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06-04-2017 , 01:40 PM
isn't Griezmann getting a pay bump for staying?
06-04-2017 , 01:42 PM
Originally Posted by joejoe1337
isn't Griezmann getting a pay bump for staying?
no ****


dac, atletico's circumstances have changed such that retaining him for one more year is now worth much more to them than it was 4 days ago, and since he's a load more valuable they can and have chucked a load more money at him to stay for one more year

unless he breaks his leg this year he'll be a mun player next summer

the other possibility is that he has had a very drastic rethink about the worth of loyalty since one week ago when he basically told everyone he was off

Originally Posted by daca
griezmann had/has a buyout clause that probably ten clubs in europe would pay tomorrow if he wanted to leave
suarez had a 40m+1 buyout clause fyi and suarez+agent could've forced the issue if they wanted to, but pool said listen mate stay for the rest of the year and we'll give you 200 grand a week plus bonuses and then you can go off to barca, so he said ok i've had a rethink. and then he gave it all the bollocks in the press about securing his long term future at anfield
06-04-2017 , 01:44 PM
Originally Posted by joejoe1337
isn't Griezmann getting a pay bump for staying?
sure, but he's not getting pogba €€€. which he could if he left
06-04-2017 , 01:53 PM
o yea?

we know that pool gave suarez silly money to stay another few months, and this situation is even more in the player's favour since atletico are double buggered if he leaves as they cant bring in anyone to replace him

i mean hes easily worth 25% of 2018/19 CL quali money over whoever (loltorres?), and thats just a start. it wouldn't be so bad if they could shove lacazette in his place, but they cant. so its in their interest to give him enough of that surplus value to get him to stay another year ala suarez 200k/wk, and that's the best explanation for his dramatic rethink imo

Last edited by BOIDS; 06-04-2017 at 02:05 PM.
06-04-2017 , 02:15 PM
Originally Posted by BOIDS
suarez had a 40m+1 buyout clause fyi and suarez+agent could've forced the issue if they wanted to, but pool said listen mate stay for the rest of the year and we'll give you 200 grand a week plus bonuses and then you can go off to barca, so he said ok i've had a rethink. and then he gave it all the bollocks in the press about securing his long term future at anfield
Originally Posted by BOIDS
we know that pool gave suarez silly money to stay another few months

ala suarez 200k/wk, and that's the best explanation for his dramatic rethink imo
your article on a new suarez deal is from late december 2013 where they gave him £160k a week the rest of the season (and he then left for barca in the summer).

the new deal came half a year after arsenal got told to **** off, no?
06-04-2017 , 02:39 PM
his payoff was obv agreed during the arsenal saga, if not there was no incentive for pool to give him his pay rise. my guess is it happened some time in early august cos thats when pere guardiola stopped leaking 'HES GOT A 40M RELEASE CLAUSE, POOL ARE LITERALLY HOLDING MY CLIENT HOSTAGE' and started saying ah actually we've had a rethink and luis is now happy to stay with liverpool forever YNWA!

dunno why they delayed the signing but i think scenario 2 is the only reasonable explanation:

scenario 1:

'senor, i'm off to arsenal. and i got a clause for 40m so you cant stop me'
'we are going to ignore the clause'
(some months later)
'heres a load of money for no reason'

scenario 2

'senor, i'm off to arsenal. and i got a clause for 40m so you cant stop me'
'we are going to ignore the clause'
'pere, phone the lawyers'
'ok ok no need for that. we will give you a boatload of money via a new contract if you'll stay one more year'
'and btw can you please pretend that you are signing this because you intend to stay long term, otherwise fat dave that sits in the kop is gonna be furious'
'si. do i also have to keep pretending that i like brendan?'
'it would be helpful'

btw i bring up suarez not b/c he pretended he was staying for 4 years b/c loyalty to this great club i love the fans blah blah when he knew he was 100% off in 6 months, there's a million examples of that. its bc we know an unusual amount of detail on the suarez situation and it's pretty analogous: medium-wage paying club goes all-in to keep a bloke for one more year. except its not exactly analogous, since as i already mentioned greizmann has more leverage than suarez ever did
06-04-2017 , 02:46 PM
1) a bump to 160k/wk for the last 6 months of the season isnt actually that much money.

2) barca paid much more than 40m+1 for him. if that was actually a valid clause then he cost himself a fortune that went to the american bankers instead
06-04-2017 , 02:49 PM
Still don't get how plop could just ignore the clause, or rather if it's possible why clubs don't do it all the time
06-04-2017 , 02:51 PM
btw im not saying i'm defo right about greizmann, maybe his change of heart is b/c he feels he owes the club some loyalty. its not impossible.

but given that one week ago he was pretty obviously at the very least considering a move, and then something happened which had the effect of making it economically viable for his club to offer him a lot of money to stay one more year, and now he's decided he'd rather stay cos loyalty and oh btw he's signing a new contract tomorrow..

these events do not seem unrelated to me
06-04-2017 , 02:54 PM
Originally Posted by royalblue
Still don't get how plop could just ignore the clause
the word on the street was that the clause was valid and they could've taken pool to court, but it would've taken years to sort out. pool basically offered a settlement which included a big pay rise, a big signing on bonus, plenty of insurance if he breaks his leg (4 years 200k/wk) and a promise they'd flog him the following summer

or rather if it's possible why clubs don't do it all the time
most release fees involve spanish clubs and i'm pretty sure they only include them b/c they are compelled to do so according to spanish employment law. stands to reason that a club ignoring such a clause in spain would take 5 seconds to resolve and would involve significant penalties b/c it's illegal. but in england it's not a requirement of the law, so maybe it would have to be dealt with via a contract arbitrator and then appeals and then blah blah, and thats why it would've taken ages. but i'm guessing on all of that.

Last edited by BOIDS; 06-04-2017 at 03:01 PM.
06-04-2017 , 03:08 PM
Originally Posted by BOIDS
btw im not saying i'm defo right about greizmann, maybe his change of heart is b/c he feels he owes the club some loyalty. its not impossible.

but given that one week ago he was pretty obviously at the very least considering a move, and then something happened which had the effect of making it economically viable for his club to offer him a lot of money to stay one more year, and now he's decided he'd rather stay cos loyalty and oh btw he's signing a new contract tomorrow..

these events do not seem unrelated to me
i just dont believe they are able to pay €POGGERS and the story is he already had an offer from them he decide to take. but it's possible they threw more money at him to avoid having to try to sell out a massive new stadium while playing torres and nico gaitan up front.

and it's made slightly more complicated by everyone already knowing theyre a bunch of cheating bastards so it cant have been that much of a surprise that cas decided they were cheating bastards

Last edited by daca; 06-04-2017 at 03:29 PM.
06-04-2017 , 03:46 PM
ok more on clauses after a bit of googling. so a minimum release fee clause is what suarez had in his contract, and as there's no mandatory inclusion under british law it would've taken ages to sort if there had been a dispute

in spain they have buy-out clauses, which are slightly different. they are mandatory due to Real Decreto 1006/1985 of 26 June (For the Regulation of the Employment of Professional Sportspeople), so says google

one wrinkle is that in theory its the player that has to pay the buy-out, not the buying club, which is what allows bilbao to **** over all their players. herrera for example had to pay for his own buyout after bilbao rejected the same sized offer from mun (most clubs just accept the same sized offer). he presumably was reimbursed in some way but bilbao being spiteful wankers def cost herrera or mun or both a load in taxes
06-04-2017 , 03:51 PM
Originally Posted by BOIDS
ok more on clauses after a bit of googling. so a minimum release fee clause is what suarez had in his contract, and as there's no mandatory inclusion under british law it would've taken ages to sort if there had been a dispute

in spain they have buy-out clauses, which are slightly different. they are mandatory due to Real Decreto 1006/1985 of 26 June (For the Regulation of the Employment of Professional Sportspeople), so says google

one wrinkle is that in theory its the player that has to pay the buy-out, which is what allows bilbao to **** over all their players. herrera for example had to pay for his own buyout after bilbao rejected the same sized offer from mun (most clubs just accept the same sized offer). he presumably was reimbursed in some way but bilbao being spiteful wankers def cost herrera or mun or both a load in taxes
They've changed the law now so there's no tax involved actually.
06-04-2017 , 04:48 PM
This is just PR bollocks and money issues.

Griezmann looks like a hero staying and fighting the cause - doesn't matter if he took a massive pay increase.

Atletico look great in that they managed to keep the star man.

Man Utd look like dicks(again), sorry, look good for not making them an offer they can't refuse due to their current situation.

Force the issue and get the player come, better for Atletico taking the money right now etc

06-04-2017 , 05:10 PM
Originally Posted by BOIDS
'fat dave that sits in the kop is gonna be furious'
I work with him, he's permanently furious.
06-04-2017 , 05:58 PM
Hazard's fractured his ankle.
06-04-2017 , 07:01 PM
The Sun continues to go from bad to worse.

06-04-2017 , 07:05 PM
There's a Manchester boycott as well. Hopefully soon whole country boycott it.
06-05-2017 , 06:12 AM
Jose Mourinho is willing to sell David de Gea to Real Madrid for just £22m in part exchange for Alvaro Morata, according to Guillem Balague.

Sky Sports' Spanish football expert says Manchester United are interested in the 24-year-old striker, who wants to leave the Bernabeu this summer, along with Premier League champions Chelsea.

Balague said on Twitter: "Morata said last night his dream is to stay at Madrid… but he's looking for a way out. Nothing from Milan at this point, MUFC want him.

"Mourinho (strangely) willing to sell De Gea for €25m and Morata. Chelsea divided between Lukaku & Morata. He would like to play in the PL."

An amazing situation, they sell a world-class goalkeeper and buy a rather mediocre forward!
06-05-2017 , 10:46 AM
Our transfer policy down to a T.
06-05-2017 , 11:18 AM
your u20s on to the semis but Onomah will be suspended. He got a positively preposterous 2nd yellow where he was almost certainly the one fouled, not the fouler. That was at about 60'. Mexico attacked well once you were down to 10 and had a bunch of close chances but couldn't convert.

Y'all play Italy in the semis. Venezuela plays uruguay in the other one. Uruguay beat Portugal on pens in the quarters
06-05-2017 , 11:21 AM
06-05-2017 , 11:46 AM
Damn. Cheik Tiote died

One of my most memorable non-LFC goals

06-05-2017 , 12:01 PM
Tiote nooooo
