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12-07-2015 , 05:17 PM
Originally Posted by AUGUY55
Steve Sarkisian is suing USC for 30 million for firing him for his "disability"
He must be drunk.
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12-07-2015 , 05:33 PM
Sarkisian knows his coaching career is over (especially after this lawsuit). A final attempt at one last payday.

Probably hoping to spend the money on booze in one final spectacular bender ala Nick Cage in Leaving Las Vegas.
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12-07-2015 , 05:36 PM
Norm Macdonald on the "disease" of alcoholism.

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12-07-2015 , 05:45 PM
I don't see the big big deal with Sark, it's not like he's flying the team home from road games. What has this country come to. Thanks Reagan.
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12-07-2015 , 11:58 PM
Just an idea, but is anyone interested in a college head coach ranking thread? I think we all could collectively put together a decent list of where say the top 25-30 head coaches stand with respect to each other and generate some interesting discussion in the process. Let me know what you think.
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12-08-2015 , 12:00 AM

In ldo
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12-08-2015 , 01:28 AM
Ranking thread could be fun
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12-08-2015 , 02:10 AM
taking a shot in the dark here


really have no idea on the rest, but feel like these guys are elite tier (Shaw gets demerits for his LOL game management but is clearly elite)
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12-08-2015 , 02:17 AM
Will be lot harder than the Rank the Coach's Wives thread.

1. Mrs Bulemia.
2. the rest
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12-08-2015 , 02:20 AM
Mrs. Bert clearly elite

Layla Kiffin and Sarah Harbaugh can get it as well
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12-08-2015 , 03:45 AM
Muschamp thinks his wife should be on the list.

I remember Dennis Franchione using the same line when he was hired at Alabama.
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12-08-2015 , 09:28 AM
Any list of elite coaches must include Snyder at K St. What he does with 2 & 3 star recruits is amazing.
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12-08-2015 , 10:05 AM
There's the list of ELITE coaches (in no particular order)

Kelly, Brian

Then I think the 2nd tier is guys who either don't recruit as well as the top guys, or it isn't clear that they are as good at game planning/talent development as those top guys. This list is like 20-25 deep prob and is basically "Guys you'd be happy to have and wouldn't be looking for a replacement, but given the opportunity to fire him and hire one of the top 5 you'd snap call as a fan.

Just from power 5 teams and there are prob more that belong on this list than I even have.


I feel like there are def separations in that group and you could include some in the top tier of coaches (Les, Jimbo, Dabo, Big XII coaches prob the closest).
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12-08-2015 , 10:10 AM
Gotta put Stoops, Miles, Shaw, and Fisher in tier 1
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12-08-2015 , 10:35 AM
Originally Posted by Dyenimator
Gotta put Stoops, Miles, Shaw, and Fisher in tier 1
One of these is not like the other...Shaw is a very good coach (albeit he makes a ton of poor on field decisions), I can't see putting him in tier 1 though.
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12-08-2015 , 12:18 PM
Briles clearly tier 1. NFW many other coaches have that kind of success at Baylor, and he'd obviously be a winner anywhere.
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12-08-2015 , 12:28 PM
My top 5 would be:
1. Urban
2. Saban
3. Harbaugh
4. Dantonio
5. Kelly
5B. Briles
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12-08-2015 , 12:41 PM
How much weight do you give to coaches who succeed at non-powerhouse schools like Baylor/KState/Boise as opposed to coaches who win championships at Bama/UF/OSU?

Seems like it's very hard to be objective about what is 'better'. Is it more impressive to take Ohio State to a championship or a smaller school to the top ten?
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12-08-2015 , 12:44 PM
Originally Posted by Bigdaddydvo
Question for the group: Who was the last fired college HC that wound up succeeding in a follow-on HC job? I honestly can't think of one.
Rich Rodriguez.
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12-08-2015 , 12:47 PM
Well, how many coaches do you think would do as well as or better than Briles at Baylor?

And at how many programs would Briles do as well as or better than their current coach?

Does anyone really doubt that Briles would be winning titles at a school like LSU or Ohio St?
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12-08-2015 , 12:47 PM
Tom Herman at Houston is pretty damn good and seems to be staying there for awhile.
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12-08-2015 , 12:55 PM
Shaw is a weird case. Stanford is clearly not the easiest place to be a big time winner, and He's been a big time winner.

He took over a winning program, yes; but that's no guarantee (just ask Ron Zook). Especially not at a school like Stanford. So Shaw seems to be terrific at recruiting and player development.

But Shaw makes mistakes nearly every game that burn EV. So he seems to be mega elite at every aspect of coaching except in game decision making.
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12-08-2015 , 01:28 PM
1. Saban
2. Briles
3. Urban
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12-08-2015 , 01:37 PM
Originally Posted by BigPoppa
Shaw is a weird case. Stanford is clearly not the easiest place to be a big time winner, and He's been a big time winner.

He took over a winning program, yes; but that's no guarantee (just ask Ron Zook). Especially not at a school like Stanford. So Shaw seems to be terrific at recruiting and player development.

But Shaw makes mistakes nearly every game that burn EV. So he seems to be mega elite at every aspect of coaching except in game decision making.
I don't know about terrific at recruiting and player development. I'm not sure you're taking in the full effect of Harbaugh's time there. He not only filled the team with talented players, but coaches as well. That's not going to disappear all at once.
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12-08-2015 , 01:53 PM
Harbaugh left in 2010. All the players now are Shaw's.

How long did Muschamp or Zook last after taking over for more successful coaches at a school where it's much easier to recruit?
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