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05-10-2017 , 10:32 PM
The treasurer, Scott Morrison, has confirmed sewage will be tested to find areas of high drug use to trial drug testing of welfare recipients.
Hold on America, we're coming for ya
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05-10-2017 , 10:52 PM
rump of all people having a full blown meltdown of people saying one thing then contradicting themselves later is either the most comical lack of self-awareness ever or just some brazen hubris

also that dumbass doesn't seem to realize there's a bit of a difference between saying someone should be fired for partisan interference in an election and saying he shouldn't be fired by the guy he's investigating for possible treason
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05-10-2017 , 11:15 PM
Originally Posted by bazooka87
Hold on America, we're coming for ya
Yep. Some genius ideas in this budget. The tax free moniez account for affording teh homez is ****ing ******ed as well.
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05-10-2017 , 11:42 PM
hillary and trump probably the worst two options of all time

i think most people caught on to trump at end there in nov but there were like, well he may be stupid but at least he's not corrupt.
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05-10-2017 , 11:48 PM
people also thought trump being rich meant he wouldn't be corrupt. that seems to be working out well
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05-10-2017 , 11:53 PM
it's almost as though your average American is a functioning stillborn
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05-10-2017 , 11:58 PM
Originally Posted by ut2010
hillary and trump probably the worst two options of all time

i think most people caught on to trump at end there in nov but there were like, well he may be stupid but at least he's not corrupt.
i don't think this is even a little bit true
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05-11-2017 , 12:04 AM
i assume part of the reason rump still somehow has such a yuge approval among republicans is cuz they recognize him as a means to an end and ignore all the distracting bull****. dodd-frank is going to get killed on his watch, obummercare is gonna get killed on his watch, tax reform favoring upper class, he's the rubber stamp of pure conservative id from congress, so who gives a **** about the rhetoric and divisiveness

then you have the poors who are just morons, the trolls who are happy cuz so many people are triggered, and the people who don't care if there's no progress just as long as the other side regresses and gets satisfaction from seeing them angry
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05-11-2017 , 12:11 AM
even tho i voted for shillary i still get some satisfaction at the left being mad

idk, im conflicted
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05-11-2017 , 01:34 AM
Originally Posted by diskoteque
Lol at the racists thinking being on Medicaid and in HUD housing is some sort of sick awesome deal
Is it better than being dirt poor and *not* having Medicaid or HUD?

Again you're either deliberately missing the point or you just don't get it. It's not a sick deal, we're not chastising you for living the lucky ducky high life. We're making fun of you for not realizing that a government safety net could have been the only thing between your family and total disaster. A safety net which you of course could care less if Trump destroys completely.
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05-11-2017 , 01:44 AM
No one in America ever failed because they didn't have access to success.
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05-11-2017 , 01:46 AM
"if it weren't for my horse, i wouldn't have spent those years in college"
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05-11-2017 , 02:32 AM
Originally Posted by ut2010
even tho i voted for shillary i still get some satisfaction at the left being mad

Nothing personal against you. This is a mindset that really rustles my jimmies.

"I get satisfaction out of seeing people get mad when politicians inarguably make life much worse for millions and millions of people" is quite the hot take. As Hoya has basically said many times much more wordily and eloquently than I could, at this point not actively trying to fight the GOP is an immoral choice despite the alternative being a DNC that is horrible and in shambles. Point blank period. It's not rocket science nor is there much of a gray area at all at this point.

Last edited by TimmayB; 05-11-2017 at 02:41 AM.
SE Hoya Containment Thread (aka Politics) Quote
05-11-2017 , 03:41 AM
Originally Posted by diskoteque
Lol at the racists thinking being on Medicaid and in HUD housing is some sort of sick awesome deal
SE Hoya Containment Thread (aka Politics) Quote
05-11-2017 , 07:36 AM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
Is it better than being dirt poor and *not* having Medicaid or HUD?

Again you're either deliberately missing the point or you just don't get it. It's not a sick deal, we're not chastising you for living the lucky ducky high life. We're making fun of you for not realizing that a government safety net could have been the only thing between your family and total disaster. A safety net which you of course could care less if Trump destroys completely.

My original point was that politics shouldn't make a difference in the life of anyone who truly wants to succeed in America. It doesn't matter who is in the White House, what programs exist, etc. Those things can very slightly help at the margins but in the grand scheme of things are pretty much insignificant in the face of WIM and WIL. I used my own personal experience as an example and support for why I believe this is true.

Then you and a bunch of other racists/classists came ITT basically saying "well you were on Medicaid and other programs so you're wrong, that stuff had a lot to do with your success" which to me, someone who actually lived through it and doesn't just read about govt programs on the internet, sounds like you're saying "you won the game because you started on the 10 yard line after the opening kickoff instead of the 8 yard line". That's honestly how insignificant these things are but your white privilege will not allow you to believe it.
SE Hoya Containment Thread (aka Politics) Quote
05-11-2017 , 07:53 AM
A Wednesday poll from Quinnipiac University showed President Donald Trump's approval rating at near historic lows and suggested potential disaster for congressional Republicans in the 2018 midterms.

Trump's approval rating stood at 36% in the poll, the second lowest approval rating the survey has measured during his presidency. On April 4, Quinnipiac found Trump's approval rating at 35%.

The poll also painted potential disaster for congressional Republicans in the 2018 midterms: 54% of respondents said they wanted Democrats to win control of the House of Representatives, compared to 38% who want Republicans to maintain control.

That was the widest margin Quinnipiac has ever measured for that question. The last record, in 2013, was a margin of 5 percentage points in favor of Republicans gaining control of the House.

Republicans' standing may have taken a hit after the House passed leadership's unpopular Obamacare repeal measure last week. Approval for the legislation hovers around 38%, according to recent polls.

Trump's support has taken a nose-dive among his base in recent weeks. His approval rating among independents is just 29%, down from 38% on April 19. And, among white voters with no college degree — a group instrumental to his victory over Hillary Clinton in the general election — his support has plummeted from 57% on April 19 to just 47%.

Also, 66% of voters say Trump isn't "level-headed," and 61% say that he isn't honest, according to the poll.

"There is no way to spin or sugarcoat these sagging numbers," said Tim Malloy, assistant director of the Quinnipiac University Poll. Malloy said the numbers are "red flags" that Trump can't "brush away."
SE Hoya Containment Thread (aka Politics) Quote
05-11-2017 , 08:28 AM
Maybe the problem is Disko is talking about the policy differences between modern day republicans and democrats, while the original point was "any politicians" and Disko has never read Dickens

Also pretty hilarious how offended he is by his own continued misrepresentations of what others say, when he's been a pretty constant force of bigotry and just general dickishness through his poasting career while telling others to grow up and stop being offended by trivialities

Also amusing is his inability to conceive that anyone who disagrees with him could possibly have ever had a remotely similar experience in life
SE Hoya Containment Thread (aka Politics) Quote
05-11-2017 , 08:30 AM
Originally Posted by diskoteque
My original point was that politics shouldn't make a difference in the life of anyone who truly wants to succeed in America. It doesn't matter who is in the White House, what programs exist, etc. Those things can very slightly help at the margins but in the grand scheme of things are pretty much insignificant in the face of WIM and WIL. I used my own personal experience as an example and support for why I believe this is true.

Then you and a bunch of other racists/classists came ITT basically saying "well you were on Medicaid and other programs so you're wrong, that stuff had a lot to do with your success" which to me, someone who actually lived through it and doesn't just read about govt programs on the internet, sounds like you're saying "you won the game because you started on the 10 yard line after the opening kickoff instead of the 8 yard line". That's honestly how insignificant these things are but your white privilege will not allow you to believe it.
Think you either had the privilege of being healthy or had the luxury of Medicaid. Healthcare is different. It can easily be a catch-22 in that a person needs to pay their medical bills but can't work for it because they are not healthy. Some crappy genetic condition that needs constant attention can easily throw off your yardage analogy.

Regarding the $3k/yr college aid. There can be scenarios where you would need to get a (second) job in order to pay for your tuition. This makes more WIM necessary to achieve the same level of grades.

And let's not forget that dumb people are dumb. I recently saw an eyeopening piece on local TV where they followed extremely poor people around. They went to buy groceries with a list of things they need and $5 or $10 or something in hand. They bought eggs in packs of 6 with some special branding instead of bulk regular cheap ass eggs and went for pre-packaged mince. Point being they could have easily bought twice as much food but they were just too dumb to even think of considering it. There is just no way to WIM yourself into any type of success for these poor souls. You just kinda wanna place them in a bath and sponge their backs and say it's all going to be okay.
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05-11-2017 , 08:36 AM
Apparently, all the WIM in the world isn't enough to grasp that our system can easily slide even further oligopolistic and nepotistic so that large groups of folks just didn't have the birthright to an attempt at a university education
SE Hoya Containment Thread (aka Politics) Quote
05-11-2017 , 08:38 AM
The programs make nothing a guarantee and you can't escape poverty without massive WIM

That's correct and literally nobody has disputed that. Nobody that exists outside Disko's imagination, at least.
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05-11-2017 , 08:40 AM
And, for the last time, the original false assertion from TuT was about absolute quality of life, not relative quality of life and social mobility
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05-11-2017 , 09:13 AM
Literally just the election of Trump before he even took office made it harder for HUD to finance affordable housing, but who gives a **** in the face of WIM.
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05-11-2017 , 09:24 AM
Someone just showed me the numbers today and they're bigly. There was a poll of what people are saying about people like disko. You saw the poll, I saw the poll, everyone saw the poll. Many people are saying that the world would be a better place if these programs were taken away and people like disko died in the streets as kids. I'm not saying that because I'm not allowed to say that, but I wanted to let you know that lots of people are saying that. Believe me.
SE Hoya Containment Thread (aka Politics) Quote
05-11-2017 , 09:29 AM
dude, Trump supporters are living in a different world separate from reality or nuance. They ONLY get their "news", if any from fox. Literally rich man propaganda at this point. If not that, then they get talking points from people who only watch. I talked to a guy yesterday, otherwise decent and reasonable guy, small business owner, and I said Trump is obviously corrupt and he scoffed and told me to give him "even a single example." I gave him the example of Ivanka getting a bunch of trademark rights in China the day after her father met with Xi.

"Well yaa, what's wrong with that? You've been watching too much CNN my man" was his answer. An entirely different consciousness Trump supporters experience. Trump is going to pick this county clean, ruin all of it institutions, it's soft power, it's rule of law, aided by rich guys controlling a tv channel and Republican lawmakers who would let a horse piss in their mouth to pass a tax cut.

This is a good read
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05-11-2017 , 10:22 AM
Yeah, I've had some interesting experiences like that as well. The recent one was "I'm saying that I believe this is the third person that has been investigating him and the third person that has been fired by him and it doesn't look good". The response was "I didn't take you for a conspiracy theorist. He fired him because he was protecting Hillary instead of doing his job. Now she's going to get whats coming to her."

I decided to just shrug and end the conversation rather than explain how I thought it was unlikely that the person who played a significant (if not main) role in getting Trump elected was secretly abusing his title to protect the person he tried (and kind of succeeded) to bury back in November.

There's just this response that I don't understand where anything negative about him is simply ignored and brushed off as crazy by the supporters. Of which there are a ton of where I live.
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