Originally Posted by txdome
Running of any sort is obviously the most international event. They aren't playing tennis in the snow up in Canada or down in the sands of Mexico.
Plenty of top players have come from Canada, you picked a bad example. Tennis is a money sport, not so much a weather sport. Canada has plenty of indoor facilities, both public and private. It might be in the top 10 for top tennis countries lol. Racquets, balls, strings, coaching, and court time, tennis is expensive like golf. Poor people have easy access to sports like basketball and soccer.
I agree with everyone about swimming having way too many redundant medals. We don't have track events for running backwards, hopping, shuffling sideways, etc. why does swimming have all these suboptimal variations? I'm sure Michael Phelps was amazing, but no **** the most medals ever won were by a swimmer. It's impossible to win that many in anything else.
Swimming is also a terrible spectator sport. Even the best swimmers go slower than a person walking next to the pool. While you can't see their faces or any sort of emotion in the sport either. It's the nut low for athletic entertainment.
Last edited by Carnivore; 07-27-2024 at 02:18 PM.