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English Football 2017-2018 English Football 2017-2018

10-07-2017 , 02:29 PM
Didn't they lose their academy to a rugby club because their owners were tits that tried to hustle the local council into a cheap purchase of Ricoh Arena?
10-07-2017 , 02:40 PM
Originally Posted by KDawg

Would not part of the problem here in USA#1 also be that the Bundesliga really doesn't have much cable presence? SerieA and La Liga are on BeIN at least and many cable subscribers have access to BeIN. But, the Bundesliga has been in the hinterlands forever and that is a crying shame IMO.

I would be quite happy if NBCSN or ESPN picked up the Bundesliga and made sure to put on more Dortmund matches that there could/would be a bump in Pulisic's profile in the US right now.

He just turned 19. It's entirely possible that he'd be milquetoast for his entire career, but, how many of us had big personalities that would come across well on TV at that age? I'm not disagreeing with your overall point, but, he's still young and his personality could possibly come out more in 4-5 years.
You do realize fox has Bundesliga now right? It is almost as accessible as the prem and by far the second most accessible Euro league.

Originally Posted by Hoopie1
**** like this isn't important, think about the American supporters (that aren't supporters yet, but might be). They must be prioritised.
This can’t be right. Americans can’t be proper supporters.
10-07-2017 , 03:30 PM
Originally Posted by mw828
This can’t be right. Americans can’t be proper supporters.
Well not in the top bracket of crazed fans they can't, unless they make numerous trips across the world to watch a few games. Or even attend some local games ffs.

Something that seems to be beyond you.

No smugness btw, unlike your original claim.

I see a New York CSC flag at games regularly, it really isn't that hard anymore.

Last edited by unwantedguest; 10-07-2017 at 03:37 PM.
10-07-2017 , 04:57 PM
Originally Posted by martymc1
It compares well with the nonsense over the Bayern wonder kid Green (that hasn't been heard of again) and how he'd help Bayern get a foothold on the American market if they'd only just arrange some friendly fixtures.

Why aren't Dortmund raking it in off Pulisic's back?

You really that dense btw? Seth the knowitall who actually knew **** all.
Are you really comparing Julian Green to Pulisic? Green never made a first team appearance for Bayern. Pulisic is lighting it up in the Bundesliga and the CL.

incredible you would compare the two.
10-07-2017 , 05:03 PM
they don't call him martymclol for nothing!
10-07-2017 , 05:05 PM
Originally Posted by TheGramuel
Are you really comparing Julian Green to Pulisic? Green never made a first team appearance for Bayern. Pulisic is lighting it up in the Bundesliga and the CL.

incredible you would compare the two.
Obviously not but very easy to compare the want from the Americans over the two.

Let's play some games to suit US fans to raise both the players profile and the club in the US. Load of nonsense.

Kid looks good enough to get a big move on merit, not as some gimmick to break the US market ffs.
10-07-2017 , 05:06 PM
Jerkoff still here, like a bad smell.
10-07-2017 , 05:30 PM
What benefit would Dortmund derive out of pushing for the US market? Sell a few more shirts? Hardly seems worth it.
10-07-2017 , 05:38 PM
Well, Bundesliga teams do screw around with their whole season preparation by arranging trips to the US and China. So I'd think they are trying to get into those markets. Pulisic should help that more than some pre season friendlies.
10-07-2017 , 08:18 PM
Originally Posted by Cinarocket
lenC your thinking makes sense but I think you underestimate just how much goes into decision-making of time slots. They need to take into account loads of things and have contractual obligations as well that in reality it's almost never going to matter much.
Pretty much this, I don't think it's a bad idea to try and cater to a new-ish market however in terms of scheduling games it should be way down the list of priorities
10-08-2017 , 12:36 AM
Originally Posted by mw828
You do realize fox has Bundesliga now right? It is almost as accessible as the prem and by far the second most accessible Euro league.
Kind of. I'm on comcast with a decent package, but I don't get FS2 which is where the bulk of the matches are shown. BeIN is easily more available and FS1 showing bundesliga matches is a bit schizo
10-08-2017 , 02:28 AM
Yeah, Green eventually showed up at Greuther Fürth now.
10-08-2017 , 05:53 AM
Originally Posted by Ra_Z_Boy
What benefit would Dortmund derive out of pushing for the US market? Sell a few more shirts? Hardly seems worth it.
I think the pre-season tours in murica are worth quite a lot. Don't they pack out 100k stadiums over there?
10-08-2017 , 08:58 AM
There were ~60k at the City/Spurs preseason match in Nashville as a point of reference. Was a great time as well
10-08-2017 , 09:29 AM
ICC been arranging those summer fixtures the last 5/6 years. Obviously profitable for the club's as they just have to turn up to get paid.
10-08-2017 , 09:29 AM
if the kid is half as good as the yanks claim then his value on the pitch will be >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> his value as a bog roll holder salesman


by the way, for masterlevel marketing shenanigans see Wenger, A

10-08-2017 , 10:18 AM
Coventry - Lots of history, legacy of top flight football but left the Premier League before it turned into what it is. Left The Championship before it ballooned (relatively speaking) in recent years. They may have even been relegated before it was re-branded as such. Can't be bothered to check... it's been a while. The general point I'm making is they don't have much name value. Add to that, they don't own their own stadium. On top, years of decline has seen their fan base dwindle. The hardcore remain but I doubt they're being replaced. Geographically, that area is fairly saturated in terms of established clubs in a reasonable driving distance - most obviously Villa, Brum, Wolves. They are not a good prospect for investors and it's hard to see how they can get near their former standing organically.

Bolton - They are salvageable but £25m is lol. What's for sale is a League One club who happen to be in The Championship right now. They have the stadium as an asset and apparently are settled up with major creditors. But they're operating at a significant loss for this season with Championship revenues, which will drop when they are relegated. Of the playing assets, most that could bring a fee have been sold. They have some dross on their books whose contracts are burdensome. The current owner, even if it wasn't his original plan, has put minimal investment into Championship survival, with fingers crossed I guess. If they were sitting pretty in mid table I guess somebody could bite at £25m. Seems ridiculous in the circumstances though. Compared with Coventry, they have a recent history which gives them some name recognition. With investment, they could go somewhere.

Last edited by thechef; 10-08-2017 at 10:19 AM. Reason: IMO
10-08-2017 , 11:38 AM
Chef - I have no idea what 25m buys you these days but presumably a stadium that doesn't require any work if they were to be good at some point and a decent fanbase seems like a good deal for someone who is willing to invest given they're one (although obviously soon to be two) leagues away from the promised land.
10-08-2017 , 11:52 AM
Large stadiums can go from potential asset to major liability quickly though, at least that's been the case here for a few clubs. Drop down in league with collapse in attendance plus a stadium that still takes a lot of money to maintain is a bad combination.
10-08-2017 , 12:10 PM
Originally Posted by joejoe1337
Chef - I have no idea what 25m buys you these days
Nearly buys you Neymar for one day a week
10-08-2017 , 03:26 PM
Get relegated from the Prem like Bolton at the wrong time, get promoted to the Prem and stay there, only difference between Stoke and Bolton. Teams like Burnley are doing it right, where their eggs are not wholly in the Premier League basket.
10-08-2017 , 04:10 PM
Originally Posted by thechef
Geographically, that area is fairly saturated in terms of established Championship clubs in a reasonable driving distance -most obviously Villa, Brum, Wolves.
10-08-2017 , 04:19 PM
Originally Posted by BOIDS
by the way, for masterlevel marketing shenanigans see Wenger, A
Can't blame Wenger for wanting his own Park on the park if Fergie's going to have a Park.
10-09-2017 , 05:30 PM
Loving the new Gary Neville's Soccerbox on Sky,
G Nev and Carra watch a couple of Liverpool/Man Utd games and rip the piss out of each others defending with some decent insight into what it was like in the dressing rooms at the time.
10-09-2017 , 10:40 PM
Originally Posted by martymc1
It compares well with the nonsense over the Bayern wonder kid Green (that hasn't been heard of again) and how he'd help Bayern get a foothold on the American market if they'd only just arrange some friendly fixtures.

Why aren't Dortmund raking it in off Pulisic's back?

You really that dense btw? Seth the knowitall who actually knew **** all.
Dortmund has had its profile raised some by Pulisic. His value though to clubs through US marketability will not come until after the World Cup. He is a "cute" kid according to my wife. Still not sure if his ridiculous eagle tattoo is a marketing genius, a negative, or neutral.

Bayern would have had a huge marketing gain if Green was the same player that Pulisic is. Scored a goal in the WC. Young kid. Difference is Pulisic is already playing on the first team.
