic* is this thing on?
SE Hoya Containment Thread (aka Politics) Quote
05-28-2024 , 04:04 PM
Originally Posted by 72off
brandon would literally rather build a pier to nowhere than give americans healthcare, or anything else

rip the $320,000,000 pier, gone too soon

may 2024-may 2024

(also 1 troop was seriously injured, is in critical condition)

but hey, it's all a small price to pay to pretend like you aren't helping israel starve gaza to death
SE Hoya Containment Thread (aka Politics) Quote
05-29-2024 , 02:57 PM

They dropping **** bombs!

That's evil but hilarious.

Also when are we getting the Trump verdict.
SE Hoya Containment Thread (aka Politics) Quote
