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12-30-2008 , 01:24 AM
Originally Posted by Benjamin
TY for the reply, Clemenza.

For the auto time-bank clicker to work, I'd have to tile tables, am I correct? Or I guess it would help some in a multiple stacks approach. I've been enjoying a cascade approach lately, which would limit that function's effectiveness for me, IINM.
I believe the StarsAssistant auto time-bank clicker will work on both tiled and stacked tables. I found it worked better, and with less hastle, than the description on it's download page here:
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12-30-2008 , 12:37 PM
TY TY Clem
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12-30-2008 , 12:47 PM
From the Stars Assistant page:
If you need it that the tables can get covered for a period of time e.g. by the lobby, I recommend turning the "Detect All-in/fixed limit" function off,
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12-31-2008 , 02:43 AM
I'm about to Google but this thread is used often for Googletards and I'm in a hurry and I'm sure someone here can help. My computer is messing up, working on getting it fixed, but need to get something else to play on (it's ridiculous that I didn't have a backup machine set up already). funkyworms suggested the Dell Studio. I'm trying to order in the next couple of hours. Comes with this:

Genuine Windows Vista® Home Premium Edition SP1

don't know if I should upgrade to this:

Genuine Windows Vista® Ultimate Edition SP1 [add $120 or $4/month1]
Dell recommended: The most complete version of Windows Vista®. Delivers both home entertainment and business benefits.

Also, if I call, will they let me get XP instead? Not an option on the online order form.

Am I going to regret even trying to switch to Vista? Any reason to do so? Don't mind paying for another copy of XP if it's still the clear best option.

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12-31-2008 , 03:18 AM

Can anyone (quickly if possible, want to order in the next few hours) tell me if it would be a good idea to make any of the below upgrades:

(comes with Intel® Core™ 2 Duo processor E7300 (3MB L2, 2.66GHz, 1066FSB))

Intel® Core™ 2 Quad processor Q6600 (8MB L2, 2.4GHz, 1066FSB) [add $50 or $1/month1]

or another processor upgrade

(comes with 2 GB)

3GB Dual Channel DDR2 SDRAM at 800MHz- 4DIMMs [add $40 or $1/month1]


4GB Dual Channel DDR2 SDRAM at 800MHz- 2DIMMs [add $75 or $2/month1]
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12-31-2008 , 03:19 AM
other processor upgrade options:

Intel® Core™ 2 Quad processor Q8200 (4MB L2, 2.33GHz, 1333FSB) [add $100 or $3/month1]
Intel® Core™ 2 Quad processor Q9400 (6MB L2, 2.66GHz, 1333FSB) [add $200 or $6/month1]
Intel® Core™ 2 Quad processor Q9550 (12MB L2, 2.83GHz, 1333FSB) [add $300 or $9/month1]
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12-31-2008 , 04:10 AM
Or should I get Vista 64-bit and get 6 GB or 8 GB of RAM? 6 is $150 more, 8 is $200 more.
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12-31-2008 , 04:32 AM
wtf is this site? they are hosting ahks made by _dave_, me etc and giving zero credit to authors afaict


edit: looked around that site a little and it has potential. someone has put a decent amount of effort into it.

Last edited by Everlong; 12-31-2008 at 04:59 AM.
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12-31-2008 , 06:15 AM
Nevermind. Had to go ahead and order it.
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12-31-2008 , 12:29 PM
What ever happened to the PokerEV tracker+HUD?
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01-01-2009 , 12:22 AM
Phil failed to meet infinite promised release deadlines and then dissapeared off the face of the earth 6 months ago or so. I would consider the product vaporware unlikely to be released.
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01-01-2009 , 01:57 PM
I have seen people mention Roland's never sit out script that uses the HHs to work with stacking/overlay. Am i just compiling and running functions_v3?

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01-01-2009 , 04:37 PM
My computer isnt generally slow when browsing and just playing 6 tables or less, but when I go over 14 tables it just lags like crazy. Is this a function of my Memory or my graphics card?

Fwiw I just added a gig of ram this morning and it didnt help much at all. Any ideas on what I can do to enable me to play 24 tables plus HEM? New computer? asston of ram?

I have a very basic 500G HD and 2048 memory

Thanks in advance guys
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01-01-2009 , 06:12 PM
Originally Posted by LawJik
I have seen people mention Roland's never sit out script that uses the HHs to work with stacking/overlay. Am i just compiling and running functions_v3?

Nm, found Roland's TimeoutHelper on overcards.
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01-01-2009 , 07:21 PM
Am I going to regret even trying to switch to Vista? Any reason to do so? Don't mind paying for another copy of XP if it's still the clear best option.
New computer will be here in a few days. Want to know if I should even bother setting up and trying Vista. Will I be wasting time dealing with Vista hassles on a daily basis or does everything work pretty well at this point? I run all the standard stuff. I've got Vista 64-bit if that matters. Let me know if you need more info.

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01-01-2009 , 08:40 PM
Originally Posted by a nonymous
New computer will be here in a few days. Want to know if I should even bother setting up and trying Vista. Will I be wasting time dealing with Vista hassles on a daily basis or does everything work pretty well at this point? I run all the standard stuff. I've got Vista 64-bit if that matters. Let me know if you need more info.

If you ask this question in the Computer Technical Help forum, the guru's over there will likely be able to help. I know the FAQ in that forum has some of the answers you were looking for.
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01-01-2009 , 09:49 PM
I am playing on AP, using HEM. I was just messing around at play money and that loaded onto my HEM, anyway I can change that?
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01-01-2009 , 11:32 PM
Originally Posted by Clemenza
If you ask this question in the Computer Technical Help forum, the guru's over there will likely be able to help. I know the FAQ in that forum has some of the answers you were looking for.
I just read that FAQ and it didn't discuss Vista at all. Did you mean to link me to something else?
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01-02-2009 , 01:34 PM
Originally Posted by a nonymous
New computer will be here in a few days. Want to know if I should even bother setting up and trying Vista. Will I be wasting time dealing with Vista hassles on a daily basis or does everything work pretty well at this point? I run all the standard stuff. I've got Vista 64-bit if that matters. Let me know if you need more info.

I have been running Vista for a year now and it works fine for everything poker related (and everything else I do for that matter). I just turned of UAC when I got it and have had no real problems (not strictly true since I had a couple blue screen crashes in the first month after I got it, but those stopped after one of the updates).

For the most part Vista is pretty stable these days.
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01-02-2009 , 06:21 PM
Originally Posted by a nonymous
I just read that FAQ and it didn't discuss Vista at all. Did you mean to link me to something else?
No. I meant the FAQ has some info that you were previously looking for, before you ordered your new PC. Posting and searching in the CTH forum will likely get you answers to your current question.

I've found the CTH forum more useful for hardware and operating system issues. Sorry I can't be of more help.
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01-02-2009 , 09:01 PM
Originally Posted by a nonymous
New computer will be here in a few days. Want to know if I should even bother setting up and trying Vista. Will I be wasting time dealing with Vista hassles on a daily basis or does everything work pretty well at this point? I run all the standard stuff. I've got Vista 64-bit if that matters. Let me know if you need more info.

It is worth a try, if only for the ability to load up on tons of RAM in the future. Disable UAC, and you shouldn't face many stupid vista hassles. Remember about the "disable desktop composition" checkbox in the properties of an application to selectively disable aero interface if need be (like for betpot's screen scraping on Stars).

If it comes loaded with excessive bloatware/spam like a majority of systems do these days, I'd be sorely tempted to install Vista fresh (after ensuring you've got enough drivers (and a firefox installer) to get online & download the rest).

If you got a copy of XP and <3GB ram, I'd be using XP (and do myself)
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01-02-2009 , 09:45 PM
Thanks everyone. I'll try it out. Thanks for the fresh install idea, _dave_, I'll do that. New system should be here in (hopefully) less than a week. Ordering dual 30"s tonight. Time for a new Stars Planner layout.
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01-02-2009 , 11:48 PM
I'm having a problem with my stats placement with PTH2 and PAHUD.

I usually 2 table $10nl on stars but I have myself in a different seat at both tables. If I align everything right on the one table, it's never right on the second.

I keep the tables in the top left and bottom right corners, with the seats top left and bottom right.

I can never get both tables to be aligned right
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01-03-2009 , 01:17 AM
I have a couple of AHK scripting / Full Tilt Table controls questions:

I wanted to add an auto-"Wait For BB" option for when you first open tables (I think Betpot and/or FTSC do this also?), but I found out that Full Tilt use the same buttons then as for Fold / Call / Bet. Luckily I spotted this quickly - I might be a calling station, but I don't need scripted help to auto-call every pot! Any hints on how to tell when the button is Wait for BB, and when it is Call (text property is not returned, it seems).

Secondly, I have Time clicked automatically, but I want to make it so that it only gets clicked after a certain amount of time (again, I think this is a feature already in one of the mainstream scripts, but I like to write my own code). I can't think of an elegant way to do this, since you can't pass an argument (table id) to a timer function call, can you? One way I can think of doing this is to have a function stub for each possible table, and call the relevant one, but that is not very clean.

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01-03-2009 , 09:47 PM
Is there and AHK script or some software available for Stars to automatically sit you at a specific # of tables, buy-in for the table maximum, wait for BB and then check the "Auto Post Blinds" option if it's not a high speed table?
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