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Best Young NFL QB? (It's MAHOMES) Best Young NFL QB? (It's MAHOMES)
View Poll Results: BEST "Rookie" QB upcoming 2013 season? (RG3, Wilson, Luck, Kaepernick)
Robert Griffin III
21 8.90%
Russell Wilson
64 27.12%
Colin Kaepernick
42 17.80%
Andrew Luck
109 46.19%

01-12-2015 , 01:55 AM
Seacocks posters trying to cement the WOAT title. Brilliant analysis. Totally objective. It's pretty clear Luck is the better QB especially considering he could play in any system. Wilson has also played horrendously at times. Only bad game from Luck that stands out is against the Cowboys, but that game was doomed from the start.
Best Young NFL QB? (It's MAHOMES) Quote
01-12-2015 , 01:55 AM
Straw men? These posts were made after Russ had already won the Super Bowl.

Originally Posted by Palo
If I had to pick one of the two it would be Luck but it's close for me. Rustle has been better so far and Luck has some accuracy concerns. I'm still going to take the 6'4" guy who has carried his mediocre team to the playoffs over the 5'10.5" guy who probably can carry a heavy load and who probably can do it non-gimmick offense but we don't know for sure.

Luck's floor is Elway. His ceiling is GOAT.
Originally Posted by GeoffRas22
It's not as simple as comparing USG's (which hugely favor Luck) or pocket presence (again Luck)- it's the type of plays they run and the type of passes they get to throw. It seems to me, and I'm willing to be proved wrong on this, that Wilson throws a huge % of his throws out of PA or with the pocket shifting so he can roll out. Simply put, for a few reasons, the level of difficulty on his passes is just much lower than Luck's.

1) His OL, while bad, is just not as ****ty as Luck's. Watching Luck avoid sacks with just a shift or a step up is a thing of beauty. Wilson just doesn't know how to do that he rather extends plays rolling outside the pocket. It's nice, but it also caps a plays ceiling compared to staying in the pocket and having the whole field at your disposal.

2) The Seahawks defense is much much better than the the Colts. The Seahawks played in spots where ESTABLISHING was believable more of the time. They also had Marshawn Lynch who defenses fear a helluva lot more than the guys running for the Colts. Defenses gameplan for the Seahawks rungame vs Seattle, while they gameplan for Luck vs Indy.

3) Wilson has a very smart coach. Luck does not. Carroll knows how to put his QB in the best spot possible for him to succeed. Wilson will always be most dangerous outside the pocket where he can use his legs. Combine that with the threat of Lynch and you've got a recipe to make a lot of your passing sets start with a run-fake.

I'm honestly a bit mind-blown that people can watch these guys and objectively think their skill levels are close. Perhaps Wilson's output has been superior, but I have enormous doubts that he has at any point in the past two years actually been the better player. I simply can't stress enough how amazing I think Seattle would be if you swapped QB's, and how mediocre Indy would be.
Best Young NFL QB? (It's MAHOMES) Quote
01-12-2015 , 02:03 AM
Originally Posted by wavegoodbye

yes it is...

russell wilson is better than luck, i know that's hard to accept but it's true, he's a better passer (more accurate, throws less ints) a better runner and basically just better at everything...

... try not to respond with luck is bigger (not a skill) and luck has thrown more tds (he's thrown way more ints too and has no run game so duh he throws more)

luck is great, wilson is better

Welcome to 2+2 Skip

Last edited by bazooka87; 01-12-2015 at 02:05 AM. Reason: or some other media type, seriously. BASICALLY JUST BETTER AT EVERYTHING
Best Young NFL QB? (It's MAHOMES) Quote
01-12-2015 , 03:06 AM
Luck is just ridiculous. Did Denver even touch him tonight? He also ran one in from about 15 yards out that was called back due to a hold that wouldn't have mattered.

Even his 2 picks were nothing more than bad punts. He's collected as **** in that pocket and just finds the open man like clockwork.

Luck > Wilson
Best Young NFL QB? (It's MAHOMES) Quote
01-12-2015 , 03:13 AM
seattle fans need to defend Wilson against nobody. his napoleon complex must be contagious.
Best Young NFL QB? (It's MAHOMES) Quote
01-12-2015 , 04:04 AM
Wilson is good. Think the new strat with running qbs should be draft and abuse for a few years but don't resign because they will be bad when their legs wear out.
Best Young NFL QB? (It's MAHOMES) Quote
01-12-2015 , 04:04 AM
Basically the same strategy for all rbs.
Best Young NFL QB? (It's MAHOMES) Quote
01-12-2015 , 04:44 AM
the reason RBs wear out quick is because of all the hits they take. WIMson avoids hits pretty efficiently.
Best Young NFL QB? (It's MAHOMES) Quote
01-12-2015 , 05:03 AM
Solid title change
Best Young NFL QB? (It's MAHOMES) Quote
01-12-2015 , 05:16 AM
Say what you want about Skip, but he wouldn't make the completely obvious "less vs fewer" grammatical error that renders all the rest of that post completely invisible.
Best Young NFL QB? (It's MAHOMES) Quote
01-12-2015 , 07:14 AM
Originally Posted by wavegoodbye

yes it is...

russell wilson is better than luck, i know that's hard to accept but it's true, he's a better passer (more accurate, throws less ints) a better runner and basically just better at everything...

... try not to respond with luck is bigger (not a skill) and luck has thrown more tds (he's thrown way more ints too and has no run game so duh he throws more)

luck is great, wilson is better

Agreed. Wilson is just absolutely incredible. I still remember the first interview I ever saw with him as a rookie. He just looked the guy dead in the eyes and stated he is going to win multiple super bowls, but the way he said it was just so powerful. Sure enough he gets it done his 2nd year.......and hes going to repeat this year.

If he played for a big market franchise everyone would already be saying he could be the greatest of all time.
Best Young NFL QB? (It's MAHOMES) Quote
01-12-2015 , 07:25 AM
Best Young NFL QB? (It's MAHOMES) Quote
01-12-2015 , 08:25 AM
Originally Posted by GusJohnsonGOAT
Seacocks posters trying to cement the WOAT title. Brilliant analysis. Totally objective. It's pretty clear Luck is the better QB especially considering he could play in any system. Wilson has also played horrendously at times. Only bad game from Luck that stands out is against the Cowboys, but that game was doomed from the start.
Yeah tons of Seattle fans itt are clamoring for Wilson > Luck, good call goofball.

Originally Posted by LKJ
My stance as well. Seems like unfortunately most Seahawk fans (I'm talking more about Twitter and elsewhere than the SE fans) somehow take it as an affront when Luck gets complimented, and it just seems dumb. Obviously any of this sentiment from the Indy side is dumb too.

Luck is in the other conference, we'll only run into him every four years (possibly more if they meet in a Super Bowl), seems like a very likable dude, I don't quite see the incentive to unnecessarily deprive myself the enjoyment of watching another fun-to-watch QB thrive by conjuring up a reason not to enjoy watching him.

If Luck played for the 49ers then scratch all of the above and sign me up to go set his house on fire and then piss on the ashes, but thankfully that won't be happening.
Agree with this. Luck vs. Wilson isn't a zero-sum game so it's possible to enjoy both of them. I'll be rooting for Luck to get the bloody anus if he faces Seattle in the SB, but if you find yourself rooting against Luck or Wilson so the other can be crowned king of an internet debate then you're probably a miserable goon who needs some fresh air.
Best Young NFL QB? (It's MAHOMES) Quote
01-12-2015 , 10:40 AM
haha love the title change too

but it was the 2012 draft, just saying
Best Young NFL QB? (It's MAHOMES) Quote
01-12-2015 , 10:42 AM
Originally Posted by StoppedRainingMen
Not nearly as high as luck will be after smashing their faces on the road in consecutive weeks

1. Luck. Not just ITT but in the NFL. Same as it ever was
1. Luck has been a thing since what, yesterday?

He has like 20 fumbles this year iirc.
Best Young NFL QB? (It's MAHOMES) Quote
01-12-2015 , 11:06 AM
Originally Posted by Bidz
haha love the title change too

but it was the 2012 draft, just saying
Also Kaep was drafted 1 year before the other 3
Best Young NFL QB? (It's MAHOMES) Quote
01-12-2015 , 11:07 AM
Not surprising he had to be held back
Best Young NFL QB? (It's MAHOMES) Quote
01-12-2015 , 11:10 AM
Originally Posted by Noze
Not surprising he had to be held back
Best Young NFL QB? (It's MAHOMES) Quote
01-12-2015 , 11:23 AM
Originally Posted by Noze
Not surprising he had to be held back
Well not everyone can have Matt Flynn, Curtis Painter and Some Guy as the incumbent starters after they get drafted
Best Young NFL QB? (It's MAHOMES) Quote
01-12-2015 , 12:14 PM
NOT a SEA fan and I would rather have Luck over Wilson going forward but it is damn close. Wilson is a LOT closer to Luck than people want to give him credit for. Everyone assumes Wilson is incapable of putting up Luck like numbers but let him throw the ball 200 more times a season and give him even 1 good WR and see what his numbers are. He's more accurate, he makes better decisions, and his skill set as a thrower is criminally underrated. And, he is one of the most elite running QBs I've ever seen, in that the timing of his runs are impeccable and he doesn't take off whimsically like Vick did or Cam often does. He was 15th in the league in rushing this season. Add that to his value as a passer.

It's not his fault they have a top 5 RB and Pete Carroll doesn't ask him to air out the ball 50x a game. There is no doubt he has been better than Luck so far. His numbers are better almost across the board, and he's done nothing but win. Not sure what more he has to do to prove to people. Be white and grow 6 inches I guess.

I completely disagree that if Luck and RW switched teams the colts would be bad or medicore. Definitely SEA would be as good but I think RW would be a winner where ever he went. He's really great.

Having said all of that, I would still take Luck going forward because I do believe his upside is GOAT and RW probably doesn't have literally GOAT upside, and Luck's floor seems not much worse than RW. But RW has been better, likely is a bit better, and possibly will stay better for some time.
Best Young NFL QB? (It's MAHOMES) Quote
01-12-2015 , 12:16 PM
No one is arguing that Rustle just wins football games.
Best Young NFL QB? (It's MAHOMES) Quote
01-12-2015 , 12:18 PM
If you watched TY Hilton play you'd know luck doesn't have 1 good receiver either
Best Young NFL QB? (It's MAHOMES) Quote
01-12-2015 , 12:23 PM
Originally Posted by StoppedRainingMen
If you watched TY Hilton play you'd know luck doesn't have 1 good receiver either
Best Young NFL QB? (It's MAHOMES) Quote
01-12-2015 , 12:25 PM
Yeah, when did TY become a superstar?
Best Young NFL QB? (It's MAHOMES) Quote
01-12-2015 , 12:26 PM
Posting that gif also implies you're taking the factually incorrect stance versus the factually correct one
Best Young NFL QB? (It's MAHOMES) Quote
