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SE Hoya Containment Thread (aka Politics) SE Hoya Containment Thread (aka Politics)

09-24-2019 , 07:29 PM
Need a real swerve here. Something like Republicans realizing that Trump is doomed in 2020 and quietly agreeing to flip on him to go with Pence. Would make for amazing theater.
SE Hoya Containment Thread (aka Politics) Quote
09-24-2019 , 07:43 PM
Originally Posted by RT
100M peoeple don't vote EVERY election. They just aren't poltical. The idea that there's this huge group of people that are just waiting for a candidate progressive enough to get them up and active yet they weren't motivated enough to get off the couch to prevent Trump from happening is just fiction.

A candidates charisma matters much more than their message. Obama stole a ton of moderate votes (beat McCain 69M to 59M), turned Indiana and North Carolina blue, and was a Corporate Moderate with a ton of charisma.

Cool that we get impeachment now though. Good luck arguing there's "no legitimate legislative purpose" for us to see those tax returns.
100m ppl don't vote bc they know it's complete bullshit and neither candidate will appreciably change their shittt lives. So either put out policies and candidates that appeal to them or continue to trot out garbage that promotes the status quo and tries to flip crazy right wingers.

Obama is the perfect example. He turned out a ton of non voters. Bernie too.
SE Hoya Containment Thread (aka Politics) Quote
09-24-2019 , 07:45 PM
Originally Posted by Perhaps Shimmy
I know this is counterintuitive but is there any data on whether nonvoters lean R or D?
They lean extremely liberal in terms of policies.
SE Hoya Containment Thread (aka Politics) Quote
09-24-2019 , 07:48 PM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
Well looks like it's happening. For the record I never said I know it's a bad idea. Just that I think it's silly to imply that Pelosi is scared or stupid and ultimately I trust her judgement more than my lack of knowledge.

So here we go.
Oh ffs Suzzer you're smarter than this. I mean you read about politics all day. Pelosi is dumb and horrible and corrupt and not at all on the side of progress. Like you gotta know this.
SE Hoya Containment Thread (aka Politics) Quote
09-24-2019 , 08:07 PM
Originally Posted by Victor
100m ppl don't vote bc they know it's complete bullshit and neither candidate will appreciably change their shittt lives. So either put out policies and candidates that appeal to them or continue to trot out garbage that promotes the status quo and tries to flip crazy right wingers.
Again, no they don't.

Trump has absolutely "appreciably changed" a lot of people's shittt lives (for the worse). The idea that the proletartiet is just waiting for their call to action is a narrative you've created to justify faith in the candidate you like.

Obama is the perfect example. He turned out a ton of non voters. Bernie too.
No he didn't. Turn out was up in 2008, but by <3%, and it fell immediately there after. Put Biden, Bernie, Liz, Pete, Yang or basically anyone else out there and the turnout is going to be roughly the same, just like it is every election. If you want to change the numbers, allow national vote-by-mail and/or make election day a holiday. Until then, a huge chuck of people just don't care.
SE Hoya Containment Thread (aka Politics) Quote
09-24-2019 , 08:19 PM
Meanwhile at chiefsplanet

Only the Dems would think it's a good idea to spend an entire election year talking about ANYONE except the 17 turds they are trying to float to the top of the punch bowl.

Trump Wins in a landslide and libs can spend the next 4 years ****ing off.

Trump's approval rating is booming upward, the economy is booming, he just gave a great speech at the UN.......and Dems can't help but REEEEEEEEEEE and squeal and try to tank the economy. They KNOW they have ZERO chance of beating him in the next election so they're using their suicide vest.
these people will totally vote democrat if we're nice guys
SE Hoya Containment Thread (aka Politics) Quote
09-24-2019 , 08:51 PM
Its why this is hellworld and dems always lose and even if the dems win there are no improvements. But ya by all means let's just promote the status quo bc there's no way of motivating a small % of 100m ****ing ppl.

Like just take a second and reread the idiocy you are spewing and realize it.
SE Hoya Containment Thread (aka Politics) Quote
09-24-2019 , 09:06 PM
Originally Posted by RT
100M peoeple don't vote EVERY election. They just aren't poltical. The idea that there's this huge group of people that are just waiting for a candidate progressive enough to get them up and active yet they weren't motivated enough to get off the couch to prevent Trump from happening is just fiction.

A candidates charisma matters much more than their message. Obama stole a ton of moderate votes (beat McCain 69M to 59M), turned Indiana and North Carolina blue, and was a Corporate Moderate with a ton of charisma.

Cool that we get impeachment now though. Good luck arguing there's "no legitimate legislative purpose" for us to see those tax returns.
I posted a chart that showed a huge jump in the % of 18-29 year-olds and 30-39 year-olds voting between 2014 and 2018.

We've always worked under the assumption that the first group is going to vote at about 20% and the second and 30% or w/e. And this was always going to be constant across the decades.

Well in 2018 that was shattered. Young people are getting more active earlier. They have to. They have actual stuff like student loans, healthcare and global warming to care about.

When I was in my teens and 20s both sides were pretty much the same - and nothing mattered. We were nihilistic shits. Nobody thinks both sides are the same any more. But if you give them biden you're giving them status quo vs. deranged a-hole. That's not very inspiring.

There is a big sleeping tiger out there and it's young people's voting rates. Give them something to get excited about imo.
SE Hoya Containment Thread (aka Politics) Quote
09-24-2019 , 09:10 PM
Originally Posted by Victor
Oh ffs Suzzer you're smarter than this. I mean you read about politics all day. Pelosi is dumb and horrible and corrupt and not at all on the side of progress. Like you gotta know this.
Maybe not on the side of progress but she has no qualms about crushing Trump if she thinks she can. I don't see where she has a big personal motivation that runs counter to dragging Trump through the mud if she thinks it will work. Her seat is pretty secure either way.

And I think all the ballyhoo on here about her being scared or dumb is just silly. I know it's fun and all but let's just do a reality check every now and then. She may be a calculating politician - but she's definitely not an idiot or timid. So we should eliminate those from her range when trying to evaluate her actions or non-actions.
SE Hoya Containment Thread (aka Politics) Quote
09-24-2019 , 09:13 PM
I still want to hear from domer if this actually means anything. He's the only one who actually knows ****.
SE Hoya Containment Thread (aka Politics) Quote
09-24-2019 , 09:35 PM
No it doesn't mean anything
SE Hoya Containment Thread (aka Politics) Quote
09-24-2019 , 09:50 PM
ya deplorables def gonna vote at a 125% rate instead of 110% bc congress talked about all the crimes he's committed

turnout prob has more to do with red states shutting down like 1000 polling places in blue counties, police running warrant checks in voting lines, ICE, ppl not getting time off from their 3 jobs to vote, etc than anything else
SE Hoya Containment Thread (aka Politics) Quote
09-24-2019 , 09:54 PM
This all goes back to Al Gore’s dogshit legal team in 2000.
SE Hoya Containment Thread (aka Politics) Quote
09-24-2019 , 09:56 PM
and ya young ppl seem more politically activated these days bc your president is literally the woat, hopefully that'll make the difference

it'll prob come down to white women / young whites bc old white dudes are super lol and deserve a review to continue as is

Originally Posted by dth123451
This all goes back to Al Gore’s dogshit legal team in 2000.
the idea of learning more about that depresses me so very much
SE Hoya Containment Thread (aka Politics) Quote
09-24-2019 , 10:03 PM
Originally Posted by 72off
ya deplorables def gonna vote at a 125% rate instead of 110% bc congress talked about all the crimes he's committed

turnout prob has more to do with red states shutting down like 1000 polling places in blue counties, police running warrant checks in voting lines, ICE, ppl not getting time off from their 3 jobs to vote, etc than anything else
Correct. The black vote fell from it's ATH of 66.6% in 2012 to 59.6% in 2016, due largely to huge suppression efforts by republicans nationwide. Closing polling places and purging the rolls essentially won them the election.
SE Hoya Containment Thread (aka Politics) Quote
09-24-2019 , 10:08 PM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
I posted a chart that showed a huge jump in the % of 18-29 year-olds and 30-39 year-olds voting between 2014 and 2018.

We've always worked under the assumption that the first group is going to vote at about 20% and the second and 30% or w/e. And this was always going to be constant across the decades.

Well in 2018 that was shattered. Young people are getting more active earlier. They have to. They have actual stuff like student loans, healthcare and global warming to care about.

When I was in my teens and 20s both sides were pretty much the same - and nothing mattered. We were nihilistic shits. Nobody thinks both sides are the same any more. But if you give them biden you're giving them status quo vs. deranged a-hole. That's not very inspiring.

There is a big sleeping tiger out there and it's young people's voting rates. Give them something to get excited about imo.
The vast majority of those in that age group are going to vote Dem. regardless of who gets the nod, as well nearly all likely Dem voters. Enthusiasm for Biden is lower than Liz or Bernie, but that won't materially matter. That's not a good reason to nominate Biden over a better candidate, but it also doesn't matter.

A person answering that they're a Dem voter 18 months prior to the election isn't going to sit home and "vote" for Trump.
SE Hoya Containment Thread (aka Politics) Quote
09-24-2019 , 10:23 PM
Originally Posted by RT
The vast majority of those in that age group are going to vote Dem. regardless of who gets the nod, as well nearly all likely Dem voters. Enthusiasm for Biden is lower than Liz or Bernie, but that won't materially matter. That's not a good reason to nominate Biden over a better candidate, but it also doesn't matter.

A person answering that they're a Dem voter 18 months prior to the election isn't going to sit home and "vote" for Trump.
The fact remains that if millennials vote at half the rate of boomers Dems win in a landslide. Millennials had a huge jump in voting rate from 2014 to 2018. Things sometimes change, and change fast.

I've always assumed young people were just never going to vote in big numbers. But now I'm not so sure. Maybe they'll actually get involved in primaries. We'll see.
SE Hoya Containment Thread (aka Politics) Quote
09-25-2019 , 08:47 AM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
I still want to hear from domer if this actually means anything. He's the only one who actually knows ****.
The short answer is yes and no, but more yes than no.

The long answer....Politico Playbook has been crushing this story, rather than just summarize their words, just gonna copy/paste it. It's long, but worth reading:

IT’S HAPPENING. THE HOUSE will begin impeachment proceedings against the president for the third time in American history. We don’t know what he’ll be impeached for. We aren’t sure when. We don’t know what the whistleblower has on President DONALD TRUMP or how significant it is.

BUT what we do know is that PELOSI and her leadership gave into a restive House Democratic Caucus, which was demanding TRUMP be held accountable for a series of what it considers brazen and illegal acts.

SO, yesterday was seismic -- but it was also, in some ways, a bit meaningless.

NOW, TO UNPACK IT … AFTER A LONG DAY OF STANDING in the Capitol basement Tuesday, our colleagues Kyle and Andrew posed this very interesting question in the POLITICO corner of the press gallery: What exactly did PELOSI’S statement -- that the House was launching an impeachment inquiry into TRUMP -- change? Not much at all, they argued.

AT FIRST, we thought they were wrong. But after thinking about it for a minute, we decided there’s a healthy bit of truth to Cheney and Desiderio’s take: PELOSI’S statement didn’t actually change a whole lot. It was mostly window dressing.

HERE’S WHY: House committees have been investigating TRUMP for months. The Judiciary Committee was always readying to draft articles of impeachment. They were always trying to finish it up before 2020. An “impeachment inquiry” is just a name -- it’s not an official process that the House has now begun. There will be no vote on the floor to start the impeachment inquiry process. There’s no magic unleashed now that PELOSI has said she’s begun an impeachment inquiry. So, in many ways, there’s nothing new here.

BUT AT THE SAME TIME, EVERYTHING HAS CHANGED -- POLITICALLY. The entire universe has shifted for House Democrats. For months, the leadership was trying to stave off impeachment because they thought it unwise politically, divisive and unnecessary. Now the leadership is full-bore behind it, and the entire caucus is rowing toward a process aimed at removing the president of the United States for how he handled interactions with the leader of Ukraine. Democrats finally believe they found a simple, easy-to-understand charge.

-- NYT’S CARL HULSE on A1: “In contrast to the murkiness of the special counsel’s report on Russian interference in the 2016 election and possible obstruction of justice by Mr. Trump, Democrats see the current allegations as damningly clear-cut.

“His refusal so far to provide Congress with an intelligence official’s whistle-blower complaint as required by law, coupled with the possibility that Mr. Trump dangled American military aid as a bargaining chip to win investigation of a political rival by a foreign government, strikes them as a stark case of presidential wrongdoing. They consider it egregious enough that they expect many Americans who had been cool to the idea of moving to oust the president to recognize the imperative for the House to act.” NYT

THE JUDICIARY COMMITTEE now is all but guaranteed to report out an impeachment package in the next few months -- a set of articles charging the president with high crimes and misdemeanors. Our colleague John Bresnahan has been saying this for months, and our reporting shows that it’s true: If the House starts impeachment proceedings -- hearings and the like, as they are -- it will end up voting on impeachment articles on the House floor. Period. So, the full House will get a chance this year to cast a vote or a set of votes about whether the president committed crimes worthy of his removal.

THERE IS SOME RISK FOR PELOSI AND HOUSE DEMOCRATS. They made a big show Tuesday of the impeachment play. If the transcript and the whistleblower report are duds and they don’t have enough fresh material to justify impeaching impeach Trump, the Dems will have put themselves out on a limb with little to show for it. And if impeachment stretches into 2020 -- which most senior Democratic aides predict it will -- there’s risk in that, as well. Judiciary Chairman JERRY NADLER said in a closed-door meeting Tuesday that he wanted this process to be quick, and finish by year’s end.

THIS SITUATION PLAYS INTO WHAT MANY BELIEVE ARE PELOSI’S STRENGTHS. Like many leaders, she’s strongest when her party is united. And, perhaps for the first time in a while, they are united against this president, both in substance and in process. She has challenges here -- not least managing the process, which could grow unruly quickly. But, unlike a week ago, the entire caucus is working toward a single goal.

WHAT THE LEADERSHIP IS WATCHING FOR: On Tuesday evening, much of the leadership was tired and drained. Almost to a person, they thought that Pelosi had changed the name of the process to “impeachment inquiry,” but not the substance of the investigation. We are in uncharted waters, so it’s not entirely clear to anyone what will happen next.

-- BIG PICTURE: The committees are going to begin funnelling all of their “best” impeachment material to Judiciary, which is going to tie everything into a single package. At the beginning of this Congress, Judiciary began to hire top-notch lawyers in anticipation for an uptick in oversight, so in that sense, it is prepared. WaPo’s Mike DeBonis and Rachael Bade: “House’s move toward impeachment leaves gaping questions about the road ahead”

ONE OF THE DEMOCRATS’ challenges is finding an overarching message and sticking to it. This was a complaint in the Dem caucus yesterday. Rank-and-file Dems are concerned they aren’t articulating a good reason why they’re impeaching Trump. One of leadership and Judiciary’s challenges here is to latch onto a message -- and a messenger -- and carry it through what’s expected to be a long and bruising process. Some have suggested that enumerating concerns about national security should be front and center. Sarah Ferris and Heather Caygle on Dem messaging concerns

-- THIS WEEK: The Dems caucus this morning, the Republicans have their conference meeting and both will hold media availabilities afterwards. Predictably, both sides are in their corners. TRUMP has a press conference at 4 p.m., so everyone will be watching to see his demeanor. Everyone is looking to see what deal HOUSE INTELLIGENCE cuts with the whistleblower, who now is indicating he wants to talk to Congress.

THE TRANSCRIPT … OF COURSE, people are anxious to see the transcript the White House releases of the call between TRUMP and the Ukranian president, but Hill aides caution that it should be seen for what it is — a document released by the White House. First of all, we have no idea if the whistleblower report is solely based on that call. Second, we have no idea if there was only one call, or more. Third, we don’t know if the transcript will be edited at all, let alone whether it will simply be notes rather than a word-for-word transcription. The whistleblower report -- and what the whistleblower tells Congress -- is truly important. The whistleblower’s attorney says he plans to talk to Congress

THURSDAY will be quite the day. At 9 a.m., JOSEPH MAGUIRE, the acting director of national intelligence, will be on Capitol Hill testifying in an open setting. This is probably the biggest public moment so far.

REMEMBER: The House is leaving Friday afternoon for a two-week recess. The next day in session is Oct. 15. This recess is not going to be canceled, our sources tell us.
SE Hoya Containment Thread (aka Politics) Quote
09-25-2019 , 10:27 AM
We got him?

Like seriously though. This is REALLY bad.
SE Hoya Containment Thread (aka Politics) Quote
09-25-2019 , 10:29 AM
Thanks domer
SE Hoya Containment Thread (aka Politics) Quote
09-25-2019 , 10:29 AM

SE Hoya Containment Thread (aka Politics) Quote
09-25-2019 , 10:55 AM
Lol the transcript is so much worse than I expected

In case you haven't seen it, it's about a 5 minute read:
SE Hoya Containment Thread (aka Politics) Quote
09-25-2019 , 11:06 AM
If it's that bad imagine how bad the real conversation was?
SE Hoya Containment Thread (aka Politics) Quote
09-25-2019 , 11:13 AM
Good job, Mueller, you ****ing useless hack
SE Hoya Containment Thread (aka Politics) Quote
09-25-2019 , 12:03 PM
I have many Ukrainian friends, their
incredible ·people.
really white house?
SE Hoya Containment Thread (aka Politics) Quote
