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LeBron > Jordan GOAT Super AIDS Containment, solved #22999 post by Matt R. (addendum #23174) LeBron > Jordan GOAT Super AIDS Containment, solved #22999 post by Matt R. (addendum #23174)
View Poll Results: GOAT?
186 30.44%
MJ (Michael or Maple)
327 53.52%
8 1.31%
George Mikan
5 0.82%
Shaq Attaq
21 3.44%
Wilt the Stilt (100 pts yo)
14 2.29%
Timmy "Big Fundamentals" Duncan
20 3.27%
"Roger Murdock"
3 0.49%
Enchanted AIDS Wang (er, HIV+?)
9 1.47%
Larry Legend (+ HM to Bill Russell's laugh)
18 2.95%

12-08-2024 , 06:05 AM
Originally Posted by Matt R.
Corrected thread cliffs, for those who understand basketball:

Basketball is a team sport, and teams that have great ball movement and a high assist rate are a function of personnel, coaching, and offensive scheme. There are 5 players per team on the court at once, therefore “personnel” means more than one player. Great dynasties that “mostly won” are a function of coaching and multiple players as anyone that has any experience with basketball will readily tell you.

LeBron James, having elite on-ball, off-ball, and playmaking skills can fit in any of these scenarios. His assisted fg%, despite playing point forward (traditionally a position with lower assisted fg%) is actually 38.4% for his career, while Kobe Bryant, for example, is about the same at 40.6% despite playing shooting guard (which should have a much higher rate than a point forward).

Furthermore LeBron, being as versatile as he is, also facilitates elite playmaking, allowing his teammates to play off-ball and have high assisted fg%, which by definition develops their off-ball skills.

This proves that had LeBron James had the same elite coaching and personnel (e.g. Phil Jackson and prime Shaq), he would have had equal or greater success than Kobe Bryant.

It is this elite playmaking, and the development of teammates’ off-ball skills, and therefore optimizing teammate assisted fg%, that may unintentionally be an argument that LeBron James is the true GOAT. It does make you think, if indeed assisted fg% is the key to it all, that you would want a true hybrid player that both has elite assisted fg% for himself (at point forward), and creates it for others. Logically, if true, that must make LeBron James the GOAT. An interesting conclusion for the assisted fg% argument, and therefore an interesting conclusion for the thread.


Fallguy has used his analysis abilities to unintentially prove that LeBron James is the GOAT, concluding the thread once and for all.
LeBron > Jordan GOAT Super AIDS Containment, solved #22999 post by Matt R. (addendum #23174) Quote
12-08-2024 , 06:06 AM
Originally Posted by All-inMcLovin
New Thread Title!!

LeBron > Jordan GOAT Super AIDS Containment Thread, thread solved #22999 post by Matt R.
Ironic that your post was 23000?
LeBron > Jordan GOAT Super AIDS Containment, solved #22999 post by Matt R. (addendum #23174) Quote
12-08-2024 , 06:07 AM
FG. Don't you see your issue that Matt and myself think MJ is GOAT, but we both think your logic is terrible?
LeBron > Jordan GOAT Super AIDS Containment, solved #22999 post by Matt R. (addendum #23174) Quote
12-08-2024 , 09:57 AM
Originally Posted by fidstar-poker
Ironic that your post was 23000?
LeBron and Jordan’s number x1000 is chef’s kiss 🤌.

Proposal to lock thread and start the fallguy “how to financially scam with two business certificates” thread to maintain general containment.
LeBron > Jordan GOAT Super AIDS Containment, solved #22999 post by Matt R. (addendum #23174) Quote
12-08-2024 , 07:20 PM
Originally Posted by Matt R.

If Lebron had Phil or Shaq, he would've had the same success as Kobe, or even greater

The triangle doesn't have any low-assisted players (point guards), so Lebron's skillset wouldn't work.

It's simple math - Lebron's assisted rate is too high for the triangle (point guard level).

And Shaq wasn't a roll man or PNR big, so Shaq's in-out game and the triangle's "no point guards allowed" system are the worst fits possible for Lebron's game..

Originally Posted by Matt R.

Lebron can fit in any of these scenarios due to elite on-ball, playmaking

and elite off-ball skills

Low assisted rate = bad off-ball player and Lebron is the only forward in history with an assisted rate below 40%, so he's the worst forward ever at off-ball skills.

Since every other team has forwards that offer great assist opportunity (high-assisted rates), Lebron's low-assisted rate reduces his teammates' assist opportunity and prevents a high-assist team or dynasty.

Originally Posted by Matt R.

Lebron's assisted rate, despite playing point forward (traditionally a position with lower assisted fg%)

is actually 38.4% for his career

^^^ that's the lowest-ever among frontcourt players or SG's, which proves that Lebron is just a point guard.

It's certainly the lowest assisted rate BY FAR for a frontcourt player, so Lebron's inability to be a great assist target like other forwards reduces his teammates' assists and prevents a high-assist team or dynasty.

Originally Posted by Matt R.

while Kobe Bryant, for example, is about the same at 42% despite playing shooting guard (which should have a much higher rate than a point forward).

^^^ 42% is a standard frequency for shooting guards, so Kobe didn't reduce his teammates' assist opportunity like Lebron does with his low frequency for his position.

Only point guards have assisted rates below 40%, which makes Lebron a point guard... He just happens to start in the frontcourt, which turns a highly-assisted position into a low-assisted one - this lowers the assists of teammates and prevents a high-assist team.

Originally Posted by Matt R.

LeBron, being as versatile as he is

Truly versatile players with great on-ball and off-ball skill have closer to a 50% assisted rate like Jordan or Curry, while the only skillset that has assisted rates of 20-40% are point guard skillsets (Lebron. SGA, Lillard, Luka, etc)...

The entire history of high-scoring point guard skillsets (Lebron, Westbrook, Harden, Luka, SGA) shows that coaches don't run ball movement offenses and high assist teams with these guys.... They can't due to the high volume of unassisted buckets of this skillset that leaves teammates standing around - it's the only skillset with this uncoachable nature.

Again, it's pure math because Lebron's lower assisted rate than 4 positions (frontcourt player and SG's) is proof of his skill restriction to point guard (ball-dominance).

Originally Posted by Matt R.

if assisted rate is the key to it all, then you want a hybrid player that both has elite assisted rate for himself (at point forward) and creates it for others

Lebron doesn't have elite assisted rate because his assisted rate the lowest of any frontcourt player or SG, and this abnormally-bad skill as an assist target prevents high-assist teams.

Meanwhile, Lebron isn't "creating" healthy assisted rates for teammates because his teammates were already versatile players with healthy assisted rates, so the unnecessary increase of their assisted rates reduced them to one-dimensional spot-up shooters.. Dynasties require all players to be assisting each other, so players that have low assisted rates and impose spot-up roles upon otherwise versatile teammates aren't allowed... You either run bron-ball, or you MOVE the ball and give yourself a chance to develop dynasty chemistry.

Last edited by fallguy; 12-08-2024 at 07:32 PM.
LeBron > Jordan GOAT Super AIDS Containment, solved #22999 post by Matt R. (addendum #23174) Quote
12-08-2024 , 07:20 PM
Originally Posted by fidstar-poker
FG. Don't you see your issue that Matt and myself think MJ is GOAT, but we both think your logic is terrible?

You have no logic for why MJ is the goat and have no idea how he plays.. If I asked you why MJ is goat, you would give me some BS, canned answer..

go ahead.. why is MJ goat... (skip bayless babble incoming...)

And I'm not presenting logic - I'm informing you of the historical record that Lebron lowers all teammates' assists due to his own bad skills as an assist target - this prevents a high assist team and great chemistry that better assist targets allow, such as the leaders of every dynasty, aka Russell, Kareem, Jordan, Duncan, Curry, and Kobe/Shaq.. Dynasties don't have any low-assisted players like Lebron, Luka, Harden, etc.

The 1st options of dynasties are all highly-assisted, while Lebron is a dumb low-assisted player, just like a baby is - literally - a baby will start slapping and dominating the ball if you hand them the ball - that's the extent of Lebron's simpleton and predictable skillset, which results in the most underachievement of favored rosters ever (most losses with preseason favorite or finals teams).... that's the bird's eye view
LeBron > Jordan GOAT Super AIDS Containment, solved #22999 post by Matt R. (addendum #23174) Quote
12-08-2024 , 08:12 PM
Thread Cliffs

The highly-assisted skillsets of jumpshooters and bigs produced high-assist teams and all the "dynasties" that mostly won for a material stretch of 5+ years (Russell, Kareem, Jordan, Duncan, Curry, Shaq), while low-assisted skillsets like Lebron, Luka, Harden, Westbrook, and SGA produced low-assist teams and perennial losers with every cast.

Since highly-assisted skillsets like jumpshooters and bigs produced far better chemistry and teams, the best of these skillsets rank ahead of the best ball-dominators (low-assisted skillsets)..... aka the best jumpshooters are ahead of the best centers, who are ahead of the best ball-dominators, which means the rankings are Jordan, Kobe, Curry, Bird, Russell, Wilt, Kareem, Duncan, Shaq, Jokic, Magic, Lebron, Oscar.

Essentially, low-assisted players lack skill at being assist targets, which makes them inferior players in a vacuum than higher-assisted players that facilitate better ball movement, chemistry, teams, and even dynasties... Regardless of any counterarguments, there's no escaping Lebron's low-assisted skillset, which eliminates him from having great chemistry or teams, and therefore goat eligibility.
LeBron > Jordan GOAT Super AIDS Containment, solved #22999 post by Matt R. (addendum #23174) Quote
12-08-2024 , 08:50 PM
low-assisted rate = bad at high scoring levels (never a great team)

medium assisted rate = good/versatile

high or increasing assisted rate = spot-up role, or reduction to spot-up role
LeBron > Jordan GOAT Super AIDS Containment, solved #22999 post by Matt R. (addendum #23174) Quote
12-08-2024 , 11:01 PM
Originally Posted by Matt R.

Corrected thread cliffs, for those who understand basketball:

Basketball is a team sport, and teams that have great ball movement and a high assist rate are a function of personnel, coaching, and offensive scheme. There are 5 players per team on the court at once, therefore “personnel” means more than one player. Great dynasties that “mostly won” are a function of coaching and multiple players as anyone that has any experience with basketball will readily tell you.

LeBron James, having elite on-ball, off-ball, and playmaking skills can fit in any of these scenarios. His assisted fg%, despite playing point forward (traditionally a position with lower assisted fg%) is actually 38.4% for his career, while Kobe Bryant, for example, is about the same at 40.6% despite playing shooting guard (which should have a much higher rate than a point forward).

Furthermore LeBron, being as versatile as he is, also facilitates elite playmaking, allowing his teammates to play off-ball and have high assisted fg%, which by definition develops their off-ball skills.

This proves that had LeBron James had the same elite coaching and personnel (e.g. Phil Jackson and prime Shaq), he would have had equal or greater success than Kobe Bryant.

It is this elite playmaking, and the development of teammates’ off-ball skills, and therefore optimizing teammate assisted fg%, that may unintentionally be an argument that LeBron James is the true GOAT. It does make you think, if indeed assisted fg% is the key to it all, that you would want a true hybrid player that both has elite assisted fg% for himself (at point forward), and creates it for others. Logically, if true, that must make LeBron James the GOAT. An interesting conclusion for the assisted fg% argument, and therefore an interesting conclusion for the thread.

Corrected response for those who understand basketball

The triangle doesn't have any low-assisted players (point guards), so Lebron's skillset wouldn't work.. It's simple math because Lebron's assisted rate is too low for the triangle (point guard level).. Furthermore, Shaq wasn't a roll man or PNR big, so Shaq's in-out game and the triangle's "no point guards allowed" system are the worst fits for Lebron's style.. The triangle also requires a bunch of mid-range and fundamentally-sound operation from the elbow without dribbling and turnaround jumpers, which Lebron cannot do in large volume to carry bums like Pippen - none of this is Lebron's wheelhouse and he's always needed a "closer", unlike MJ or Kobe's superior scoring diversity and expert jumpshooting skill.

Furthermore, Lebron's 38.4% assisted rate is the lowest-ever for frontcourt players, and among the lowest-ever compared to SG's, which proves that he's mostly a point guard... Lebron's massive deficit as an assist target compared to other forwards reduces his teammates' assists and prevents a high-assist team or dynasty... Lebron's assisted rate was in the 30's for his entire career and barely reached 41 once, while Kobe's was in the 40's for his entire career and nearly reached 50 - this is normal for shooting guards and therefore didn't reduce teammates' assist opportunity like Lebron did.

Truly versatile players with great on-ball and off-ball skill have 50% assisted rate like Jordan or Curry, while the only skillset that has assisted rates of 20-40% are point guard skillsets.. Furthermore, Luka, SGA or Lebron are high-scorers at these low-assisted levels, which means a high volume of unassisted buckets that prevents a high-assist team - coaches cannot run a high-assist offense with a high volume of unassisted buckets from 1 player.. This uncoachable affliction only belongs to the high-scoring point guard skillsets of Luka, Lebron, SGA, Harden, etc.. And again, Lebron's assisted rate ranks below 4 positions on a percentile graph, which is proof of his skill restriction to point guard (ball-dominance).

Finally, Lebron isn't "creating" healthy assisted rates for teammates because his teammates were already versatile players with healthy assisted rates, so the unnecessary increase of their assisted rates reduced them to one-dimensional spot-up shooters with lower production entirely... Dynasties require all players to be assisting each other, so the imposition of spot-up roles by 1 player will prevent a dynasty from coming to fruition.. Every dynasty in history was led by highly-assisted skillsets like jumpshooters or bigs because these skillsets develop the best ball movement and teams.. Otoh, the low-assisted skillsets like Lebron, Luka and Harden have a bunch of unassisted buckets that prevent great ball movement or teams, so they produce perennial losers with every cast instead.. In addition to never producing a great team, Lebron's skillset and brand of ball underachieved favored rosters more than anyone in history by virtue of the most losses ever with the preseason favorite and Finals teams.. Luka and other high-scoring ball-dominators will follow this trend.
LeBron > Jordan GOAT Super AIDS Containment, solved #22999 post by Matt R. (addendum #23174) Quote
12-09-2024 , 02:51 AM
To be clear, after I stated that high volumes of unassisted buckets or "ball-dominance" won less and was an inferior skillset, the counter was that Lebron could become a higher-assisted player and shooting guard like Kobe or MJ, as required to win with the triangle???.. That's like saying Shaq could play like Curry and have an offense like the Warriors if he wanted... If Lebron could use the triangle to win 11 titles, then he would've used it to beat the 09' Magic, 10' Celtics or Spurs like Kobe did, or he would've used it to beat the Mavs... So you guys are just lying by claiming that things could happen that already didn't happen and haven't happened for 22 years - Lebron has never used a high ball movement system like the teams that beat him.

The triangle doesn't use low-assisted skillsets like lebron's, so coaches wouldn't install the triangle with a contrary skillset that is doomed cost them their job... Ball-dominators like Luka and Lebron can't change to be off-guards like Rip, Kobe or Klay, just like AD can't become Kobe or MJ either.. This is an absurd conversation - the counter to finding out that your favorite player has an inferior skillset isn't to say that he could simply morph into another skillset - he would've already done that by using the triangle or ball movement systems to win many times by now, while also routinely changing his game to fit with other ball-handlers like Westbrook, Hughes, Ingram, IT, and Rose, or forwards like Bosh, Love, and Jamison.. There are far too many bad fits and 22 years of needy teams to say that lebron does anything other than what the stats show him doing, which is dominating the ball in an abnormal fashion to produce the worst chemistry and the most underachievement of favored rosters in history..

Finally, Lebron isn't "creating" healthy assisted rates for teammates because his teammates were already versatile players with healthy assisted rates, so the unnecessary increase of their assisted rates kills versatility and reduces them to one-dimensional spot-up shooters - they're reduced to a lower level of production entirely, including lower assists, which prevents a high-assist team... It's never good to reduce everyone's assists, but that's what the high-scoring point guard skillset does, and that's why it's inferior... Dynasties require all players to be assisting each other, so the imposition of spot-up roles by 1 player will prevent a dynasty from coming to fruition, and history follows this pattern... Every dynasty in history was led by highly-assisted skillsets like jumpshooters or bigs because these skillsets develop the best ball movement and teams.. Otoh, the low-assisted skillsets like Lebron, Luka and Harden have a bunch of unassisted buckets that prevent great chemistry or teams, so they produce perennial losers with every cast instead.. In addition to never producing a great team, Lebron's brand of ball underachieved favored rosters more than anyone in history by virtue of the most losses ever with the preseason favorites and Finals teams.. Luka and other high-scoring ball-dominators will follow this trend..

Essentially, if we went back in time and STRIPPED duncan's highly-assisted frontcourt skills and replaced them with low-assisted ball-dominant skills that turned Parker and Ginobili into non-playmaking spot-up shooters, Popovich would have exactly zero rings - Lebron has proven that "big man ball-dominance" is the worst brand of ball in history that underachieves favored rosters the most.. It's even worse than regular high-scoring point guard play like Lillard because the big man's ball-dominance and low-assisted rate is abnormal for his position, so teammates have less opportunity to assist alongside him than normal bigs.. It's literally the worst chemistry in history that produces the lowest team ceilings/Finals records in history, regardless of cast.
LeBron > Jordan GOAT Super AIDS Containment, solved #22999 post by Matt R. (addendum #23174) Quote
12-09-2024 , 03:57 AM
FG - Thread is finished mate. You lost. Move on to something else.
LeBron > Jordan GOAT Super AIDS Containment, solved #22999 post by Matt R. (addendum #23174) Quote
12-09-2024 , 04:26 AM
Originally Posted by fidstar-poker
FG - Thread is finished mate. You lost. Move on to something else.
I’m highly considering locking it.
LeBron > Jordan GOAT Super AIDS Containment, solved #22999 post by Matt R. (addendum #23174) Quote
12-09-2024 , 05:38 AM
That would be epic.
LeBron > Jordan GOAT Super AIDS Containment, solved #22999 post by Matt R. (addendum #23174) Quote
12-09-2024 , 06:49 AM
Deleting the last bunch of posts and locking the thread with exactly 23000 posts would be incredible.
LeBron > Jordan GOAT Super AIDS Containment, solved #22999 post by Matt R. (addendum #23174) Quote
12-09-2024 , 04:36 PM
Since assisted rate was first tracked in 1997, here's all the players with high volume of unassisted buckets (over 25 ppg and less than 40% assisted rate), and their team assist ranking:

2002 Kobe Bryant................ 9th in team assists
2003 Tracy McGrady............ 21st in team assists
2005 Tracy McGrady............ 16th in team assists
2006 Dwayne Wade............. 17th in team assists
2007 Dwayne Wade............. 18th in team assists
2008 Dwayne Wade............. 24th in team assists
2009 Dwayne Wade............. 18th in team assists
2010 Dwayne Wade............. 28th in team assists
2011 Dwayne Wade............. 26th in team assists
2005 Gilbert Arenas............. 28th in team assists
2006 Gilbert Arenas............. 25th in team assists
2007 Gilbert Arenas............. 23rd in team assists
2005 Kobe Bryant................ 22nd in team assists
2009 Kobe Bryant................ 2nd in team assists
2004 Allen Iverson............... 23rd in team assists
2005 Allen Iverson............... 21st in team assists
2006 Allen Iverson............... 18th in team assists
2007 Allen Iverson............... 21st in team assists
2008 Allen Iverson............... 3rd in team assists
2000 Grant Hill..................... 23rd in team assists
2010 Monta Ellis.................. 5th in team assists
2011 Derrick Rose................ 9th in team assists
2013 Carmelo....................... 30th in team assists
2014 Carmelo....................... 28th in team assists
2015 Westbrook................... 25th in team assists
2017 Westbrook................... 25th in team assists
2018 Westbrook................... 28th in team assists
2020 Westbrook................... 29th in team assists
2013 Harden......................... 6th in team assists
2014 Harden......................... 18th in team assists
2015 Harden.......................... 9th in team assists
2016 Harden.......................... 16th in team assists
2017 Harden.......................... 3rd in team assists
2018 Harden.......................... 26th in team assists
2019 Harden.......................... 28th in team assists
2020 Harden.......................... 29th in team assists
2016 Lillard............................ 21st in team assists
2017 Lillard............................ 23rd in team assists
2018 Lillard............................ 30th in team assists
2019 Lillard............................ 25th in team assists
2020 Lillard............................ 30th in team assists
2021 Lillard............................ 30th in team assists
2023 Lillard............................ 22nd in team assists
2017 Isiaih Thomas.............. 4th in team assists
2017 Demar Derozan........... 30th in team assists
2019 Kemba Walker.............. 24th in team assists
2020 Luka Doncic.................. 14th in team assists
2021 Luka Doncic.................. 26th in team assists
2022 Luka Doncic.................. 25th in team assists
2023 Luka Doncic.................. 28th in team assists
2024 Luka Doncic.................. 19th in team assists
2025 Luka Doncic.................. 18th in team assists
2020 Trae Young................... 17th in team assists
2021 Trae Young................... 19th in team assists
2022 Trae Young................... 15th in team assists
2023 Trae Young................... 18th in team assists
2024 Trae Young................... 16th in team assists
2017 Kyrie Irving................... 13th in team assists
2020 Kyrie Irving................... 15th in team assists
2021 Kyrie Irving................... 7th in team assists
2022 Kyrie Irving................... 10th in team assists
2023 Kyrie Irving................... 28th in team assists
2024 Kyrie Irving................... 19th in team assists
2021 Donovan Mitchell........ 23rd in team assists
2022 Donovan Mitchell........ 27th in team assists
2023 Donovan Mitchell........ 19th in team assists
2024 Donovan Mitchell........ 8th in team assists
2021 D'Aaron Fox.................. 12th in team assists
2023 D'Aaron Fox...................3rd in team assists
2024 D'Aaron Fox.................. 7th in team assists
2025 D'Aaron Fox.................. 15th in team assists
2022 Ja Morant...................... 6th in team assists
2023 Ja Morant...................... 9th in team assists
2024 Ja Morant...................... 27th in team assists
2023 Shai-Gilgeous............... 21st in team assists
2024 Shai-Gilgeous............... 11th in team assists
2025 Shai-Gilgeous............... 14th in team assists
2024 Jalen Brunson.............. 29th in team assists
2025 Jalen Brunson.............. 9th in team assists*
2024 Anthony Edwards........ 15th in team assists
2006 Lebron.......................... 24th in team assists
2007 Lebron.......................... 15th in team assists
2008 Lebron.......................... 25th in team assists
2009 Lebron.......................... 20th in team assists
2010 Lebron.......................... 6th in team assists
2011 Lebron.......................... 26th in team assists
2012 Lebron.......................... 21st in team assists
2015 Lebron.......................... 10th in team assists
2016 Lebron.......................... 13th in team assists
2017 Lebron.......................... 13th in team assists
2018 Lebron.......................... 12th in team assists
2019 Lebron.......................... 11th in team assists
2020 Lebron.......................... 10th in team assists
2021 Lebron.......................... 15th in team assists
2022 Lebron.......................... 17th in team assists

18.3 is the average team assist ranking for "ball-dominators", which are players with high volume of unassisted buckets (25+ ppg and less than 40% assisted rate).

If we run this for 25 ppg scorers that have assisted rates of 50% or more, the numbers will be the opposite - these higher-assisted 1st options will average a top 10 ranking in team assists.

A top 5 assist team was achieved 5 times in 96 tries by ball-dominators from 1997 to 2025, and they were all one-offs that normally involved having ANOTHER 25+ scorer that was highly-assisted, such as Shaq in 2002 or Carmelo in 2008... Since low-assisted 1st options can't produce high-assist teams like the Nuggets, Spurs, or Warriors, this means high-assisted players like Jokic, Duncan and Curry are required... Low-assisted players like Luka and Lebron cannot run these winning offenses, which makes them inferior basketball players.. In a vacuum, low-assisted players are inferior and it's intuitive that players who don't involve teammates while scoring will produce weaker teams than players that do..

And again, ball-dominators kill their teammates' versatility by increasing their versatile assisted rate into 1-dimensional, spot-up territory, while also reducing their assists, which prevents a high-assist team like the Spurs, Warriors, or 90's Bulls.

Finally, the myth from deluded fans who lost this debate isn't true - low-assisted players like Luka, Lebron and Westbrook can't just morph into high-assisted players like Curry or Duncan so they can run the ball movement offenses, smh - morphing into another skillset isn't a counter to lacking the superior skillset required for the winningest brand of ball.
LeBron > Jordan GOAT Super AIDS Containment, solved #22999 post by Matt R. (addendum #23174) Quote
12-09-2024 , 05:27 PM
Low-assisted players like Luka and Lebron cannot run the winningest offenses of high ball movement and high team assists, so they're inferior to highly-assisted skillsets that run these offenses and win more, such as Jokic, Curry, Duncan, Jordan and Kobe... And it's a false counterargument to say that low-assisted players like Luka and Lebron can just morph into high-assisted players like Curry or Jokic - that's obviously absurd... Accordingly, in a vacuum, high-assisted players are superior to low-assisted players because they involve teammates while scoring, which results in better brand of ball and teams.

Last edited by fallguy; 12-09-2024 at 05:54 PM.
LeBron > Jordan GOAT Super AIDS Containment, solved #22999 post by Matt R. (addendum #23174) Quote
12-09-2024 , 05:28 PM
Originally Posted by fallguy
If we run this for 25 ppg scorers that have assisted rates of 50% or more, the numbers will be the opposite - these higher-assisted 1st options will average a top 10 ranking in team assists.
Can you show the data on this? Obviously the ranking will be higher, but for transparency it would be nice if you actually showed that the average is a top 10 team ranking. Also showing the correlation to team wins would be good too. But there are other problems with your analysis, either way, as explained below.

A top 5 assist team was achieved 5 times in 96 tries by ball-dominators from 1997 to 2025,
Why did you switch to “top 5” here but you were talking about “top 10” above with the higher assisted rate?

and they were all one-offs that normally involved having ANOTHER 25+ scorer that was highly-assisted, such as Shaq in 2002 or Carmelo in 2008...
Which is what we have been saying: a high assist point guard or point forward paired with the proper team structure will give high assists. And this is not a knock on anyone that is a good playmaker and delivering the assists. That would make absolutely no sense.

Since low-assisted 1st options can't produce high-assist teams like the Nuggets, Spurs, or Warriors,
This is not true. You just said above that if you pair the playmaker with high assisted targets (above) then that produces high assist teams.

this means high-assisted players like Jokic, Duncan and Curry are required... Low-assisted players like Luka and Lebron cannot run these winning offenses, which makes them inferior basketball players.. In a vacuum, low-assisted players are inferior and it's intuitive that players who don't involve teammates while scoring will produce weaker teams than players that do..
This is a function of coaching and offensive scheme more than any one individual player. You will notice that the Warriors team assist rankings shot through the roof when Kerr took over for Mark Jackson and installed a triangle inspired hybrid offense. Steph Curry was on the team both before and during Kerr. Team assists depend on offensive scheme and the total personnel employed. Not just one player.

And again, ball-dominators kill their teammates' versatility by increasing their versatile assisted rate into 1-dimensional, spot-up territory, while also reducing their assists, which prevents a high-assist team like the Spurs, Warriors, or 90's Bulls.
All of those teams you mentioned have a coach that employed a high ball movement offense.

Finally, the myth from deluded fans who lost this debate isn't true - low-assisted players like Luka, Lebron and Westbrook can't just morph into high-assisted players like Curry or Duncan so they can run the ball movement offenses, smh - morphing into another skillset isn't a counter to lacking the superior skillset required for the winningest brand of ball.
This is false. Yes some player could have difficulty learning efficient off ball play but many players will not. LeBron James has had an assisted rate as high as the upper 40’s at various points in his career, all without a coach like Phil Jackson, Pop, or Kerr employing a heavy ball movement offense. And LeBron has 4 titles to show for it. LeBron may be the most diversely skilled player in NBA history and he can and has adapted. He is also statistically very clearly a superior 3 point shooter to Kobe so this idea that he can’t catch a ball and score makes literally no sense.

Excellent troll work though. You got me to respond again. I can’t decide how many nonsensical walls of text that you will need to write next before I respond to correct you again. Let’s put the over/under at 10.
LeBron > Jordan GOAT Super AIDS Containment, solved #22999 post by Matt R. (addendum #23174) Quote
12-09-2024 , 05:47 PM
Originally Posted by Matt R.

You will notice that the Warriors team assist rankings shot through the roof when Kerr took over for Mark Jackson and installed a triangle inspired hybrid offense.

Kerr's hands are tied and he can't run the ball movement offense with a low-assisted player like Luka, Lebron, or Lillard - only a high-assisted player like Curry, Jokic, Jordan or Duncan can unshackle a coach and allow them to run the best brand of ball.

So it always comes back to personnel - the right skillset is required to run the best offense and this skillset is highly-assisted skillset.

Originally Posted by Matt R.

Can you show the data on this? Obviously the ranking will be higher, but for transparency it would be nice if you actually showed that the average is a top 10 team ranking. Also showing the correlation to team wins would be good too.

First of all, this was done very early itt.... Jordan's teams averaged 8th in assists and the average champion is 7th, while Lebron's teams average more than twice these levels (16th or higher).

Secondly, we already know that all the best teams in history were high-assist teams and high ball movement teams, such as the 80's Lakers, who were #1 in assists every year, or the 90's Bulls, or the Spurs/Warriors dynasties - all of these teams are known for goat ball movement and team assists, but NONE included a low-assisted ball-dominator at 1st option like Luka, Lebron, Lillard, etc... So that's your proof - the entirety of history shows that the best teams were great ball movement teams that required highly-assisted first options and didn't include low-assisted first options.

Originally Posted by Matt R.

Why did you switch to “top 5” here but you were talking about “top 10” above with the higher assisted rate?

Ball-dominators aren't close to top 5 or top 10, so it's splitting hairs.

Originally Posted by Matt R.

Which is what we have been saying: a high assist point guard or point forward paired with the proper team structure will give high assists. And this is not a knock on anyone that is a good playmaker and delivering the assists. That would make absolutely no sense.

High-scorers that are low-assisted don't have high assist teams - look at the data - citing a couple one-offs in a sea of nearly 100 examples means you lost.

Originally Posted by Matt R.

This is not true. You just said above that if you pair the playmaker with high assisted targets (above) then that produces high assist teams.

High-scorers that are low-assisted don't have high assist teams - look at the data - citing a couple one-offs in a sea of nearly 100 examples means you lost.

Originally Posted by Matt R.

LeBron James has had an assisted rate as high as the upper 40’s at various points in his career

Nonsense... Lebron reached 41% once when he was a contending player from 2006-2021 - otherwise, he wasn't a contending player

Again, you lost... You lost convincingly and it will get worse because the numbers aren't on your side - low-assisted players produce low-assist teams that lose, while high-assisted players can produce high-assist teams and dynasties.. it's clear-cut.... And no, I'm afraid that low-assisted players like Luka and Lebron cannot morph into high-assisted players like Jokic and Curry, smh

Last edited by fallguy; 12-09-2024 at 05:54 PM.
LeBron > Jordan GOAT Super AIDS Containment, solved #22999 post by Matt R. (addendum #23174) Quote
12-09-2024 , 06:02 PM
Originally Posted by fallguy
Low-assisted 1st options like Luka and Lebron cannot run the winningest offenses of high ball movement and high team assists, so they're inferior to highly-assisted skillsets that run these offenses and win more, such as Jokic, Curry, Duncan, Jordan and Kobe... And it's a false counterargument to say that low-assisted players like Luka and Lebron can just morph into high-assisted players like Curry or Jokic - that's obviously absurd... Accordingly, in a vacuum, high-assisted players are superior to low-assisted players because they involve teammates while scoring (higher assisted rates), which results in better brand of ball and teams.

LeBron > Jordan GOAT Super AIDS Containment, solved #22999 post by Matt R. (addendum #23174) Quote
12-09-2024 , 06:05 PM
LeBron > Jordan GOAT Super AIDS Containment, solved #22999 post by Matt R. (addendum #23174) Quote
12-09-2024 , 06:27 PM
Originally Posted by fallguy
Kerr's hands are tied and he can't run the ball movement offense with a low-assisted player like Luka, Lebron, or Lillard - only a high-assisted player like Curry, Jokic, Jordan or Duncan can unshackle a coach and allow them to run the best brand of ball.

So it always comes back to personnel - the right skillset is required to run the best offense and this skillset is highly-assisted skillset.
Nope. As usual, you have it backwards. It does come back to personnel but personnel is the entire team, not one player. The offensive scheme depends on the coach and the strategy he employs.

First of all, this was done very early itt.... Jordan's teams averaged 8th in assists and the average champion is 7th, while Lebron's teams average more than twice these levels (16th or higher).
Nope. You said that:

If we run this for 25 ppg scorers that have assisted rates of 50% or more, the numbers will be the opposite - these higher-assisted 1st options will average a top 10 ranking in team assists.
Cherry picking Jordan's last two seasons does not work for this. You have to run the analysis with all 25+ ppg scorers with assisted rates of 50% or more. You have to include Joel Embiid, for example, who is an extremely high scoring player (leading the entire league in scoring twice; averaging 30+ ppg 3 times) and highly assisted, yet his teams always rank in the bottom half of the league in assists. For the funnies, and to show how much of a dumbass you are, show Giannis and Durant too. Note the team assists when Durant played for Golden State vs. when he played for OKC. Different coach, different schemes, same player. fallguy, same dumbass.

It's almost like the coach, scheme, and total personnel is the deciding factor for team assists. Not one player.

Secondly, we already know that all the best teams in history were high-assist teams and high ball movement teams, such as the 80's Lakers, who were #1 in assists every year, or the 90's Bulls, or the Spurs/Warriors dynasties - all of these teams are known for goat ball movement and team assists, but NONE included a low-assisted ball-dominator at 1st option like Luka, Lebron, Lillard, etc... So that's your proof - the entirety of history shows that the best teams were great ball movement teams that required highly-assisted first options and didn't include low-assisted first options.
fallguy, these teams all had coaches that ran a high ball-movement offense, and did not have a "low-assisted ball-dominator" because the scheme did not allow for that.

Ball-dominators aren't close to top 5 or top 10, so it's splitting hairs.
fallguy, you have to do a statistical comparison to be able to conclude what you said above:

If we run this for 25 ppg scorers that have assisted rates of 50% or more, the numbers will be the opposite - these higher-assisted 1st options will average a top 10 ranking in team assists.
Doing a proper statistical analysis involves comparing the two groups, which would include, for example Joel Embiid and the 76ers. Cherry picking Jordan's last two seasons in the triangle with Phil Jackson is not "splitting hairs". It's dumbass analysis by a dumbass who doesn't know math.

High-scorers that are low-assisted don't have high assist teams - look at the data - citing a couple one-offs in a sea of nearly 100 examples means you lost.
And high scorers that are highly assisted do not always have high assists either as shown by the data. A couple one-offs refutes your entire point and proves it is coach, scheme, and overall team makeup that is the deciding factor. This means you lost, as proven and documented in posts #22999, #23000, and the new thread title.

Nonsense... Lebron reached 41% once when he was a contending player from 2006-2021 - otherwise, he wasn't a contending player
As you have yourself said, 41% for a point guard/point forward is quite high. It's higher than Jayson Tatum had last year.

Again, you lost... You lost convincingly and it will get worse because the numbers aren't on your side - low-assisted players produce low-assist teams that lose, while high-assisted players can produce high-assist teams and dynasties.. it's clear-cut.... And no, I'm afraid that low-assisted players like Luka and Lebron cannot morph into high-assisted players like Jokic and Curry, smh
Again, no, you lost as proven and documented by posts #22999, #23000, and the new thread title. LeBron doesn't need to "morph" into a highly assisted player; he has already proven he can act in an offense as a highly assisted hybrid point forward. He has literally done it multiple times. And if he played in a high ball movement offense under a coach like Phil Jackson, Pop, or Kerr like Kobe or Jordan or Duncan his results would have obviously been even better.
LeBron > Jordan GOAT Super AIDS Containment, solved #22999 post by Matt R. (addendum #23174) Quote
12-09-2024 , 06:35 PM

Seinfeld propping his feet on top of your head as you throw up a brick. Metaphorically speaking of course. Since you edited out the brick just like you edit out the Embiid data.
LeBron > Jordan GOAT Super AIDS Containment, solved #22999 post by Matt R. (addendum #23174) Quote
12-09-2024 , 09:57 PM
Originally Posted by Matt R.

It's almost like the coach, scheme, and total personnel is the deciding factor for team assists.

Not one player.

It's all about 1 player - if the 1st option is a low-assisted player, then the team cannot have a dynasty..

Otoh, if the 1st option is a highly-assisted player, then a dynasty is possible and a ball movement system is possible.

That's it.

Originally Posted by Matt R.

It does come back to personnel but personnel is the entire team,

not one player.

It's a mathematical fact that coaches can't run high-assist offenses with a high-volume of unassisted buckets from 1 player, so it just takes 1 player to prevent a great brand of ball.

Originally Posted by Matt R.

Cherry picking Jordan's last two seasons does not work for this. You have to run the analysis with all 25+ ppg scorers with assisted rates of 50% or more. You have to include Joel Embiid, for example, who is an extremely high scoring player (leading the entire league in scoring twice; averaging 30+ ppg 3 times) and highly assisted, yet his teams always rank in the bottom half of the league in assists. For the funnies, and to show how much of a dumbass you are, show Giannis and Durant too. Note the team assists when Durant played for Golden State vs. when he played for OKC. Different coach, different schemes, same player. fallguy, same dumbass.

No one said that highly-assisted 1st options will ALWAYS produce great ball movement, but they're necessary to have great ball movement - you can't be known as a great ball movement team like the Nuggets, Spurs, Warriors or 90's Bulls without a highly-assisted player as 1st option.

If you could show me a great ball movement system led by a ball-dominator, then you win, but you can't because a team cannot run a great ball movement system if 1 player has a high volume of unassisted buckets - you can't get past this.

And again, ball-dominators like Luka and Lebron cannot morph into high-assisted players like Curry and Jokic - the reason that they've never had a ball movement system in their careers isn't due 30+ years of never getting the right coach - it's because they're ball-dominators, and ball-dominators prevent ball movement... Ball-dominance kills ball movement..

Originally Posted by Matt R.

fallguy, these teams all had coaches that ran a high ball-movement offense, and did not have a "low-assisted ball-dominator" because the scheme did not allow for that.

The reason that Kerr, Popovich, and Phil could run ball movement systems is because their teams didn't have a ball-dominator, which prevents ball movement systems and dynasties... So you're wrong, and it's getting painfully obvious.

Again, ball-dominators like Luka and Lebron cannot morph into high-assisted players like Curry and Jokic - the reason that they've never had a ball movement system in their careers isn't due 30+ years of never getting the right coach - it's because they're dumb ball-dominators, and ball-dominators prevent ball movement... Ball-dominance kills ball movement..

Ultimately, it's statistical fact that highly-assisted players have higher-assist teams in general.. This is bball 101.. So the case is closed because we've figured out why players like Jokic, Curry, and Jordan are better than Luka, Lebron and SGA - the latter have low-assisted rates that prevent ball movement systems and dynasties..

Originally Posted by Matt R.

you have to do a statistical comparison to be able to conclude what you said above:

No, I don't - it's mathematical fact that higher assisted players allow higher assist teams.. There's no need to go outside the check that the sky is blue.

I did the analysis to show that low-assisted 1st options rank 18th in team assists on average, and if I did the analysis for highly-assisted 1st options, it would be about half of that - it would be about 8th or 9th, which was the average rank for a title team when I looked up that info a few years ago.. We also know that Jordan's teams average 8th in assists for his career, compared to 16th for Lebron.

Originally Posted by Matt R.

And high scorers that are highly assisted do not always have high assists either as shown by the data. A couple one-offs refutes your entire point and proves it is coach, scheme, and overall team makeup that is the deciding factor. This means you lost, as proven and documented in posts #22999, #23000, and the new thread title.

The only way to effectively counter the math is to show me a team that mostly won over a 5 year stretch (dynasty) that contained a low-assisted player as the 1st option..

Otherwise, you lost..

And again, the moderators are just placating you because they're annoyed that I destroyed their goat and their dreams (and yours).. They've changed the thread a million times at this point.

Last edited by fallguy; 12-09-2024 at 10:15 PM.
LeBron > Jordan GOAT Super AIDS Containment, solved #22999 post by Matt R. (addendum #23174) Quote
12-09-2024 , 09:58 PM
Originally Posted by Matt R.

Seinfeld propping his feet on top of your head as you throw up a brick. Metaphorically speaking of course. Since you edited out the brick just like you edit out the Embiid data.

You probably don't notice that the crossover was behind-the-back and you lack the knowledge to appreciate how nice that move is.

You're like a dog watching TV - you don't know what you're watching.
LeBron > Jordan GOAT Super AIDS Containment, solved #22999 post by Matt R. (addendum #23174) Quote
12-09-2024 , 11:04 PM
Here are the 25+ scorers this season that have high-assisted rates:

Jokic........... high-assist teams
Booker....... high-assist teams
Tatum........ high-assist teams
Brown........ high-assist teams
AD.............. high-assist teams and medium since joining Lebron
Durant....... high-assist teams aside from the years with Westbrook/Harden (who are on the other list)

Embiid....... low-assist teams (not sure why; haven't looked into it)
Giannis...... Giannis has a low-assisted rate himself, so he shouldn't be on this list

TLDR - High-scorers with high assisted rates provide teams with the most assisted buckets, thereby facilitating high-assist teams that have an average rank of 9th (approximately).. Otoh, high-scorers with low assisted rates provide teams with the least amount of assisted buckets, which prevents high-assist teams (18th on average).
LeBron > Jordan GOAT Super AIDS Containment, solved #22999 post by Matt R. (addendum #23174) Quote
