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Penn State Covers Up For a Pedophile: The Cult is Alive and Well Penn State Covers Up For a Pedophile: The Cult is Alive and Well

07-12-2012 , 09:28 AM
the joe we know respects the jewish sabbath
Penn State Covers Up For a Pedophile: The Cult is Alive and Well Quote
07-12-2012 , 09:30 AM
Wendell Courtney is someone who hasn't been blamed enough, he belongs on the gallows with the rest of them.
Penn State Covers Up For a Pedophile: The Cult is Alive and Well Quote
07-12-2012 , 09:37 AM
Four of the most powerful people at The Pennsylvania State University – President Graham B. Spanier, Senior Vice President‐Finance and Business Gary C. Schultz, Athletic Director Timothy M. Curley and Head Football Coach Joseph V. Paterno – failed to protect against a child sexual predator harming children for over a decade. These men concealed Sandusky’s activities from the Board of Trustees, the University community and authorities. They exhibited a striking lack of empathy for Sandusky’s victims by failing to inquire as to their safety and well‐being, especially by not attempting to determine the identity of the child who Sandusky assaulted in the Lasch Building in 2001. Further, they exposed this child to additional harm by alerting Sandusky, who was the only one who knew the child’s identity, of what McQueary saw in the shower on the night of February 9, 2001.
Brilliant, tell the guy who is abusing the kid that you know about it. I'm sure Sandusky never brought it up with the kid...
Penn State Covers Up For a Pedophile: The Cult is Alive and Well Quote
07-12-2012 , 09:37 AM
just skimming the exhibits

lol at some dude wendall courtney lying to the penn state internal counsel about talking with schultz about sandusky in 2001
Penn State Covers Up For a Pedophile: The Cult is Alive and Well Quote
07-12-2012 , 09:40 AM
Originally Posted by Noze
Brilliant, tell the guy who is abusing the kid that you know about it. I'm sure Sandusky never brought it up with the kid...
im sure he used extra lube that night
Penn State Covers Up For a Pedophile: The Cult is Alive and Well Quote
07-12-2012 , 09:40 AM
Taking into account the available witness statements and evidence, the Special Investigative Counsel finds that it is more reasonable to conclude that, in order to avoid the consequences of bad publicity, the most powerful leaders at the University – Spanier, Schultz, Paterno and Curley – repeatedly concealed critical facts relating to Sandusky’s child abuse from the authorities, the University’s Board of Trustees, the Penn State community, and the public at large.
The avoidance of the consequences of bad publicity is the most significant, but not the only, cause for this failure to protect child victims and report to authorities. The investigation also revealed:

 A striking lack of empathy for child abuse victims by the most senior leaders of the University.

 A failure by the Board to exercise its oversight functions in 1998 and 2001 by not having regular reporting procedures or committee structures in place to ensure disclosure to the Board of major risks to the University.

 A failure by the Board to make reasonable inquiry in 2011 by not demanding details from Spanier and the General Counsel about the nature and direction of the grand jury investigation and the University’s response to the investigation.

 A President who discouraged discussion and dissent.

 A lack of awareness of child abuse issues, the Clery Act, and whistleblower
policies and protections.

 A decision by Spanier, Schultz, Paterno and Curley to allow Sandusky to retire in 1999, not as a suspected child predator, but as a valued member of the Penn State football legacy, with future “visibility” at Penn State and ways “to continue to work with young people through Penn State,” essentially granting him license to bring boys to campus facilities for “grooming” as targets for his assaults. Sandusky retained unlimited access to University facilities until November 2011.

 A football program that did not fully participate in, or opted out, of some University programs, including Clery Act compliance. Like the rest of the University, the football program staff had not been trained in their Clery Act responsibilities and most had never heard of the Clery Act.

 A culture of reverence for the football program that is ingrained at all levels of the campus community.
Penn State Covers Up For a Pedophile: The Cult is Alive and Well Quote
07-12-2012 , 09:42 AM
oh man pennsylvania is so getting nuked
Penn State Covers Up For a Pedophile: The Cult is Alive and Well Quote
07-12-2012 , 09:42 AM

Burn in hell Paterno you sick **** sucking herpy licking sack of old dead ****.
Penn State Covers Up For a Pedophile: The Cult is Alive and Well Quote
07-12-2012 , 09:43 AM
The University is a major employer, landholder and investor in State College, and its administrators, staff, faculty and many of its Board members have strong ties to the local community. Certain aspects of the community culture are laudable, such as its collegiality, high standards of educational excellence and research, and respect for the environment. However, there is an over‐emphasis on “The Penn State Way” as an approach to decision‐making, a resistance to seeking outside perspectives, and an excessive focus on athletics that can, if not recognized, negatively impact the University’s reputation as a progressive institution.
Penn State Covers Up For a Pedophile: The Cult is Alive and Well Quote
07-12-2012 , 09:48 AM
Penn State Covers Up For a Pedophile: The Cult is Alive and Well Quote
07-12-2012 , 09:49 AM
 Before May 1998, several staff members and football coaches regularly observed Sandusky showering with young boys in the Lasch Building (now the East Area Locker Building or “Old Lasch”). None of the individuals interviewed notified their superiors of this behavior.

 University Police and the Department of Public Welfare responded promptly to the report by a young boy’s mother of a possible sexual assault by Sandusky in the Lasch Building on May 3, 1998.

 While no information indicates University leaders interfered with the investigation, Spanier, Schultz, Paterno and Curley were kept informed of the investigation.

 On May 5, 1998, Schultz’s notes about the incident state: “Is this opening of pandora’s box? Other children? “

 On June 9, 1998, Schultz emails Spanier and Curley: “I think the matter has been appropriately investigated and I hope it is now behind us [emphasis added].”

 Detective recalled interviewing Sandusky in the Lasch Building so as not to put him “on the defensive.” The detective advised Sandusky not to shower with any child and Sandusky said he “wouldn’t.”At the conclusion of the investigation, no charges were filed against Sandusky.

 Spanier, Schultz, Paterno and Curley did not even speak to Sandusky about his conduct on May 3, 1998 in the Lasch Building.

 Despite their knowledge of the criminal investigation of Sandusky, Spanier, Schultz, Paterno and Curley took no action to limit Sandusky’s access to Penn State facilities or took any measures to protect children on their campuses.

 Spanier and Schultz failed to report the 1998 investigation to the Board of Trustees.

 Sandusky was convicted of several assaults that occurred after the 1998 incident. Some of these sexual assaults against young boys might have been prevented had Sandusky been prohibited from bringing minors to University facilities and University football bowl
Penn State Covers Up For a Pedophile: The Cult is Alive and Well Quote
07-12-2012 , 09:50 AM
Another adult male, not part of the June 2012 Sandusky trial, alleged that he was molested by Sandusky over 100 times as a child and that Sandusky took him to the Penn State Rose Bowl game in Pasadena, California in 1995. He also said that Sandusky brought him to the Penn State football locker room showers where Sandusky fondled him and performed oral sex on him.
Penn State Covers Up For a Pedophile: The Cult is Alive and Well Quote
07-12-2012 , 09:50 AM
Omg, phone close to dieing. Will enjoy hating these guys with you later lol
Penn State Covers Up For a Pedophile: The Cult is Alive and Well Quote
07-12-2012 , 09:51 AM
the penn state message boards are amazing
Penn State Covers Up For a Pedophile: The Cult is Alive and Well Quote
07-12-2012 , 09:52 AM
Originally Posted by Holliday
It's called "money talks and bull**** walks".

I got no problem with someone wanting to discuss anything, but if you won't bet on it straight up, then obviously you think it's unlikely to happen. The emotional reaction of "child rape is bad" is irrelevant to that reality.

I didn't say "stfu" alone, and I didn't say it had to be a large sum of money. I'll take any amount you want to give me.
Not everyone is so invested in their opinions they want to put money on them. Or maybe people don't want to wager with internet randoms. It's fine if people want to debate without opening their wallets, especially on a website against someone they don't know. Not everyone that likes poker likes gambling on everything.
Penn State Covers Up For a Pedophile: The Cult is Alive and Well Quote
07-12-2012 , 09:54 AM
Originally Posted by mutigers5591
the penn state message boards are amazing
Link me to a good one?
Penn State Covers Up For a Pedophile: The Cult is Alive and Well Quote
07-12-2012 , 09:54 AM
"Based on the evidence, the only known, intervening factor between the decision made on February 25, 2001 by Messrs. Spanier, Curley and Schulz to report the incident to the Department of Public Welfare, and then agreeing not to do so on February 27th, was Mr. Paterno’s February 26th conversation with Mr. Curley."
Penn State Covers Up For a Pedophile: The Cult is Alive and Well Quote
07-12-2012 , 09:57 AM
Stewart Mandel ‏@slmandel
Penn State received word the indictment was coming around Oct. 27 last yr. On Oct. 29 Sandusky attended PSU game, in Nittany Lion Club.
Penn State Covers Up For a Pedophile: The Cult is Alive and Well Quote
07-12-2012 , 09:58 AM
Originally Posted by Steroid Boy
oh man paterno didn't just know, he was the final baracade between stopping kiddie rape and furthering it
Penn State Covers Up For a Pedophile: The Cult is Alive and Well Quote
07-12-2012 , 09:59 AM
this is ****ing sickening
Penn State Covers Up For a Pedophile: The Cult is Alive and Well Quote
07-12-2012 , 09:59 AM
Spanier never declared Sandusky a “persona non grata” on Penn State campuses, as he did toward a sports agent who, before the 1997 Citrus Bowl, bought $400 worth of clothing for a Penn State football player. Spanier was very aggressive in that case170 and banned the agent from campus. Spanier said the agent “fooled around with the integrity of the university, and I wonʹt stand for that.” 171 The University conducted its own investigation, and provided the results to law enforcement.172 In an email dated May 13, 1998, Spanier said, “The idea is to keep [the sports agent] off campus permanently, to keep him away from current athletes, and to keep him away from current graduates or students whose eligibility has recently expired.”
Potential NCAA violation? PERMABAN

Potential felonies being committed? Shhhhhhhhhh
Penn State Covers Up For a Pedophile: The Cult is Alive and Well Quote
07-12-2012 , 10:01 AM
Penn State Covers Up For a Pedophile: The Cult is Alive and Well Quote
07-12-2012 , 10:02 AM
I look forward to this thread the rest of the day.
Penn State Covers Up For a Pedophile: The Cult is Alive and Well Quote
