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Stars Auto Reloader (NL & Limit) - New AHK Script Stars Auto Reloader (NL & Limit) - New AHK Script

10-05-2007 , 04:39 AM
I would like to max.20 BigBlinds reload and not 100BB.Is that possible?my settings work not.

min_nl_bbs := 20

min_limit_bbs := 20
rebuy_limit_bbs := 20

filepath := A_ProgramFiles "C:\PokerStars\HandHistory\"


#SingleInstance, Force
SendMode Input
tables := ""
nltables := ""
SetTitleMatchMode 2
GroupAdd, StarsTables, Logged In as ,,, PokerStars Lobby
SetTimer, UpdateTables, 1000
timezone_difference_EST := "6"
The timezone should be -5. Also, the filepath line should be

filepath := "C:\PokerStars\HandHistory\"


filepath := A_ProgramFiles "\PokerStars\HandHistory\"

depending on where you installed Pokerstars.

Stars Auto Reloader (NL & Limit) - New AHK Script Quote
10-05-2007 , 08:49 AM
It reloads 100 and not 20.In Germany is the Timezone 6,but -5 works also not
Stars Auto Reloader (NL & Limit) - New AHK Script Quote
10-05-2007 , 10:14 AM
thanks caeddyn, i'll give that code update a change to see what happens in my next session. will come back with the results shortly.
Stars Auto Reloader (NL & Limit) - New AHK Script Quote
10-05-2007 , 11:18 AM
I was having the same problem as the other posters, F1 worked but the autorebuy didn't. So I took a look at the source code and found the problem. Lines 144 and 220 look like this:

str := str . " StringTrimRight, title, title, (StrLen(title) - InStr(title, ""- "", true, 0))+1`n"

This line removes the right side of the title of a table in order to find the relative hand history. However it's not removing the space before the dash. I noticed this because the script was not finding the hand history file since the filename had a space before ".txt". The line should be changed to something like this:

str := str . " StringTrimRight, title, title, (StrLen(title) - InStr(title, "" - "", true, 0))+1`n"

Notice the space before the '-'. Anyway, I'm just glad I could get the autorebuy finally working.

If this works I'm shipping you $5 on Stars or FTP. your choice. PM me your SN please.
Stars Auto Reloader (NL & Limit) - New AHK Script Quote
10-05-2007 , 11:20 AM
I would like to max.20 BigBlinds reload and not 100BB.Is that possible?my settings work not.

min_nl_bbs := 20

min_limit_bbs := 20
rebuy_limit_bbs := 20

filepath := A_ProgramFiles "C:\PokerStars\HandHistory\"


#SingleInstance, Force
SendMode Input
tables := ""
nltables := ""
SetTitleMatchMode 2
GroupAdd, StarsTables, Logged In as ,,, PokerStars Lobby
SetTimer, UpdateTables, 1000
timezone_difference_EST := "6"
The timezone should be -5. Also, the filepath line should be

filepath := "C:\PokerStars\HandHistory\"


filepath := A_ProgramFiles "\PokerStars\HandHistory\"

depending on where you installed Pokerstars.

I don't understand the A_ before program files? If my program files are on the c drive what does this mean?
Stars Auto Reloader (NL & Limit) - New AHK Script Quote
10-05-2007 , 11:44 AM
I don't understand the A_ before program files? If my program files are on the c drive what does this mean?
A_ProgramFiles is a global variable in AHK scripts. It contains the path to the Program Files folder which is C:\Program Files\ for most people.

All variables that begin with A_ are globals in AHK (unless the coder is obfuscating and declares a variable with that prefix..)
Stars Auto Reloader (NL & Limit) - New AHK Script Quote
10-05-2007 , 12:10 PM
I don't understand the A_ before program files? If my program files are on the c drive what does this mean?
A_ProgramFiles is a global variable in AHK scripts. It contains the path to the Program Files folder which is C:\Program Files\ for most people.

All variables that begin with A_ are globals in AHK (unless the coder is obfuscating and declares a variable with that prefix..)
^ what he said

If you installed Pokerstars to “Program Files” (which is by default), you pretty much don’t need to change the script at all unless you want to change when it auto rebuys.

BTW my screen name is Caeddyn on PS and FTP, it’s no secret.

Stars Auto Reloader (NL & Limit) - New AHK Script Quote
10-05-2007 , 12:31 PM
Thanks for the fix. I can't wait to try this out tonight.
Stars Auto Reloader (NL & Limit) - New AHK Script Quote
10-05-2007 , 03:06 PM
Thanks for the fix. I can't wait to try this out tonight.
yep, im stuck at work. ready to go home but i got a few more hours.
Stars Auto Reloader (NL & Limit) - New AHK Script Quote
10-05-2007 , 04:17 PM

str := str . " StringTrimRight, title, title, (StrLen(title) - InStr(title, "" - "", true, 0))+1`n"

Notice the space before the '-'. Anyway, I'm just glad I could get the autorebuy finally working.

this works. on vista! you're awesome. cheers dude!
Stars Auto Reloader (NL & Limit) - New AHK Script Quote
10-05-2007 , 04:29 PM
The 20BB reload functioned not yet on Stars NL.It reloads to 100BB

min_nl_bbs := 20

min_limit_bbs := 20
rebuy_limit_bbs := 20

filepath :="C:\PokerStars\HandHistory\"


#SingleInstance, Force
SendMode Input
tables := ""
nltables := ""
SetTitleMatchMode 2
GroupAdd, StarsTables, Logged In as ,,, PokerStars Lobby
SetTimer, UpdateTables, 1000
timezone_difference_EST := "6"

SetTimer, KillPopUps, 200
;SetTimer, KillPopUps, Off

F1:: ; <-------- Hotkey for manual reload, point mouse, press key.
id := getid()
IfWinExist, ahk_id%id% ahk_group StarsTables
Stars Auto Reloader (NL & Limit) - New AHK Script Quote
10-05-2007 , 05:53 PM
the fix to auto reload works for me as well on XP. excellent job!
Stars Auto Reloader (NL & Limit) - New AHK Script Quote
10-06-2007 , 03:56 AM
The fix worked for me - sorta. This script is sooo annoying.

It was reloading anytime i put 5c in the pot. Annoying on 6 tables, while trying to chat on MSN. So I try and pause it - no luck. I close the script, it keeps trying to work.

I liked it better broken when I had to use the F1.

Guess I have to break it again.
Stars Auto Reloader (NL & Limit) - New AHK Script Quote
10-06-2007 , 05:57 AM
The fix worked for me - sorta. This script is sooo annoying.

It was reloading anytime i put 5c in the pot. Annoying on 6 tables, while trying to chat on MSN. So I try and pause it - no luck. I close the script, it keeps trying to work.

I liked it better broken when I had to use the F1.

Guess I have to break it again.
Yeah, it was annoying for me too when it was rebuying every time I went below 100bbs so I have it set to rebuy at 97bbs instead. What's also annoying is it’s hard to click buttons on other tables when it's auto rebuying. Plus it only rebuys two hands later after you lost money instead of the next hand.

That’s why I just rebuy manually most of the time and just have the auto rebuy as a backup in case I forget, which happens quite a bit when I’m 8-9 tabling.

Stars Auto Reloader (NL & Limit) - New AHK Script Quote
10-06-2007 , 12:37 PM
so I am not sure if this has been discussed yet, but is it possible to have betpot not interfear with the active table?

eg: I am playing four tables. I have action on one and am thinking through something (I am an weird...I need to think sometimes) suddenly the autoreload app fires up on another table, and now I have to mouse over the first one to bring back that I can use my betpot script. (which was created by _dave_ BTW )

any help?

edit: it would seem others have the same issue. I was typing as the post went up, sorry for double question.
Stars Auto Reloader (NL & Limit) - New AHK Script Quote
10-06-2007 , 01:10 PM
The fix worked for me - sorta. This script is sooo annoying.

It was reloading anytime i put 5c in the pot. Annoying on 6 tables, while trying to chat on MSN. So I try and pause it - no luck. I close the script, it keeps trying to work.

I liked it better broken when I had to use the F1.

Guess I have to break it again.
Yeah, it was annoying for me too when it was rebuying every time I went below 100bbs so I have it set to rebuy at 97bbs instead. What's also annoying is it’s hard to click buttons on other tables when it's auto rebuying. Plus it only rebuys two hands later after you lost money instead of the next hand.

That’s why I just rebuy manually most of the time and just have the auto rebuy as a backup in case I forget, which happens quite a bit when I’m 8-9 tabling.

You could probably cut the time to 500 instead of 1000 and it would possibly reload next hand? I'm liking it so far using it today. MY sn has 95 in the end of it Caeddyn, did you receive the transfer?
Stars Auto Reloader (NL & Limit) - New AHK Script Quote
10-06-2007 , 06:28 PM
No help with my 20BB Reload problem?harm..
Stars Auto Reloader (NL & Limit) - New AHK Script Quote
10-06-2007 , 07:54 PM
No help with my 20BB Reload problem?harm..
This script is not designed to reload to anything other than the maximum - and I'm not sure why you would want to eiter? If you are 20bb shortstacking, Stars can auto-reload you to the minimum if you bust already.

If you are wanting to top up your stack after a few blinds pass, you could accomplish that using this script - trick it into identifying nltables as limit tables, then use the F1 hotkey to add on a couple BBs at a time until you are ~20 again.

Any help?
Stars Auto Reloader (NL & Limit) - New AHK Script Quote
10-06-2007 , 08:01 PM
The fix worked for me - sorta. This script is sooo annoying.

It was reloading anytime i put 5c in the pot. Annoying on 6 tables, while trying to chat on MSN. So I try and pause it - no luck. I close the script, it keeps trying to work.

I liked it better broken when I had to use the F1.

Guess I have to break it again.
Yeah, it was annoying for me too when it was rebuying every time I went below 100bbs so I have it set to rebuy at 97bbs instead. What's also annoying is it’s hard to click buttons on other tables when it's auto rebuying. Plus it only rebuys two hands later after you lost money instead of the next hand.

That’s why I just rebuy manually most of the time and just have the auto rebuy as a backup in case I forget, which happens quite a bit when I’m 8-9 tabling.

You could probably cut the time to 500 instead of 1000 and it would possibly reload next hand? I'm liking it so far using it today. MY sn has 95 in the end of it Caeddyn, did you receive the transfer?
Unfortunately, one will never get it to reload between hands, even removing that delay completely. It will always trigger at the start of the next hand. I upped the delay to 1 second so it would trigger after you had auto-posted an SB (with the BB previous) - so you would have the full 100 on the button when folding your SB.

Annoying is a matter of preferance - that is why the setting is configurable

Fozzy - set min_nl_bbs to 95 or something, and it will take a few orbits of blinds before it auto-reloads - never if you are hitting F1 often enough.

I personally run it with min_nl_bbs at 200 sometimes - so it is going off constantly, but i never have to reload manually, or other times I have it at 80 so I nearly always reload myself - depends on mood

Basically, if you are in a pot - and don't want to be caught short should you get rivered - hit F1 after making / calling each bet. Hmmm, maybe I could have BetPot auto-rebuy after each bet by messaging auto-reloader...

Stars Auto Reloader (NL & Limit) - New AHK Script Quote
10-06-2007 , 08:04 PM

So I try and pause it - no luck. I close the script, it keeps trying to work.

Fozzy - the script you run is not the one that needs pausing It is more of a "manager" - it awaits tables, when it spots a new one it writes a new AHK script based on settings, table type etc. then executes it (hidden). These then auto-close when you close the table.

You can remove the lines with "#NoTrayIcon" in the script, then you will see the (1-per table) scripts in the Tray like any other, of you want them to pause - I'd just set min_nl_bbs a bit lower tho

Stars Auto Reloader (NL & Limit) - New AHK Script Quote
10-06-2007 , 08:10 PM
I was having the same problem as the other posters, F1 worked but the autorebuy didn't. So I took a look at the source code and found the problem. Lines 144 and 220 look like this:

str := str . " StringTrimRight, title, title, (StrLen(title) - InStr(title, ""- "", true, 0))+1`n"

This line removes the right side of the title of a table in order to find the relative hand history. However it's not removing the space before the dash. I noticed this because the script was not finding the hand history file since the filename had a space before ".txt". The line should be changed to something like this:

str := str . " StringTrimRight, title, title, (StrLen(title) - InStr(title, "" - "", true, 0))+1`n"

Notice the space before the '-'. Anyway, I'm just glad I could get the autorebuy finally working.

Awesome work Caeddyn,

Thank you for spotting something I would never have done - because it doesn't happen for me!

Check my screenshot:

Nopte the *lack* of space between "Hold'em" and the dash

This at least explains why it was working for me but not you guys - but I am now really wondering why you all have spaces!

Any info you can provide here will help...

Are you all on Vista?

Are you not running the latest stars client (2.324)?

Anything you can think of?

Stars Auto Reloader (NL & Limit) - New AHK Script Quote
10-06-2007 , 09:02 PM
vista here, pstars version 2.296. my tables have a space between "hold'em" and the dash. it would automatically d/l a newer version if one was available, right? strange that you have a later version. (my xp box is 2.296 also)
Stars Auto Reloader (NL & Limit) - New AHK Script Quote
10-06-2007 , 09:35 PM

it would automatically d/l a newer version if one was available, right?

Only if you are using PokerStarsUpdate.exe to start it, rather than PokerStars.exe.

Many use PokerStars.exe since updates will delete any graphics mod they have currently installed, causing annoying re-installation every time.

It could also be the case that 2.3x has been pulled for the second time - but I don't think there are issues with this one, so I son't see why they would do that.
Stars Auto Reloader (NL & Limit) - New AHK Script Quote
10-06-2007 , 10:30 PM
No help with my 20BB Reload problem?harm..
This script is not designed to reload to anything other than the maximum - and I'm not sure why you would want to eiter? If you are 20bb shortstacking, Stars can auto-reload you to the minimum if you bust already.

If you are wanting to top up your stack after a few blinds pass, you could accomplish that using this script - trick it into identifying nltables as limit tables, then use the F1 hotkey to add on a couple BBs at a time until you are ~20 again.

Any help?

Thanks for the answer.
Stars reloads only the 20bb if the Stack is lost.
I understand it,but how the setting of that I much already tested.

min_nl_bbs := ?

min_limit_bbs := ?
rebuy_limit_bbs := ?
Stars Auto Reloader (NL & Limit) - New AHK Script Quote
10-06-2007 , 11:37 PM
I hate bumping stuff, but what about the question I posted about having your action on the active table being taken away, is it possible to return you to the active table after it is done reloading?
Stars Auto Reloader (NL & Limit) - New AHK Script Quote
