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Holdem manager 2 vs 1 Holdem manager 2 vs 1

06-14-2012 , 01:56 PM

I am a smaller stakes player who play NL25-50 normally, currently building a roll on cake, I was wondering if holdem manager2 is worth getting for me when i have HEM1. What kind of benefits do there come compared to HEM1 and is it worth it for a small stakes player that 6 tables.

Regards dada

Last edited by dadagggii; 06-14-2012 at 02:12 PM.
06-17-2012 , 10:34 PM
not worth it, slow and buggy i am thinking about going back to the 1
06-18-2012 , 12:41 AM
Stay with HM1. HM2 is very laggy. The only reason to use HM2 is if you are a SNG/MTT player and you want to tag tournaments and that doesn't even work as you have to manually do it. I have HM1, HM2, PT3 and PT4. PT4 is my favorite between the 4.
06-18-2012 , 01:06 PM
What is "laggy" in HM2? Are you talking about the HUD? Because the reports and everything are way quicker than HM1 or PT. I don't have any bugs personally, so not sure what the buggy talk is about, but there was probably some issues several months ago.
06-18-2012 , 02:19 PM
Hi Guys.

As the previous responder indicated, the HM2 response time is much faster for the vast majority of users. This is because Hero hands are cached and then subsequently recalled from memory. This is much faster than reading hands from disk again each time a new report is loaded or a filter is changed.

The users affected by some lag are primarily either (i) users with minimal RAM available or (ii) users with extremely large databases.

We are finalizing testing on an update that improve performance for all users but the primary benefit is focused on users in the two categories above. The updated version caches fewer Hero hands when we internally identify that the user falls into either of the two categories.

This performance update will also reduce the initial launch time for HM2 for all users and addresses some lag reported by users that are multi-tabling more than 12+ tables at a time.

Lastly, although HM2 hand import speeds are already well above anything previously available before, the hand import speeds for all users after the update are even faster.

The update I am referencing will be the update that follows the one that we are targeting to release within the next 7 days.


Jim Varnon
06-18-2012 , 03:17 PM
HEM 2 has been getting a lot of hate, but most of it is due to initial launch issues that have been resolved. I actively worked with both PT4 and HEM 2 over the past few months and the clear winner was HEM for me as a cash player.

There is one nagging bug that remains for me that relates to Merge LHE hands, but after that is resolved (expected to be fixed shortly) there is nothing that PT4 offers that HEM2 does not deliver and there is plenty that HEM2 delivers that PT4 does not.

At the end of the day though, it will just boil down to user preference. Each has a loyal fan base. I just thought I'd give you my 2 cents having tried both.
06-19-2012 , 09:20 AM
So what exactly do i get in HEM2 that I dont get in HEM1? Loadtimes doesnt matter anything since I have my Hands on SSD.
06-19-2012 , 10:39 AM
Originally Posted by dadagggii
So what exactly do i get in HEM2 that I dont get in HEM1? Loadtimes doesnt matter anything since I have my Hands on SSD.
There is a list of new features in the first post of our support thread -

There is a 30 day trial for HM2 so you can try it for yourself before you decide to upgrade.
06-19-2012 , 02:01 PM
Originally Posted by dadagggii
So what exactly do i get in HEM2 that I dont get in HEM1? Loadtimes doesnt matter anything since I have my Hands on SSD.
In addition to the thread that Fozzy linked to above, HM2 has Street-By-Street HUD option for several sites (Stars, Party, i-Poker) whereby your HUD is updated for each street.

This allows you to display only the relevant stats for the current stage of the hand and also free's up space in your HUD that was previously reserved for HUD stats that might not be applicable to that street.
06-20-2012 , 05:56 PM
Still using HM1 here. HM2 has a nice set of features and will probably upgrade someday. HM1 still working fine for me though. I think there is a discount when upgrading for all current users? Correct me if I'm wrong.
06-20-2012 , 06:04 PM
Originally Posted by BrianRx74
........ I think there is a discount when upgrading for all current users? Correct me if I'm wrong.
Yes, all HM1 users get 33% off the price of the comparable HM2 package: i.e. if you have HM1 Small Stakes you can upgrade to HM2 Small Stakes and use your 33% discount.
06-21-2012 , 04:47 AM
I have tested HM2 a few months ago, and i was pretty disappointed, mainly because of the lag and other perfomance issues. Still, iam always interested in having the best available software and therefor iam willing to try HM 2 again. Also the positive
I have some questions though:
1)Dont wanna be forced to set up my monstrous hud manually. Does the import of the HM1 hud now work without any bugs?
2)Does street by street Hud work for ongame?
3)Is note caddy working properly now?
06-21-2012 , 06:47 AM
which problem with note caddy did you experience? It has been working properly the overwhelming majority of the time since the hm2 release

Last edited by SretiCentV; 06-21-2012 at 07:12 AM.
06-21-2012 , 08:39 AM
Originally Posted by SretiCentV
which problem with note caddy did you experience? It has been working properly the overwhelming majority of the time since the hm2 release
I use it and it works fine. Any bugs that have cropped up have been cared for promptly with timely updates.
06-21-2012 , 10:44 AM
And about this in-memory total caching - it makes virtually improssible simple integration with HM2 on DB level. HUD data (player notes in particular) just don't resync with DB at all, so if some notes were added/updated into DB directly by third-party tool, it won't appear in HUD until the whole HoldemManager2 application is restarted.

Yes, I know Integration API is not ready nor even planned, but we cannot wait another year for that, there is a bunch of utilities and extensions we support and required for regular play. There is no such problems with HM1,PT3,PT4, all of them eventually resync with DB.

I've sent a feedback to include this resync feature to be enabled by some setting, criteria or at least on-demand button. Otherwise, no "hacks" are possible to make it work.
06-21-2012 , 04:39 PM
Originally Posted by Callson
I have tested HM2 a few months ago, and i was pretty disappointed, mainly because of the lag and other perfomance issues. Still, iam always interested in having the best available software and therefor iam willing to try HM 2 again. Also the positive
I have some questions though:
1)Dont wanna be forced to set up my monstrous hud manually. Does the import of the HM1 hud now work without any bugs?
It works but there may be some manual editing that needs to be done since a lot of stats have had their names changed in HM2 to make them easier to understand. If any of your HM1 stats have changed you will need to edit your HM2 HUD after importing it from HM1. We did this to make the stats easier to understand and have a more uniform naming convention in HM2.

2)Does street by street Hud work for ongame?
Not currently but it is on our list of projects to fix/implement in the future.

The previously assigned internal ticket # on this issue is HM-4331: Live tracking not works in Ongame

If you want to be notified when it is fixed please send an email to and include "Notify Me When HM-4331 Is Resolved" in the subject line and body of the email.

3)Is note caddy working properly now?
As was previously mentioned it should be working fine. If there are any particular problems you have with the app please post them in our NoteCaddy forum and we will help you to resolve them -
06-21-2012 , 04:45 PM
Originally Posted by usun
And about this in-memory total caching - it makes virtually improssible simple integration with HM2 on DB level. HUD data (player notes in particular) just don't resync with DB at all, so if some notes were added/updated into DB directly by third-party tool, it won't appear in HUD until the whole HoldemManager2 application is restarted.

Yes, I know Integration API is not ready nor even planned, but we cannot wait another year for that, there is a bunch of utilities and extensions we support and required for regular play. There is no such problems with HM1,PT3,PT4, all of them eventually resync with DB.

I've sent a feedback to include this resync feature to be enabled by some setting, criteria or at least on-demand button. Otherwise, no "hacks" are possible to make it work.
The API documentation is next on the list for our lead developer after his current project so it should be coming sooner rather than later. Any specifics you can give us on features/tools in the 3rd party apps you reference would be helpful to make sure we include everything necessary when working on this project. We need you to be as specific as possible about what sort of integration or extensions you need to see in HM2.
06-21-2012 , 06:04 PM
Originally Posted by antneye
I use it and it works fine. Any bugs that have cropped up have been cared for promptly with timely updates.
06-21-2012 , 06:27 PM
Originally Posted by fozzy71
The API documentation is next on the list for our lead developer after his current project so it should be coming sooner rather than later. Any specifics you can give us on features/tools in the 3rd party apps you reference would be helpful to make sure we include everything necessary when working on this project. We need you to be as specific as possible about what sort of integration or extensions you need to see in HM2.
Thank you very much for quick response and such good news! I was trying to crack into some workaround for a several days already.

In fact, any way to tell HUD to resync its data with HM2 database would be good (I personally is interested only in simple notes from player_notes table and may be icon shown in HUD - for the future). If it can be done automatically based on some criteria (the first that comes to mind is to check player_notes#date_created - but it'd better be something like "date_modified" - if it is newer than current version in HUD - refresh it, thus check might be done every couple of minutes or when user tries to modify note in HUD) or configuration setting (if resync performance is a risk - just disable it by default and enable only explicitly by any configuration means) would be fantastic.

As for details of the 3rd party software. In couple of words: it's an open source project that integrates with online ranking systems (OPR, SharkScope, ProLabs, PTR etc), does some analysis and generates player notes to be saved into local HUD DB directly (any kind of HUD DB) by means of direct SQL queries.
This screenshot (sorry for Russian lables there) - says most about its functionality:

Not much info in English right now ( https://****************/p/usunpokertools/wiki/Home/ - moderator may remove it if feels it's right thing to do ). Main info is in Russian right now ( - please remove if it is a link to the illegal resource here).

Last edited by usun; 06-21-2012 at 06:33 PM.
06-21-2012 , 06:51 PM
Thank you for the feedback. I have forwarded your comments to the developers so if the moderators need to edit your posts for any reason they can feel free to do so.
06-21-2012 , 08:28 PM
my HEM 1 buggered up so I ended up buying HEM 2, not sure if there is a support thread on 2+2 but is there a way I can set a default HUD?
06-22-2012 , 02:50 AM
most bugs are now fixed on HM2 and it's obviously much better than HM2 AINEC
06-23-2012 , 10:42 AM
Originally Posted by dadagggii

I am a smaller stakes player who play NL25-50 normally, currently building a roll on cake, I was wondering if holdem manager2 is worth getting for me when i have HEM1. What kind of benefits do there come compared to HEM1 and is it worth it for a small stakes player that 6 tables.

Regards dada
I have used HM2 for 11 months now, this is my opinion:

HM2 Pros vs HM1:
+ Faster import speeds
+ Faster loading reports
+++ Notecaddy integration
+- Manual Sync database to the cloud (useless for me since it's manual. other/better options out there for auto sync)
+ More stats
++ Reset HUD stats (Very useful if you play at some site with anonymous tables)

HM2 Cons vs HM1:
- Still crashes every other session at v7026 (internal version btw)
-- UI is much slower (changing tabs, OMG Replayer! I would pay a few extra bucks for HM1 "snappiness" in HM2)
- Filters layout

A bunch of other small pros/cons that are not worth mentioning, you have to try it for your self.

When if first come out and for the first 6 months it had a lot of bugs, really A LOT. But now it's pretty good, i haven't used HM1 since 3 months i think.
06-23-2012 , 11:47 AM
Originally Posted by UnitedAs1
my HEM 1 buggered up so I ended up buying HEM 2, not sure if there is a support thread on 2+2 but is there a way I can set a default HUD?
HUD Options > Site Options. I see Fozzy already replied to this question in the support thread. It is best to post support related questions there.

Last edited by DogNamedBluff; 06-23-2012 at 12:16 PM.
06-23-2012 , 10:05 PM
How many of you guys are using HM1 vs HM2?

While the theme for HM2 is nice, I feel like I like the graphs of HM1 better and I still think HM2 runs slower.
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