Originally Posted by agdci981
- President should go to jail
- AD should go to jail.
- Paterno should lose his job and have his legacy tarnished by his immoral, self serving actions.
- Schultz should go to jail.
- Ginger should lose his job and struggle in the future due to the rightful tarnishing of his reputation and integrity..
- Penn State should fold their football program. As a program they were implicit in allowing this old man to basically conduct a sick child sex ring by allowing him to use their facilities, reputation and confidences to do so.
And I'm not sure I agree with the last part. If everyone involved in any small way is fired, the program sits a season out to work on developing a proper code of ethics and internal review procedures then they should be allowed to continue imo.
Finally, I'm not sure that it is just the football program that needs to be looked at here. Given that the issues appear to lie at heart with those who all team coaches would have been reporting to, it is probably reasonable to wonder about sports in general at PSU.