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NBA Draft 2014: EMBUUST! NBA Draft 2014: EMBUUST!

06-28-2014 , 08:40 AM
Originally Posted by DodgerIrish
Love prbly wouldn't be thrilled at being a permanent 5 either
Means he can just hang out under the bucket on d and grab mad rebounds though
NBA Draft 2014: EMBUUST! Quote
06-28-2014 , 08:50 AM
I normally don't follow the draft because lolncaa but just wanted to say that Dean's draft content has consistently been some of the best reading on the forum this year. I hope you keep it up next year.
NBA Draft 2014: EMBUUST! Quote
06-28-2014 , 10:36 AM
the sport is called "basketball". one big skill is u put the ball into the basket. u cant ignore the basket is 10 feet over the floor and its an advantage to be a foot higher. the ball goes there are lot. you cant ignore that guys run and they jump in this sport. a sort by other than that, some regression model french league A stat bs, and u end up with clint capella over wiggz and parker, jameer over d rose, harden over westie and endless other mistakes.
NBA Draft 2014: EMBUUST! Quote
06-28-2014 , 10:57 AM
NBA Draft 2014: EMBUUST! Quote
06-28-2014 , 11:11 AM
its like i liked drummond on draft day and u guys were all like kanter is better. im like who? and i watch a kanter video and im like sure guys. flash foward a year later and im like gee who could have guessed that a quick agile and explosive 7 foot 260 18 year old with arms to his ankles would be good at basketball!

i like the stat models for normal guys, like regular nba prospects. but the high end guys, u just have to throw the book out the window and say look he is 18, who really cares if his PPP in the open court going left vs maryland was 18 out of 30. he can dunk from the top of the key, he is 8 feet tall, i suspect he can play a little
NBA Draft 2014: EMBUUST! Quote
06-28-2014 , 11:12 AM
Capela is closer to drummond than wiggins is fyi

Nurkic is the kanterish one. Part of me thinks capela > nurk. Capela sounds possibly super hot

Last edited by TheDean1; 06-28-2014 at 11:21 AM.
NBA Draft 2014: EMBUUST! Quote
06-28-2014 , 12:08 PM
As a Bucks fan, I quite liked our draft. Got us a future 2nd when we already had a full roster, Parker will contribute right away, and Inglis looks like he could be great as well.

I don't know anything about O'Bryant, but he has Bryant in his name so at least 50% chance to become Kobe.

The only thing that makes me nervous from our draft is no change to our back court rotation at all, unless we plan on playing big lineups with Giannis or Middleton at the 2-guard quite often, so Parker/Inglis can play the 3?

As long as we make some type of move to add guard depth I am happy. As of now, I don't see us having any starter quality PG or SG.
NBA Draft 2014: EMBUUST! Quote
06-28-2014 , 12:22 PM
Originally Posted by Christophersen
As a Bucks fan, I quite liked our draft. Got us a future 2nd when we already had a full roster, Parker will contribute right away, and Inglis looks like he could be great as well.

I don't know anything about O'Bryant, but he has Bryant in his name so at least 50% chance to become Kobe.

The only thing that makes me nervous from our draft is no change to our back court rotation at all, unless we plan on playing big lineups with Giannis or Middleton at the 2-guard quite often, so Parker/Inglis can play the 3?

As long as we make some type of move to add guard depth I am happy. As of now, I don't see us having any starter quality PG or SG.
you're now tied to the jabroni

gl on him panning out but i fear he's going to be quite the evan turner
NBA Draft 2014: EMBUUST! Quote
06-28-2014 , 01:03 PM
my final post draft post i think

got my hinkie slurpfest down on paper, ranked the quality of drafts, re-ranked my top 40, and shared some quick thoughts on BRUNO
NBA Draft 2014: EMBUUST! Quote
06-28-2014 , 01:55 PM
Originally Posted by anatta
the sport is called "basketball". one big skill is u put the ball into the basket. u cant ignore the basket is 10 feet over the floor and its an advantage to be a foot higher. the ball goes there are lot. you cant ignore that guys run and they jump in this sport. a sort by other than that, some regression model french league A stat bs, and u end up with clint capella over wiggz and parker, jameer over d rose, harden over westie and endless other mistakes.
NBA Draft 2014: EMBUUST! Quote
06-28-2014 , 02:02 PM
i bet sort by wingspan outperforms sort by vertical, i don't think you're supposed to leave your feet and jump all that often when you're defending on the perimeter.
NBA Draft 2014: EMBUUST! Quote
06-28-2014 , 02:12 PM
i just watched the nike hoop summit video of capella. he is stronger than i thought. u worry that an african kid, and i dont want to be non PC here, but lets be honest, when u are rail thin at 19, which N'Dumba-Capela was, and was basing my analysis on from his draftexpress page

u worry that he wont put on weight. but at 20 he looks stronger. not there yet, but he got stronger. big hands which i like.

u see some brow in him. brow more freakish with his broad shoulders and wingspan. and hey capella's vertical was measured at 27 and 31.5. that isnt impressive. but the video shows the same good explosion and easy oop dunking and slamming as brow and good defensive mobility in the post, he can be active and bangs vs that other big euro. he could be decent.
NBA Draft 2014: EMBUUST! Quote
06-28-2014 , 02:18 PM
vertical measurements are weird. i don't think how high you jump matters but rather whether you can explode to the rim or not. capela is 6'11 with 7'4.5 wingspan so he doesn't need to get super high anyway-- he just needs to explode enough to get to the rim ASAP which he seems to do. he's also really mobile and has vaccuum cleaner hands. that's a lot of stuff to work with right there when you don't even consider his stats.

also he had to match up vs nurkic who is friggin huge and he wasn't awful.
NBA Draft 2014: EMBUUST! Quote
06-28-2014 , 02:30 PM
yeah i saw the nurkic matchup or some of it and liked how he rose to the challenge of the bigger guy and really got into it, very active on defending the post...flashing and denying then using his quickness to get back behind and leverage. that is good to see a young big man who knows all that.
NBA Draft 2014: EMBUUST! Quote
06-28-2014 , 02:48 PM
Nice article dean, I had to take boston down due to your homerness though . We all know you're not thrilled with young and smart was pretty much a no brainer there :P
NBA Draft 2014: EMBUUST! Quote
06-28-2014 , 02:54 PM
It doesn't matter if Smart was a no brainer bc I'm judging by who gained the most EV in the draft rather than who made the toughest decisions.

In a vaccuum I think converting the #6 pick into Smart is a bigger deal than converting the #30 pick into Kyle Anderson. I would have ranked Boston 3rd if not for the Young pick. If they took Capela 17th they might have gone #1
NBA Draft 2014: EMBUUST! Quote
06-28-2014 , 02:57 PM
Ok that makes sense, carry on.
NBA Draft 2014: EMBUUST! Quote
06-28-2014 , 03:00 PM
So Brad Stevens said that both prospects the Celtics drafted were in his top 11. I wonder what James Young's precise slot on his big board was
NBA Draft 2014: EMBUUST! Quote
06-28-2014 , 03:09 PM
Dean why yo urank Bucks so low - sure they took Parker, but he was a no-brainer pick, you shouldn't downgrade them for that. They did that and then got Inglis who was #18 for you and we got them at pick 31.

Not to mention we have a full roster and traded a 2nd rounder for a future 2nd rounder, can't complain w/ that.
NBA Draft 2014: EMBUUST! Quote
06-28-2014 , 03:14 PM
They had the #2 pick when I had 4 possible superstars on the board (all at positions of need) and they took somebody who I think is the next Glenn Robinson. That is massively -EV for the fortunes of the franchise. I have no idea how you can call such a bad pick a "no brainer" when no sharp team would have made it.

Getting Inglis in round 2 is nice but it only atones for so much esp when I don't get the point of the Johnny O pick. What is Johnny O even supposed to be good at?

I will admit I was tempted to put the Bulls below the Bucks, but the Bucks just have way more to lose here.
NBA Draft 2014: EMBUUST! Quote
06-28-2014 , 03:19 PM
I honestly have no opinion on Johnny O, so that could be a bad pick so I'll give you the benefit of the doubt on that one (though, the Bucks have drafted great especially in 2nd round previously).

Wiggins off the board, how many teams do you really think draft anybody other than Parker at #2? Hell, how many draft other than Parker or Embiid? A few takes take Embiid for sure, but the Bucks tanking just to gamble on an injured player is not something new owners should be doing IMO.

I do think both Smart/Exum have higher ceilings than Parker but I don't think you can argue many (any?) teams would take a different player at #2
NBA Draft 2014: EMBUUST! Quote
06-28-2014 , 03:23 PM
I'm judging by who gained the most EV in the draft
They made a -EV pick, I ranked them low. Not too concerned with how many teams would have the balls to defy consensus there-- the Bucks didn't and that's all that matters.
NBA Draft 2014: EMBUUST! Quote
06-28-2014 , 03:28 PM
I didn’t go too wild scooting Saric up my board since I’m not convinced Hinkie is keeping him. But I upticked him anyway based on the possibility of such and my lack of conviction that he is definitely overrated.
NBA Draft 2014: EMBUUST! Quote
06-28-2014 , 03:47 PM
Not to mention I drafted him at 12 in the mock

So there's that
NBA Draft 2014: EMBUUST! Quote
06-28-2014 , 04:27 PM
Smart is who the bucks shoulda taken

They don't have good guards and Smart is gonna be good

Instead they took big dog 2.0
NBA Draft 2014: EMBUUST! Quote
