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Quick Questions & Answers Thread Quick Questions & Answers Thread

08-17-2008 , 10:45 AM
Originally Posted by kibbe131
I was wondering if the HM HUD works on the iPoker software.
I does.
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08-17-2008 , 10:47 AM
Originally Posted by fozzy71

Stars Planner does it. Stars Auto-Reloader with Stars Planner = awesome, IMO.
Duh! Yes, Stars, sorry. Working nights messes with my brain.

Thank you.
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08-17-2008 , 10:49 AM
Originally Posted by TripSixUK
Duh! Yes, Stars, sorry. Working nights messes with my brain.

Thank you.
Your welcome. I use a few scripts while playing at stars.

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08-17-2008 , 11:01 AM
Ok, got Stars Planner running, but when a seat becomes available its automatically telling Stars "no" and removing me from the waiting list. What am I doing wrong?

I have Vista and the new black lobby theme if that makes any difference at all.
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08-17-2008 , 11:23 AM
Originally Posted by TripSixUK
Ok, got Stars Planner running, but when a seat becomes available its automatically telling Stars "no" and removing me from the waiting list. What am I doing wrong?

I have Vista and the new black lobby theme if that makes any difference at all.
Right Click > Edit the Script >

2nd block of code after the comments, find this line:

answer_waitlists := 1
Change the 1 to a 0

answer_waitlists := 0
Save the script > Reload the script.

I don't know what that is supposed to do, but all it does is tilt me. Perhaps dave can explain??
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08-17-2008 , 11:37 AM
Originally Posted by TripSixUK
Ok, got Stars Planner running, but when a seat becomes available its automatically telling Stars "no" and removing me from the waiting list. What am I doing wrong?

I have Vista and the new black lobby theme if that makes any difference at all.
Originally Posted by fozzy71
Right Click > Edit the Script >

2nd block of code after the comments, find this line:

answer_waitlists := 1
Change the 1 to a 0

answer_waitlists := 0
Save the script > Reload the script.

I don't know what that is supposed to do, but all it does is tilt me. Perhaps dave can explain??
That turns the waitlist stuff off. What it is supposed to do (and does, I think) - if you have a saved layout with 8 tables in it, it will auto-hit "yes" if you have less than 8 tables open, after that it says "no" (cos you have enough tables).

So capture a layout with as many tables as you desire to play at once
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08-17-2008 , 11:53 AM
Umm... but I like to be able to open others, and game select before sitting... if the table is bad, I will close it and wait for another wait list to pop. I also often need more tables in my layout than I play, so i can get on a new table, as I get off the other.
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08-17-2008 , 11:53 AM
Originally Posted by _dave_
That turns the waitlist stuff off. What it is supposed to do (and does, I think) - if you have a saved layout with 8 tables in it, it will auto-hit "yes" if you have less than 8 tables open, after that it says "no" (cos you have enough tables).

So capture a layout with as many tables as you desire to play at once
Bingo! Somehow I managed to configure a zero table layout so the script wouldn't let me have any tables open at all lol. Configured a 16 table layout and it fixed the problem. Thanks.
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08-17-2008 , 06:21 PM
I'm not sure where posts on computewrs should go.

My trusty desktop of 2 years just exploded. I have to buy a new one tomorrow morning. Think I'll go for a laptop this time. Would somebody mind telling me what requirements I need in a in order for me to say 24 table while running PT/HEM with a HUD?

Also, I can play 20 tables without overlap on a 30" monitor, right? I think I'll get one of those too if I can plug it into my laptop. What resolution would I need on that? I'd probably need a great graphics card in the laptop to run a 30" from a laptop?

I'm very grateful for any help with this. Thanks.
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08-17-2008 , 06:23 PM
Originally Posted by Allday Everyday
I'm not sure where posts on computewrs should go.

My trusty desktop of 2 years just exploded. I have to buy a new one tomorrow morning. Think I'll go for a laptop this time. Would somebody mind telling me what requirements I need in a in order for me to say 24 table while running PT/HEM with a HUD?

Also, I can play 20 tables without overlap on a 30" monitor, right? I think I'll get one of those too if I can plug it into my laptop. What resolution would I need on that? I'd probably need a great graphics card in the laptop to run a 30" from a laptop?

I'm very grateful for any help with this. Thanks.

Your question prolly belongs in Computer Technical Help, more than here.
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08-17-2008 , 06:39 PM
Originally Posted by Allday Everyday
My trusty desktop of 2 years just exploded. I have to buy a new one tomorrow morning. Think I'll go for a laptop this time. Would somebody mind telling me what requirements I need in a in order for me to say 24 table while running PT/HEM with a HUD?
a very good one. At least 2GB RAM, at least 2GHz dual core. preferably more of all. Preferably XP, although it is possible to configure vista to only a little bit slower.

Also, I can play 20 tables without overlap on a 30" monitor, right? I think I'll get one of those too if I can plug it into my laptop. What resolution would I need on that? I'd probably need a great graphics card in the laptop to run a 30" from a laptop?
Indeed you can tile 20 tables on a 30" without overlap. it is fun You will specifically need a graphics card including DUAL-LINK DVI output. Anything else will not drive the 30" properly. It is probably quite a rare laptop with this capability, it is going to be important to check.

Personally I'd have a new desktop, and a cheap almost throwaway laptop (EeePC 901, MSI Wind, new breed of cheapo ultraportable etc.), unless you plan to be pokering while travelling a lot - and having a 30" monitor hooked up suggests you are not.
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08-17-2008 , 06:50 PM
Originally Posted by _dave_

Indeed you can tile 20 tables on a 30" without overlap. it is fun ...
Found this pic of a customer last year on a blog.

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08-17-2008 , 07:36 PM
It has been a while since I have been around here and was wondering if anyone has created something for data collection of HORSE games yet? I am just looking for really basic stuff (tracking of buy-ins mainly) I did some searching and was not able to find anything like this.

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08-17-2008 , 08:04 PM
This may be the most promising new thing.
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08-17-2008 , 08:16 PM
I was actually just looking through that thread....I am afraid I have no clue how to use this/set it up though.

I went to go download the stuff (two different files to download) the one with the four folders was extracted fine, but the other DL didn't extract at all....and then I kinda just got lost.

I will keep reading the thread through and hopefully between that and the web page, I will find something......

I would even try to attempt this myself....but my lack of understanding onthe above situation pretty much sums up that situation.

Thanks for the HU, I'll keep looking.
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08-17-2008 , 08:22 PM
took a few more minutes to find the instructions.......sigh.....

I need a staples button so bad
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08-17-2008 , 08:22 PM
It is very much, alpha software. I havent yet attempted to get it running either.
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08-17-2008 , 08:33 PM
A lot of the mysql stuff just doesn't work for me at all. I type exactly what it says to do in the instructions......and nada.....

Oh well, this is not a thread for this. GL with it, and hopefully I stumble upon the answer. It's like when I used to play final fantasy 1....I would be stuck for like 10hours on a small part, and then BOOM!!! how did I not see that
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08-17-2008 , 08:50 PM
I wouldn't worry too much about setup if it gives you trouble for now, as Fozzy says - very early alpha. Check back / try again often.
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08-17-2008 , 09:18 PM
Dave - can you check my question in the modmanager thread when you have time, please. Thx
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08-17-2008 , 09:23 PM
I need to have Stars open - I think there is probably a thing on the dialog box to "apply to all tables" that needs selected.
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08-17-2008 , 09:31 PM

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08-17-2008 , 10:14 PM
Why does my HEM HUD always uncheck "Disable Hero In Hud" by itself? I have to reclick it every time I restart HEM.

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08-18-2008 , 07:56 AM
You'd think this would be easy but I'm a software idiot. What is the best way to export an entire session from PT3 to be used for a session review?

Thanks in advance.
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08-19-2008 , 02:08 AM
I'm about to move up levels. Should I make a new HM DB for the new level? I currently have 127k players in my DB. No idea how many hands.
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