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Best Young NFL QB? (It's MAHOMES) Best Young NFL QB? (It's MAHOMES)
View Poll Results: BEST "Rookie" QB upcoming 2013 season? (RG3, Wilson, Luck, Kaepernick)
Robert Griffin III
21 8.90%
Russell Wilson
64 27.12%
Colin Kaepernick
42 17.80%
Andrew Luck
109 46.19%

08-03-2013 , 05:13 PM

how much does he clean though
Best Young NFL QB? (It's MAHOMES) Quote
08-03-2013 , 05:32 PM
Originally Posted by loK2thabrain
And how is this a point in favor of Rustle? Maybe I'm reading it wrong...
Because if on all those plays where a normal QB would have thrown it away and Russell doesn't, he gets sacked 1/3 of the time, and gets a big gain for the offense half the time, that's a net win for the offense even if it makes his sack rate go up. It's even more of a win if he chooses to scramble more on 3rd down and throw it away more on 1st down. Seems like this should be pretty intuitive.
Best Young NFL QB? (It's MAHOMES) Quote
08-03-2013 , 05:41 PM
Kaepernick headed for all-time greatness barring injury, write it down. Luck will also be good, next Griffin.
Best Young NFL QB? (It's MAHOMES) Quote
08-03-2013 , 05:43 PM
have all four of them being the greatest of all time
Best Young NFL QB? (It's MAHOMES) Quote
08-03-2013 , 05:48 PM
Iggy come on man, you are coasting. Please at least put some effort into your trolling.
Best Young NFL QB? (It's MAHOMES) Quote
08-03-2013 , 05:53 PM
I think Kaep has a ton of things going for him.

Great athlete/size.
Great work ethic.
Great QB coach.
Great System.
Great OL.
Great running instincts to avoid injury (could be just variance)
Lately, great Org.

I think what could hurt RG3 is his size, injury issues, and his ORG (this is huge) on top of being in a division that typically where every team is either willing to spend a ton of money and typically always competitive.

The only thing that can hold Luck back I think is his ORG. He's in a weak division. He has incredible everything else though.

I like Wilson a ton, even if he's in the same division as my favorite team. I really don't like Carroll that much as a coach. I think ORG, team, instincts, etc. are great.
Best Young NFL QB? (It's MAHOMES) Quote
08-03-2013 , 06:04 PM
Yeah but Kaep has obvious character issues, just ask Rick Reilly
Best Young NFL QB? (It's MAHOMES) Quote
08-03-2013 , 06:09 PM
Oh yeah, doesn't want to talk to his mother who gave him away:
Best Young NFL QB? (It's MAHOMES) Quote
08-03-2013 , 07:37 PM
Don't think we're going to be able to evaluate these QBs until we get naked pictures of all of them.
Best Young NFL QB? (It's MAHOMES) Quote
08-03-2013 , 08:10 PM
Originally Posted by Das Boot
Don't think we're going to be able to evaluate these QBs until we get naked pictures of all of them.
I'm working on it
Best Young NFL QB? (It's MAHOMES) Quote
08-03-2013 , 08:58 PM
Lol funny that you guys should mention it, when these Kaep pics first showed up ITT I googled for a nude pic of ponder, (def would not recommend it). Found lots of pics of other random dicks but no Ponder. Did stumble upon this nice pic of Samantha Steele which is so much better than anything I've seen from her that I'm not even convinced its her...

Best Young NFL QB? (It's MAHOMES) Quote
08-03-2013 , 09:11 PM
Originally Posted by iggymcfly
Because if on all those plays where a normal QB would have thrown it away and Russell doesn't, he gets sacked 1/3 of the time, and gets a big gain for the offense half the time, that's a net win for the offense even if it makes his sack rate go up. It's even more of a win if he chooses to scramble more on 3rd down and throw it away more on 1st down. Seems like this should be pretty intuitive.
Cool. Thanks for explaining that.

Just one more question...where can I find these stats that show it's a net positive for the offense as you're claiming?
Best Young NFL QB? (It's MAHOMES) Quote
08-03-2013 , 09:13 PM
Originally Posted by NLSoldier
Lol funny that you guys should mention it, when these Kaep pics first showed up ITT I googled for a nude pic of ponder, (def would not recommend it). Found lots of pics of other random dicks but no Ponder.

and thats def not samantha steele
Best Young NFL QB? (It's MAHOMES) Quote
08-03-2013 , 09:19 PM
that's not sam ponder, she's way better looking
Best Young NFL QB? (It's MAHOMES) Quote
08-03-2013 , 09:28 PM
Like I said I wasn't convinced it was her but it was one of the first results when googling her as well so I thought it might be legit :/
Best Young NFL QB? (It's MAHOMES) Quote
08-03-2013 , 09:46 PM

Bonus pics:

Best Young NFL QB? (It's MAHOMES) Quote
08-03-2013 , 09:52 PM
Looking forward to seeing those stats, iggy. You have me intrigued.
Best Young NFL QB? (It's MAHOMES) Quote
08-03-2013 , 09:53 PM
that tattoo is atrocious haha
Best Young NFL QB? (It's MAHOMES) Quote
08-03-2013 , 09:56 PM
starting to think muscular bodies are inversely correlated with QB success.
Best Young NFL QB? (It's MAHOMES) Quote
08-04-2013 , 03:48 AM
Originally Posted by iggymcfly
Because if on all those plays where a normal QB would have thrown it away and Russell doesn't, he gets sacked 1/3 of the time, and gets a big gain for the offense half the time, that's a net win for the offense even if it makes his sack rate go up. It's even more of a win if he chooses to scramble more on 3rd down and throw it away more on 1st down. Seems like this should be pretty intuitive.
how about all the plays that a normal QB makes from the pocket bc A) they continue to focus on the play downfield despite the rush and B) dont have to worry about throwing lanes between OL. Seems like this should be easy to weigh in if you aren't obsessed with QBs who can run faster than a DL
Best Young NFL QB? (It's MAHOMES) Quote
08-04-2013 , 05:26 AM
Does anyone know of a site that separates rushing yardage by QBs on designed run plays vs. yardage coming on scrambles? I think that would be really interesting to look at. Not in the sense of league averages, but for each individual QB how many yards came in each situation.
Best Young NFL QB? (It's MAHOMES) Quote
08-04-2013 , 11:40 AM
Originally Posted by SMIGLET
how about all the plays that a normal QB makes from the pocket bc A) they continue to focus on the play downfield despite the rush and B) dont have to worry about throwing lanes between OL. Seems like this should be easy to weigh in if you aren't obsessed with QBs who can run faster than a DL
Are you remembering to score scrambles with the x2 Elusiveness bonus tho??
Best Young NFL QB? (It's MAHOMES) Quote
08-04-2013 , 12:17 PM
Originally Posted by NLSoldier
starting to think muscular bodies are inversely correlated with QB success.
Brady Quinn would agree with this
Best Young NFL QB? (It's MAHOMES) Quote
08-07-2013 , 07:31 PM
RGIII needs to listen to his father RGII. If you have already made the 1st down, don't ram your body into the tackler. Don't risk injury for a few extra meaningless inches.
Best Young NFL QB? (It's MAHOMES) Quote
08-10-2013 , 10:13 PM
Anything notable from the 4 their first preseason games? Didn't see them play
Best Young NFL QB? (It's MAHOMES) Quote
