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04-26-2024 , 09:23 PM
Originally Posted by natediggity
she actually sounds quite adept at handling a firearm
Noem decided to kill the unnamed goat the same way she had just killed Cricket the dog. But though she “dragged him to a gravel pit”, the goat jumped as she shot and therefore survived the wound. Noem says she went back to her truck, retrieved another shell, then “hurried back to the gravel pit and put him down”.

so true !!!
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04-26-2024 , 11:02 PM
except for missing on the goat kill and making the poor thing suffer while onlookers watched horrified.
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04-27-2024 , 12:14 AM
Justifying killing a non injured dog will never fly.

She's a c***!

I'm wondering if you can shoot her at that point.

Bitch kills an innocent dog, she might be crazy enough to kill me..why take the chance so might as well fire first.
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04-27-2024 , 07:47 PM
Originally Posted by 72off
so true !!!
well congrats. i was just pointing out that farmers aren't calling the vet to put down animals (lol) which apparently you find outrageous.
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04-27-2024 , 08:07 PM
I’m on team ‘don’t kill a 14 month old dog cuz you sucked at training it’ but I’m willing to accept I’m not someone who lives on a farm and there are different rules I probably can’t ever embrace

One thing I know to be absolutely certain is that no matter where you stand if you’re on a shortlist to be the running mate of a president who already struggles with getting people who aren’t in his base, maybe don’t mention or brag that you have the will to shoot a puppy
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04-27-2024 , 08:26 PM
dogs are not farm animals.
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04-27-2024 , 09:23 PM
Originally Posted by StoppedRainingMen
I’m on team ‘don’t kill a 14 month old dog cuz you sucked at training it’ but I’m willing to accept I’m not someone who lives on a farm and there are different rules I probably can’t ever embrace

One thing I know to be absolutely certain is that no matter where you stand if you’re on a shortlist to be the running mate of a president who already struggles with getting people who aren’t in his base, maybe don’t mention or brag that you have the will to shoot a puppy
You know I take it back, there really isn’t a defense here. If you’re sadistic enough to think killing a puppy cuz you sucked at training it makes you electable and your books should be purchased cuz you’re politically incorrect or something, man. Amazing the level of unforced errors MAGA is willing to do to themselves to trip over their dicks in a rush to remind the world you’re a shitty human being
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04-28-2024 , 05:08 PM
in all seriousness, that's just kind of how things are done though, if a dog showed itself to be problematic after training, you'd put it down and try again

i seriously doubt she's bad at dog training, you don't undertake training a dog for bird hunting lightly

it's also key to the story that her dog just started killing all the neighbors chickens - if that were the situation in the suburbs and it wasn't a one off, animal control would have put the dog down as well

what she did is really no different than how dogs were used historically - which is why in a span of a few thousand years we were able to go from vicious beast to a friendly companion

even some of the breeds which still retain most of the wolf traits are a fraction of the size and power of a wolf

for her it was clearly a work dog, not a pet, she got the dog to go hunting with, that didn't pan out and the dog showed itself not suitable as a pet either

had she taken the dog to shelter, it would have stayed in a kennel for a while hoping for an adoption but over 90% of animals taken to shelters are eventually put down anyway

so i think there's a big disconnect between people who acquire dogs as pets and companions, who view them primarily as companions and would have brought in an untrainable and violent dog to the shelter where they'd be killed anyway

kind of like how many people think it's morally wrong to hunt, but still eat meat

i honestly think a lot of context is missing and she chose brevity & was speaking from a place of "obviously i'd invested hundreds of hours training her and it wasn't working out" and pretty sure the "killing my neighbors chickens and refusing to listen" was one of many examples of the dog being violent
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04-28-2024 , 05:14 PM
I get all that (I mean I don’t but conceptually I kinda do), but who is your audience here? Even if the defense is this is normal in the farmland the overwhelming majority of non farmland people won’t see it that way, and a lot of that are the people in swing states you as Trump’s running mate are supposed to be courting instead of repulsing with stories they can’t and won’t ever relate to

A completely unforced error by an idiot who has no idea they’re probably supposed to hide this **** even if they, and other farmers, see nothing wrong with this that probably cost her the spot on the ticket
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04-28-2024 , 05:32 PM
oh no doubt she was a complete ffing moron to put it like that in a book and even an even bigger idiot to not fully defend/explain how it got to that point

but i promise you, if you're at a redneck bar and said that story you'd just get a bunch of head nods where people would say that's a shame but had to be done and i could see how that could get her some south dakota credentials amongst the men there who may worry as a woman she may not be willing to make the tough decisions
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04-28-2024 , 05:55 PM
I played in a golf tournament a couple years ago and got paired up with a couple of farmers. One of them mentioned how he recently had to put a horse down. Another guy in our group asked how expensive that is. One of the farmers said about 10 cents.

If you guys really wanna be outraged at shooting a horse to put it down read "Wild" by Cheryl Strayed.
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04-28-2024 , 06:04 PM
Horses live in complete pain for life if they break a leg. It's humane to put them down.

That dog was just untrained. You don't kill dogs because they don't do what you want.

She's a kunt, no doubt about it.
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04-28-2024 , 06:08 PM
Originally Posted by natediggity
I played in a golf tournament a couple years ago and got paired up with a couple of farmers. One of them mentioned how he recently had to put a horse down. Another guy in our group asked how expensive that is. One of the farmers said about 10 cents.

If you guys really wanna be outraged at shooting a horse to put it down read "Wild" by Cheryl Strayed.
Strayed on Trump’s short list too?
SE Hoya Containment Thread (aka Politics) Quote
04-28-2024 , 06:15 PM
Originally Posted by Chilltown
Horses live in complete pain for life if they break a leg. It's humane to put them down.

That dog was just untrained. You don't kill dogs because they don't do what you want.

She's a kunt, no doubt about it.
100% agreed. And my point this whole time has been that putting horses down with a gun is completely normal. One poster has been struggling with this.

Originally Posted by StoppedRainingMen
Strayed on Trump’s short list too?
Honestly I have no idea what point you are trying to make. In the book Cheryl, and her brother? (it's been a while) were trying to put this horse down (they had no money) and kept "missing" (i.e. they were shooting the horse but not in the proper spot). It was gut wrenching.
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04-28-2024 , 06:19 PM
The point I’m trying to make is even if there’s a segment of the population for whom this is normal behavior there’s a bigger segment repulsed by it

If you’re trying to get nationwide appeal for political purposes maybe keep this **** to yourself when you’re writing your book
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04-28-2024 , 06:26 PM
i mean i think most people view it as if their dog refused to listen as their own dogs did refuse to listen during the training process and think "wtf she just gave up"

she had taken him hunting though, which signified he had already undergone immense training

if you were to were buy a hunting dog breed and instead of training him yourself dropped him off at a kennel which specializes in those things, the program is typically 3 months long and cost thousands of dollars to be done

so this isn't your dog which you spend maybe 15-45 minutes a day for a few weeks training to sit and lay down and roll over as a puppy but rather a dog with a PhD education at a finishing school

this is a dog that had been trained for hundreds of hours and still wouldn't listen to basic commands

also i kind of left it without fully explaining but the reason for showing the wolf+huskie image was that to show that wolf sized breeds are extremely rare specifically because putting down troublesome dogs is the norm

not even accounting for modern breeds where we have a specific shape/size/color in mind but I'm talking cave man days

the larger and fiercer dogs were put down at a much higher clip

so much so that ancient domestic breeds which have since gone wild again never regained their old wolf size

the dingo's fossil remains go only as far back as 3,500 years, they can't be found before that time, it's because some humans who went to Australia brought their dogs with them, already by that time, we'd already shriveled it down significantly in size just through killing off the bigger and more dangerous ones

and they're still fierce enough to eat your baby

had she written that book 100 years ago nobody would have batted an eye, had she written that 1,000 years ago people would have criticized her for not putting it down sooner
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04-28-2024 , 06:27 PM
Originally Posted by StoppedRainingMen
The point I’m trying to make is even if there’s a segment of the population for whom this is normal behavior there’s a bigger segment repulsed by it

If you’re trying to get nationwide appeal for political purposes maybe keep this **** to yourself when you’re writing your book
100% agree, she was really stupid
SE Hoya Containment Thread (aka Politics) Quote
04-28-2024 , 06:31 PM
Originally Posted by StoppedRainingMen
The point I’m trying to make is even if there’s a segment of the population for whom this is normal behavior there’s a bigger segment repulsed by it

If you’re trying to get nationwide appeal for political purposes maybe keep this **** to yourself when you’re writing your book
That's fine. I was just mentioning an aside so I didn't expect snark. And it's a good book. The movie took some liberties.

FYI I give zero shits about this governor or Trump so any motivations or agendas don't move me one bit.
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04-28-2024 , 06:34 PM
Oh I’m not casting aspersions at all. Just looking at this from a purely political context
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04-29-2024 , 10:58 PM
everyone's probably seen the stuff about how trump has been falling asleep in the courtroom, but now many ppl are saying that in the process he's also been ripping some nasty ones (maybe shitting his pants??), and that his lawyers are struggling to deal with the smell. big if true, i want to believe, etc
SE Hoya Containment Thread (aka Politics) Quote
04-30-2024 , 11:01 AM
Originally Posted by 72off
everyone's probably seen the stuff about how trump has been falling asleep in the courtroom, but now many ppl are saying that in the process he's also been ripping some nasty ones (maybe shitting his pants??), and that his lawyers are struggling to deal with the smell. big if true, i want to believe, etc
The Dems would really win this election incredibly easy if they nominated a decent candidate instead of a 100 year old genocide supporter.

But then again they wouldn't be the Dems if they didn't nominate the worst possible candidate. Truly a party that has learned nothing from 2016.
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04-30-2024 , 03:07 PM
Originally Posted by Andro
The Dems would really win this election incredibly easy if they nominated a decent candidate instead of a 100 year old genocide supporter.

But then again they wouldn't be the Dems if they didn't nominate the worst possible candidate. Truly a party that has learned nothing from 2016.
SE Hoya Containment Thread (aka Politics) Quote
04-30-2024 , 04:12 PM

Americans who get their news primarily from cable are the only people who believe that Israel is not committing a genocide in Gaza, according to according to a new survey that examined the relationship between attitudes toward the war and news consumption habits.

The survey puts numbers on trends that have become increasingly apparent: Cable news viewers are more supportive of Israel’s war effort, less likely to think Israel is committing war crimes, and less interested in the war in general. People who get their news primarily from social media, YouTube, or podcasts, by contrast, generally side with the Palestinians, believe Israel is committing war crimes and genocide, and consider the issue of significant importance.
lol cable news, lol oldz

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu spent the last week attacking the International Criminal Court for what he said was a looming plan of theirs to charge him with war crimes. The U.S. dutifully came to his defense, preposterously claiming that because Israel is not a party to the ICC, the court has no jurisdiction. The same is true for Russia, but we applauded the ICC’s charges against Vladimir Putin. With U.S. support in hand, Netanyahu announced he’d go forward with a Rafah invasion regardless of whether Hamas accepts a hostage deal.
very kool stuff, man

Despite President Joe Biden and much of the media attempting to cast the campus protests as antisemitic, the crackdown and the smear campaign has only fueled the movement’s growth, because young people, as the survey shows, don’t rely on the mainstream media for their news, and there is plenty of footage of the peaceful, respectful protests on social media to counter the false narrative.
why they, for example, want to ban tiktok

Just 8 percent of people said they got most of their news from print journalism, which was less than the portion of people who said they don’t watch or read the news at all at 13 percent.
lmao @ the failing nyt

Asked if Israel is committing a genocide in Gaza, social media users agree with the statement by a 44 to 19 percent margin.
why they, for example, want to ban tiktok

while those over 65 say by a 47 to 21 percent plurality that Israel isn’t committing genocide.

Just 15 percent of cable news viewers said they’d be more likely to support a candidate who supported Palestinians, even though 31 percent of cable viewers agreed that Israel was committing genocide against Palestinians.
half these pieces of **** are like yeah it's a genocide but idc / i like it. the woat oat generation
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04-30-2024 , 11:39 PM
and yet here you sit doing nothing.

do you even cement bro? get out there and chain yourself to a cement block in a tree or you are no better than anybody else.

you're just lazy old genocid-72off
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05-01-2024 , 03:50 PM

secret base jumping into the political realm it seems. new series about 3rd party usa#1 political candidates, starting from ross perot in the 90s. pretty good start. 2nd ep looks like it'll be about jesse "the mind" ventura
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