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Voice Interactive Poker? Voice Interactive Poker?

10-07-2008 , 12:38 PM
So i've been searching for some sort of software addon or something that would allow me to actually speak what I want my action to be.

Anyone ever heard of this? I dont think it exists?

For example, if I Have table 1 as the active window, and i need to choose whether to fold, check, or bet? I want to be able to say "fold" "check" or "bet 150" into my mic and have it happen.

I'm just curious at this point, and don't really have a care which poker room its at (though i play at PS)
Voice Interactive Poker? Quote
10-07-2008 , 01:21 PM
It sounds like a great idea until you try it... After accidentally donking off your whole stack a few times the novelty wears off very quickly.

If you are suffering from RSI, etc then a much better alternative is to setup an AHK script to use the keyboard or a joypad as the input device.

Voice Interactive Poker? Quote
