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04-25-2008 , 09:02 PM
OMG - I'M FRIGGIN' DYING!!! THANK YOU FOZZY!!!!! That's some funny ****.

...ok goin' drinkin'
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04-26-2008 , 05:51 PM
Hi everyone. I'm just getting started in learning about poker, and have found the TwoPlusTwo forum extremely useful. Hopefully you can help me with a problem I am having.

I have been playing on Full Tilt with money a friend transfered to my account. I'm now looking to make my own deposit, but I'm running into difficulties. My computer seems to be blocking popups from originating in the Full Tilt application, which prevents me from completing all the steps of the deposit (I've tried credit card & instadebit). My computer also prevents me opening advertisements, such as the current FTOPS VIII ad they are running on the application.

I've also tried downloading PokerStars, and I the same problem exists when clicking on their advertisements or links contained in the program.

I've disabled the popup blockers on my internet explorer and firefox, turned off my windows firewall, and googled the hell out of this, to no avail. It seems I'm the only person in the world trying to allow popup advertisements. I've tried holding CTRL while clicking on the links, but it does not work.

Has anyone experienced similar problems? Thank you!
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04-27-2008 , 05:05 PM
Hey all...

I want to make a video of myself playing poker and have no clue which programs I need. Could someone please tell me what I need to do this.

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04-27-2008 , 05:16 PM
hey guys, i'm looking for a script that makes the colour of any active window a diffrent colour than the windows vista basic theme. I'm using pokerpad to multitable (mouseless) and it is often hard to tell what table i have activated. I tried to use the table highlighter but that script has a lot of bells and whistles that i don't want and it doesn't seem to work very well with pokerpad. I also tried changing the default colors for the active window in the windows vista basic theme but for some reason that isn't working.

thanks for any help.
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04-27-2008 , 05:25 PM
Originally Posted by 10K-in-Clay
hey guys, i'm looking for a script that makes the colour of any active window a diffrent colour than the windows vista basic theme. I'm using pokerpad to multitable (mouseless) and it is often hard to tell what table i have activated. I tried to use the table highlighter but that script has a lot of bells and whistles that i don't want and it doesn't seem to work very well with pokerpad. I also tried changing the default colors for the active window in the windows vista basic theme but for some reason that isn't working.

thanks for any help.
TableNavigator - excellent for mouseless. It integrates with PokerPad / BetPot automatically (more the other way round, but whatever)
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04-27-2008 , 05:25 PM
Originally Posted by noidea555
Hey all...

I want to make a video of myself playing poker and have no clue which programs I need. Could someone please tell me what I need to do this.

Camtasia Studio is the preferred choice:

Originally Posted by 10K-in-Clay
hey guys, i'm looking for a script that makes the colour of any active window a diffrent colour than the windows vista basic theme. I'm using pokerpad to multitable (mouseless) and it is often hard to tell what table i have activated. I tried to use the table highlighter but that script has a lot of bells and whistles that i don't want and it doesn't seem to work very well with pokerpad. I also tried changing the default colors for the active window in the windows vista basic theme but for some reason that isn't working.

thanks for any help.
Have you tried _dave_'s Urgent Table or Stars Assistant for activating/highlighting the current table? Stars Assistant has a GUI which is nice, but I find Urgent Table to work much smoother. I have 2 versions of urgent table i use - one moves the cursor to the button area, and the other one does not - in case I need to multi-task.
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04-27-2008 , 05:26 PM
Originally Posted by noidea555
Hey all...

I want to make a video of myself playing poker and have no clue which programs I need. Could someone please tell me what I need to do this.

CamStudio (Free) or Camtasia (30 day trial)
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04-27-2008 , 10:15 PM
Thanks for the suggestions guys but most of my play isn't on stars and as far as table navigator goes, i couldn't even get it to work and also it seems to have a lot more functions that i need or want. Really all i need is for the active window (even if its not a poker window) to be highlighted or for the title bar to be a different color. Thanks for the help regardless i'll keep looking and toying with some things.
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04-27-2008 , 10:27 PM
Not sure what Vista Desktop Themes are like - but on XP, the Windows Classic Theme had a very noticeable, brighter blue title-bar for the active window. I used to use classic theme on my old PC, to save on system resources being used. Obviously all of this may be completely worthless, as I have never even looked at a Vista PC.
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04-27-2008 , 10:30 PM
Originally Posted by fozzy71
Not sure what Vista Desktop Themes are like - but on XP, the Windows Classic Theme had a very noticeable, brighter blue title-bar for the active window. I used to use classic theme on my old PC, to save on system resources being used. Obviously all of this may be completely worthless, as I have never even looked at a Vista PC.
Yeah the problem is that with the vista basic theme u can barely tell the difference between an active and an unactive window, its really annoying. Also to get a lot of scripts to work properly with vista I was told to use the windows vista basic theme so thats my quandry lol
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04-27-2008 , 10:31 PM
So glad I bought my rig 3 weeks before Vista machines hit the stores.
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04-27-2008 , 10:35 PM
Thanks for the suggestions guys but most of my play isn't on stars
Where is it?

as far as table navigator goes, i couldn't even get it to work and also it seems to have a lot more functions that i need or want.
Yeah it has a myriad functions, but you only really need to get one of them working - the active table highlight.

Have you watched the DC video on it? Worth a try if not.

How does your mouseless setup work? does it actually move the mouse pointer over each table?
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04-27-2008 , 10:36 PM
Originally Posted by fozzy71
So glad I bought my rig 3 weeks before Vista machines hit the stores.
Heh, I still sell rigs with XP on them, at least a 20-1 ratio if not more. It is actually rare we order a Vista for a customer, XP we keep plenty in stock.
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04-27-2008 , 11:09 PM
I'm just using pokerpad, it allows u to use the right left up and down arrow keys to move between tables and then i type in my bet with the numpad then press the bet button.......where can i find the DC video, i don't think i came across that in my searches
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04-27-2008 , 11:14 PM
Originally Posted by 10K-in-Clay
I'm just using pokerpad, it allows u to use the right left up and down arrow keys to move between tables and then i type in my bet with the numpad then press the bet button.......
I'd bet the PokerPad arrow keys are interfereing with TableNavigator. This sounds like hard work too compared to using the pre-set bet amounts too, but to each their own.
where can i find the DC video, i don't think i came across that in my searches
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04-27-2008 , 11:16 PM
I can post a short AHK to make a highlight on the active table if you like, that is easy - but you will be happy if you get TableNavigator set up correctly, as it will deal with focus-stealing in a way a "highlight active table" AHK script wouldn't.
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04-27-2008 , 11:20 PM
Thats fine don't worry about it, ill get table navigator working and see what i can do from a side note does your betpot script supposrt ongame yet? The reason i switched from your betpot script to pokerpad is because there was no ongame support. Thanks for your help and all the great work with this forum dave.
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04-27-2008 , 11:44 PM
aha - for ongame, you will need to get the pokerroom TableNavigator plugin here:

and edit the third line "WinGet, id, id, - Welcome" - so it matched the lobby title for your chosen ongame skin AFAIK.

BetPot doesn't yet support OnGame, for no good reason - it is really easy to add, I just haven't done so yet since I don't have any money / rakeback there to test with... and I've been spending almost all my time coding AHK-HUD lately. I'll get OnGame added to BetPot ASAP, I've been meaning to for a long time
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04-28-2008 , 01:16 AM
Dave or anyone smart...
I'm learning AHK and have been playing around with some scripts to make 30+ tabling STTs easier.

I've put together the following script to select between two preset saved custom stars table layouts... I use these instead of table navigator because I want to move windows around myself (often), and navigator locks the tables in place. I've also modified Quetzos script (thank you man) to auto-sort tables by blind level, so that I can hit Ctrl-Middle Mouse Button and sort between low and high blind tables. I'm thinking it would be great to be able to toggle the stars auto-pop tables setting so that the focus isn't stolen when I take notes.
My questions are:
1) Is there a better way to enable/disable stars auto pop-up than {pseudo-code}...?
- Activate Stars Lobby
- send Alt-O, {up}{up}{up}{enter} (which selects advanced multitabling options)
- send click to the coords of the little checkbox
- send a {tab} till OK is selected and then send {enter}

2) Can I lock user input and stop anything from stealing focus until the script has finished running? Sometimes using "send" along with the {alt} key and then sending keyboard shortcuts doesn't bring up the menu and then the script is clicking somewhere that it shouldn't. is there a better way to guarantee that the proper menus have been brought up before sending mouseclicks?

;; Clicks custom layout 7 from stars layout menu-- adjust coords. for your layout of choice
  IfWinExist PokerStars Lobby
	mousegetpos XCheese, YCheese
	sleep, 10
	send {Ctrl Up}
	send {alt}
	sleep, 10
	send V
	sleep, 10
	send {click 355,226}
  	mousemove XCheese, YCheese
  IfWinNotExist Pokerstars Lobby - Logged in as CheeseMoney
  msgbox Can't find Pokerstars

;; ctrl-right mouse button clicks layout #1 from stars layout menu
  IfWinExist PokerStars Lobby
	mousegetpos XCheese, YCheese
	sleep, 10
	send {Ctrl Up}
	send {alt}
	sleep, 10
	send V
	send {click 355,131}
  	mousemove XCheese, YCheese
  IfWinNotExist Pokerstars Lobby - Logged in as CheeseMoney
  msgbox Can't find Pokerstars

;; Thanks Quetzo
;; Control Middle Button Stacks tables in top left and moves tables of bb400 to top right
BB20 = 0,0
BB30 = 0,0
BB50 = 0,0
BB100 = 0,0
BB150 = 0,0
BB200 = 0,0
BB225 = 0,0
BB400 = 800,0
BB600 = 800,0
BB800 = 800,0
BB1200 = 800,0

Loop, 1
	WinGet, tableList, List, ahk_class PokerStarsTableFrameClass

	Loop, %tableList%
		id := tableList%A_Index%
		WinGetTitle, title, ahk_id %id%
		StringMid, starsBB, title, InStr(title,"/")+2, InStr(title,"/")-InStr(title,"Blinds")-7
		StringReplace, starsBB, StarsBB, %A_Space%,,All

		if (starsBB = 200)
			IfInString, title, Ante
				starsBB := 225

		StringSplit, coordinatesArray, BB%starsBB%, `,
		WinGetPos, posX, posY,,, ahk_id %id%

		if (posX != coordinatesArray1 OR posY != coordinatesArray2)
			WinMove, ahk_id %id%,, %coordinatesArray1%, %coordinatesArray2%
	Sleep, 1000
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04-28-2008 , 01:28 AM
Originally Posted by CheeseMoney
1) Is there a better way to enable/disable stars auto pop-up than {pseudo-code}...?
- Activate Stars Lobby
- send Alt-O, {up}{up}{up}{enter} (which selects advanced multitabling options)
- send click to the coords of the little checkbox
- send a {tab} till OK is selected and then send {enter}
This should work.

WinMenuSelectItem, PokerStars Lobby ,, Options, Advanced Multi
WinActivate, Advanced
WinwaitActive, Advanced
ControlClick, Button1
ControlClick, Button4

Last edited by rubbishaka80; 04-28-2008 at 01:30 AM. Reason: This > That
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04-28-2008 , 01:32 AM
Originally Posted by rubbishaka80
This should work.

WinMenuSelectItem, PokerStars Lobby ,, Options, Advanced Multi
WinActivate, Advanced
WinwaitActive, Advanced
ControlClick, Button1
ControlClick, Button4
Thanks. I'll try it when I'm done with my set. Zomg I have a lot to learn about ahk.
Edit: works perfectly. I feel as impressed as I do stupid right now.
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04-29-2008 , 01:49 AM
I just downloaded Roland's TimoutHelper and have functions.ahk installed in the same directory. I get the following error when I try to run the program. I tried adding an #include functions_v3.ahk but that just seemed to introduce additional problems.

BTW, I know that there are other programs that will serve the same purpose as this one-- I'm just trying to get a handle on AHK and am interested in how this simple program works.
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04-29-2008 , 06:36 PM
you probably need a different version of functions.ahk - Roland made a few of them

just find the one with "hhFileStars" in it - (open in text editor, find) - and put that one in the script folder.

Surprised it isn't in v3 - try including just it.
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04-29-2008 , 06:46 PM
i have heard there is a program that will remove the bars on tables to allow for more room. Any info would be helpful. Also any other programs to more easily 9-12 table on my 1920x1200 monitor.
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04-29-2008 , 08:53 PM
Originally Posted by rubbrband
i have heard there is a program that will remove the bars on tables to allow for more room. Any info would be helpful. Also any other programs to more easily 9-12 table on my 1920x1200 monitor.
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