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English Football 2017-2018 English Football 2017-2018

10-07-2017 , 09:09 AM
So he knows about NBA, whoopi doo.
10-07-2017 , 09:10 AM
Originally Posted by mw828
Hey Marty, could you stop being such a smug **** all the time? Thanks in advance.

Im sure you won’t have time to respond since you are such a real fan.
I added some more, not sure you've seen it before posting.
10-07-2017 , 09:19 AM
Originally Posted by lenC
He's already playing for a club that's as good and people don't really seem to give a ****. 84k people tuned in to their latest league game that was on at 9:30AM Eastern on a Saturday on a channel that should be in 73% of households.

The only question is getting people who don't watch football to start watching it. Market him like crazy during WC and have Bundesliga meet you half way by giving them more later slots.
He doesn’t really come off as a marketable player though.
I suspect that many years from now this will end with "we(lol yanks) just don't care since he isn't the next Messi playing for the biggest club itw" meaning there's really zero excuses why any patriotic American can't be a Dortmund slappy as it stands.
This is a pretty ridiculous stance to be honest.
10-07-2017 , 09:38 AM
How is he not marketable? Maybe boring off the pitch but on it he's the exact type of player you'd want.
10-07-2017 , 09:41 AM
His American flag/bald eagle tattoo will garner support from new segments of the Population as long as no usmnt players kneel for the anthem.
10-07-2017 , 09:50 AM
I'd be curious to see number of Yanks watching EPL vs bundesliga as well on the average weekend as well. Just seems like there's definitely more of a market in EPL vs bundesliga but could be wrong.
10-07-2017 , 09:55 AM
I like the suggestion of tailoring Bundesliga game times to focus on one player in order to cater to an audience halfway across the world with their fifth most popular sport
10-07-2017 , 09:57 AM
Originally Posted by royalblue
How is he not marketable? Maybe boring off the pitch but on it he's the exact type of player you'd want.
He’s too quiet and too boring to be a big marketable player. I mean, I’m sure he’ll have marketing opportunities but he won’t be one of the major marketable players in the world, or even in the US.
10-07-2017 , 10:07 AM
Originally Posted by bazooka87
I like the suggestion of tailoring Bundesliga game times to focus on one player in order to cater to an audience halfway across the world with their fifth most popular sport

Yeah that definitely won’t/shouldn’t happen. The issue is that it is difficult to keep up with multiple leagues in the same sport. The American audience isn’t used to it because they mostly like sports that only America plays or we are far ahead in (that’s why our winners are WORLD champions!!1!). The PL beat the others to the punch for exposure here and the language thing is obviously massive.

And no, MLS doesn’t really count
10-07-2017 , 10:09 AM
Originally Posted by bazooka87
I like the suggestion of tailoring Bundesliga game times to focus on one player in order to cater to an audience halfway across the world with their fifth most popular sport
10-07-2017 , 10:52 AM
Originally Posted by bazooka87
I like the suggestion of tailoring Bundesliga game times to focus on one player in order to cater to an audience halfway across the world with their fifth most popular sport
Don't see why this is so ridiculous, I'd even go as far to say it's so obvious that it was dumb of me to bring it up originally.

Bundesliga has a later slot on Fridays. I'm just saying that they could have Dortmund there more often because the 5th largest sport in the US is still a massive market. Currently, it seems like that many Americans aren't interested in the league games played by Pulisic, however.

Pretty sure it's being considered in the NBA when they decide who gets the early/noon slot on Sundays. Teams with prominent Euros have gotten it more.

NHL has early games on weekends too, I assume it's the same there.

Suspect the South American market goes into play when slotting in La Liga/PSG games as they start a lot of the big guns really late as opposed to England which tries to find a balance and appeal more to the Chinese market.
10-07-2017 , 11:01 AM
Bus, if you're a lolyank getting into football today and you didn't have this great thread on this great forum to influence you, do you honestly believe you would have any trouble getting into Dortmund/the Bundesliga? My point is that you could easily do it and have essentially the same experience.

Maybe I'm just understating the connection of USA-UK and the cultural similarities but I assume EPL is far and away the most popular in the US because it has been far and away the most marketed there. There is no reason why this should remain the same going forward. Not getting people behind Pulisic since he only plays for the ~3rd best league itw is lol. He's a major player on a major team in a major league is how I see it.
10-07-2017 , 11:25 AM
Originally Posted by lenC
essentially the same experience.
hmm watching Bayern roast some sausage factory workers 7-0 every game and casually winning the league by Feb = same experience?
10-07-2017 , 11:37 AM
One of our out on loan young 'uns casually scoring a ten minute hat trick for Doncaster
10-07-2017 , 11:39 AM
Originally Posted by joejoe1337
hmm watching Bayern roast some sausage factory workers 7-0 every game and casually winning the league by Feb = same experience?
Yes, I think it's roughly the same thing to be a Dortmund supporter than it is being a Totts supporter or something.

Sorry if I AIDSed up the thread. Pulisic seems great and it would be cool to see him in the Prem so I fully agree on that front. Didn't mean to step on any insecurities you lads might have.
10-07-2017 , 12:04 PM
Originally Posted by bazooka87
I like the suggestion of tailoring Bundesliga game times to focus on one player in order to cater to an audience halfway across the world with their fifth most popular sport
10-07-2017 , 12:08 PM
lenC your thinking makes sense but I think you underestimate just how much goes into decision-making of time slots. They need to take into account loads of things and have contractual obligations as well that in reality it's almost never going to matter much.

what is your source on NBA putting games earlier for teams with euros?
10-07-2017 , 12:15 PM
Originally Posted by Hoopie1
the Barnet sub appears to be wearing a bra. What is that about?

It's a pretty interesting area. I think some clubs go as far as to GPS their players at all times to see where they are and what they are up to, and the tech can monitor behaviours such as when they sleep.
10-07-2017 , 12:43 PM
ER - cheers.
10-07-2017 , 12:57 PM
Originally Posted by Hoopie1
I'm watching Barnet vs Coventry. I reckon I could get a game for one of these sides.

Edit: the Barnet sub appears to be wearing a bra. What is that about?
****ing hell, I didn't realize that Coventry have fallen all the way down to the fourth tier. Has it been financial troubles the whole time that they never sorted?

Originally Posted by mw828
True. But when I think about it personally, I don’t watch a lot of his games cuz I need to spend all available time on PL GOAT. I tune in when it doesn’t conflict and that’s about it. And I’m in the absolute top bracket of most crazed football/soccer fans in the US. The combo of popular league and nations greatest player would be much better than now.
Would not part of the problem here in USA#1 also be that the Bundesliga really doesn't have much cable presence? SerieA and La Liga are on BeIN at least and many cable subscribers have access to BeIN. But, the Bundesliga has been in the hinterlands forever and that is a crying shame IMO.

I would be quite happy if NBCSN or ESPN picked up the Bundesliga and made sure to put on more Dortmund matches that there could/would be a bump in Pulisic's profile in the US right now.

Originally Posted by Liverpool
He’s too quiet and too boring to be a big marketable player. I mean, I’m sure he’ll have marketing opportunities but he won’t be one of the major marketable players in the world, or even in the US.
He just turned 19. It's entirely possible that he'd be milquetoast for his entire career, but, how many of us had big personalities that would come across well on TV at that age? I'm not disagreeing with your overall point, but, he's still young and his personality could possibly come out more in 4-5 years.
10-07-2017 , 01:00 PM
Would love it if they always put Dortmund games in the late friday/Sunday slots. Their fans would go absolutely ape****.
10-07-2017 , 01:35 PM
Originally Posted by royalblue
Would love it if they always put Dortmund games in the late friday/Sunday slots. Their fans would go absolutely ape****.
**** like this isn't important, think about the American supporters (that aren't supporters yet, but might be). They must be prioritised.
10-07-2017 , 01:55 PM
Just start doing Bundesliga NFL style and let Dortmund play a few matches in Boston or some such.
10-07-2017 , 02:00 PM
Originally Posted by Hoopie1
**** like this isn't important, think about the American supporters (that aren't supporters yet, but might be). They must be prioritised.
Well, they convinced their fans to sell their soul once already so might as well try again. Think of the potential revenue streams!
10-07-2017 , 02:14 PM
KD - I don't know but they never recovered from the stadium debacle. SF can probably tell you more.
