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Other than iwreckshop, who are the BAD SE p0sters? Other than iwreckshop, who are the BAD SE p0sters?

11-16-2009 , 04:58 PM
i don't even think he is bad, but he does have a way of making himself look wrong even when he is right
Other than iwreckshop, who are the BAD SE p0sters? Quote
11-16-2009 , 06:24 PM
Riverman just posts a lot.
Other than iwreckshop, who are the BAD SE p0sters? Quote
11-16-2009 , 07:11 PM
How can anyone put riverman in the "bad" category?
Other than iwreckshop, who are the BAD SE p0sters? Quote
11-16-2009 , 07:49 PM
Yeah, that is pretty silly. I don't even get along with him and to put him in the same category as GREEAR and zugzwangz is just ridiculous.
Other than iwreckshop, who are the BAD SE p0sters? Quote
11-16-2009 , 07:49 PM
most people in se probably only see his posts in the game threads where he goes ape**** at times and think he's like that all the time. i usually find it pretty funny tbh
Other than iwreckshop, who are the BAD SE p0sters? Quote
11-17-2009 , 01:44 AM
I get drunk and go crazy in the in-game threads, but that's the whole point of the in-game threads. People really get mad or annoyed when I type "rigged" every other game and start being obnoxious when every other post is "CUTLAHAHAHAH" or "VINCE YOUNG JUST WINS GAMES" or "FREE (INSERT BACKUP QUARTERBACK HERE)" or "LOL"?

Other than iwreckshop, who are the BAD SE p0sters? Quote
11-17-2009 , 02:24 AM
doesn't bother me, but yeah i think some people dislike it
Other than iwreckshop, who are the BAD SE p0sters? Quote
11-17-2009 , 02:47 AM
Originally Posted by Riverman
I get drunk and go crazy in the in-game threads, but that's the whole point of the in-game threads. People really get mad or annoyed when I type "rigged" every other game and start being obnoxious when every other post is "CUTLAHAHAHAH" or "VINCE YOUNG JUST WINS GAMES" or "FREE (INSERT BACKUP QUARTERBACK HERE)" or "LOL"?
This is the stuff legends are made of imo. Riverman = legend.
Other than iwreckshop, who are the BAD SE p0sters? Quote
11-17-2009 , 05:16 AM
you want this here, fine. if not, delete it.
Other than iwreckshop, who are the BAD SE p0sters? Quote
11-17-2009 , 05:18 AM
first in epic forum transfer?
Other than iwreckshop, who are the BAD SE p0sters? Quote
11-17-2009 , 05:19 AM
grear is proly the worst.
Other than iwreckshop, who are the BAD SE p0sters? Quote
11-17-2009 , 05:38 AM
Mat Sklansky
Other than iwreckshop, who are the BAD SE p0sters? Quote
11-17-2009 , 05:42 AM
Originally Posted by Caldarooni
Mat Sklansky
Agreed, +1 or whatever. What is this garbage
Other than iwreckshop, who are the BAD SE p0sters? Quote
11-17-2009 , 05:43 AM
Originally Posted by jmill
4thfilm is obv the worst.

Dschmeid doesn't bother me that much, partly because it's obvious that it's mostly an act because he likes the attention and partly because he's a Lakers fan.
[x] I like attention
[ ] My observations, thoughts, and general sick poasting is an act
[x] Laker fan
[ ] Likes Bobbo

Last edited by Dschmeidreu; 11-17-2009 at 05:58 AM.
Other than iwreckshop, who are the BAD SE p0sters? Quote
11-17-2009 , 05:45 AM
I always thought Dsch hated the fact that he loved Bobbo so much.
Other than iwreckshop, who are the BAD SE p0sters? Quote
11-17-2009 , 06:31 AM
lol Dsch makes me laugh a good bit tho
Other than iwreckshop, who are the BAD SE p0sters? Quote
11-17-2009 , 06:40 AM
Originally Posted by C-Viggity
lol Dsch makes me laugh a good bit tho
He's definitely an acquired taste, but I think for the most part he is ed in SE.

....who has a mancrush on Bobbo.
Other than iwreckshop, who are the BAD SE p0sters? Quote
11-17-2009 , 06:43 AM
Originally Posted by kidcolin
crippled by fear they mock anatta secretly wishing he'd mention them in a post
Originally Posted by kidcolin
they hate what they can't understand.
Originally Posted by C-Viggity
anatta doesn't drink beer often but when he does he drinks 12 of them
the buildup.....

Originally Posted by anatta
anatta dwells unattached from praise and blame. if the multitudes understood the dhamma preached by the great one then either his work would be done and all would be saved by his diamond sharp wisdom and we would all be gone together to the other shore, or his diamond sharp wisdom would be rather mundane and not so sharp as to cut through all delusion in the universe, but the wisdom of anatta is diamond sharp because the great one is called teh great one because he has wisdom that is diamond sharp.
diamond sharp ldo

Originally Posted by FlyWf
so good so good
Other than iwreckshop, who are the BAD SE p0sters? Quote
11-17-2009 , 06:53 AM
my favorite anatta:

todd in jersey writes:

anatta have u heard the word of god today? have u spoken to jesus lately? todd

dear todd,

spoke to jesus yesterday he came over for the c's game and as usual thinks its great fun to spot the other team like double digit leads or whatever get me drunk on his water to wine trick and then bail at halftime just to see if my drunk yogic powers can pull out a boston victory. man i actually complained to the jedi counsel but with all the yankee fans lets just say they dont give shi.t at a minimum and really i think they enjoy/encourage jesus' antics.

so at the half i gotta walk my dog so jesus says alright ill go with u then i got to go and i think yeah no kidding but still got drunk man what can i say im no connoisseur but his wine is damn good. okay i dont know if u know this todd but animals really dont like jesus they just dont like him he's like all invisible and i dunno they sense him but cant see him or something and it just freaks 'em out and jesus is all "be calm jesus loves all men and beast" and im like dude i told u the dog doesnt understand english man its a damn dog that never works.

so we get to the park and this little girl she's like nice doggie and jesus is like to me nobody can hear him but he's like damn u are one ugly little girl what r u so happy about omg look at those teeth theyre huge! and i lol and the grannie with her says yr a happy young man and jesus is like and yr an ugly old lady and im like "jesus christ will u shut up" and then im like oh man im sorry lady im drunk and get out fast and jesus is just roflol. so yeah i spoke to him yesterday.

love, anatta
Other than iwreckshop, who are the BAD SE p0sters? Quote
11-17-2009 , 07:17 AM
Sweet I got a mention in this thread. I'm glad LFS recognizes the genius of my tactic to run out the clock in football. I had an even better tactic in basketball. Put your five tallest guys on the court when you're up by 1-3 points and there's a few seconds left. Throw it to whichever of them is most open, and instead of catching it, they punch the ball high up in the air the way volleyball players do. This can be done with either an open hand or closed fist, I'm not sure which would work best, but the idea is that the player can't be fouled since they don't have possession; it would be an off-the-ball foul which gives possession back to the original team. The ball will be high in the air and time will be running off the clock. The other four tall guys will camp under the ball and bat the ball high up in the air again, to let even more time run off the clock. The ref will probably call a loose ball foul on the other team and one of your bigs will get two shots. But by this time the clock might have run out or even if not there will be less than two seconds left and the other team will have to hit a miracle.
Other than iwreckshop, who are the BAD SE p0sters? Quote
11-17-2009 , 08:23 AM
Originally Posted by Mikhail's Fortunes
Sweet I got a mention in this thread. I'm glad LFS recognizes the genius of my tactic to run out the clock in football. I had an even better tactic in basketball. Put your five tallest guys on the court when you're up by 1-3 points and there's a few seconds left. Throw it to whichever of them is most open, and instead of catching it, they punch the ball high up in the air the way volleyball players do. This can be done with either an open hand or closed fist, I'm not sure which would work best, but the idea is that the player can't be fouled since they don't have possession; it would be an off-the-ball foul which gives possession back to the original team. The ball will be high in the air and time will be running off the clock. The other four tall guys will camp under the ball and bat the ball high up in the air again, to let even more time run off the clock. The ref will probably call a loose ball foul on the other team and one of your bigs will get two shots. But by this time the clock might have run out or even if not there will be less than two seconds left and the other team will have to hit a miracle.
Other than iwreckshop, who are the BAD SE p0sters? Quote
11-17-2009 , 09:13 AM
Meh, I think we've got enough threads in here if anyone wants to be a hater. Gonna lock this one up.
Other than iwreckshop, who are the BAD SE p0sters? Quote
11-17-2009 , 11:33 AM
Other than iwreckshop, who are the BAD SE p0sters? Quote
11-17-2009 , 11:34 AM
Isn't it good to have one poster on poster violence thread? Yeah, it'll turn into EPLv2.0, but whatever.
Other than iwreckshop, who are the BAD SE p0sters? Quote
11-17-2009 , 11:36 AM
Yeah I don't get this lock. Unlock prz or I will retitle, lock, and delete the Brandon Jennings thread again.
Other than iwreckshop, who are the BAD SE p0sters? Quote
