Hi guys.
PokerStars currently has a Prohibited Programs FAQ, here:
Those of you that have read it will know that it's a little out of date. Since it was last updated, lots of new programs have come on the market, some existing programs have been discontinued, and others have fundamentally changed in nature.
I've been asked to document and review all of the programs currently on the 'Allowed' part of the list, as well as any programs not currently listed. Eventually, my recommendations will be used to update the FAQ.
I'm asking for your help in the following areas:
1. If you know a program designed to work in conjunction with PokerStars that isn't listed and you'd like us to review it, please post the name of the program and a link to it's website.
2. If you've written a program yourself that isn't on the list and you'd like it to be included, please write to
support@pokerstars.com, address your email to me or the Game Security department, and provide us with a download link and a licence for your software. I'll be happy to review it and let you know the outcome.
I'm already looking at the following programs, so you needn't mention these:
<ul type="square">[*]AutoHotKey and similar (will definitely be permitted, but scripts must follow the rules for all programs - ie. no autofolders) [*]Advanced Poker Calculator (from Prohibited Poker, will definitely be prohibited)[*]Calculatem Pro[*]Coach Rounder (doesn't work with PS yet, but will be permitted anyway)[*]Draw Poker Source[*]Holdem Genius[*]Magic Holdem[*]Mandraker (will definitely be prohibited)[*]Omaha Poker Coach[*]Poker Academy Prospector[*]PokerSoftwareTools[*]PokerVitals[*]Sit & Go Shark[*]SpadeEye[*]SpadeICM[*]Tournament Indicator[/list]
I will also look at Holdem Manager / Poker Buddy once the final version is released, assuming it supports PokerStars of course.
Is there anything I'm missing? Any programs that particularly worry you as poker players? Now is the time to mention it!
Alex S
PokerStars Game Security