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11-23-2015 , 08:48 PM
Tough negotiating position for anyone LSU offers the job to:

LSU: How much will it take to get you to accept this job?
Coach: Well, if you're paying Les $15 million not to coach, I'm worth a whole lot more than that.
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11-23-2015 , 08:50 PM
LSU fans/administration apparently forgetting what their entire existence was pre-Saban?

Jimbo would be perfect given their stance on player discipline
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11-23-2015 , 09:08 PM
Originally Posted by Dids
The heat on Miles is just another datapoint in the argument that expectations in college ball are completely detached from reality.
The schools are making serious bank from the TV contracts, yet ticket prices and donation requirements are going up across the country. The administrators are fueling the expectations. I dropped my Arkansas tickets after Petrino left. I was paying around 4k for about 6 games a year since we have a game in LR and Dallas. 10 years ago those same tickets cost around 1200 with the donation. Just about any person with premium seats in the SEC is paying 5k plus a year for those seats. That is why the expectations have gotten out of whack.
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11-23-2015 , 09:13 PM
That's fair. I'd also argue that Saban/Bama's recent dominance has played a roll. Nobody appreciates how much of an outlier that likely was/is and thinks they can do it too.
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11-23-2015 , 09:20 PM
Originally Posted by Dids
That's fair. I'd also argue that Saban/Bama's recent dominance has played a roll. Nobody appreciates how much of an outlier that likely was/is and thinks they can do it too.
Especially, for obvious reasons, LSU.
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11-23-2015 , 09:36 PM
Originally Posted by AngerPush
Do people actually think that Richt is a better coach than Les? Is this a common belief? I was just having this debate and I am not sure how that conclusion can be drawn. What am I missing?

Also, I get Les has his faults, but come on he is better than 95% of coaches imo.
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11-23-2015 , 09:37 PM
Wow, LSU is out Nebraska-ing Nebraska.

Good luck finding a coach who can get you to two Natty games in a 10 year span.
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11-23-2015 , 09:56 PM
Originally Posted by maxtower
Wow, LSU is out Nebraska-ing Nebraska.

Good luck finding a coach who can get you to two Natty games in a 10 year span.
Don't you understand? Les Miles has lost THIRTY TWO games in almost 11 full seasons. THIRTY TWO GAMES. That's thirty two times there has been NO VICTORY GOLD, no post-game yelling of "TIGER BAIT!" and no joy in Baton Rouge. Completely unacceptable.
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11-23-2015 , 09:59 PM
UT fired Majors cause he couldn't beat Bama. Then they fired Fulmer cause he couldn't beat Florida. Now they can't beat either.
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11-23-2015 , 10:18 PM
does anyone else smell the corndogs burning?
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11-23-2015 , 10:43 PM
Les needs to fill his pool with 15,000,000 $1 bills and put a video on YouTube of himself swimming around in it.
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11-23-2015 , 10:54 PM
Wow, LSU is pulling a Nebraska!

Except LSU won conference and national titles, and Les didn't spend his time abusing officials and administration and donors and destroying a program from within.
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11-23-2015 , 10:58 PM
LSU needs to fire Les, hire Brady Hoke and two kick-ass coordinators and recreate the Gene Chizik era at Auburn from start to finish.
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11-23-2015 , 11:00 PM
Coaches coming in to interview will have to fight the urge of asking "How could u fire Les?"
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11-23-2015 , 11:11 PM
For a $15 million buyout they will want to get fired

Anybody know if there is typically offset language in these contracts?
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11-23-2015 , 11:42 PM
Originally Posted by pvn
You don't think they are but you're coming up with reasons to justify it?
When did I say I don't think they're firing Les? Can you not read? I specifically said I'm not saying either way.

It's pretty much a done deal is what is out there yet I'm dumb for thinking the administration is dumb enough to consider it. Wow.

I'm not giving ANY reasons to justify it. I was playing devil's advocate of why those who may want him gone do in fact want him gone. I don't know enough about LSU's program other than their record and how they perform in games and recruits they pull to think he should be gone. It sounds like the Richt situation on steriods.
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11-23-2015 , 11:44 PM
Les being fired and Richt keeping his job is pretty wtf worthy
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11-23-2015 , 11:47 PM
Originally Posted by NoGambolNoFuture
Do people actually think that Richt is a better coach than Les? Is this a common belief? I was just having this debate and I am not sure how that conclusion can be drawn. What am I missing?

Also, I get Les has his faults, but come on he is better than 95% of coaches imo.
I'm not saying I think Richt is a better coach, I'm saying if UGA were to can Richt, I don't want Les, who is 62, to replace Richt. I'm not sure I see an upgrade. He's done more with more. Ok, great.

We have DC settled, and Miles can't seem to ever have an offense, so I'd prefer Richt. They would probably pull in the same recruiting classes at UGA. Les's gameday coaching seems higher-variance than Richt's but not necessarily better.
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11-23-2015 , 11:50 PM
Originally Posted by AUGUY55
Les being fired and Richt keeping his job is pretty wtf worthy
They are independent of each other. So really, Les being fired is wtf worthy.

I don't think UGA will suddenly say "you know what, LSU fired a better coach so we should fire ours."
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11-23-2015 , 11:50 PM
15 million dollar bills would stack over a mile high.

Is that right? That would make 15 million in hundos be 53 feet. I think I did something wrong. 3.5 feet per million, what were those 3 stacks Brad Booth put in on an early season of HSP?
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11-24-2015 , 12:12 AM
firing less with no buyout is pretty insane

paying him $15 million to leave I can't even wrap my head around
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11-24-2015 , 12:12 AM
why don't they just keep les and hire somebody to make decisions on gameday for $10m
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11-24-2015 , 12:24 AM
4 star QB Feliepe Franks just decommited from Lsu.

It's all happening.
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11-24-2015 , 12:33 AM
This will go down as a historically bad firing
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11-24-2015 , 12:45 AM
Poor Les. All he wanted to do was coach Michigan and he'll never get that chance
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