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English Football 2020-21 - now with 100% additional Yorkshire English Football 2020-21 - now with 100% additional Yorkshire

09-22-2020 , 08:08 AM
Since I enjoy watching young talent I would love if they reclassified this tournament with similar rules to the Olympics (?) u23 with only 3 senior players allowed.

Scrapping it altogether is obviously the way to go, but they will not do that cause energy drinks will still pour money into this cup.

I also find it fascinating that the game has not been cancelled days ago.

Last edited by MindFckr; 09-22-2020 at 08:20 AM.
English Football 2020-21 - now with 100% additional Yorkshire Quote
09-22-2020 , 09:04 AM
Originally Posted by t3hbandit
If we don't sign Sancho this window Barca or Madrid get him next summer. Woodward will look bemused that both had zero issues paying 120m.
All while taking credit for them over paying for him and his wages.
English Football 2020-21 - now with 100% additional Yorkshire Quote
09-22-2020 , 09:07 AM
So vampire Suarez is in hot water again, who would have thought it?
English Football 2020-21 - now with 100% additional Yorkshire Quote
09-22-2020 , 10:47 AM
Originally Posted by Clayton
English Football 2020-21 - now with 100% additional Yorkshire Quote
09-22-2020 , 11:14 AM
Would have been nice to have crowds back at football, but maskflakes have done their bit to stop that happening.
English Football 2020-21 - now with 100% additional Yorkshire Quote
09-22-2020 , 12:04 PM
^^not sure if serious.
English Football 2020-21 - now with 100% additional Yorkshire Quote
09-22-2020 , 12:34 PM
Yeah if we had all just worn masks from the start, none of this would have happened...
English Football 2020-21 - now with 100% additional Yorkshire Quote
09-22-2020 , 01:54 PM
Originally Posted by Tall Paul
Has it escaped both of your notices for the last two seasons?
Yes. Double the fine and points deduction.
English Football 2020-21 - now with 100% additional Yorkshire Quote
09-22-2020 , 02:12 PM
Originally Posted by t3hbandit
If we don't sign Sancho this window Barca or Madrid get him next summer. Woodward will look bemused that both had zero issues paying 120m.
Can't see Sancho happening now, pretty much gave up hope when it didn't happen early in the window. I think we prob end up with King or Brooks close to the deadline.
English Football 2020-21 - now with 100% additional Yorkshire Quote
09-22-2020 , 02:19 PM
Originally Posted by O.A.F.K.1.1
Would have been nice to have crowds back at football, but maskflakes have done their bit to stop that happening.
English Football 2020-21 - now with 100% additional Yorkshire Quote
09-22-2020 , 02:45 PM
Moyes, Cullen and Diop have all failed COVID tests.
English Football 2020-21 - now with 100% additional Yorkshire Quote
09-22-2020 , 02:57 PM
English Football 2020-21 - now with 100% additional Yorkshire Quote
09-22-2020 , 03:00 PM
How does our game go ahead tonight exactly?
English Football 2020-21 - now with 100% additional Yorkshire Quote
09-22-2020 , 03:08 PM
What odds can I get on Moyes listing beating Covid as an accomplishment at a future press conference?
English Football 2020-21 - now with 100% additional Yorkshire Quote
09-22-2020 , 03:13 PM
Originally Posted by NicReynolds
What odds can I get on Moyes listing beating Covid as an accomplishment at a future press conference?
"Getting COVID - it's what I do."
English Football 2020-21 - now with 100% additional Yorkshire Quote
09-22-2020 , 04:12 PM
Moyes aint got Covid, he has gone looking for Zaha with a baseball bat for making a mess of his daughter.
English Football 2020-21 - now with 100% additional Yorkshire Quote
09-22-2020 , 04:58 PM
Originally Posted by O.A.F.K.1.1
Would have been nice to have crowds back at football, but maskflakes have done their bit to stop that happening.
Coronabros survived the worst flu since 1970, jfc be more sensitive, mankind was almost wiped out

Please rank:

-Y2K bug
-Power Energy Bracelets
English Football 2020-21 - now with 100% additional Yorkshire Quote
09-22-2020 , 05:14 PM
Originally Posted by andre006
Coronabros survived the worst flu since 1970, jfc be more sensitive, mankind was almost wiped out

Please rank:

-Y2K bug
-Power Energy Bracelets
I dunno how many of those killed 50K people in the UK and caused long tail issues in countless others? 200K and counting in the USA.

You normally come through with mega scorching hot takes on anything political and yes again, you totally deliver.

We were on track to having crowds back at grounds, but because of a contribution from maskflakes, the R number is well above 1 and we have exponential growth in the UK. Maskflaking only has to contribute a 0.1 to have contributed. Its easily done that.

Being a maskflake is perhaps one of the greatest acts of human ignorance and selfishness in human history.

Its absolutely no bother, to put a mask on, in a shop, for a few minutes, because its an easy win, you effectively do nothing but maybe stop someone else being harmed if you are asymptomatic.

Refusing to do something that causes yourself no inconvenience and potentially reduces harm to others because LOL Freedom! LOOOL, is simple black as night ignorant and horrendous selfishness.

Some people charged a machine gun nest for freedom, now we have people that refuse to basically do nothing of consequence, in a shop for a few minutes, trying to equate themselves with those men. Its shameful and pathetic, and that is the bandwagon you choose to get on.
English Football 2020-21 - now with 100% additional Yorkshire Quote
09-22-2020 , 05:20 PM
Originally Posted by O.A.F.K.1.1
Maskflaking only has to contribute a 0.1 to have contributed. Its easily done that.
English Football 2020-21 - now with 100% additional Yorkshire Quote
09-22-2020 , 05:26 PM
I put a mask on when i go in stores to not scare off old peoples because i'm super nice.

OAFK How many people died from Covid wordlwide? you seem on top of this issue

It's a nice mind**** tho, some coronabro verbally assaulted my mom because she wasn't wearing a mask while walking the dog at 7am, so yes coronabros are totally harmless and bring out the best in mankind, obv.

Maybe some people just need a hug, through a plastic curtain, just in case
English Football 2020-21 - now with 100% additional Yorkshire Quote
09-22-2020 , 05:29 PM
Originally Posted by Elrazor
Do you think people should wear masks yes or no?

Because I can cite you adamantly arguing Yes.

here was a clear negative correlation between the awareness or general acceptance of wearing a face mask and its infection rates. "One classic example is seen in Hong Kong," said Sunny Wong, MD, associate professor, Department of Medicine and Therapeutics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong.

"Despite [Hong Kong's] proximity to mainland China, its infection rate of COVID-19 is generally modest with only 1,110 cases to-date. This correlates with an almost ubiquitous use of face masks in the city (up to 98.8 percent by respondents in a survey). Similar patterns are seen in other Asian areas, such as Taiwan, Thailand and Malaysia. To date, there are more than two million cases in the U.S. and more than one million cases in Brazil.
Given the huge amount of maskflaking in the UK, its a lock that it has made some contribution.
English Football 2020-21 - now with 100% additional Yorkshire Quote
09-22-2020 , 05:31 PM
Originally Posted by andre006
I put a mask on when i go in stores to not scare off old peoples because i'm super nice.

OAFK How many people died from Covid wordlwide? you seem on top of this issue

It's a nice mind**** tho, some coronabro verbally assaulted my mom because she wasn't wearing a mask while walking the dog at 7am, so yes coronabros are totally harmless and bring out the best in mankind, obv.

Maybe some people just need a hug, through a plastic curtain, just in case
Use of the word coronabro, yep bottom feeder in the house.

Only close to 1 million reported deaths, in 9 months.

In before the dumbest argument imaginable which will be X causes moah.
English Football 2020-21 - now with 100% additional Yorkshire Quote
09-22-2020 , 05:33 PM
Science Daily better or worse than Daily Star?
English Football 2020-21 - now with 100% additional Yorkshire Quote
09-22-2020 , 05:33 PM
Originally Posted by Eric Clipperton
I misunderstood oafk post completely, take back the lol @ you and award it to andre instead
English Football 2020-21 - now with 100% additional Yorkshire Quote
