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02-23-2010 , 09:06 PM
Hey Fozzy,

Purging hands wont erase the stats such as winrates, rakeback, etc right?

Originally Posted by fozzy71
You should be able to Ctrl + Right-Click and Drag them to proper positions.

If you are using transparent or semi-transparent HUD backgrounds, make them solid black panels. If you are using multiple panels in your HUD, try turning off that option.

Try some regular DB maintenance. your DB should be vacuumed every 10k hands and you should defrag your PC once a month, or more.

Regarding database maintenance:

You should regularly purge mined hands in your database, after purge vacuum / full analyze the database via pgadmin.

Then you can vacuum/analyze -

Before you defragment you should stop the PostgreSQL service:

Start > Programs > PostgreSQL 8.x > Stop Server

Use your favorite defrag tool. I recommend Smart Defrag.

After defrag I recommend you reboot your PC. If you need to access the DB before rebooting you can start the PostgreSQL service.

Start > Programs > PostgreSQL 8.x > Start Server

HM HUD notes or FTP Notes after exporting your Rush HUD Notes?

The HM HUD notes are part of your PostgreSQL DB and can be exported as a means of backup and reimported if needed. If you lost them from your DB you may have other DB issues. I would suggest a fresh DB to test performance and hopefully import any exported notes you might have.

If you are referring to the FTP player notes being replaced by the Rush HUD Exported stats:

Close FTP client
Navigate to the FTP installation folder.
Rename the file myname.xml to sth. like myname.xml.rush
Copy/Paste the file myname.bak0 and rename the copy to myname.xml
Restart FTP client.

It might be necessary to deactivate "Hide known file extensions" in control panel->folder options.
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02-23-2010 , 09:13 PM
It will purge them except for on the Players tab and in the HUD. If you still want to see them in the Reports tab or to be able to replay them you should not purge them. Always make sure you pick your alias when purging so it doesnt delete hands played by any of your screen names.
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02-24-2010 , 01:37 AM
Originally Posted by fozzy71
It will purge them except for on the Players tab and in the HUD. If you still want to see them in the Reports tab or to be able to replay them you should not purge them. Always make sure you pick your alias when purging so it doesnt delete hands played by any of your screen names.
Other player's stats will update correctly as you get more hands on them even after all of their old hands have been purged? It's just that in the client's Purge dialog, it says something about "...will still appear in HUD stats for the time being until the Cache Rebuilder is completed". What's that mean?
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02-24-2010 , 09:13 AM
Originally Posted by BeaucoupFish
Other player's stats will update correctly as you get more hands on them even after all of their old hands have been purged?
Yes, that is my understanding.

It's just that in the client's Purge dialog, it says something about "...will still appear in HUD stats for the time being until the Cache Rebuilder is completed". What's that mean?
The hand histories are purged and can not be seen or reviewed on any of the various HEM tabs, except their stats will still appear on the Players tab and in the HUD. We do not yet have a HUD Cache Rebuilder like PT3 does. If we did this cache rebuild would remove all of the purged stats from the HUD and Players tab.
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02-24-2010 , 03:20 PM
Hey I'm trying to get this script to work on Stars tables only and not in other windows. I tried using an if statement to get it to check the class first. It still runs the function in all windows.

What am I doing wrong?

      WinGetClass, class
      if ( class = PokerStarsTableFrameClass )
        click 2
        Ctrl := "PokerStarsNoteEditorClass1"    
        ControlGetText, Note, %Ctrl%, ahk_id %id% 
         if ( Note = "")  
            SendInput {N}
            ControlSetText, %Ctrl%,., ahk_id %id% 
            ControlSend, %Ctrl%,  {delete} , ahk_id %id%  
Quick Questions & Answers Thread Quote
02-24-2010 , 03:38 PM
for the active window:

      WinGetClass, class, A
Quick Questions & Answers Thread Quote
02-24-2010 , 05:43 PM
Thank you greg. Got it working. Hopefully stars changes their min buy-in so I don't have to keep marking short stackers.
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02-25-2010 , 04:47 AM
Are there any 3rd party table skins for FTP? I'd like to try out their software more but no matter what combination of colors/theme/etc I choose, their tables are far too colorful and give me migraines (and no, I don't use drugs...).

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02-25-2010 , 06:38 AM
Does anybody know where I can find a description of the Boss media hand history format? For example what cards do the 20 and 22 correspond to in the snipped below? How would I construct a hand strength like the $(STR_G_WIN_PAIR) $(STR_G_CARDS_EIGHTS) for say a J high straight?

            <CARD LINK="20">
            <CARD LINK="22">
Any help appreciated. Thanks.
Quick Questions &amp; Answers Thread Quote
02-25-2010 , 04:00 PM
Love the new sub threads. Thanks guys.
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02-26-2010 , 04:11 AM
is it possible to use Pokershortcuts for fulltilt and TableNinja for stars at the same time?

is there a better program than Pokershortcuts for fulltilt?
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02-26-2010 , 06:11 PM
Anyone know how I can get FTP to run on 64bit Windows 7? I downloaded the main one but it crashed on me three times in the middle of a HUSNG while trying to change the table views, and doesn't it save my settings.
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02-26-2010 , 06:51 PM
Hey guys, PT3 lists Cake as a supported site but I can't seem to auto import my HH's. I've done some searches without much luck. Screen shots show Cake listed with other sites you may auto import but my PT3 doesn't give it as an option. I'm using 3.52
Quick Questions &amp; Answers Thread Quote
02-27-2010 , 06:35 AM
my HEM HUD wont pop up... this happened once before a long time ago and i had to download an update i think... any ideas
Quick Questions &amp; Answers Thread Quote
02-27-2010 , 09:50 AM
Originally Posted by MindGamez
my HEM HUD wont pop up... this happened once before a long time ago and i had to download an update i think... any ideas
Does the Table Manager appear when you Start Auto Import?

Please update to the latest beta -

For W7 and Vista you must set \holdem manager\dbcontrolpanel.exe, holdemmanager.exe and hmhud.exe are started as administrator. Run the windows explorer (start > computer) and navigate to your Holdemmanager installation directory. Right-click + Properties the executables and select "Run as admin" from the compatibility tab. If you have Vista and the checkboxes are greyed out and you can't select it, please turn UAC on, reboot, and then set the files to run as administrator.

Make sure the hand histories are in English.

Try the table finder -

*If that doesn't help, please answer these questions -'t+Work
*Post the answers in a new thread on the HM Forums -
Quick Questions &amp; Answers Thread Quote
02-27-2010 , 09:52 AM
Originally Posted by ac on
Anyone know how I can get FTP to run on 64bit Windows 7? I downloaded the main one but it crashed on me three times in the middle of a HUSNG while trying to change the table views, and doesn't it save my settings.
The new FTP client crashes often. There are many complaints in the ftp thread in the zoo. Try setting it to run as admin, always.

1) Go to C:\Program Files (x86)\Full Tilt Poker
2) Rightclick the fulltiltpoker.exe and choose "Properties".
3) Go to the Compatibility Tab and select "Run this program as an Administrator".

Originally Posted by KoreanBuffet
Hey guys, PT3 lists Cake as a supported site but I can't seem to auto import my HH's. I've done some searches without much luck. Screen shots show Cake listed with other sites you may auto import but my PT3 doesn't give it as an option. I'm using 3.52
You probably need their latest beta version if it is a new feature.
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02-27-2010 , 02:05 PM
i dl'd fpdb. how do i expot stars and tilt hands for auto import? i can find anything. then im ready to go rite
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02-27-2010 , 04:44 PM
vacuum analyze question:
I was asked to put in a password when I double clicked the "Postgresql 4" tab. Is there a way to figure out what the pw is?
Quick Questions &amp; Answers Thread Quote
02-27-2010 , 04:45 PM
PT3's default name/password is - postgres/dbpass
HM's default name/password is - postgres/postgrespass

If that doesnt help:

1. Go to C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\8.x\data, move the the pg_hba file to your Desktop and open it with notepad.
2. Scroll to the bottom and change all md5 to trust. Save and close the file
3. Move the file back to the data folder
4. Restart the PostgreSQL serv
ice: Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Services

HM will accept any password now.
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02-27-2010 , 05:21 PM
The password worked!
at the end of the Vacuum analysis, this message popped up : "CPU 0.00s/0.01 u sec elapsed 001 sec.server closed the connection unexpectedly. This probly means the server terminated abnormally before or while processing the request". When I tried pressing "Ok", an error message popped up " an error has occured, unable to connect to server"

Last edited by kaungsel; 02-27-2010 at 05:27 PM.
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02-27-2010 , 05:33 PM
if you restart your computer can you connect to the DB and use HM like normally?
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02-27-2010 , 06:50 PM
Actually yeah it works normally when i restarted.
I noticed that the lag is gone when I am not using TableNinja. Can tableninja be the cause of my lag?
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02-27-2010 , 07:14 PM
Yes, try disabling the colored Frames.
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02-27-2010 , 07:18 PM
_dave_, does TableHighlighter and UrgentTable still work?
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