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11-02-2015 , 08:16 PM
Originally Posted by Dids
Firing coaches who win 9 games a year just isn't a good idea.
Except that in the minds of many that advocate doing so, it is.

Let's say a Mark Richt has a theoretical coaching ceiling that breaks down into probabilities like this: National championship 1%, playoffs 3%, SEC title 8%, Division 20%, Bowl 90%.

You offer someone a coach (coach X) whose distribution is: National championship 2%, playoffs 3%, SEC title 5%, division 12%, Bowl 75%.

There are lots of people out there who snap take Coach X. Why? Twice as likely to win a national championship! And we don't care about anything else!

It's stupid, but those people exist in large numbers.
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11-02-2015 , 08:27 PM
This is kinda silly- the one drawback of an honest to goodness playoff is the final nail in the coffin of the old bowl system, where if you went 10-2 an won your bowl you could be happy without knowing you missed out on something. The commie pinko lefty in me always liked that about the old ways where everybody was a winner in their own way. (and the 2001 Mariners fan who thinks using one game/series results to determine the best likes it better too).
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11-02-2015 , 08:30 PM
I'm not going to keep beating the drum for people that don't care to read. Firing Bo was the right decision for so, so many reasons. Bo's ceiling this year was probably 7 wins anyways. He was trending downward for 5 years and hadn't won a conference - and his odds of doing so by the end were low. Ameer Abdullah probably won 3 games last year singlehandedly, and he ain't walking back through that door.

Nobody at Nebraska gives a **** about national championships; we're not that delusional.

Hiring Mike Riley = probably a bad move or so we're pretty sure at this point. Do not tie those two decisions together. There are a ton of ways to break this season down and talk about the dumpster fire that he inherited, but I don't think people here would care to listen because posting about 'blah blah blah 9 wins better troll schu' is so much more fun.

This was always the chance we took by firing Bo. Now did we think it would be this bad? No, because we thought Eichorst wouldn't hitch his wagon to a mediocre coach. But it happened, and we gave him a chance as a fanbase, and Riley has failed. Ergo, Eichorst has failed. But I'm not even all that mad. We're going to win exactly as many conference championships this year as we did last year, and the year before, and the year before, and the year before...all the way back to '99. A 4 win season is a dumpster fire, but whether you win 7 or 8 or 9 or 10 wins or whatever it doesn't matter if you've won no title to note. Oh cool, a few more empty wins against bad program. So what. Hell, we went on a super-sick rungood variance season to make it to our one B1GCCG and then got beat by a 7-win Wisconsin team by 39 points. That is as close as Bo got in the Big Ten. And I wanted a change, and am not at all upset by getting rid of Bo.
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11-02-2015 , 08:32 PM
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11-02-2015 , 08:34 PM
If the case for firing Bo was more than "always loses 4 games a year" then sure, fire him. Obv he wasn't a sweetheart. Felt like for a lot of folks I saw it was mostly about record/expectations.

Every time this comes up people make the point that Nebraska hosed themselves by moving to the B1G and functionally giving up Texas as a recruiting ground.
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11-02-2015 , 08:35 PM
Originally Posted by schu_22
Paul Petrino is WAY too low on that list.
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11-02-2015 , 08:42 PM
Originally Posted by Dids
Every time this comes up people make the point that Nebraska hosed themselves by moving to the B1G and functionally giving up Texas as a recruiting ground.
I know, and it blows, but the move was made for the whole university as a whole, despite the whole stability yadayada narrative. Nebraska saw a chance to sit at the academic big boy table and took it. Football got the short end of the stick. (Funny how that works, that an athletic conference move is made for academic reasons. Lol conferences and affiliations and all that bull****). That's just the way it is. It's frustrating, but since I'm an alumnus I also have to find a way to reconcile those facts and move on.
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11-02-2015 , 08:43 PM
Originally Posted by Dids
If the case for firing Bo was more than "always loses 4 games a year" then sure, fire him. Obv he wasn't a sweetheart. Felt like for a lot of folks I saw it was mostly about record/expectations.
It goes way deeper than that
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11-02-2015 , 09:01 PM
Originally Posted by schu_22
we gave him a chance as a fanbase, and Riley has failed. Ergo, Eichorst has failed.
With 30 points spread out correctly you could be 9-0. Definite FAIL though.
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11-02-2015 , 09:02 PM
So which is it? LOL CORN, or "just variance"

y'all need to decide
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11-02-2015 , 09:04 PM
Why can't it be both?

Pretty fun to think about how y'all would be feeling if you were 100% on the other side of all that variance though.

FWIW I have no problem with firing Pelini if you think you can do better. But under no circumstances do you hire Mike Riley in that case.
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11-02-2015 , 09:06 PM
Originally Posted by Booker Wolfbox
Why can't it be both?

Pretty fun to think about how y'all would be feeling if you were 100% on the other side of all that variance though.

FWIW I have no problem with firing Pelini if you think you can do better. But under no circumstances do you hire Mike Riley in that case.
agreed on all points.
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11-02-2015 , 09:08 PM
lol Mark Stoops being on that list. If UK loses @Vandy and at home vs Louisville we can at least talk. But outside some crazy scandal, Stoops is never ever getting fired after this year. UK was a complete dumpster fire before Stoops arrived. I mean UK lost 40-0 at home to Vandy the year before Stoops arrived.
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11-02-2015 , 09:45 PM
Originally Posted by Dids
Still don't see how anybody's made the case that UGA has any good reason to expect better (record wise) than what they've got from Richt. Feels so much like Nebraska, where people are being held to a mostly imagined/not realistic standard.

Firing coaches who win 9 games a year just isn't a good idea.
Some schools absolutely have that luxury. Look at John Cooper for example.

Finished #2 twice, 8 out of 13 years top 25, final 8 seasons had 10, 9, 11, 11, 10, 11, 6, 8 wins. Rose and Sugar Bowl wins.

Fire him, get Tressel, EZ game. Tressel wins a national title, 10+ wins every year but 2, 5 BCS wins. Fire his ass too. (OK, not for performance, but still, we ended up with an even better coach). Destination jobs can get away with that.

The SEC issue is that even when you are performing at top levels, you'll still lose a game most seasons, and likely a few. Hit bad luck, and you'll be Georgia.
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11-02-2015 , 09:45 PM
Originally Posted by Dids
Still don't see how anybody's made the case that UGA has any good reason to expect better (record wise) than what they've got from Richt. Feels so much like Nebraska, where people are being held to a mostly imagined/not realistic standard.

Firing coaches who win 9 games a year just isn't a good idea.
It isn't hard man. Only three teams have more players in the NFL than UGA; UGA is the sole premier program in the state that produces the 4th most NFL players; Only 3 teams have had more players drafted in the last (I have already sourced the others if you bothered to click a link)


save the Urban Meyer era, the East has been a total train wreck. Tennessee has basically imploded, Florida is on it's fourth coach in Richt's tenure (not counting interim coaches); they aren't changing coaches b/c they are lighting the world on fire, USCe peaked during the Richt era, but has been far from a world beater.

UGA has barely played Bama in the Saban era (when they do he wipes the floor with them, save '12 SEC championship); they seem to catch LSU only on off years, etc.

Richt has some kind of laughable like 2 - 10 against top ten teams, better but not great against top 25 teams, and is 5 - 10 against UGA's biggest rival Florida.

While UGA should have been basically booking rooms in Atlanta for the title game preseason they haven't won a conference title since '05. No one's saying they should be winning natty's every year, at least I'm not, but given the advantages they are by my estimation the second most under performing program in football. UT (Austin) has a firm hold on number 1 imo.
NCAA Football Coaching Carousel Quote
11-02-2015 , 09:48 PM
Originally Posted by schu_22
I know, and it blows, but the move was made for the whole university as a whole, despite the whole stability yadayada narrative. Nebraska saw a chance to sit at the academic big boy table and took it. Football got the short end of the stick. (Funny how that works, that an athletic conference move is made for academic reasons. Lol conferences and affiliations and all that bull****). That's just the way it is. It's frustrating, but since I'm an alumnus I also have to find a way to reconcile those facts and move on.
LOL @ this being anything more than a move of being tired of Texas running the show.
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11-02-2015 , 09:50 PM
Originally Posted by Dids
Still don't see how anybody's made the case that UGA has any good reason to expect better (record wise) than what they've got from Richt. Feels so much like Nebraska, where people are being held to a mostly imagined/not realistic standard.

Firing coaches who win 9 games a year just isn't a good idea.

Yeah, and 1 of those yearly wins comes against a ranked team! ...and...all of the losses...

Nebraska? I don't know WTF are you even talking about. Georgia is Alabama's main source of talent despite the notable handicap of Alabama being a ****hole nobody in their right mind should ever even visit. That state's flagship, or more accurately, only football school should absolutely be a power as opposed to to some random school in a corn state (schu; you lost to Purdue).

Most of the Richt problems actually stem from running the program in the manner that the school has demanded; standards, class, word of honor-type ****. They don't offer to 26 guys. They don't do grey shirts. They don't diagnose non-starting seniors with faux injuries to open up roster spots. Even good players get kicked off the team for bad behavior. So, they end up short on the roster so starting and playing freshmen more than you'd like. Any of your typical disgusting egomaniac coaches, let loose with their usual tactics, could be drawing comparisons to Saban and Meyer in a few years. Take that jerk-face at Arizona State, or that maniac Les Miles, or that human toilet Jimbo Fisher, get out of their way, and watch the repugnant magic happen.

Richt is evidently getting permission to start doing some of these dirty scummy things, but...his heart's just not in it/too little too late.
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11-02-2015 , 09:59 PM
Originally Posted by Dids
The problem is that the administration at Miami explicitly doesn't want them to keep the local talent around. They don't like the "The U" reputation and that handcuffs any coach (as well as the fact that they're poor as ****, play in a pro stadium that's not close to campus)
I wonder if that 30f30 has crippled Miami long term. Their Tad Foot and Donnah Shilaleigh always pretended they had no idea what was going on. But once that doc was on espn 20 times a year, they would be asked about it all the time. So now they actually have to enforce integrity and Miami has never won squat with it.

Originally Posted by dkgojackets
richts problem is that he won a bunch of games when he first got there and made people think it was reasonable to be a championship team without herschel walker
There wouldn't have been a Herchel Walker if Devine had remembered to practice offense in 1980.
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11-02-2015 , 10:02 PM

excellent post. A minor nitpick: no enumeration of Richt problems is complete without mention of Willie 'Football AIDS' Martinez.
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11-02-2015 , 10:06 PM
DMW, if my aunt had balls maybe she would have been the only man to play on that 2012 ND defense
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11-02-2015 , 10:13 PM
Originally Posted by TomCollins
LOL @ this being anything more than a move of being tired of Texas running the show.
That played a part into it, but if we were concerned about revenue share in athletics so much we wouldn't have gone to a league with equal revenue sharing. LOL at thinking a few dozen million was the reason for a move that gets the university orders of magnitude more than that in academic funding. If you want to lol@ that then that's fine. The Texas narrative, while having threads of truth, is so stupid and played out among the casualfan crowd.
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11-02-2015 , 10:16 PM
Don't get me wrong it sounds funny and all and is good for trolling up message boards so I don't blame you for trying to get under the skin of a Nebraska fan, but just no.
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11-02-2015 , 10:20 PM
Originally Posted by thenewsavman
It isn't hard man. Only three teams have more players in the NFL than UGA; UGA is the sole premier program in the state that produces the 4th most NFL players; Only 3 teams have had more players drafted in the last (I have already sourced the others if you bothered to click a link)


save the Urban Meyer era, the East has been a total train wreck. Tennessee has basically imploded, Florida is on it's fourth coach in Richt's tenure (not counting interim coaches); they aren't changing coaches b/c they are lighting the world on fire, USCe peaked during the Richt era, but has been far from a world beater.

UGA has barely played Bama in the Saban era (when they do he wipes the floor with them, save '12 SEC championship); they seem to catch LSU only on off years, etc.

Richt has some kind of laughable like 2 - 10 against top ten teams, better but not great against top 25 teams, and is 5 - 10 against UGA's biggest rival Florida.

While UGA should have been basically booking rooms in Atlanta for the title game preseason they haven't won a conference title since '05. No one's saying they should be winning natty's every year, at least I'm not, but given the advantages they are by my estimation the second most under performing program in football. UT (Austin) has a firm hold on number 1 imo.
As an outsider, I pretty much agree with all of this. Georgia should be the Bama of the East, imo.
NCAA Football Coaching Carousel Quote
11-02-2015 , 10:41 PM
Originally Posted by schu_22
Don't get me wrong it sounds funny and all and is good for trolling up message boards so I don't blame you for trying to get under the skin of a Nebraska fan, but just no.
Which is totally a wasted effort with "lol, you lost to Purdue 2 days ago" sitting right there.
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11-02-2015 , 10:46 PM
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