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LeBron > Jordan GOAT Super AIDS Containment, solved #22999 post by Matt R. (addendum #23174) LeBron > Jordan GOAT Super AIDS Containment, solved #22999 post by Matt R. (addendum #23174)
View Poll Results: GOAT?
186 30.44%
MJ (Michael or Maple)
327 53.52%
8 1.31%
George Mikan
5 0.82%
Shaq Attaq
21 3.44%
Wilt the Stilt (100 pts yo)
14 2.29%
Timmy "Big Fundamentals" Duncan
20 3.27%
"Roger Murdock"
3 0.49%
Enchanted AIDS Wang (er, HIV+?)
9 1.47%
Larry Legend (+ HM to Bill Russell's laugh)
18 2.95%

Yesterday , 11:32 PM
Originally Posted by Matt R.
Michael Jordan, Kobe Bryant, and Steph Curry would not average 50+% assisted fg% if they were asked to play point guard in a Mike D’Antoni offense. That was the point. Not that some offenses utilize high scoring ball dominators and others do not. We already knew that and it’s common sense.

The take home is that assisted fg% is a function of offense and role within that offense. It’s not a measure of skill the way say shooting % is. This is why players (like Nash) have averaged as high as about 60% assisted fg% in a different role. Players that can shoot and score with the ball in their hands after dribbling a bit, can generally shoot and score after catching a pass, or at least figure out how to if they are professional basketball players that have been given 8 and 9 figure contracts.
Logical proof that assisted fg% is a function of offensive scheme and role within that scheme, and is not a skillset limited statistic.
LeBron > Jordan GOAT Super AIDS Containment, solved #22999 post by Matt R. (addendum #23174) Quote
Yesterday , 11:34 PM
Originally Posted by Matt R.

In order to do your analysis correctly, without cherry picking, you need to do it with the entire roster, not just starters.

All the starters is a massive sample of the most pertinent players, and we've done it for the entire team anyway by showing that Lebron and ALL high-scoring ball-dominators in history produce low-assist teams (low average ranking and almost never top 5 assist teams).

Specifically, since possession-tracking began in 1997, there were 96 times that a player averaged 25+ with below 40% assisted rate in a season, and they averaged 18th in team assists over this huge sample and produced a top 5 assist team 5 of 96 times (5%).. Otoh, players that averaged 25+ with above 50% assisted rate averaged 10th in assists and produced a top 5 assist team 36 of 87 times (41%).
LeBron > Jordan GOAT Super AIDS Containment, solved #22999 post by Matt R. (addendum #23174) Quote
Yesterday , 11:38 PM
And it's mathematical fact that low-assisted 1st options give teammates less opportunity to assist...
Remember, you said he said this. Don’t change the words now.

Don’t forget to include the mathematical proof that one cannot compensate by increasing pace and number of possessions. Or that the ball cannot be moved around more to give other players assisted field goals. Don’t forget those parts of the proof.
LeBron > Jordan GOAT Super AIDS Containment, solved #22999 post by Matt R. (addendum #23174) Quote
Yesterday , 11:39 PM
Originally Posted by Matt R.
Michael Jordan, Kobe Bryant, and Steph Curry would not average 50+% assisted fg% if they were asked to play point guard in a Mike D’Antoni offense.

MJ and Curry are elite with the ball, so they could play a ball-dominant offense, but the issue is that Lebron, Luka and other ball-dominators cannot play a ball movement offense - they cannot have the 50% assisted rate that you specified above.

In the hundreds of seasons that ball-dominators like Luka, Trae, Wall, Lebron and company have played, they've never averaged 50% assisted rate.. And that's why they can't play with great ball movement of "dynasty" ball.. That's why they've never been the 1st option for the best basketball, such as dynasties or dominant champions (0 for 12).
LeBron > Jordan GOAT Super AIDS Containment, solved #22999 post by Matt R. (addendum #23174) Quote
Yesterday , 11:41 PM
Originally Posted by fallguy
All the starters is a massive sample of the most pertinent players, and we've done it for the entire team anyway.
I did not see Luc Longley on there, he was a starter, and he had by far the biggest drop with Jordan returning. Why did you leave him out? Just curious.
LeBron > Jordan GOAT Super AIDS Containment, solved #22999 post by Matt R. (addendum #23174) Quote
Yesterday , 11:41 PM
Originally Posted by Matt R.
Remember, you said he said this. Don’t change the words now.

Don’t forget to include the mathematical proof that one cannot compensate by increasing pace and number of possessions. Or that the ball cannot be moved around more to give other players assisted field goals. Don’t forget those parts of the proof.

When I provide proof that fidstar agreed with me, then you'll be wrong on that just like you've been wrong about everything.
LeBron > Jordan GOAT Super AIDS Containment, solved #22999 post by Matt R. (addendum #23174) Quote
Yesterday , 11:43 PM
Originally Posted by fallguy
MJ and Curry are elite with the ball, so they could play a ball-dominant offense, but the issue is that Lebron, Luka and other ball-dominators cannot play a ball movement offense - they cannot have the 50% assisted rate that you specified above.

In the hundreds of seasons that ball-dominators like Luka, Trae, Wall, Lebron and company have played, they've never averaged 50% assisted rate.. And that's why they can't play with great ball movement of "dynasty" ball.. That's why they've never been the 1st option for the best basketball, such as dynasties or dominant champions (0 for 12).
False. We have proven that assisted rate is a function of role within the offense so LeBron, Luka etc would have a higher assisted % if they didn’t play point. They played point though because they are good at it, and the coach felt that was the most valuable use of their skills. Not that they couldn’t do other things. Your logic is still backwards. Want to try again?
LeBron > Jordan GOAT Super AIDS Containment, solved #22999 post by Matt R. (addendum #23174) Quote
Yesterday , 11:46 PM
Originally Posted by fallguy
When I provide proof that fidstar agreed with me, then you'll be wrong on that just like you've been wrong about everything.
Be careful to use his exact words and not to add any of your interpretation to it. Don’t forget to note any sarcasm.
LeBron > Jordan GOAT Super AIDS Containment, solved #22999 post by Matt R. (addendum #23174) Quote
Yesterday , 11:46 PM
Originally Posted by Matt R.
I did not see Luc Longley on there, he was a starter, and he had by far the biggest drop with Jordan returning. Why did you leave him out? Just curious.

Luc Longley averaged 2.1 assists in Chicago, and 1.1 in Phoenix, and 0.9 in MIN... so you're wrong again as always.

But you're just trying to deflect from the fact that we've done it for the entire team by showing that Lebron and ALL high-scoring ball-dominators in history produce low-assist teams (low average ranking and almost never top 5 assist teams).

Specifically, since possession-tracking began in 1997, there were 96 times that a player averaged 25+ with below 40% assisted rate in a season, and they averaged 18th in team assists over this huge sample and produced a top 5 assist team 5 of 96 times (5%).. Otoh, players that averaged 25+ with above 50% assisted rate averaged 10th in assists and produced a top 5 assist team 36 of 87 times (41%).
LeBron > Jordan GOAT Super AIDS Containment, solved #22999 post by Matt R. (addendum #23174) Quote
Yesterday , 11:49 PM
Originally Posted by trainwreckog
but after 20 years, sure.. bron's better. he crushed it last night.
Poster trainwreckog agreeing with me. This whole thing of “finding old posts agreeing with me” thing is fun. Looks like fallguy lost lmfao. Good night.
LeBron > Jordan GOAT Super AIDS Containment, solved #22999 post by Matt R. (addendum #23174) Quote
Yesterday , 11:50 PM
Originally Posted by Matt R.
False. We have proven that assisted rate is a function of role within the offense so LeBron, Luka etc would have a higher assisted % if they didn’t play point. They played point though because they are good at it, and the coach felt that was the most valuable use of their skills. Not that they couldn’t do other things. Your logic is still backwards. Want to try again?

Luka, Lebron, Trae, Wall and others can only play like low-assisted point guards because that's their skillset and they've never played any other way.. They never had 50% assisted rates required for dynasties, dominant champions or high-assist teams (high average ranking and top 5 assist teams regularly).
LeBron > Jordan GOAT Super AIDS Containment, solved #22999 post by Matt R. (addendum #23174) Quote
Yesterday , 11:51 PM
Originally Posted by Matt R.
Poster trainwreckog agreeing with me. This whole thing of “finding old posts agreeing with me” thing is fun. Looks like fallguy lost lmfao. Good night.

That was me saying what Seadood was thinking... you're desperate.
LeBron > Jordan GOAT Super AIDS Containment, solved #22999 post by Matt R. (addendum #23174) Quote
Yesterday , 11:55 PM
A coach would never make Shaq shoot threes just like a coach would never make Lebron or Luka play off-ball and have 50% assisted rates.... Accordingly, these things have never happened and never would happen... The players simply don't have the skills and it's common knowledge.
LeBron > Jordan GOAT Super AIDS Containment, solved #22999 post by Matt R. (addendum #23174) Quote
Today , 12:11 AM
Originally Posted by fidstar-poker

FG with some excellent analysis. When your highest scoring player gets assisted less, then the team averages less assists.


^^^ there it is Matt.... You lost.... Thread Cliffs will be posted below.
LeBron > Jordan GOAT Super AIDS Containment, solved #22999 post by Matt R. (addendum #23174) Quote
Today , 12:15 AM
Thread Cliffs

Elite strategy and elite roster construction is impossible with high-scoring ball-handlers like Lebron, Luka, Trae, etc because they turn everyone into spot-up shooter - they reduce everyone's assists (playmaking) while increasing their assisted rate (play-finishing), which produces low assist teams (low average ranking)... See the stats for Lebron lowering everyone's assists on the previous page, along with the low team assist rankings of ball-dominators.

The inability to construct elite rosters and elite strategy around them is why ball-dominators have never been the 1st option for the best basketball, such as dynasties or dominant champions (0 for 12).. Since ball-dominators can't produce the best basketball, they're inferior to the best of other skillsets that can, such as bigs and jumpshooters (12 for 12).. This is a legitimate framework that puts Lebron out of the top ten all-time.
LeBron > Jordan GOAT Super AIDS Containment, solved #22999 post by Matt R. (addendum #23174) Quote
