Originally Posted by TomCollins
There is a lot more parity in the NFL than in college. Also, the NFL regular season is a bore. I think that Wildcards should be removed from the NFL playoffs. Win your division and you are in.
I don't think I'm insane.
You aren't insane. I've always felt that since they re-aligned to 32 teams with 8 4 team divisions that there is no need for wildcards. I think they should drop two exhibition games from the schedule. So now you would have 2 exhibition games for each team, 1 home and 1 away. You would then have 18 regular season games. With the following break down.
4 Inter Conference games (2 Home games and 2 Away games vs a division from the other conference)
6 Divisional games (Home-Home series with each team from your division)
vs a whole division from the other conference
8 Intra Conference games (4 Home games and 4 Away games vs 2 other whole divisions in your conference.
The schedule would then play out like this.
Week 1-4 Inter Conference Play
Week 5-8 First Round of Divisional Play and Byes
Week 9-16 Intra Conference Play
Week 17-19 Second Round of Division Play
Week 20 Bye Week For All Playoff Teams (Only Division Champs Make Playoffs)
Week 21 Divisional Playoff
Week 22 Conference Championships
Week 23 or 24 Super Bowl. (Depending on if you want 1 week or 2 weeks in between the last game even though I doubt they'll ever go back to the 1 week since 2 weeks gives more time to hype)