Originally Posted by agdci981
Harris > Jimmy Smith (and this guy will probably be serving some sort of drug related suspension before he plays a full season)
Carpenter is alright
LOL Schilling
Fua is too slow to play DE and too small to play NT
Kicker in the 5th, really???
Harris is a safety in waiting. Not a bad thing, I suppose, and certainly still an upgrade, but the value in Smith was too much to pass up.
Schilling wasn't my pick.
Fua is fine at NT. He's 6'2", 308. You don't think he could bulk up a bit?
The Steelers took a punter in the 4th round. Taking arguably one of the best college kickers of all-time (hyperbole
) is a reach in the 5th?
I agree with BBB, I'd like to see them move up, or back.