Originally Posted by Pwn_Master
Great, so going with the other people do it excuse?
You realize there's nothing intrinsically immoral with the n-word, right? The meaning, and what is communicated along with that word is extrinsic, and thus depends on those communicating it. Therefore, if those communicating have no moral qualms with its usage, then there is nothing immoral with it. Now, it can be argued rightly that using that same word openly, i.e. with those that don't share your usage,
is immoral as they might take that word to mean something else, and suffer harm from its usage. But that was presumably not the case here.
Cliffs: context matters in private conversations.
EDIT: The above isn't specifically targeted towards Incognito & Martin, but to the usage of the n-word in conversation given that all involved parties understand its usage (regardless of the parties' race).