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SE Hoya Containment Thread (aka Politics) SE Hoya Containment Thread (aka Politics)

06-28-2022 , 06:16 PM
Why would Trump ever sit in the front seat? Rolling around in those shitlib mini cooper convertible cars?
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06-28-2022 , 06:21 PM
lfc, why is it you think vaccines are dangerous?
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06-28-2022 , 06:22 PM
Originally Posted by LFC_USA
No I fully support the choice of someone to have an abortion. I would clearly define the terms like up til what week it can be done to remove a lot of the ambiguity and talking points.

People with 4 covid vaccines are spreading highly communicable diseases all over the place. If you want to make it so that is a sueable offense then I can get on board with that. The irony here though is that Johnson & Johnson, Pfizer, Moderna, etc... cannot be sued when they injure or kill an individual. Very strange precedent but sure I'm with it

Yes you are indirectly getting J&J, Moderna, Pfizer.

Go back to eating sliders an pork roll while watching Judge and the Yankees collapse in the playoffs.
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06-28-2022 , 06:39 PM
There are reasonable arguments to be made against specifically the Covid vaccine being mandated because it's debatable how effective they are at preventing spread (although I would also argue that being disallowed from a subset of activities is very different from it being mandated but that's getting into a somewhat different argument).

There is absolutely no reasonable argument against mandates for vaccines such as MMR/TB/Polio etc, which are definitively proven to prevent spread of the disease. These vaccines have directly saved hundreds of millions of lives over the past century and the fact that they are so widespread has indirectly saved tens of thousands of lives for people who are not able to get the vaccine themselves.

The uptick in anti-vax sentiment is already responsible for hundreds if not thousands of unnecessary deaths over the past decade (excluding Covid, which probably numbers tens of thousands by itself), including some who were unable to get the vaccine for medical reasons and contracted it from those who were unvaxxed by choice. These latter deaths are why the comparison with abortion is and always will be completely ridiculous.
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06-28-2022 , 06:52 PM
Originally Posted by Willd
There are reasonable arguments to be made against specifically the Covid vaccine being mandated because it's debatable how effective they are at preventing spread (although I would also argue that being disallowed from a subset of activities is very different from it being mandated but that's getting into a somewhat different argument).

There is absolutely no reasonable argument against mandates for vaccines such as MMR/TB/Polio etc, which are definitively proven to prevent spread of the disease. These vaccines have directly saved hundreds of millions of lives over the past century and the fact that they are so widespread has indirectly saved tens of thousands of lives for people who are not able to get the vaccine themselves.

The uptick in anti-vax sentiment is already responsible for hundreds if not thousands of unnecessary deaths over the past decade (excluding Covid, which probably numbers tens of thousands by itself), including some who were unable to get the vaccine for medical reasons and contracted it from those who were unvaxxed by choice. These latter deaths are why the comparison with abortion is and always will be completely ridiculous.
To be clear the comparisons are specifically with the COVID vaccine mandate. My wife got kicked out of online class at a state university while pregnant because she didn't have the COVID vaccine (she has every other vaccine). The president of the university, a man, kicked her out of ONLINE class because he took away her right to make her own medical decisions and assumed autonomy over her body.

My wife can't see her mom because of the COVID vaccine. Not MMR. Not polio. COVID. Because someone has assumed autonomy over her body and taken away her right to make her own medical decisions while hiding behind junk science, insults and bullying while ignoring and deflecting the very blatant reality that the vaccine is not stopping infection or spread, vaccinated people are getting COVID, often more than once, and people have had adverse reactions from being forced, or at least coerced with their job and family held hostage, into getting the vaccine
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06-28-2022 , 07:18 PM
cry more
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06-28-2022 , 07:27 PM
junk science
She knew beforehand prior to billions of dollars, thousands of MDs and PHDs poured into the vaccine that it may not be super effective, only slightly effective? Because she did her own research. Or she could have just gotten the shots and maybe have a bad day and then move on to be able to get her learn on and see her mum.
SE Hoya Containment Thread (aka Politics) Quote
06-28-2022 , 07:32 PM
Originally Posted by LFC_USA
To be clear the comparisons are specifically with the COVID vaccine mandate. My wife got kicked out of online class at a state university while pregnant because she didn't have the COVID vaccine (she has every other vaccine). The president of the university, a man, kicked her out of ONLINE class because he took away her right to make her own medical decisions and assumed autonomy over her body.

My wife can't see her mom because of the COVID vaccine. Not MMR. Not polio. COVID. Because someone has assumed autonomy over her body and taken away her right to make her own medical decisions while hiding behind junk science, insults and bullying while ignoring and deflecting the very blatant reality that the vaccine is not stopping infection or spread, vaccinated people are getting COVID, often more than once, and people have had adverse reactions from being forced, or at least coerced with their job and family held hostage, into getting the vaccine

You still don’t get it. You can go ahead an enroll in another online university. You admit no one is forcing anyone to get the vaccine, which is why the comparison is bad. Not being able to go to a certain university or travel out of the country is not the same as being forced to carry an unwanted pregnancy to term risking death or jail time. To be clear, given the current circumstances (which are much different than the time of the original vaccine rollout) I agree with Wiild that it’s debatable at this point whether or not mandates for certain things make sense. My opinion is that your wife should be able to travel, but I don’t think it’s comparable to being forced to carry an unwanted pregnancy.
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06-28-2022 , 07:42 PM
Originally Posted by txdome
She knew beforehand prior to billions of dollars, thousands of MDs and PHDs poured into the vaccine that it may not be super effective, only slightly effective? Because she did her own research. Or she could have just gotten the shots and maybe have a bad day and then move on to be able to get her learn on and see her mum.

Yeah, this. You should probably just do this now. The mental negatives and effects of not being able to see family are definitely worse than side effects of the COVID vaccine, even if you didn’t factor in any positives. Simply put 99.99999999% of the time you’ll feel slightly under the weather for 24-48 hours and then be fine. No brainer from a practical standpoint.
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06-28-2022 , 07:54 PM
Originally Posted by mullen
Yeah, this. You should probably just do this now. The mental negatives and effects of not being able to see family are definitely worse than side effects of the COVID vaccine, even if you didn’t factor in any positives. Simply put 99.99999999% of the time you’ll feel slightly under the weather for 24-48 hours and then be fine. No brainer from a practical standpoint.
This is EXACTLY how we both felt unvaccinated. Very satisfied with the choices we made. We are not obese, exercise, average weight and overall very healthy.

So we are acknowledging the vaccine does not prevent you from getting or spreading covid correct? It just potentially reduces your symptoms and lessens the chances of death?
SE Hoya Containment Thread (aka Politics) Quote
06-28-2022 , 07:56 PM
Originally Posted by txdome
She knew beforehand prior to billions of dollars, thousands of MDs and PHDs poured into the vaccine that it may not be super effective, only slightly effective? Because she did her own research. Or she could have just gotten the shots and maybe have a bad day and then move on to be able to get her learn on and see her mum.
Is it all concerning that after all those billions of dollars, and thousands of MDs and PHDs that the vaccine has come close to doing what they told us it would do?

And yea we both felt comfortable we could easily recover from covid and gain immunity that way. Again we are completely validated and content with the decision we made.
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06-28-2022 , 07:57 PM
ngas wanna keel me. All cause I rap actual fax on the vax

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06-28-2022 , 08:06 PM
My Exodus will never be from a violent outcome
I turn Exorcist with extra clips.
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06-28-2022 , 08:09 PM
Originally Posted by LFC_USA
This is EXACTLY how we both felt unvaccinated. Very satisfied with the choices we made. We are not obese, exercise, average weight and overall very healthy.

So we are acknowledging the vaccine does not prevent you from getting or spreading covid correct? It just potentially reduces your symptoms and lessens the chances of death?

That’s fine. You had that choice. If you’re satisfied with that, all good - no need to complain. It seems like you are fairly upset and angry (so much so that you decided to vote Republican in 2020) with the consequences of that choice and are now making absurd comparisons that not being able to attend a certain college is akin to having to carry an unwanted pregnancy. It was long ago now so I don’t remember specifics but when I was accepted to college I had to get some vaccination updates. Had I refused to get them and not attended them acted like a martyr I probably would’ve been looked at like I had two heads, but times have changed.

I don’t pretend to be an expert in these matters but my understanding is that when the vaccine was originally released it was fairly highly effective (relatively speaking) at reducing spread. This has decreased as time has passed since the majority of people got their shots and the virus mutated. From what I understand the booster also reduces chance of spread but this goes away more quickly. It almost definitely reduces it in the immediate time frame and certainly doesn’t hurt. And yes it reduces symptoms, hospitalization rate, and death in adults of all ages, fitness level, etc. I acknowledge that mandates that allow someone who got their shot in March of 2021 to do something but not someone unvaccinated who got COVID for the second time and recovered two months ago doesn’t make sense to me on the surface either, but I’m not an expert. If they come out with a booster that’s super effective against omicron that would likely change my opinion.

Either way from a risk/reward standpoint it makes no sense for an adult not to get the vaccine at this point, even with it not being as effective against current strains.
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06-28-2022 , 08:14 PM
Originally Posted by LFC_USA
Is it all concerning that after all those billions of dollars, and thousands of MDs and PHDs that the vaccine has come close to doing what they told us it would do?

And yea we both felt comfortable we could easily recover from covid and gain immunity that way. Again we are completely validated and content with the decision we made.
Again doing your own research instead of people who actually put millions of hours of education and billions of dollars of actual research to try and find a better way than wait and see. Yes, I know there is a fallacy in my arg, but I'm still right.
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06-28-2022 , 08:44 PM
Billions poured into a genome editing talisman, wp

At least with the JWST the world gets cool pictures
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06-28-2022 , 09:38 PM
Originally Posted by txdome
Again doing your own research instead of people who actually put millions of hours of education and billions of dollars of actual research to try and find a better way than wait and see. Yes, I know there is a fallacy in my arg, but I'm still right.
The people who put billions of dollars and millions of hours in it were very wrong. And they've been very wrong about a number of things in the past. If you want to blindly follow them you are more than welcome to. It is also a for profit industry. Covid vaccines made what $50B before it had even been a year?
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06-28-2022 , 10:08 PM
the motivation is public health
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06-28-2022 , 10:10 PM
Itt you should blindly trust people who pour millions of dollars into something that they will make billions of dollars off of. Even if they are wrong and the **** don't do what it says it does you are dumb and should have got it anyway. WATTBA
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06-28-2022 , 10:11 PM
It was a global initiative, too. shadowy cabal, i guess.
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06-28-2022 , 10:23 PM
Originally Posted by Schlitz mmmm
It was a global initiative, too. shadowy cabal, i guess.
Nah. Just pharma being pharma. Wishful thinking presented as settled science
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06-28-2022 , 10:26 PM
SE Hoya Containment Thread (aka Politics) Quote
06-28-2022 , 10:42 PM
“When Trump descended into rage, his staff resorted to summoning an aide, nicknamed the Music Man, to play favorite show tunes they knew would soothe him, including ‘Memory’ from the Broadway musical ‘Cats.’”
SE Hoya Containment Thread (aka Politics) Quote
06-28-2022 , 10:59 PM
superstitious as some Liberians were about the doctors that showed up to treat the ebola outbreak.
SE Hoya Containment Thread (aka Politics) Quote
06-28-2022 , 11:05 PM
Originally Posted by Schlitz mmmm
superstitious as some Liberians were about the doctors that showed up to treat the ebola outbreak.
and as the Tuskegee airmen were about the doctors who showed up to treat syphillis
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