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01-11-2014 , 01:04 PM
Originally Posted by BigPoppa
Top candidates for Vandy job:

Chad Morris (Clemson OC)
Derek Mason (Stanford DC)
Mark Hudspeth (ULL HC)

Also I don't get the "Franklin is smoke and mirrors" argument. Vandy was AIDS before he got there, and now they play fundamentally sound football. He ain't Ty Willingham.
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01-11-2014 , 01:16 PM
People are saying "Franklin is smoke and mirrors" because he partly is. He built a rep as a miracle worker without beating a team that finished better than 8-5 and beating only a handful that even finished with winning records. This year in particular he was the beneficiary of an SECe that was way way down (and going 3-1 in close games). Even then, Vandy was never really in the Missouri, USC, and A&M games. But even beating only mediocre teams regularly was a big step up. But Franklin wasn't beating UT, Florida, and Georgia all in the same year again unless they all happened to duck at the same time again. This may be why the timing was right for him to jump. The SECe gets good again and suddenly Franklin doesn't look like a coach worth $4.5mil/year.

He's the perfect coach to build up a team that has been dispirited and beaten down, so was perfect for Vandy. I just don't see anything (especially in his offense and playcalling) that shows he can win at an elite level. Luckily for him (and this is probably not a coincidence), he took a job where most of the opponents are mediocre.

He's a good coach and a great motivator, but he's now being paid like he's something he's not.
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01-11-2014 , 01:24 PM
Don't underestimate how important it is for a coach to "beat the teams he should." If Franklin can do that at PSU, he'll be in the hunt for B1G titles almost immediately.
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01-11-2014 , 01:27 PM
I don't know enough about any of them, But I've heard Chad Morris described as another Malzahn. I'll take some of that, please.

Don't want Vandy to go the Bobby Johnson route again (older conservative coach who wants to finish his career there). Don't get me wrong, I'd love a coach who wanted to stay at Vandy for life. But getting a good coach who can build on what Franklin started is far more important than getting one who won't leave. A coach who wins at Vandy will always be attractive to others, and we just have to live with that.

With what Vandy was paying Franklin they should be able to get a very good coach.
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01-11-2014 , 01:28 PM
Originally Posted by Bigdaddydvo
Don't underestimate how important it is for a coach to "beat the teams he should." If Franklin can do that at PSU, he'll be in the hunt for B1G titles almost immediately.
I think that played a big part in his decision.
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01-11-2014 , 01:29 PM
Phil Fulmer is available.
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01-11-2014 , 01:33 PM
But, alas, Kiffikins is now heach coach in waiting at Bama.
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01-11-2014 , 01:46 PM
Originally Posted by Riverman
psu hires a dude who has 4 players going to jail for rape

seems about right
players raping co-eds is a huge upgrade from coaches raping kids
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01-11-2014 , 01:57 PM
Look at how the scandals were dealt with:

1) Kick players out of school, cooperate fully with police

2) Cover it up, continue letting kids get raped to protect the team's reputation

Maybe, deep deep down, Franklin didn't want to be at a university that had its priorities right. Maybe he wanted to be somewhere football trumps everything else.
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01-11-2014 , 02:07 PM
Originally Posted by Dids
Lane Kiffin, while calling the plays, put up a whole 7 points vs a WSU defense that nobody but me thought was any good, and I'm wrong a lot.

Sark gets most of the credit for USC's offense when it was actually good.

One of the things I read on mgoblog suggested that one of the reasons Nuss and Saban didn't match is that didn't like Saban blowing up at him on the headset during the games. So Nick's genius here is hiring a guy so awful that he just has to sit there and take his abuse. Nick's non-genius is that boy howdy is there going to be a lot of abuse to hand out.
How on earth does something like this sneak up on someone?
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01-11-2014 , 02:36 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
To tie it back in, New Jersey is traditionally Penn State recruiting territory. Between NJ, PA, and the occasional sortie into OH or the South, PSU can absolutely recruit well enough to compete nationally. PA is actually one of the better states that doesn't have very serious in-state competition. Here's a chart of home state for all scholarship recruits:
Originally Posted by TomCollins
Every BCS championship was won by a school in the top 7 states. Find the state that doesn't have one in the top 7.
Originally Posted by AngerPush
Oklahoma, Tennessee

Any of the last few humans on Earth who take TomCollins seriously, please take note.
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01-11-2014 , 04:47 PM
BP tone done changed
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01-11-2014 , 05:48 PM
Joyner: "My belief, without a doubt, is James Franklin is a man of extremely high character."

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01-11-2014 , 06:28 PM
I saw on twitter that James Franklin has had fewer arrests from his team during his time at Vandy than any other SEC program.

Obviously it would be great if criminals didn't exist, but since they do I'll take a coach who has proven himself capable of quickly removing these cases from the team over a cover-up any time.
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01-11-2014 , 06:33 PM
How did arrests at vandy fare before he got there? I'd guess they didn't have too many.
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01-11-2014 , 06:36 PM
I'd be shocked if Vandy hasn't had the fewest arrests of any SEC school over any stretch of time you'd care to name. It's just the kind of kids that want to go to Vandy and have the grades to do so. You can't really give the coach credit, it would be like giving him credit for the team having the highest SAT scores in the SEC.

I am obviously not happy with what happened, but was very satisfied with the way the problem was dealt with (players immediately suspended then kicked from school as soon as the extent of the evidence became known). I'd frankly rather drop sports altogether than become the kind of place that covered up rapes to win football games.
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01-11-2014 , 06:37 PM
Haters gonna hate (on franklin)I guess
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01-11-2014 , 06:47 PM
Originally Posted by Bdidd
BP tone done changed
I've always contended that Franklin would leave for the NFL or someplace he could win Nattys. Unfortunately, part of winning Nattys may be a singleminded focus on sports to the exclusion of all else.

We've talked about Vandy's admission standards being an impediment to winning, but there's more than that. If the local police are willing to let crime slide to help the team (ahem, FSU) or if profs are willing to let players pass without doing any actual work or even showing up (ahem, pretty much everybody); then you have a big advantage over the few places where this isn't true.

It's very possible that Franklin, deep deep down, really wanted to be at a place where football mattered above all else. He's there now.
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01-11-2014 , 06:52 PM
Originally Posted by BigPoppa
It's very possible that Franklin, deep deep down, really wanted to be at a place where football mattered above all else. He's there now.
There's only like 6 schools where this isn't true. Seems like each conference has one. The B1G has NW, Vandy in the SEC...
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01-11-2014 , 07:12 PM
Franklin's buyout is a lot lower than I expected. I guess PSU is hoping for another free coach courtesy of the NFL.

Franklin buyout numbers:
2014: $5M
2015: $5M
2016: $2.5M
2017: $2M
2018: $1M
2019: $1M
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01-11-2014 , 07:41 PM
Originally Posted by maxtower
There's only like 6 schools where this isn't true. Seems like each conference has one. The B1G has NW, Vandy in the SEC...
and Duke wins the Coastal and Stanford is a perennial power, so no more excuses.
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01-11-2014 , 07:46 PM
Wake Forest went to the Orange Bowl in 2006 and Northwestern has been to the Rose Bowl in the recent past.
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01-11-2014 , 08:38 PM
Originally Posted by AngerPush
and Duke wins the Coastal and Stanford is a perennial power, so no more excuses.
Stanford's endowment is $18.7 billion, Vanderbilt's is $3.3 billion. Stanford's won the director's cup 19 years in a row for best overall athletic department.

Stanford's athletic budget was $81 million in 2011, the highest of all Pac-12 schools, although their football spending was about average (though I assume it's gone up since then). Vandy doesn't publish their budget but it seems like it was around 30-35m in 2008, and likely closer to $45 million now.

Lot of guesswork here, so idk for sure, but it seems like Stanford's much better situated for success than Vanderbilt is. Vandy is probably closer to Duke/Wake in expectation for football than it is to Stanford
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01-11-2014 , 08:45 PM
Vandy also has tougher competition and a much much smaller natural recruiting base.
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01-11-2014 , 09:28 PM
Originally Posted by GoldenBears
Stanford's endowment is $18.7 billion, Vanderbilt's is $3.3 billion. Stanford's won the director's cup 19 years in a row for best overall athletic department.

Stanford's athletic budget was $81 million in 2011, the highest of all Pac-12 schools, although their football spending was about average (though I assume it's gone up since then). Vandy doesn't publish their budget but it seems like it was around 30-35m in 2008, and likely closer to $45 million now.

Lot of guesswork here, so idk for sure, but it seems like Stanford's much better situated for success than Vanderbilt is. Vandy is probably closer to Duke/Wake in expectation for football than it is to Stanford
no mention of their CHESS TEAM???? I am disappoint.
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