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All Time 2+2 Thread Draft PICK THREAD All Time 2+2 Thread Draft PICK THREAD

12-03-2013 , 09:37 PM
this was drafted I think?
All Time 2+2 Thread Draft PICK THREAD Quote
12-03-2013 , 09:51 PM
Well, I still like those pictures
All Time 2+2 Thread Draft PICK THREAD Quote
12-03-2013 , 10:11 PM
Racy Jane or bust IMO.
All Time 2+2 Thread Draft PICK THREAD Quote
12-03-2013 , 10:28 PM
yeah sorry I love that tr too
All Time 2+2 Thread Draft PICK THREAD Quote
12-04-2013 , 12:31 AM
Originally Posted by Assani Fisher
J8os vs 33 hand is so elite
"I can't believe he called with threes ... there were five or ten overcards on the board that could beat him."

"Nothing you can do about that."
All Time 2+2 Thread Draft PICK THREAD Quote
12-04-2013 , 12:31 AM
Some great threads posted lately. The ziigmund chats are hilarious. He was fun to rail just because he'd tell his opponents to F off all the time. Even though he was winning.

Ziigmund: gus is fish
Ziigmund: so f bad
Ziigmund: and looks like chec republic man

So many of these had me laughing out loud but especially this one. Such a weird-sounding burn to an American who doesn't really grasp the context. YOU LOOK LIKE CHEC (sic) REPUBLIC MAN.
All Time 2+2 Thread Draft PICK THREAD Quote
12-04-2013 , 12:41 AM
Originally Posted by KingDan
From Cornell's other, simultaneous thread

Originally Posted by Cornell Fiji

I have 330k chips
Opponent has 260k chips

Blinds 1500/3000/100a. The blind structure is quite good and there are no big jumps coming up.

Opponent raises to 8500 under the gun and I reraise to 28,000 in the cut off with 4h4d. I believe that he will fold to this raise a lot because he perceives me as being tight and when he does call I will be able to take the pot away from him often. Obviously 3-betting 4s is not my default but this seemed to be a great spot for it.

It folds to him and he pauses a minute before shoving for 220,000 more.

I am not sure if he thinks highly enough of me to think that I would interpret his shove as weak and would be capable of calling light. I believe that he thinks it is more likely that I will make a big fold than a big call. It is also possible that he thinks he has a read that my hand is not huge though I am pretty good at representing what I want with my tells and I was leaking strength.

If I had to guess I think that usually the overshove is not an attempt to induce a loose call but he is a smart - crazy Swede so anything is possible.

Call or fold?

What do you think he is usually making this play with?

Given that we both have huge stacks and that this is a slow structure are you calling if he turns over 89s? AKo?

Am I crazy for tanking for 3-5 minutes on this hand?

bolded so amazing
All Time 2+2 Thread Draft PICK THREAD Quote
12-04-2013 , 12:49 AM
Some threads that I don't think were drafted that were great.

One of the more famous Assani Trolls

This thread is just epic. From the title to everything. If you want to skip to the best parts, read the OP, then post #36 by FTPdoug, and then post #73 by the OP again.

All Time 2+2 Thread Draft PICK THREAD Quote
12-04-2013 , 12:53 AM
How has SUCK IT EASY SLUTS> not become a huge meme?
All Time 2+2 Thread Draft PICK THREAD Quote
12-04-2013 , 12:57 AM
Nominee for best first reply ever
All Time 2+2 Thread Draft PICK THREAD Quote
12-04-2013 , 01:29 AM
For postgame, I'm going to nominate a couple other worthy Lounge threads.

Post if your wife is pregnant - In contrast to the two sad threads we drafted, this captures some of the most joyous occasions on 2+2, including the birth of poincaraux's subsequent children.

32 Nations, 1 Kitchen - In honor of the 2010 World Cup, crashjr sets out to make a representative dish from each World Cup country each night of the World Cup. This is, like many drafted threads, the passionate work of the OP with minimal contributions from the community, but he does excellent work in terms of choosing varied and distinctly national recipes and delivering plenty of pics. If you're in a bit of a food funk, I highly recommend this thread, as it's filled with a host of dishes that the vast majority of Americans have never even heard of. My highest recommendation is the Algerian harira, which was so good it's become a regular member of the rotation in my cooking. In fact, I'm having some right now!
All Time 2+2 Thread Draft PICK THREAD Quote
12-04-2013 , 02:24 AM
'Stars support staff wins again'

people asking stars support questions that have absolutely nothing to do with poker.

Originally Posted by NozeCandy
Initial e-mail:


My dog recently died (RIP Rupert), and I've decided to take up poker to honor his memory. He loved to chew playing cards and I think it is an appropriate medium through which to express my grief. However, all the poker sites generally seem the same to me, so I have e-mailed the support staffs of several major sites with the following request: compose a haiku that will soothe my pain in addition to explaining why I should play poker at your site. The best poem gets all my money.


Response, 3 hours later:

Hello Scott,

Thank you for your email.

PokerStars is well known for the high levels of customer service we
provide our players. So instead of writing just one haiku, we had our
whole support team write one and here are the best two:

Rupert is now gone
He was outdrawn on the turn
Now he is allin


Sorry 'bout Rupert
We have cards he cannot chew
Scott will like it here

We welcome you to PokerStars! When making your first deposit, you may
enter the bonus code 'First2008' to receive a 100% match bonus, up to a
maximum of $50. You may view the complete terms and conditions of this
bonus on our website located at:

We wish you the best of luck at the tables and thank you for choosing


PokerStars Support Team
Originally Posted by bmwguy525
dear poker stars,
i need to take a dump on your forehead please halp

dear customer sir,
please take a huge dump on my head. That would make everything wonderful. I hope you enjoyplaying on Stars.

Pokerstars support

This is 100% real and completely not fake, this is an actual support email i sent and received back.
Originally Posted by nAim
----- Original Message -----
Sent: 2008/03/09 09:26:34
Subject: Please help me to settle this question

>I discussed a question with a friend of mine and we couldn´t answer the
question. Thats an seroius Problem i suck at Poker right now because all
concentration focuses on this single question.
>If Chuck Norris and Jesus would get in a fight, who will win? I mean Chuck
Norris kicks ass. When he does a pushup, he isn’t lifting himself up, he’s
pushing the Earth down. But on the other side, Jesus is the man, i mean he
can turn water to wine and has all this "Son of God" stuff.
>Can you guys help me out?
>Thanks, really would appeciate it.

Hello *****,

Thank you for your email.

First of let me say 'LOL'.

Ok now Jesus can work miracles, however he is not perceived as being
violent. Without seeming to sacrilegious in this email, turning water into
wine does really help you in a fight. I mean theoretically Jesus could just
turn Chuck Norris into a piece of paper and just rip him to shreds. Now, in
saying that, this is not something that Jesus would do, as his powers are
used to help people, not for something as trivial as a fight.

Now, Chuck Norris, yeah he is the man in his movies. Most of his movies are
B movies I might add, so he woops ass against the people he fights in his
movies, often because he directs them. He is a martial arts legend in his
own right (and mind lol). So on that basis he is the man.

So, if Jesus and Chuck Norris got into a fight, you can speculate on who
would win, due to their 'powers'. However, my argument would be that if a
fight did occur between the two, I doubt that Jesus would fight back, he
would most likely take it on the chin as he is not the violent type. So
Chuck Norris would win, I think a more interesting fight would be someone
like Chuck Norris versus Jet Li, they both have significant martial arts
skills, one is fast, the other powerful (Li and Norris respectively). Maybe,
you want to think about that one.

Please do not hesitate to email us if you have any questions or requests in
the future and we would be happy to take care of them for you.


PokerStars Support Team
Originally Posted by jzpiano
----- Original Message -----

Pokerstars Support,

Me and my friends were debating a question and since pokerstars support
knows everything we need you to solve our problem.

How many 5 year-olds could you take on at once? How many 5 year-olds do you
think Chuck Norris could take on?

The specifics:

- You are in an enclosed area, roughly the size of a basketball court. There
are no foreign objects.
- You are not allowed to touch a wall.
- When you are knocked unconscious, you lose. When they are all knocked
unconscious, they lose. Once a kid is knocked unconscious, that kid is
- I (or someone else intent on seeing to it you fail) get to choose the kids
from a pool that is twice the size of your magic number. The pool will be
50/50 in terms of gender and will have no discernable abnormalities in terms
of demographics, other than they are all healthy Americans.
- The kids receive one day of training from hand-to-hand combat experts who
will train them specifically to team up to take down one adult. You will
receive one hour of "counter-tactics" training.
- There is no protective padding for any combatant other than the
standard-issue cup.
* The kids are motivated enough to not get scared, regardless of the
bloodshed. Even the very last one will give it his/her best to take you

Your loyal customer

P.S Do you think Dids has caught the ghey?

Thank you for contacting PokerStars.

Before I can give you a correct answer, I would need you to clarify a few

1) Is it me that is chosen for this battle, or could PokerStars support pick
our finest killing machine?
2) Are the child warriors let out one at a time with a few second interval
(Royal Rumble style), or are they all in the enclosure to begin with?

In regards to Chuck Norris, I really can't see him getting beaten up by any
amount of children. Finally, I recommend having Dids contact a local GP for
a check up.

Best of luck at the tables, and thank you for choosing PokerStars!


PokerStars Support Team

Will post answer to response email when I get it.
Originally Posted by jzpiano

1) How bout both?

2) They are all in there to start with



Thank you for your reply.

Quite interesting. With all the child warriors in there to start with, I
would say that I could take 52, give or take three or four. I say give or
take, because, like poker, I could suffer a sick beat and one of the kids
picked happens to be Chuck Norris' son, Dakota Alan Norris. Would I be
able to take Dakota Norris? Of course not, after all I am just a simply
support worker here at PokerStars. For more information on Dakota Norris,
(who appeared as Himself on an episode of 'Yes, Dear') please visit:

If I were to pick another member of staff, it would probably be
HostStevenB, he's not a small guy. I would say he could take roughly 64
child warriors before succumbing to fatigue.

I hope this information was useful to. If you have any questions regarding
this, or any other matter, please do not hesitate to contact us.


PokerStars Support Team
Originally Posted by ludacris
>Subject: Please to be responding
>i am a Robot Professional Poker Player but i can think my only weakpoint
is hungry and sleepy
how i workwhen i wake up,
the first thing is open pc,then i go to toilet,wash face,tooth clean in 2 min back to join table,
use the time waiting for BB to eat,i hire a cooker ($3 two hours one day)
>then start fighting !
>Then tired, songs and movie and browse forum, then go on fighting!!!
fight till my brain is too tired to think
i have no job, i have no girlfriend,i have no friend,i needn't go outside,last month i haven't go outside once!!
>my only target is poker poker poker
i don't fell anything except sleep eat poker
i don't drink, smoke, i don't entrainment, i don't make love
i will be excellent as one canadian youngest player Daniel! he is best on the world!!!before i am a starcraft progamer ,my gamei point is 2188 Terrando you know how korean progamer train?one day 16 hours keep practising you maybe hear of Elky Grrr liquid, i defeat them all i like practice practice practice !!!

so let us gogogogo

Thank you for your email.

However, I believe you have overlooked a possible weakness in your plan. As
shown in the Terminator movie series, there is always another model coming
out that will utterly own you. Perhaps you will be lucky and it will be a
hot robot with weapons for hands (as in Terminator 3). Perhaps you will be
unlucky and it will be a grim faced liquid robot that you are unable to
destroy (as in Terminator 2).

Either way, your best bet is to drop the plan altogether, marry a Kennedy,
and become Governor of California. I wish you the best of luck.


PokerStars Support Manager
Originally Posted by mazjr13
Pokerstars Support,

I recently watched the movie "White Men Can't Jump." As a white man, I found this quite offensive and have saught out to prove that white men really can jump. The only way I know how to do this is by giving my kid a name that proves the point. I wanted to name him Whitman Kenjum (which sounds eerily the same to white men can jump). However, my friends have pointed out that this may not be possible. First, I have to find a woman who is willing to have a child with me. This could be difficult for someone like myself. Second, if I do find a woman to bear by child... what are the odds she'll agree to naming it Whitman Kenjum? (I also thought it was quite interesting that the bear I used in the previous sentence is spelled the same as "grizzly bear," "black bear," and "Yogi the Bear." I thought it would be spelled different, but after looking it up it is indeed spelled the same.) It seems that the woman has a much greater influence on naming the baby, and there is a good chance they may not want to name the baby Whitman Kenjum. I could ask her before her and I conceive the baby, but let's be honest.... that would totally kill the mood.

So I was wondering, how can I find a girl who will want to have a child with me? And also, how can I assure that the girl will let the baby be named Whitman Kenjum? It is imparitive that the world learns that white men really are quite capable of jumping. On a side note, I would also be very interested in knowing your favorite kind of ice cream? Thank you so much!


Hello Mark,

Thanks for the email.

I understand your concerns here and I will do my best to help. The film is
a personal favorite of mine and I recently caught it again, although a
little dated it was still as enthralling as the first time I saw it all
those years ago. Harrellson on top form as ever.

In all honesty, I can't see what the problem is. Woody's on-court
performance expels the claim in the title of the film for what it is - a
myth. And lets be honest, naming your kid 'Whitman Kenjum' wouldn't change
any worldly opinions about caucasian mens' ability to dunk. Not to mention
the problems your kid could encounter in the school playground because of
their 'unusual' title.

As for women, well I'm no expert on the matter myself. But if I could offer
any advice I'd say find one who likes you for who you are. When you get
that, everything else tends to work itself out.

My favorite Ice-Cream changes from one season to the next, but if you forced
me into a corner - I'd go for Vanilla.

If there is anything else we can help you with, please don't hesitate to
contact us.


Michael S
PokerStars Support Team
Originally Posted by JTread

Thank you for your email.

In the movie Deja Vu, Denzel Washington is essentially duplicated when he
travels back in time. Consequently, there are two, different, Denzel
Washingtons that are alive at one time - much like when you photocopy a
piece of paper, there are now two copies of that paper. Given that each
Mr Washington will have had different experiences and different memories,
they are not the same person.

Since the Mr Washingtons are different people, they would both be welcome
to play online poker at PokerStars. While providing appropriate
identification would be challenging, we would also ensure that they are
not able to sit at the same table to prevent any appearance of impropriety.

While, of course, we are not suggesting that Mr Washington would seek to
collude with Mr Washington, this is standard practice for all customers
who play online from the same household.

I trust that this has been helpful to you, but please feel free to contact
us again anytime if we can help you further.


Michael J
PokerStars Support Team

----- Original Message -----
Sent: 2008/04/02 18:30:07
Subject: Quick Question

>Hey. I play as Mr.Treadway on stars. I've had a question really burning at
>my mind.. First, in Deja Vu the movie with Denzel Washington. Is he alive
>2 places? That's really weird to me? If he was playing online poker in
>places, would it be illegal? Thanks.
And the one and only post by Stormbreaker

Originally Posted by Stormbreaker
>First off hi to all the Pokerstars Support Staff members!
>Recently I've been facing some difficult problems and your team is the
only one that can help me with this.
>When I was playing poker about a week ago I had some kind of enlightment.
I realized that I need to create a new religion that worshipes the entire
pokerstars support team! I already stepped out of church, but I don't know
how I can create a new religion. Where do I have to go to in order to
accomplish this? I'm also having some problems to finish my own personal
shrine in my room dedicated to your team. Could you send me some personal
things from some members of your team like a used sock, some underwear,
used toiletpaper or atleast a picture I can worship to? And I didn't come
up with a name yet. Maybe you have some ideas...
>Thanks in advance, your holyness.

Hello Thomas,

Thank you for contacting PokerStars.

We are pleased to hear that you have chosen to dedicate your life to us
here at support. While I am not one to support idol gods I totally respect
your decision. Now that you have chosen to start your own religion we need
to take the next step.

I recommend visiting '' for
more information on how to proceed.

I'll ask around the office in regards to 'religious artifacts', but there
are certainly no guarantees.

Your god has spoken. That is all.


PokerStars Support Team
All Time 2+2 Thread Draft PICK THREAD Quote
12-04-2013 , 03:40 AM
Originally Posted by Zimmer4141
Nominee for best first reply ever

I raise you :
All Time 2+2 Thread Draft PICK THREAD Quote
12-04-2013 , 10:44 AM
Originally Posted by Dudd
How has SUCK IT EASY SLUTS> not become a huge meme?
I'll have to reread but that feels like a you had to be there thread.

Scumbaf was better, anyway! Did the derek8 thread get drafted?
All Time 2+2 Thread Draft PICK THREAD Quote
12-04-2013 , 11:11 AM
Originally Posted by Triumph36

yvesaint's greatest OP - or at least my favorite. he's now on twitter with a pretty decent following:
wow, ikes was posting horribly even back in 2007.
All Time 2+2 Thread Draft PICK THREAD Quote
12-04-2013 , 12:28 PM
Originally Posted by Dudd
How has SUCK IT EASY SLUTS> not become a huge meme?

Originally Posted by Zimmer4141
Nominee for best first reply ever
Nominee for best second reply ever
All Time 2+2 Thread Draft PICK THREAD Quote
12-04-2013 , 12:48 PM
Originally Posted by AGame18
Some threads that I don't think were drafted that were great.

One of the more famous Assani Trolls

Boiling Oats > Play Through A Hand With Me > Onslaughts

was kinda surprised it didn't get drafted, although I take it that this is what everyone was referring to when I asked to make a guest pick?
All Time 2+2 Thread Draft PICK THREAD Quote
12-04-2013 , 12:50 PM
Yeah, I was expecting a long drawn out writeup once you started saying how long it was going to take you to do it
All Time 2+2 Thread Draft PICK THREAD Quote
12-04-2013 , 02:04 PM
the book titles thread had the best reply ever with "enjoying salads by greg raymer" fwiw
All Time 2+2 Thread Draft PICK THREAD Quote
12-04-2013 , 02:56 PM
Remember vavavoom? That guy had a thread where he posted a bunch of photobucket images of hot chix that was pretty legendary. Those images are probably almost all gone now, though.

RIP Vavavoom
All Time 2+2 Thread Draft PICK THREAD Quote
12-04-2013 , 03:00 PM

Have a few classics I hope to get mini-writeups up for this weekend!
All Time 2+2 Thread Draft PICK THREAD Quote
12-04-2013 , 03:03 PM
Originally Posted by A-Rod's Cousin
Remember vavavoom? That guy had a thread where he posted a bunch of photobucket images of hot chix that was pretty legendary. Those images are probably almost all gone now, though.

RIP Vavavoom
All Time 2+2 Thread Draft PICK THREAD Quote
12-04-2013 , 03:15 PM
Originally Posted by ludacris
'Stars support staff wins again'

people asking stars support questions that have absolutely nothing to do with poker
Great thread with a a ton of legitimate lols.

Originally Posted by cables
Thank you for your email.

The problem you face is a common one among young looking people such as yourself; for example, the problem dogged Emmanuel Lewis (TV's Webster) and Gary Coleman for years. I cannot say that they ever tried wearing one of our leather jackets, but had they tried it, I can only presume that their lives would have been model examples of child stars gone right, rather than how they actually turned out.

Basically, the best way to think of it is that if you don't want to end up like Gary Coleman and Emmanuel Lewis, it would be best to order the jacket. It's just a matter of simple logic.
do you think this stars support guy went on to work in the advertising department for comcast/xfinity?
All Time 2+2 Thread Draft PICK THREAD Quote
