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English Football 2017-2018 English Football 2017-2018

10-25-2017 , 01:14 PM
Originally Posted by kingweed
Wtf is dog?
Yeah this.
10-25-2017 , 01:15 PM
We used to play KILLER for a quid a man. All take turns to kick the ball against a wall, only one touch each. Sounds simple but the rules allowed for some expert strat like laying it up for the next player to hoof it a mile away at almost 180 degrees. GOAT game.
10-25-2017 , 01:18 PM
Originally Posted by LostOstrich
We used to play KILLER for a quid a man. All take turns to kick the ball against a wall, only one touch each. Sounds simple but the rules allowed for some expert strat like laying it up for the next player to hoof it a mile away at almost 180 degrees. GOAT game.
Forgot about this one! We used to play this at primary school (without the money).

Issue was the wall we played against had a steep staircase off to one side and a playground behind that, so if someone got it to spin off the wall you could make it so they'd have to cannon it off of something else to hit the wall.

If you were up next and the ball was in a place where they could try to do just that it would become optimal to stand by the staircase and try and take your touch before it went down there. Obviously we learned just to leather it the other way when that happened.

GOAT game indeed.
10-25-2017 , 01:22 PM
Was either Wembley singles/doubles or headers and volleys
10-25-2017 , 01:22 PM
ACTUALLY the best footballs are made by select and if football wasnt so corrupt everyone would be using them

10-25-2017 , 01:29 PM
swear we've had this exact convo before, both the balls and the headers and volleys stuff. might be time to lock this forum up

anyway, we mostly played 'H, Vs and Cs'. the H stood for headers and the V was volleys, still to this day do not know what the Cs were and i dont think anyone knew at the time either. game ends after 20 goals

whoever was the keeper at the end of the game got either red arse, where they have to face away and each of the other players blast the ball at them as hard as they can, or tunnel of death where everyone stands in a row in front of a wall with arms outstretched touching the wall, giving one plenty of room to swing one's knees. goalkeeper had to run through under everyones arms while getting kneed

also played HORSE. same game as lostO mentionted altho we didnt have a wall handy so you had to kick it off the kerb instead. game had to be stopped 50+ times a day to let cars pass

also did a lot of the one goal, multiple teams thing raz mentioned. generally paired up into like 4 teams, gotta score 3 goals to advance, whichever team doesnt score 3 is out, next round involves the qualifying 3 teams
10-25-2017 , 01:35 PM
Originally Posted by sixfour
Was either Wembley singles/doubles or headers and volleys
Yeah pretty much this.

Originally Posted by BOIDS

whoever was the keeper at the end of the game got either red arse, where they have to face away and each of the other players blast the ball at them as hard as they can
And this.

Actually reminds me of my first foray into gambling, with the same crowd. You'd play blackjack and if you lost you'd have the deck of cards slapped over your knuckles the amount of times equal to the number you lost by/went bust by. Pretty ****ed up looking back at it actually.
10-25-2017 , 01:39 PM
i vaguely remember something called dog, and i think dead dog was another name for it. cant remember what it was

memory says it mighta been another variant of the killer/horse wall kick game

btw sometimes we played 2 touches
10-25-2017 , 01:40 PM
i dunno what wembley singles is btw
10-25-2017 , 01:41 PM
also we played quite a lot of 1 bounce, which is the game where you kick/head it between a group of 4 or 5 people and it can only bounce once (skilled people play no bounce, **** that ****). you get 3 lives and then you're out

if there was a crap kid in the group they might be allowed 2 bounces
10-25-2017 , 01:47 PM
another memory i have: endless arguments over whether the ball went over the imaginary bar, or in off the imaginary post when it went over a jumper

post and in


over the bar

very controversial. sometimes different people would maintain different goal tallys according to their interpretation of post and in, so even at the end of the game you might not know who won
10-25-2017 , 01:51 PM
Originally Posted by sixfour
Hugely depends on what he's playing. If he's just playing League of Legends, Hearthstone etc you don't need that much, if he's wanting to play GTA5 or whatever the cool game is right now on max settings it's a bit more expensive.

Would go to - take a budget, select parts within any given tier (they select so that everything's compatible), find a store/online supplier that'll build it for you if you don't want to do it yourself. While it's basically Lego nowadays, if you're not comfortable it'd be better spending £30 (what I paid for mine to be assembled/tested, better if you know a mate who's tech savvy and will do it for a few beers) than bricking a couple of hundred quid's worth of equipment.

KW's site I've seen a few times and also seems fine to use
Ta very much

Really thought I could buy something adequate off the shelf, looks unlikely with the advice I've had itt

If young un is lucky he'll get the 2017 version of etch a scetch.
10-25-2017 , 01:54 PM
Where I grew up “four squares” was the go to game when we didn’t have enough people, which was nearly always
10-25-2017 , 01:54 PM
We played volleys and headers, camp (1v1 2x goals as many touches as you like in a small space) and either 1 touch or 2 touch (depending if it was 1v1 or 2v2).
10-25-2017 , 01:55 PM
Originally Posted by joejoe1337
Yeah pretty much this.

And this.

Actually reminds me of my first foray into gambling, with the same crowd. You'd play blackjack and if you lost you'd have the deck of cards slapped over your knuckles the amount of times equal to the number you lost by/went bust by. Pretty ****ed up looking back at it actually.
Lol we just played 'knuckles', cut the cards to see how many times you were getting it. Someone always drew blood.
10-25-2017 , 02:00 PM
Was patball a thing for anyone else? Like squash but with your hands and with a tennis ball hitting against the wall. All we played in secondary.
10-25-2017 , 02:02 PM
Yeah but surprisingly it's called handball.

We even have dedicated handball courts all over the country.
10-25-2017 , 02:08 PM
Originally Posted by DonkDonkDonkDonk
Was patball a thing for anyone else? Like squash but with your hands and with a tennis ball hitting against the wall. All we played in secondary.
Yeah, "slapball" we called it.

It's actually sort of a thing in New York I've discovered since I moved here.

There are courts of sorts in a ton of the parks next to the basketball courts etc, a big concrete wall in the middle but they play it with like a big squash ball thing.

10-25-2017 , 02:22 PM
For today we Mickey Mouse!

Vorm, Trippier, Foyth, Alderweireld, Davies, Rose, Dier, Sissoko, Dele, Son, Llorente.

Bench: Substitutes: Gazzaniga, Walker-Peters, Sanchez, Dembele, Winks, Eriksen, Nkoudou.

No surprises, nice to see Davies and Rose back..
10-25-2017 , 02:33 PM
10-25-2017 , 02:35 PM
Originally Posted by TheGramuel
Headers and Volleys yes, no idea what worldie is. If the keeper caught the ball in headers and volleys they got to switch out with the person who headered or volleyed. Did everyone here have a kid at their school who claimed their dad invented headers and volleys? LOL.

We used to play 60 seconds too which was just timed headers and volleys, keeper had to keep everything out for 60 seconds to win and switch out.

Also used to play Wembley Singles/Doubles/Triples, one goal but teams of 1/2/3 trying to score in it. My midlands mates at uni used to call it "Cuppies" apparently.
Singles/Doubles/Triples is the same as worldie, cuppie etc now that baids mentioned it I think we have had this conversation before.

Originally Posted by LostOstrich
We used to play KILLER for a quid a man. All take turns to kick the ball against a wall, only one touch each. Sounds simple but the rules allowed for some expert strat like laying it up for the next player to hoof it a mile away at almost 180 degrees. GOAT game.
GOAT game, we didn't play for money though.

Originally Posted by martymc1
Lol we just played 'knuckles', cut the cards to see how many times you were getting it. Someone always drew blood.
Same here but it was usually after we played a game of scabby queen. Black use to be brutal because you'd use the entire deck and properly smash it on the knuckles. Deck would only last 2 or 3 games then be completely ruined.

We use to play coins as well, you'd have 3 £1 coins in a triangle and you had to push/flick 1 coin through the two to create a goal. You had to score 3 goals in a row using a different coin each time to score. If managed 3 the other player would have to put his knuckles/fist down on the table and you'd get to smash the pound into his knuckles 5 times by sort of sliding it along the table with your finger tips - it was quite hard because if you tried to go for a real hard one it's difficult to aim or you can get 1 go and use your thumb while balancing with your index and middle finger - super accurate but not as powerful. Winner is the person who gets the other to draw blood.

Pretty much every boy had two lines of scabs right across the knuckles both underneath from scabby and above from coins.

Savage when you think back.

Last edited by kingweed; 10-25-2017 at 02:40 PM.
10-25-2017 , 03:08 PM
Wake me up before you go go, who needs Bale when you've got Sissoko.
10-25-2017 , 03:10 PM
Sissoko is so much better this season.

Lol Spammers, obv.
10-25-2017 , 03:14 PM
Always liked Sissoko
10-25-2017 , 03:16 PM
Puel seems like a good option. Leicester will be fine, but still really interested what happens to Mahrez in the next 8 months.
