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R/Q AHK: move Stars MTSNG FT to different stack R/Q AHK: move Stars MTSNG FT to different stack

11-25-2010 , 10:55 AM
Thought of making a better 1k post than this one, but since there's right about nothing substancial I could give back to the community atm, here I go with this idea:

I play 45man SNG on Stars, stacked [x1280,y54], with merged detached chat, and I want tables to be moved to [x1280,y0] if there are <=18 players left. Final Tables shall be moved to [x1280,y108].

Now I am a huge noob when it comes to coding. I kinda succeeded to let my script refresh and read the containment of the Info Tab (ahk_class PokerStarsTableHelperFrameClass), but I am stuck to set variables for the numbers it reads.

In the Info Tab, it states e.g. "Your current position is 18 out of 24". I want my ahk to replace the numbers with variables, e.g. "Your current position is %Var1% out of %Var2%".

Then it must move the window depending on the value of Var2 (Var1 is completely irrelevant for my purposes imo). For now, my workaround is to refresh the Info Tab by hotkey, read its content and move the tables by using 2 other hotkeys; these three steps have to be reduced to one, imo (optimally, it'd be completely automated ldo).

I guess it isn't too hard for an ahk crack to figure this out, but as said I'm not that guy. I assume this basic idea of a script would be very useful to MTSNG grinders (esp since it could color code a FT or whatever else insted of moving it around).

So basically, I need to know the exact code to replace the "players left" number with a variable, and I'd be very happy if sbdy could help me with that. I'm sure to be able to figure the rest out myself. That said, I'd be happy to see an experienced coder picking up the idea and convert it into sth useful for the grinders.

TIA guyz!
R/Q AHK: move Stars MTSNG FT to different stack Quote
11-26-2010 , 07:38 PM
post the code you got already. If you have the contents of a freshly rfreshed info tab in a variable already (and know the ahk_id of the table it belongs to), chopping that down to the useful bit then moving a table is pretty easy imo
R/Q AHK: move Stars MTSNG FT to different stack Quote
11-26-2010 , 08:32 PM
Ummm no I don't...

MouseGetPos, xpos, ypos
WinActivate, ahk_class PokerStarsTableHelperFrameClass
MouseClick, left, 272, 721                ;clicks info refresh button
IfWinActive, ahk_class PokerStarsTableHelperFrameClass
	VarSetCapacity(OutputVar, 55)
	WinGetText, text 
	IfInString, text, out of 9
		WinActivate, ahk_class PokerStarsTableFrameClass
		WinWaitActive, ahk_class PokerStarsTableFrameClass
		WinMove, 1280, 108
		else, IfInString, text, out of 8
		WinActivate, ahk_class PokerStarsTableFrameClass
		WinWaitActive, ahk_class PokerStarsTableFrameClass
		WinMove, 1280, 108
		else, WinActivate, ahk_class PokerStarsTableFrameClass
else, WinActivate, ahk_class PokerStarsTableFrameClass
MouseMove, xpos, ypos
WinActivate, ahk_class PokerStarsTableFrameClass
MouseMove, xpos, ypos
That's what I tried around with. I dunno anything other to do than to verify any given text; that's the point I'm stuck at. I know what I want to do but I can't find the proper code; tried around and searched through the ahk help/forums for hours but still can't figure it out. (edit: btw ofc the code doesn't work since it also moves tables with 39, 38, 29, 28 ... players left)

I want to...

- refresh info tab
- get the number of players left
- set the number to var

- if var between 10 and 18 -> WinMove y0
- if var between 2 and 9 -> WinMove y108

... either fully automated or by hotkey.

This is the very basic idea but since it is exactly what I need and being the noob I am I surely wouldn't bother to add further functions to the script to improve its usefulness, but I guess there's alot of helpful things you can do for table management (I think of a GUI, title bar color coding, watermarking etc -> making MTSNG grinding easier and support proper table management for mixing MTT and MTSNG or... or...). I'd love to see somebody pick up this idea and make something of it. I can't.

Thanks for your help Dave, very appreciated.

Last edited by Baobhan-Sith; 11-26-2010 at 08:52 PM.
R/Q AHK: move Stars MTSNG FT to different stack Quote
11-27-2010 , 03:05 AM
If you wait a Day or two Some of those Ideas I am Alrady working on . Making a Gui that is Easy tho use Is a Pain in The ***
R/Q AHK: move Stars MTSNG FT to different stack Quote
01-18-2011 , 10:40 AM
Did you manage do get your script working OP? Would like to get my hands on something that does this.
R/Q AHK: move Stars MTSNG FT to different stack Quote
01-18-2011 , 11:11 AM
Nah I didn't. Still have to refresh/read info tab and move tables by separate hotkeys. Would be sooo awesome to have this automated, and I'm still convinced it's pretty easy to do, but I can't figure it out myself, fml.
R/Q AHK: move Stars MTSNG FT to different stack Quote
01-18-2011 , 11:33 AM
Yea pity, i've been looking for something like that for a while, would be great if it could be automated.
R/Q AHK: move Stars MTSNG FT to different stack Quote
02-16-2011 , 05:44 PM
I picked up the concept and rewrote the code. What I've got so far is a script that automatically positions tables according to 3-group division (19 or more players / 10 to 18 players / 9 or less players). I'm planning to make this (among many others in the future, hopefully) a commercial script. Any further implementations you'd like it to have?
R/Q AHK: move Stars MTSNG FT to different stack Quote
02-16-2011 , 06:33 PM
Nice, glad to hear. My suggestion would be to create a GUI which lets you define/add/edit custom rules. FWIW in the meantime I got more into MTT grinding where Hero's actual position becomes more important. Since your script will be commercial I think it should cover this as well. Here is my basic idea for the rule editor options:

If ->


ResizeTo ->

Some examples for rules:

a) If CurrentPos > 100 MoveTo x0 y0
b) If FieldSize < 10 MoveTo x0 y384 ResizeTo 512*384
c) If Pos/Size < 10% MoveTo x512 y0

I suck at explaining but I hope you get the idea. The script should allow 16 rules at least, although I don't see a reason to limit the number. The more the better.

edit: You should also be able to define the refresh rate for auto mode, and an option to choose between auto mode and manual (hotkey) mode would be sweet as well.

edit again: Another very important thing is, there should be an optional AND function for the "If" definition (-> If FieldSize > n1 AND CurrentPos < n2 ...).

Last edited by Baobhan-Sith; 02-16-2011 at 06:59 PM.
R/Q AHK: move Stars MTSNG FT to different stack Quote
02-16-2011 , 07:44 PM

Pleeeeease make it happen
R/Q AHK: move Stars MTSNG FT to different stack Quote
02-17-2011 , 10:58 AM
Thanks! That's a great feature illustration! Pardon me my lack of poker glossary knowledge: by field size do you mean the number of players still left in the tournament?

As for the options you desribed, all of them are implementable. I'll get to work!
R/Q AHK: move Stars MTSNG FT to different stack Quote
02-17-2011 , 01:31 PM
Originally Posted by LSoft
by field size do you mean the number of players still left in the tournament?
Yes, that's correct. You're welcome, I'm happily looking forward to your script.
R/Q AHK: move Stars MTSNG FT to different stack Quote
02-18-2011 , 09:11 PM
Here's the 1st GUI version. Thoughts?

R/Q AHK: move Stars MTSNG FT to different stack Quote
02-18-2011 , 10:27 PM

You could add an auto refresh rate input option and an option to re-arrange tables on (user defined) hotkey when auto mode is disabled (ie. when refresh rate is set to 0).

Awesome work dude, plz keep it up.

edit: It would be nice if you could have rules defined but disabled, I guess that would save alot of user input time. This means there would have to be another checkbox in the editor to enable/disable a rule, shouldn't be too hard to implement. Ofc the left side list should show whether or not each rule is active.

Last edited by Baobhan-Sith; 02-18-2011 at 10:40 PM.
R/Q AHK: move Stars MTSNG FT to different stack Quote
03-08-2011 , 01:00 PM

Would it be hard to implement an optional Final Table watermark? People are asking for something to help recognizing/highlighting PS FTs for ages.
R/Q AHK: move Stars MTSNG FT to different stack Quote
03-09-2011 , 12:25 AM
likes this
R/Q AHK: move Stars MTSNG FT to different stack Quote
04-11-2011 , 06:24 PM
Did this ever happen? Could really use something like that.
R/Q AHK: move Stars MTSNG FT to different stack Quote
04-11-2011 , 07:34 PM
Originally Posted by digit
Did this ever happen? Could really use something like that.
Yeah, it did. I'm still waiting for feedback from Baobhan-Sith who's my tester. I will update this thread and probably create another in Commercial software (provided that's free ?) once I've got the final version ready.
R/Q AHK: move Stars MTSNG FT to different stack Quote
04-11-2011 , 10:03 PM
My apologies, I totally forgot about this. Just PM'ed you.
R/Q AHK: move Stars MTSNG FT to different stack Quote
04-13-2011 , 05:33 AM
Originally Posted by LSoft
Yeah, it did. I'm still waiting for feedback from Baobhan-Sith who's my tester. I will update this thread and probably create another in Commercial software (provided that's free ?) once I've got the final version ready.
Sounds good, i'll keep an eye on the forum.
R/Q AHK: move Stars MTSNG FT to different stack Quote
04-17-2011 , 09:23 PM
I've been thinking about what I'd like my configuration to be at stars 45 turbos. I'd like to have 4 stacks as follows:

Stack 1 - All tables at the 1st 3 blind levels. 10/20 15/30 25/50
Stack 2 - When a table reaches 50/100 level it goes to this stack
Stack 3 - If I have 8 big blinds or less the table is moved to this stack, it's moved back to stack 2 if I rise above 8 bbs once again.
Stack 4 - Final table stack
R/Q AHK: move Stars MTSNG FT to different stack Quote
04-18-2011 , 10:58 AM
The script LSoft is working on does not read blind levels, it only reads the containment of the info tab (and fwiw the script has some minor bugs but should be fixed soon).

That said as long as you're referring to 45s only, it should be quite easy to write an (additional) small script to move the tables like you want; the blind levels are readable from the title bars. Probably PlaceMint already does the job; might wanna give it a try.

Idk how to realize your 'Stack 3' without some sort of screen scraping but I'm just a coding fish.
R/Q AHK: move Stars MTSNG FT to different stack Quote
04-19-2011 , 06:08 AM
Bad news guys. PS recently changed their app in a way that it doesn't expose the text in the chat box information tab in easily retrievable format anymore. Now the text basically appears as an image that would require screen scraping. Which, unfortunately, is not a very sophisticated method programmatically speaking.

Obviously PS has made the change to make it harder for people to extract useful data programmatically.

I'm studying methods to dig deeper into the client app to bypass not only this "cloaking" attempt but make it easier to recover from such changes in the future as well. This can't be done in pure AHK so it'll take a while though...

I'll update this thread whenever there's something new to report.
R/Q AHK: move Stars MTSNG FT to different stack Quote
04-19-2011 , 06:15 AM
Originally Posted by Baobhan-Sith
The script LSoft is working on does not read blind levels, it only reads the containment of the info tab (and fwiw the script has some minor bugs but should be fixed soon).

That said as long as you're referring to 45s only, it should be quite easy to write an (additional) small script to move the tables like you want; the blind levels are readable from the title bars. Probably PlaceMint already does the job; might wanna give it a try.

Idk how to realize your 'Stack 3' without some sort of screen scraping but I'm just a coding fish.
Thanks. I've tried placemint in the past but had a tough time getting it to do what I wanted, I'll give it another go.

Good luck with sorting the problem Lsoft. I'll keep an eye out for updates.
R/Q AHK: move Stars MTSNG FT to different stack Quote
05-03-2011 , 12:22 AM
Hi guys! Sorry for my bad english. To minimize my punctuation errors i just copypast digit's message with some changes.

I've been thinking about what I'd like my configuration to be at stars 18 turbos. I'd like to have 4 stacks as follows:

Stack 1 - All tables at the 1st 3 blind levels. 10/20 15/30 25/50
Stack 2 - When a table reaches 50/100,75/150,100/200 level it goes to this stack
Stack 3 - When ante appears the table moves to this stack.
Stack 4 - Final table stack

Is it possible to do?
R/Q AHK: move Stars MTSNG FT to different stack Quote
