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Penn State Covers Up For a Pedophile: The Cult is Alive and Well Penn State Covers Up For a Pedophile: The Cult is Alive and Well

11-06-2011 , 10:54 PM
Originally Posted by Tumaterminator
2003: Mcqueary promoted to admin assistant
2004: Mcqueary promoted to WR coach/recruiting coordinator
Which is a path probably not at all unlikely for any GA in any program.
Penn State Covers Up For a Pedophile: The Cult is Alive and Well Quote
11-06-2011 , 10:55 PM
The linked article about the Peen State students protesting said that "a handful" of students were protesting. I just looked at Wiki and it said Penn State has a student body of 44,000. I am glad to see them starting but the Alums need to get involved with phone calls and the students need to start turning out in force. This is disgusting.
Penn State Covers Up For a Pedophile: The Cult is Alive and Well Quote
11-06-2011 , 10:56 PM
Originally Posted by Dids
The point is that per the statement, a vague accusation was all Joe had to go on.
how is witnessing the sexual assault of a preteen a "vague accusation"?

i don't really feel like taking JoPa's word for it, you can if you want though.

Last edited by 72off; 11-06-2011 at 10:57 PM. Reason: oh, i guess i'm slow there, but wtf?
Penn State Covers Up For a Pedophile: The Cult is Alive and Well Quote
11-06-2011 , 10:57 PM
Originally Posted by bronx bomber
The linked article about the Peen State students protesting said that "a handful" of students were protesting. I just looked at Wiki and it said Penn State has a student body of 44,000. I am glad to see them starting but the Alums need to get involved with phone calls and the students need to start turning out in force. This is disgusting.
There's been plenty of outrage today and if things aren't taken care of I'm sure it will continue.
Penn State Covers Up For a Pedophile: The Cult is Alive and Well Quote
11-06-2011 , 10:57 PM
Originally Posted by Dids
His nose was too big? Who knows. I imagine we'll hear more about that in the future. Let's all jump to the worst conclusions instead tho.
It was the first offseason after the initial accusations...30 year vet, considered the heir apparant, "I've decided to go in a different direction"...obviously JoePa wanted the staff to get younger.
Penn State Covers Up For a Pedophile: The Cult is Alive and Well Quote
11-06-2011 , 10:58 PM
Originally Posted by 72off
how is witnessing the sexual assault of a preteen a "vague accusation"?
Joe's press release lines him up with the admin on the whole, "the buck never got here" -- never knew what anything beyond something inappropriate.

eta ops. i see you caught up.

Last edited by shemp; 11-06-2011 at 11:00 PM. Reason: recursion itt
Penn State Covers Up For a Pedophile: The Cult is Alive and Well Quote
11-06-2011 , 11:01 PM
i don't see how it seems implausible that GA is afraid to graphically describe stuff to JoePa. he surely saw him as some kind of perfect, pure being, or at the very least, a poor innocent old man

i can easily buy incompetence on JoePa's part, too, just saying, ok, inappropriate conduct, no need to say more, GA, m'boy, i will tell the AD
Penn State Covers Up For a Pedophile: The Cult is Alive and Well Quote
11-06-2011 , 11:03 PM

I'm not trying to debate if what Joe Pa did was right on some grand moral scale. I imagine if I was in that situation I wouldn't do what he did.

What I am arguing is that I can easily see a chain of events that make his statement truthful, or at a minimum not the obvious falsehood some seem to be suggesting. In part this is because Joe making false statement at this point (there's been a prolonged investigation that did not implicate him*, every eye in the world is looking at PSU, etc) would be amazingly stupid, even for a situation with a whole lot of stupid.

*- seriously- there's two guys who have been charged with doing what some are suggesting Joe must have done. Can't we assume that the investigators have better knowledge of this situation than our speculation and assumptions about how people are supposed to act?
Penn State Covers Up For a Pedophile: The Cult is Alive and Well Quote
11-06-2011 , 11:03 PM
ESPN Headline update;

They've now changed it to "Stunned Paterno: 'If true, we were all fooled'"
Penn State Covers Up For a Pedophile: The Cult is Alive and Well Quote
11-06-2011 , 11:05 PM
I realize Joe is old and that we're supposed to like old people, but Joe's handling of this is beyond awful and he needs to be turbofired.
Penn State Covers Up For a Pedophile: The Cult is Alive and Well Quote
11-06-2011 , 11:05 PM
then, AD to JoePa: "well, what do you mean by inappropriate?"

JoePa to AD: "well, GA didn't say"
Penn State Covers Up For a Pedophile: The Cult is Alive and Well Quote
11-06-2011 , 11:06 PM
Originally Posted by Riverman
I realize Joe is old and that we're supposed to like old people, but Joe's handling of this is beyond awful and he needs to be turbofired.
i agree, if this was directed at me at all
Penn State Covers Up For a Pedophile: The Cult is Alive and Well Quote
11-06-2011 , 11:06 PM
Originally Posted by PocketChads
then, AD to JoePa: "well, what do you mean by inappropriate?"

JoePa to AD: "you know, horsin' around"

AD to JoePa: "ok kool, well thanks for stoppin' by!"
Penn State Covers Up For a Pedophile: The Cult is Alive and Well Quote
11-06-2011 , 11:07 PM

I'm tempted to be with you because it is true that we don't know what was said. However,

Originally Posted by Dids
there's two guys who have been charged with doing what some are suggesting Joe must have done. Can't we assume that the investigators have better knowledge of this situation than our speculation and assumptions about how people are supposed to act?
^ This isn't a be-all and end-all when it comes to Paterno's moral responsibilities, because moral responsibilities and legal responsibilities are different things. Legal investigators only look at the latter.
Penn State Covers Up For a Pedophile: The Cult is Alive and Well Quote
11-06-2011 , 11:08 PM
Originally Posted by 72off
i can see this, for sure. and then when AD meets with GA to ask him about it, AD keeps going on about, "what is wrong with you, trying to get someone in trouble for horsing around?"

GA is perplexed, but just assumes horsing around is code for anal rape
Penn State Covers Up For a Pedophile: The Cult is Alive and Well Quote
11-06-2011 , 11:10 PM
Originally Posted by Dids
Which is a path probably not at all unlikely for any GA in any program.
dids attacking pointless logic itt is not helping this thread. i was stating nothing besides a fact, preemptively denying what it might mean

Originally Posted by Dids

I have no interest in talking about hypotheticals. Just silly at this point.
disagrees with ^ and furthers nonsense itt.

Originally Posted by Dids

The story is that Joe pushed dude to retire in 99. He's not somebody who was under Joe's supervision when this occurred. Somebody comes to you with a vague accusation about a former employee- do you turn into Columbo or do you put the situation in the hands of the people responsible for that individual?
dids he was his assistant coach for 30 freakin years, PROBABLY bff/like family too. on campus all the time. i mean cmon, former employee? lol, you have no idea what is going on.
Penn State Covers Up For a Pedophile: The Cult is Alive and Well Quote
11-06-2011 , 11:12 PM
Originally Posted by Dids
Can't we assume that the investigators have better knowledge of this situation than our speculation and assumptions about how people are supposed to act?
sure, but it is basically the definition of foolish to think that this must be the reason anyone was or was not charged for anything.

hint: politics

someone earlier brought up "oh, you guys are so stupid to think that the DA doesn't care about rape when it comes to JoePa"

which was an epic strawman. i don't mean to insult anyone's intelligence by explaining this, but what the DA is afraid of is what happens if JoePa is found not guilty or even just if his constituents/jurors never believe JoePa could be guilty of anything
Penn State Covers Up For a Pedophile: The Cult is Alive and Well Quote
11-06-2011 , 11:12 PM
Not really sure how much more clear I can be that I'm not talking about his moral responsibilities. I've said a few times that I wouldn't make (or I guess at least hope I wouldn't make) the same choices he did.

I can tell you that if I described this situation to my boss, or my HR director, their advice would be to get myself out of the situation ASAP and put it in the hands of the appropriate authorities (what I'm not sure about is if they'd suggest my hypothetical employee contact the police, if of they'd suggest that the employee talk to HR and HR would contact the police).
Penn State Covers Up For a Pedophile: The Cult is Alive and Well Quote
11-06-2011 , 11:13 PM
Originally Posted by PocketChads
i don't see how it seems implausible that GA is afraid to graphically describe stuff to JoePa. he surely saw him as some kind of perfect, pure being, or at the very least, a poor innocent old man

i can easily buy incompetence on JoePa's part, too, just saying, ok, inappropriate conduct, no need to say more, GA, m'boy, i will tell the AD
Page 7 says "Paterno called Tim Curley, the AD and Paterno's immediate superior, to his home the next day... and reported to him the GA had seen Sandusky fonding or doing something of a sexual nature to a young boy." This is what Joe Paterno said he heard in the grand jury report so that cannot be true.
Penn State Covers Up For a Pedophile: The Cult is Alive and Well Quote
11-06-2011 , 11:14 PM
How the **** was Paterno fooled? Your ginger graduate assistant brought this to your attention 9 years ago and Sandusky was still strutting around campus all this time.
Penn State Covers Up For a Pedophile: The Cult is Alive and Well Quote
11-06-2011 , 11:16 PM

Joe Pa isn't some common employee who might properly clean his hands by notifying his higher-ups. He IS Penn State. As soon as he found out what was going on sending the info "up" the food chain isn't just morally suspect, it's pretty egregious.
Penn State Covers Up For a Pedophile: The Cult is Alive and Well Quote
11-06-2011 , 11:17 PM

Yes, my point is that none of us have any idea what's going on. You're the one making assumptions in that case.
Penn State Covers Up For a Pedophile: The Cult is Alive and Well Quote
11-06-2011 , 11:17 PM
Originally Posted by Dids

I'm not trying to debate if what Joe Pa did was right on some grand moral scale. I imagine if I was in that situation I wouldn't do what he did.

What I am arguing is that I can easily see a chain of events that make his statement truthful, or at a minimum not the obvious falsehood some seem to be suggesting. In part this is because Joe making false statement at this point (there's been a prolonged investigation that did not implicate him*, every eye in the world is looking at PSU, etc) would be amazingly stupid, even for a situation with a whole lot of stupid.

*- seriously- there's two guys who have been charged with doing what some are suggesting Joe must have done. Can't we assume that the investigators have better knowledge of this situation than our speculation and assumptions about how people are supposed to act?
Well, the basis for the prosecution it seems is that while anal intercourse got lost between the GA and Paterno, unspecified misconduct of a sexual nature got lost between Paterno and the AD-- and the latter gets you Paterno testifying for you. I guess I'll have to believe him for now.
Penn State Covers Up For a Pedophile: The Cult is Alive and Well Quote
11-06-2011 , 11:17 PM
Originally Posted by Dids
I can easily see Joe snap passing on a complaint phrased that way to the people he believed to be responsible for following up on that sort of situation. He's a head college football coach and may not feel like the actions of a guy he pushed out years ago were something with which he should concern himself.
Originally Posted by Dids

The story is that Joe pushed dude to retire in 99. He's not somebody who was under Joe's supervision when this occurred. Somebody comes to you with a vague accusation about a former employee- do you turn into Columbo or do you put the situation in the hands of the people responsible for that individual?
Originally Posted by Dids
The point is that per the statement, a vague accusation was all Joe had to go on.
WTF dids? Are you ****ing serious? It's none of his business cause he already fired the guy? I mean of all the ******ed **** in this thread (and there are some ****ing doozies) this is got to be top 3.

Are you saying joepa has no control over who has access to PSU facilities or goes with the team on bowl game trips? Even if it was just a "vague" accusation, he can make sure this guy isn't on PSU property or travelling on PSU's dime.

As for the GA, making excuses for him would be LOL if it weren't so ****ing serious. Yeah, he told joepa, that's a good first step. And then, when nothing happened, he didn't go any further. He shoulders a LOT of blame here IMO.
Penn State Covers Up For a Pedophile: The Cult is Alive and Well Quote
