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Penn State Covers Up For a Pedophile: The Cult is Alive and Well Penn State Covers Up For a Pedophile: The Cult is Alive and Well

07-12-2012 , 10:05 AM
I think that's probably a lot of the juicy stuff, but I skimmed a lot of what looked like procedural or administrative outlines and recommendations. Any posts from PSU boards would be very appreciated!
Penn State Covers Up For a Pedophile: The Cult is Alive and Well Quote
07-12-2012 , 10:07 AM
Nuking from orbit isn't sufficient anymore. We have to find a way to engulf happy valley in a black hole.
Penn State Covers Up For a Pedophile: The Cult is Alive and Well Quote
07-12-2012 , 10:10 AM
how are the psu boards spinning this?
Penn State Covers Up For a Pedophile: The Cult is Alive and Well Quote
07-12-2012 , 10:11 AM
black hole risks ruining us all. how about that giant dome from the Simpsons movie.
Penn State Covers Up For a Pedophile: The Cult is Alive and Well Quote
07-12-2012 , 10:13 AM
Of course they didn't show concern for the victims, because there were no victims. We all know old man penis cannot enter a tween boy's anus.
Penn State Covers Up For a Pedophile: The Cult is Alive and Well Quote
07-12-2012 , 10:14 AM
How much detail do you think Paterno's next "letter from the grave" goes into regarding the findings of the Freeh Report?
Penn State Covers Up For a Pedophile: The Cult is Alive and Well Quote
07-12-2012 , 10:18 AM
Originally Posted by Riverman
how are the psu boards spinning this?
It seems odd to me that they can accuse Joe of doing nothing after a 1998 police investigation that rendered zero charges. Plus, on page 51, the report states "After Curley's initial updates to Paterno, the available record is not clear as to how the conclusion of the Sandusky investigation was conveyed to Paterno."

I'd honestly like to know what Joe was supposed to do when there were no criminal charges filed and what grounds he would have to label him a "persona non grata".
This x1,000,000. The entire report is a joke.
Damn you and your logic

I've asked people several times when discussing this case if they've ever run around accusing an individual of being guilty of behavior after that individual was cleared by a formal investigation. And, if so, how did that work out for them?

I've never had anyone answer the first part of the question with a "yes".
Having read thereport nothing new to me, we all know Curley, Schultz and Spanier conspired to cover this up or to delicatly handle the situation at hand, we still do not know Paternos involment at length it is very vague to say the least!
We've been through this quite a few times. If Joe goes to the police, he violates the University's reporting procedure AND the police say, "That's great Joe, but we need Mike since you're only reporting hearsay".

Joe did
what anyone in education has been trained to do - report any suspected abuse to your immediate supervisor and trust they will do the right thing. In this case, his supervisors did not do the right thing.

Again, people are looking at this whole situation with the benefit of hindsight. In 2001, the only thing people knew was that something went down in 1998, yet there were no criminal charges files. Usually, that means the person is innocent.
All I know is that my opinion of Paterno has not changed after reading the report. Idk about others but I still cant say with certainty that I would have acted differently. We all know by now with hindsight he made mistakes but I just think he messed up really really bad.
That is complete BS. Complete BS to even state something like that. The DA doesn't file charges so Joe is supposed to put on his cape and save the day?
etc etc
Penn State Covers Up For a Pedophile: The Cult is Alive and Well Quote
07-12-2012 , 10:22 AM
Just copy this over and over:

"Based on the evidence, the only known, intervening factor between the decision made on February 25, 2001 by Messrs. Spanier, Curley and Schulz to report the incident to the Department of Public Welfare, and then agreeing not to do so on February 27th, was Mr. Paterno’s February 26th conversation with Mr. Curley."

"Based on the evidence, the only known, intervening factor between the decision made on February 25, 2001 by Messrs. Spanier, Curley and Schulz to report the incident to the Department of Public Welfare, and then agreeing not to do so on February 27th, was Mr. Paterno’s February 26th conversation with Mr. Curley."

"Based on the evidence, the only known, intervening factor between the decision made on February 25, 2001 by Messrs. Spanier, Curley and Schulz to report the incident to the Department of Public Welfare, and then agreeing not to do so on February 27th, was Mr. Paterno’s February 26th conversation with Mr. Curley."

"Based on the evidence, the only known, intervening factor between the decision made on February 25, 2001 by Messrs. Spanier, Curley and Schulz to report the incident to the Department of Public Welfare, and then agreeing not to do so on February 27th, was Mr. Paterno’s February 26th conversation with Mr. Curley."

"Based on the evidence, the only known, intervening factor between the decision made on February 25, 2001 by Messrs. Spanier, Curley and Schulz to report the incident to the Department of Public Welfare, and then agreeing not to do so on February 27th, was Mr. Paterno’s February 26th conversation with Mr. Curley."
Penn State Covers Up For a Pedophile: The Cult is Alive and Well Quote
07-12-2012 , 10:22 AM
give me a ****ing link, i want to see how quick i can get banned.
Penn State Covers Up For a Pedophile: The Cult is Alive and Well Quote
07-12-2012 , 10:23 AM

I just googled Penn St board and ended up there.
Penn State Covers Up For a Pedophile: The Cult is Alive and Well Quote
07-12-2012 , 10:25 AM
If those boards are like most, they'll probably suspend new registrations today.
Penn State Covers Up For a Pedophile: The Cult is Alive and Well Quote
07-12-2012 , 10:26 AM
2 e-mails? Informed Joe of what? How?

Told Joe Jerry was investigated for ___________ by the DA and cleared? I have always felt Joe canned/forced JS to retire because his investigation was a spot on his reputation and he'd NEVER be coach because of it.

What details? I seriously doubt there were any details given to anyone NOT involved in the investigation.

So this Freeh Report forms a HUGE conclusion with the use of two very vague e-mails? E-mails which of course come from Curley and don't have any communication from or to Paterno?

They paid HOW MUCH FOR THIS???? Talk about a waste of money. We already have Curley up on charges for perjury and people now take what he wote in an e-mail as the gospel truth? Is it so far fetched to believe Curley told his boss what he wanted to hear via e-mail? Seriously? this is the BEST this report good do?

I will wait and read the whole report, but if that is it then it's a complete waste of time and money.

Penn State Covers Up For a Pedophile: The Cult is Alive and Well Quote
07-12-2012 , 10:26 AM
i think i defended paterno at the beginning of this, but he looks pretty indefensible now.
Penn State Covers Up For a Pedophile: The Cult is Alive and Well Quote
07-12-2012 , 10:27 AM
There actually are quite a few people who are in reality on that board from a cursory glance
Penn State Covers Up For a Pedophile: The Cult is Alive and Well Quote
07-12-2012 , 10:27 AM
Actually, most of the board is like this:

"Wow, this means Joe perjured himself to the grand jury and lied on his deathbed. How can you know about 98 and not report 01 to the cops?? I have lost respect for Joe"

There are a few that still want the dots connected for them with a video of Joe saying "screw the kids, let's protect Sandusky and the football program's reputation", but the perjury thing is clear, obvious and disturbing to most there.
Penn State Covers Up For a Pedophile: The Cult is Alive and Well Quote
07-12-2012 , 10:28 AM
Ya, most are realizing what's up.. even a PSU staffer.

River just asked how some are defending it.
Penn State Covers Up For a Pedophile: The Cult is Alive and Well Quote
07-12-2012 , 10:29 AM
"I dont have to read it. If you skip on the main witness in the ENTIRE INVESTIGATION, everything in the report is ********. Its being paid for by the University, and its purpose is to justify the firing of Joe Paterno. Why else would you not interview Mike McQuery????"
"Freeh was paid too much for drawing these unsubstantiated conclusions about Paterno. Without knowledge of what was communicated he's no better than TMZ. "
Penn State Covers Up For a Pedophile: The Cult is Alive and Well Quote
07-12-2012 , 10:30 AM
Yeah looks like the defenders are fading. Just too much evidence.
Penn State Covers Up For a Pedophile: The Cult is Alive and Well Quote
07-12-2012 , 10:31 AM
Had to apply for access. If I had known that, I would have probably chosen a name other than FreehDom

Last edited by diddy!; 07-12-2012 at 10:37 AM.
Penn State Covers Up For a Pedophile: The Cult is Alive and Well Quote
07-12-2012 , 10:31 AM
The good thing about dropping a nuke from orbit on Happy Valley is that none of them will believe the reports of the nuke from orbit about to strike and won't leave the area.
Penn State Covers Up For a Pedophile: The Cult is Alive and Well Quote
07-12-2012 , 10:34 AM
What's the big deal abt perjury? He prob knew he had a super high % of not getting got.
Penn State Covers Up For a Pedophile: The Cult is Alive and Well Quote
07-12-2012 , 10:35 AM
Holliday gimme odds on death penalty and I'll bet
Penn State Covers Up For a Pedophile: The Cult is Alive and Well Quote
07-12-2012 , 10:37 AM
Joe Posnanski ‏@JoePosnanski
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Penn State Covers Up For a Pedophile: The Cult is Alive and Well Quote
07-12-2012 , 10:39 AM
Since we're not allowed to compare it to a religion, someone give me a different apt descriptor for a situation where a new revelation is handed down by a revered, dead leader and immediately accepted as truth by the faithful
Penn State Covers Up For a Pedophile: The Cult is Alive and Well Quote
07-12-2012 , 10:42 AM
Yes, Posnanski, **** your life. You idiot.
Penn State Covers Up For a Pedophile: The Cult is Alive and Well Quote
